04/25/1988 Monday, April 25, 1988 7:30 p.m. /.': . ../ ,,\C J ...... . ,,~~ '" '-..;,/ I: . PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD . AGENDA / . . " '. Approval of Parks 'and Recreation Board Minutes of Monday, March 28, 1988. 2. Letter from Mr. Paul Andberg 1. t ~ , t :~ '> , . , . ~ ,+C '( i :'1 . ' - 3 ~ Reports' a. Capital Improvement Program - Members to give further discussion to "Prim" projects for 1988/89. , " ~' " ., c" .;- f, .. , .<'.. '.' ;~:i _,l., ' b. Comprehensive Plan -Jeff Pruitt of the Planning Depart- 'ment'will be present to further discuss the Parks and Recreation element of the city~s Comprehensive Plan. : (See attached Goals and Objectives). " Other,Reports .. , , ~;~,/: . i:l~";;~<~ ... 4... -\, ,. (I ~ : ': '. f. ~ '. \t<;!.. : ;": " 5 ~ ,c. "; cc;munent,s by Board Member s ~i,): ;, (, . " ~ \, ,"" .' ~~t0 '.' ...'.... ..'.. ~~ .[' .' '~' , " ; J\djo~rnment :.'1 " ~: .; "\ 'j . '. r . '.' :;;;..";} ........ . ...... ........ ... .' , ,~~:;~::~."v..:.::..<:;" ....... .. 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The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Parks and Recreation Office at the City Hall Annex on Monday, April 25th, 1988 at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Co-chairperson Elizabeth Armstrong, Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Mrs. Betsy Hixon, Mr. John Shuttleworth, Mr. Mike Williams and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Mr. Paul Andberg was unable to attend due to his work- ing in Atlanta. Mrs. Norma Soukup was also not in attendance. Mr. Ream Wilson and ,Mr. Jeff Pruitt of the Planning Department were in attendance. Mr. Wood asked for a motion regarding the Board Minutes of Monday, March 28th, 1988. Mr. Hayes moved that these minutes be approved as mailed. Mr. Shuttleworth seconded the motion which passed. Mr.'Wood read a letter from Paul Andberg relative to Mr. Andberg's having to work in Atlanta, Georgia until September of 1988. Mr. Andberg stated that he enjoyed his involvement with the Parks and Recreation Board but that he would be unable to attend any meetings through September 1988. Further, due to the type work he is doing, he is not sure whether or not he will be available after September. Mr. Andberg stated that while he was not eager to resign hia position from the Board, he was willing to do so if that is what it would take for someone else to be able to sit in his place. Members discussed Mr. Andberg's letter and the concensus was to accept Mr. Andberg's resignation from the Parks and Recreation Board with regret. Mr. Wilson stated that he would write a letter to Mr. Andberg thanking him for his participation on the Board and expressing a desire that Mr. Andberg serve again in the future as his work schedule might permit. I~ ........,1 Mr. Wood turned the ,meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. Capital Improvement Program - Mr. ,Wilson explained that budget hearings will be , held with the City Commission during the first part of May. He also asked members if they had any questions or comments regarding Capital Improvement Projects which were included in print outs which were distributed at the March Board meeting. Mr. Wood stated that he had no comments and that the Capital Improvement Projects and the PRIM projects appear to be similar to those submitted last year. Mr. Wilson responded that this was the case and that the City Commission will be deciding as to whether or not the City proceeds with PRIM for this coming fiscal year. If so, the projects would go before the citizens at a referendum. Comprehensive Plan - Mr. Wilson introduced Jeff Pruitt of the Planning Department who is working on the Parks and Recreation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Pruitt had previously' prepared goals and objectives which were forwarded to each Board member prior to this meetIng. Mr. Pruitt asked members if they had any comments or suggestions regarding the goals and objectives. Mr. Wood' complimented Mr. Pruitt on the presentation of this information but had one question. Specifically, his ques- tion related to recreational objective A, Policy No.5. Specifically, this Poli.cy reads "Guarantee the perpetuity of all recreation and open space lands within the City". He stated that this left little flexibility for changes or needs in the future and suggested that the word "all" be replaced with the word "adequate". Hembers dis- cussed this recommendation in detail and Mr. Wood moved that the word "all" be replaced with the word "adequate". This motion was seconded and discussion ensued relative to what is or what is not adequate. The general feeling is that standards will be o . , -1- ';~;I~;Y;~~t:,..<.\~""~.~':": ,~} '\ ~'t , . 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Specifically, this Policy reads "preserve coastal and interior wetlands floadways, flood plains, and other environmentally significant areas to enable them to perform their natural functions for the community and minimize environmental costs". Mr. Hayea made a motion that the word "costs" be changed to "damar"e". This motion was seconded by Mr. Shuttleworth and passed. Other than those changes suggested above, members were quite satisfied with the goala and objectives and suggested that Mr. Pruitt proceed with further development as he deems appropriate. Mr. Pruitt also informed members that he had met with Mr. Wilson and with Mr. Art Kader to categorize all City-owned parkland into one of various park categories such as neighborhood parks, community parks, special facility, etc. Mr. Pruitt hopes to have this listing available by the next Board meeting. Mr. Williams asked if any survey had ever been done regarding the Clearwater residents' feelings about the Parks and Recreation program. Mr. Pruitt responded that a survey was done two years ago and that copies of the survey would be made available to Board members. Mr. Wilson suggested that Mr. Pruitt get copies of this survey to the Parks and Recreation Department and that they would be mailed to members prior to the next meeting. Mr. Wood suggested that the Comprehensive Plan will actually be the guideline for future Capital Improvement Programs for the City. Mr. Wilson responded that this was correct and that funding for future years would have to be approved in advance. Any changes would require an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Since there was no further discussion on the Comprehensive Plan, Mr. Pruitt was excused fram the meeting with the thanks of the Parks and Recreation Board members. Comments by Board Members - Mr. Williams stated that he was neW to Clearwater but that he, had opportunity to visit many of the parks. He was most complimentary of the parks and of the park system. 'c Mr. Shuttleworth thanked Mr. Wilson for the changes made in the restroom situa- tion at Crest Lake Park and stated that it resulted in considerable improvements. Mrs. Boulton apologized for ~ot being,at the previous Board meeting and wanted to get caught up. She asked if members would be considering whether or not a meeting would be held in August of this summer. Mr. Wood stated that the Board normally does not meet in August and that action would be taken at a future meeting. Mr. Wood said that he had read where numerous teams were turned away from the , City's softball program. He stated that the newspaper article also said that many participants were non-residents of the City. Mr. Wilson responded that this was correct~ but that all nan-residents in the program pay for non-resident cards. He gave an example of church teams which are comprised of church members. Many church members may live inside the City limits while others may live outside. However, they want Co play for their church and therefore purchase non-resident cards. This is also true for business type teams. o , ';. -2- '''~''''''-!'~''''''''~~~~;'''':':';''.1&l':",,~~,~ ..~............,;....~.........u,~.........~,._ '<:.......'t.~-i.,....:~l:~......\..........~. ............' ~,,. ..... . ..',,~. t.....................,~~...J_....~...~~-::....,. -.., ~~:.;..;,,-.>:, >\ " :: :"; , ,>, ". .,,' ;..-',1.<: ....,. '.Il ',\ f/"!':'~:;,!,:. : ~~{:.I' .' +: .": , \~.,~', t;:-\::',: .'(" ~ " , \ ' . . '; ~:.;. 'd ~ . :;.(,:~'. ' (; . .', ~. I <.~ . {',;' " ~:L" . ~"r" . t,' ' >, ". ~<'. , ..... , ~~~I ~ :: : , ' t~: '" !" " ~:..~'.T " ;' ~~>\ ~. ~.,t.', . j= " . '~ '.. ' f · . ' Mr. Williams asked if land was available to purchase for a softball monies are made available through 'the PRIM proposal. Mr. Wilson stated have ~een identified throughout the City but all are not exactly suited structlon of a four-field complex. If PRIM is passed and if monies are for the purchase of land, fields might have to be built in pairs of two in one, complex of four fields. complex if that lands for the con- available rather than Mr. Hayes inquired about aquatic vegetation and who was looking into or monitor- ing water quality around Clearwater. Mr. Wilson suggested that Mr. Hayes contact Ms. Terry Finch who is the Cityts Environmental Coordinator. Mr. Hayes stated that he would do this and that if he feels it appropriat~. the Board might want to invite ',Ms.' Finch to a future meeting. Mrs., Armstrong had'no comments. " ,'Mrs.'. Hixon asked if.. the City owned any land at the north end of Clearwater Beach. Mr. Wilson sta~edthat, the City owned no land in this area. There being no further business before 'the Board. the meeting adjourned at 9:00 p.m. ", :J . :.. . ," ~ . . ~ " ,.' ." "\ '"' ..' . , '.'1. T,.' .. . ' ' , , '.' . . . ,.. :', <{ .. "'I ('): , . . .~ \ r~ :~, ':' < ,; '~' I' l I 'J ~ '.' '.: " .f" ,,' . .'. L ~:' ' '\ , ", , . " ~:. . :,~.,! , ~ ",. I I " . :. . . t. " ~'~,', : ' . "". " r'i '.' ' \'1 : '. I . . , . , " . / : .>'l\ '" . " ",' '. " /. ; ~ ',~. ,d .,...'; -3- , "