01/25/1988 /: / " ....,:. '. ! . .. ~ , Monday, January 25th, 1988 / PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD AGENDA 'l' . f' , ?y. ,14' ' / ~~f ,:' . " . /~ -' . ~, ,,' . 7:30 p.m.' , / "~". /'/ \. '. 23rd, . " ." ,. ", 'I ~ .. . '=.'. ~ , 1. Parks and Rec~eation Board Minutes of Monday, . November 1987 ~\: ,', " , I~!.': \ Ii " \ : ~ . 2. . Introduction of new Parks and Recreation Board Member, Mr. Paul E. Andberg ~~:( :' ,. ~ > .~(:.:: ~'. :<~"'"" ...t" 3. Reports a. Crest Lake Park ~ Discussion regarding Crest Lake Park and the Police Chief's recommendation .to close the .men's: room for an indefinite period. (see attached memorandum from Police Chief) ~\:/:;~:<~. '" " . (r..'.'.... ' r:~: :~ .' -';. ;, ":,,,-, , ' :.. ' ~. ", !j;'\:'.:,:';. b., . Park Purchase - Members to be advis.ed of the purchase ,II. " " . of a small piece of property for park on Betty Lane. <~~1~:><" <+, "',', , ' {tL<!" :., .". ", ,"::: " c, .'. .chi ,Chi' ROdriquez Golf Course - Oiscussion' regardin'g , :k';':,'@ ,'~', '.:: ':':" ., the Chi Chi ROdriquez Golf Course planned for North ~,i.:,:!:,:,' d .:::::W::::r::d the ir request for additional land. 11~ f '. > , , ~,~< .', c', ." . . ' .' , .' , ~,;'." "," . .' 4. Conunents by Board Members ~'?{ ,:~.,.' ..... ':' .....,." .,' "'. .' ~:;.i~:':.""" '.'.~5~. .',Adjournment ~t<.,..'~ : ,',.... '. ';"<" ~"<"" "C' "",, " :.f~;>;',/:, .,. ,"; I' If:. . ., ;.~,',',~.;,;.;~.':" .'." '. . '. '" , , . . . i .: . ,~ } l:.' . !~i,~,.":, .' . . ..: : ,..' ~i",'." .y'" ~1~/;; ~.::,' ':, ~ "."" I~;' .,. . (l.t::'::; " .' 11.<' .. :t:::-':'C)'.. ' ,~ {..... )t; ,,", . ,c1. ' ~", ~i:\,,:,. '. ... L~p' . ~S~~;. j':" :;:', . '};.;~~...:>': I' ~ . , (~~j'. ~ . ,." , "\~' ':' ,', ,.', ~~;::,;;'; .:': . , .' ., ,. . ,\ ~ .', ,. " ~ i .\ , .i j f \ ',:' J , 1 ,I ,\ . ' ~ " I .1 . "'<!""':: , >'.' "!':. ',,:. ~... ~'.}:",:'.,.,~., . <.." : :,. <~,. '1' '.,1 " l , '. .,11I. :: ~. ...,:,,~.:.;:.~> '::/:,.;,'.;.,' I, ~ ;:,: 0 r.' )~ . ..' " .' "" ",~ .0 ,,[ # . ^ " PARKS AND RECREATIO~ BOARD MINUTES v Monday, January 25, 1988 ~ The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Parks and Recreation Office at the City Hall Annex on Monday, January 25th, 1988, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Paul Andberg, Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Mrs. Betsy Hixon, Mr. John Shuttleworth and Mrs. Norma Soukup. Co-Chairpersons Charles Wood and Elizabeth Armstrong had excused absences. Also in attendance were Mr. Ream Wilson, Lt. Don Wicker and Mr. & Mrs. Dave Dohme. Members asked that Mr. Fuchs serve as temporary chairman. Mr. Fuchs asked for a motion regarding the Board minutes of Monday, November 23rd, 1987. Mrs. Boulton moved that these minutes be approved as mailed. Mrs. Soukup seconded the motion which passed. , Mr. Fuchs introduced new Parks Board member, Mr. Paul Andberg. All members welcomed Mr. Andberg to the Board. Mr. Fuchs turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. Crest Lake Park - Mr. Wilson explained that he had received a memorandum from Police Chief Sid Klein wherein Chief Klein recommended that the men's room at Crest Lake Park be closed for an indefinite period of time. The Chief's reason for this recommendation was that increased policing of the park has had little impact on solving the problem with homosexual activity. This memorandum was distributed to . Board members prior to this meeting and the floor was open for discussion. Mr. Fuchs asked if policing would still be present at night even if the men's restroom was closed. Lt. Wicker stated that they would give the same level of police work to the park even though the restroom was closed. Mr. Shuttleworth asked if Sgt. Kron- schnabl could be assigned to the evening police work. Lt. Wicker responded that Sgt. Kronschnabl had recently been transferred to the Detective Bureau and he didn't feel that he could spend as much time at Crest Lake Park in addition to his other duties. . . The Board asked Lt.' Wicker if he would approach the Police Chief to see if Sgt. Kronschnabl could supervise the police efforts at the park two or three times a month since he has so much experience with this type activity. Lt. Wicker said he would'do this. Mr. & Mrs.Dohme, residents of Glenwood Avenue, introduced a petition with 108 signatures of people who use the park who were in favor of closing the men's restroom for an indefinite period of time. She related to Board members all kinds of problems that they have experienced with, homosexual activity. She, said children are confronted with the activity in the restrooms and that homosexuals are waiting in the park as early as 7:30 in the morning. In response to the memor- andum from the Police Chief and an outline of recent police actions (attached to these minutes) Lt. Wicker said that of all people arrested, none were repeaters. Mr. Andberg stated that he had visited the park prior to this meeting and talked to custodians who were on site cleaning the restrooms. He said the custodian re- latedthat the restrooms get very heavy use by adults and children. Further, Mr. Andberg asked Mrs. Dohme about the petition and asked if users of the park had signed the petition. If so, he wondered if these users were alse in favor of clos- ing the restrooms. Mrs. Dohme responded that this was the ca~e. Mr. Hayes asked about the possibility of installing a TV monitor in the rest- room. Lt. Wicker stated that this could be done but felt that it would not be effective. Mr. Hayes felt that it was a shame to let a few people ruin a good ~ ........ . "I' <, ... '... 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However, according to police reports, the problem continues to exist and is especially bad for thoBe residents who live adj Dcent to the park. People who visit t'he park from a further distance do not live with the problem on a 24 hour basis. ~.. ""I Members continued to discuss the pros and cons of the Police Chief's recommen- dation in detail. Following discussion, Mr. Andberg made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Board recommend to the City Commission that the men's room at Crest Lake Park be closed for a three month trial period. At the end of the three month period, residents and Lt. Wicker would be invited back to a Board meeting to report on activity during the three month period. Mrs. Boulton seconded this motion which passed unanimously. .Lt. Wicker stated that he would keep records of police activity during the three months and provide a comparison of arrests and man hours. Mr. Wilson stated that he would send the Board's recommendation to close the restroom for a three month trial period to the City Manager and City Commission for comment. Addition- ally, Mr. Shuttleworth and Mr. Wilson agreed that the men's restroom would be open at times when special events are conducted at the park with supervision. Members felt that by leaving the ladies' restroom open, ladies, girls and pre-school children would have a restroom available. Also regarding Crest Lake Park, Mr. Wilson advised members that he recently had installed No Parking signs along the eastside of Glenwood Avenue which prohibit parking between the hours of 11 p.m. and 5 a.m. The purpose of these signs is to eliminate undesireable activity that occurs late at night and during early morning hours within 40 or 50' from residences. Since installing these signs last week, Mr. Wilson said he had one complaint from a resident on Glenwood Avenue who stated that he had several cars and needed to park them on the park side of Glenwood. Mr. Wilson.said he informed the resident that the automobiles could be parked on the west side of Glenwood or in the resident's private driveway or yard. Mrs. Dohme said that the signs have helped considerably and hoped that they would continue in place. Mr. Shuttleworth said there were seventeen homes on Glenwood between Cleve- land Street and Gulf-to-Bay Blvd. Of the seventeen homes, Mr. Shuttleworth reported that thirteen were in favor of the signs, two objected to the signs and two homes were vacant. The erection of these signs is a result of a petition received from park users dated August 21st, 1987, and a letter sent to Mr. Shuttleworth by former City Manager, Anthony Shoemaker. Mr. Wilson stated that his Department will shortly be installing a temporary parking lot off Cleveland Street which will be lighted for those who wish to use the park late at night. However, this lot will be a considerably further distance away from residences than the present parking along Glenwood Avenue. Members appeared in favor the No Parking signs and reiterated that this policy will be reviewed again at the end of the three month period in conjunction., with the restroom. /,~ ... . ". . ,.:: ;'4 i. ~',~ ,~:,~!,,'.~ 1". ';~~.~ I'.. """ . I' l' '.~,. 'l~ . ....-.) '. ~. </ ;' ,. , . ' -t'.Lj ! .;";~'~.. ',J:J.....,~.. ...: ~ .....-.....-\ J, , , I. I- ~ , ' , ~. , . If j"I: I -'.'. 'i- ! ~ .... I . .:/,",', '."r>, ". , . <...... "': "'!;'::?} \ :i~';,:;~;~t(;i;F~\:';,';;/~;,/? :,::.(i+' ~:;~:'t;>';;: ;}(X :'< i~:: I. . " .. . ' .,,' " ',,, . ','" "., ,."',,, "'Jl. d,","',t",. "" ' '....1. ''''j, (I~' ~;:' .) 1:;:,)~',~;);::~~i~i:!~l~",~;t"!'.;Y<F:?~;:~):;<:::',;::: ':':"':.:';~J'~ ., . "> (T' " ", """ I ' . .,.; . "H' ,. ..", ," ',' l',.( . " '::.>' .Icl,.' '< . I ,,' -;--..; I . ~. "... ! , .' , ",.' ':',"'~;~:"< ;:. t.;'. ..':':, ':', '.~., ~ ". ',' " , :.' .;'t :~ .. :4Jt \; , \: . . I ' ~ Pa~k Purchase - Mr. Wilson advised Board members that the City had recently purchased 2.3 acres of parkland on Betty.Lane, north of Sunset Point Road. He stated that the chances are good to add to this parkland by way of a residential development that will soon be developed in the area. Members were pleased with the purchase of this parkland. Chi Chi Rodriquez Golf Course - Mr. Wilson informed members that the Chi Chi Rodriquez Foundation has requested that they be allowed to use the fifteen acre park site for a portion of their golf course to be developed in Countryside, off McMullen Booth Road. A site plan of the proposed golf course was shown to members and Mr. Wilson stated that Bill Hayes, President of the Chi Chi Rodriquez Foundation, has talked to residents on eac~ side of the fifteen acre park aite. Residents appear to be in favor of the proposal and leasing the park property to the Foundation appears to be legally sound since it will be used for public recreation. Mr. Wilson stated that the golf course will not have membership fees, but rather greens fees. The Board indicated that they were in favor of the proposal of the Chi Chi Rodriquez Foundation being allowed to use the fifteen acre park site. Other Reports - Mr. Wilson stated that the next meeting will be primarily devoted to the Parks and Recreation Comprehensive Plan. Also, members were advised of the City Commission's desire to consider naming a park after former Mayor Everett Hogan. Mr. Wilson said that he would research park areas and discuss same with the Board at the February meeting. Members were also advised that the Sailing Center Committee had raised $13,000 toward the Sailing Center and were in hopes that their donation could be added to impact fees already collected by the City to proceed with the development of the first phase. Following the first phase, members of the 'Sailing Center Committee feel that they could more easily raise money for the second phase, $200,000 for the building. Mr. Wilson stated that he would be bring- ing this matter to the attention of the City Commission in the near future. Further, Mr. Wilson stated that he would arrange a tour of members to visit various park areas after the February meeting. This tour has been requested by several Board members. Comments by Board Members - Mrs. Hixon asked about new landscaping that had been placed in the Triangle near the Carlouel Club. Mr. Wilson stated that this was done and that the new land- scaping included primarily grass and palms. This landscaping makes the project much' easier to maintain than the former shrubbery that existed on the site. Mrs. Hixon also 'asked if something could be done with the street ends that provide access to the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Wilson responded that the Department is looking into these street ends with the possibility of developing a consistent plan for each. For example, a plan recently installed by Mr. Fred Thomas on one of the street ends might be..looked at for other areas. The primary purpose would be to provide a de- sign whereby residents would have easy access to the Gulf of Mexico but to make the design such that it does not encourage partying on the right-of-way which would be abusive to adjacent property owners. Mrs. Boulton recommended that Board members be provided a trip to various parks throughout the City and Mr. Wilson responded that a time would be set after the . February meeting. Mr. Andberg asked about the Clearwater For Youth project and about Coachman Ridge Park. Mr. Wilson explained that Coachman Ridge Park is cur- rently being cleared and that a site'plan is being prepared to include two tennis courts, a basketball C'r.,":;,,":: racquetball courts, pi,cnic area, playground equipment and a pedestrian trail .n~ch will lead to the Clearwater For Youth development. The Clearwater For Youth development will include a gymnasium, 50 meter indoor swimming pool, etc. " , ~i: '''i,,;V'',. '. ". ,t " ~ . .1.., . F . .~. f : " ~ ., ~:'" :'.' ' "'r '. . /. ,. c.:\>:.:.... I, , ;c : ~ :~, ... ;... I~?:::;~.:. " : ')' , : \ '::e . , ~, .~" r. ';,-\:', P' ,'. '.< 1:1 ~ . {:'~..C:'. .~:' :~ t ~ ( : . , '~l:' " ;t,:;, . " . I': . : . ~. . .' '. ~, .' ~:I~ >: 'I;. :. ;.~'. ~'- \(.~.~" . '. ~ , I,' . .,'. '~I. 7i.('~' ~:;r ~~ . :'~;' ; : J I c ~. '';1('- i~.' ':'.." . f};:C>: . /<:',t'("4 ~ :,~':,I.,: ,~, . . . "j~/;.,." .'" 1'1" ' ;1.;.:." . 1" '" :~!; ?"~ . ' ~~Y\':'" ~;:,'<' ;\~.~~', 1'1' i Ie, T:, .,. r:;. .',~~.,'> ' ~fi:.?:Fi' i;~:~ :~>- I~~. . . .. '; 'j .... ." 'Mrs. Soukup welcomed Mr. Andberg as a new Board member. Mr. ' Shuttleworth stated that he was very impressed with the Eddie C. Moore 'Complex and new parking lot. Mr. Hayes had no comment. .. that he, Mr. Fuchs, was Board for two terms, a his dedicated 'service and attendance record and 'Mr. Fuchs welcomed Mr. Andberg to the Board and stated attending his l~st meeting since he has now served on the period of' six years. All members thanked Mr. Fuchs for Mr.' Wilson stated that ,he especially appreciated his fine contributions to the Board. 9:30 There being. p.m~ no further business before the meeting adjourned at ". ~ the Board. .\ ". . <.' !, i :. ~ ,,' 1 ' ~ ":' . .' ~ f, " . . ,"j ... i, I' < -", ", ,.c.. '. ',' . -, , . .: " ~: '. . . ',.". "'. I. <, ,,; .,; ',' '," - '- ~.~i c ,', ".., j. "',,.! ,,."; ,.(:>;':,~. ': '.' "'~l'~."'~ ~>,' ~..: I~.~' ;; ':,' ,'".:;/r~.;. 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