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Monday, October 28th, 1987
7:30 p..m..
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Approval of Board minutes of September 28th, 1987~
2.', Report
ai Crest Lake Park - Lt. Don Wicker will attend t~e
~oard meeting to discuss police activities at Crest
,Lake Park.. This was requested by Board members at
sept~mber meeting.,
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City andPhillies for
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Update of Agreement between
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Monday, October 26, 1987
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The regular mecti.ng of the Parks and Hecreoclon !Suard WllR held lit the Cl ty
Hall Annex on Nondny, October 26, 1987, at 7:30 P.B. Ncmhers preHent included
Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Herbel" t Hayes, Nrs. lie tHY If iKon, Co-Chlli. rpe rson Ell zllbe th
McMahon, Mr. John Shuttleworth, Mrs. Norma Soukup nnd Co-Chairperson Charles Wood.
Mrs. Pauln Boulton and Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin were unable to attend. Nr. Renm
Wilson, Lt. Don Wicker and Sgt. Kronschnnble were. nlao 1n attendance.
Co-Chairperson \-load chaire.d the meeting and naked for nctlon regarding tlw
!'" Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of September 28,1987. Mr. Fuchs mnde n motion
that these minubes be approved llS mnilcd, the motion wos seconded by Mrs. Soukup
and passed.
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Mr. Wood turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports.
Crest Lake pnrk - Mr. Wilson, instroduced Lt. Don Wicker nnd Sgt. Kronschnablc
of the Clearwater Police Department. The floor wos opened for discussion between
members and the police officers to discuss actions that have been taken at Crest
Lake Park regarding undesirable activity. Mr. Wilson thanked Lt. Wicker and
Sgt. Kronschnable for attending the meeting and asked Mr.Shuttleworth to begin the
discussion since he lives irmnediately across the street from Crest Lake. Mr.
Shuttleworth said the problems with homosexual activity have existed at Crest Lake
Park for five years or more and that the neighbors have now decided that something
had to be done to correct the situation. He recognized heavy police presence in the
park at the current time, but expressed concern that the presence was only temporary.
Lt. Wicker'explained that homosexual activity occurs not only at parks but
also at 'major department stores, etc. He informed members that Sgt. Kronschnable
is primarily in charge of the Crest Lake Park police program and that Sgt. Kron-
. schnable has made several recommendations that should result in improvement. One
'of these ideas is the issuance of trespass warrants to persons who are arrested for
undesirable activity. As a part of this program, photographs arc taken of those
arrested and other information about the individual is collected, including the
, license~number of his automobile. By having these warrants, policy could patrol
the' p'ark .and if they recognize a license number, the person could be arrested for
trespassing. He said that to make arrests, his officers have to catch people in
the act,or his officers (which are under cover) must be approached and accosted
before',making an arrest. Many arrests have been made, including a number on the
, day, 'of" this meeting. They occur during daylight hours as well as at night and
some of the people are influential with no problem in paying the small fine that
is 'required by the courts. Mrs. Hixon asked what it was that the people were doing
that t.,.ns' actually wrong. Mr. Shuttle\.,.orth responded that he and his neightbors see
all type's of' undesirable activity and that their children are also exposed to
much of the problem. Sgt. Kronschnable described some of the undesirable activities,
including graffiti on the walls, and said the homosexuals involved are very
aggressive. Mr. Fuchs said the courts are too easy and that many of the people
have ,too easy it time of paying a small $50.00 fine. However, the adverse publ:l.city
, that a person receives when arrested proves to be some measure of deterrent. Hrs.
Soukup said that additional publicity is needed to help alleviate the problem.
Sgt. Kronschnable stated that this is oftentimes done but that many arrests are not
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public'iz~d boclluae o[ harm that .tt might do to the perHon'a rnmlly. He reiterated
a recent arrcs t nt the pork wheroby h:18 orf leers nrr(;~sted a man whone wl fa W/1!:l in
the playground apparatuH urcn with /] 6 month old child and I1n older child. lie
had to explain to the wife thut her huabund hnd June been arrested.
Considerahle discussion unt:Hlcd l1nd Mr. Shuttleworth Htated thut the addit:l.-onul
lights recently plact~d in the park huve helped. Sgt. KronAchnablc confirmed this
in that he was told by some of the peopla thnt the lights were n deterrent. Lt.
Wicker said the only way to atop or reduce the problem is to have it "Policed".
Uniformed officers aTe not effecti.ve nnd undcrcover police muat be used.
When asked why the problem Be(lIne to center at Crcst Lake Park, Sgt. Kronschnable
stated that it has evidently become known aB the place to go. However, continual
harassment nnd arrests by the police might reduce the problem in the future.
Discussions also arose regarding the construction of sIngle restroom facilities
rather than like those currently at the park. Although these might help, Sgt.
Kronschnable said the problem would still exist. Presently, the police are
concentrating very heavily at Crest Lake but there is a question as to how long
this concentration could continue. For example, other problems elsewhere in the
City will also become priority problems requiring police attention. Mrs. Soukup
suggested that after the concentration is no longer available, that the police
visit the park on a periodic and irregular basis.
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Discussion continued and, in summary, Lt. tllicker asked Board Members to give
their programs including the trespass warrants, a chance to work. More information
will be known about this within the next month or two. Mr. Fuchs suggested that
if tIle problem is not reduced or eliminated, the Board might recommend to the City
Commission the hiring of two or three officers to serve as policemen at City parks.
He said these officers could rotate from park to park depending on where problems
might arise. Mr. Wilson stated that this would be a considerable budget impact
but that it is something the Board could recommend if the present police program
is not successful. Lt. Wicker said that additional police officers are always needed
but that costs become prohibitive.
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Members decided to, wait to see how the current police program works and Mr.
Wilson said that he would keep them informed. Mr. Wood expressed the appreciation
I 'of Board members to Lt. l<licker and Sgt. Kronschnable for their coming to the
Board meeting to discuss the problems at Crest Lake Park. Members said that it
was '8 very educational and eye-opening discussion for them Bnd they thanked Lt.
Wicker and Sgt. Kronschnable for everything they are doing. They recognize it is
not an easy job and one that might not have a permanent solution.
Philadelphia Phil lies - Mr. Wilson informed members that an Agreement has been
signed between the City and the Phil1ies for the Phillies to spring train in
Clearw~ter for an additional eight years. The $775,000 worth of improvements are
. currently being worked on and every effort will be ~ade to have them completed by
March 1st.
Cleveland Streetscape Program - Mr. t.,i1son stated that monies are available
in this year's budget for the Cleveland Streetscape Program. He said a time for
improvements will be determined after talking to the Clearwater Downtown Association
and the Downtown Development Board so that work interferes as little as possible
with businesses. Ms. MCMahon said this item was being discussed on the same night
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, with the Downtown Development Bourd. Hr. Hilson feels that :l.t might be hest to
start improvt!mcnts after Easter and to have tlt(~m completed ll'rior to the next
tourist scason. '1'hi8 much tlme is needed to develop ~pecifications'[or the project
but the exact timlnR wontt be set until information is gathered from the merchantA
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Other Rel?ortB - Mr. Wilson distributed copies of an update to the Parks and
Recreation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan. He said this update had
been prepared by Mr. Jeff Pruitt of the City's Planning Department. He explained
many of the charts and distributed copies to each member. Members were advised that
Mr. Pruitt will attend the November meeting of the Board to discuss the Comprehensive
Plan in more detail. In accordance with the City's Citizen Participation' PlaTl~ the
City Commission authorized staff to proceed with the designation of task forces to
work on individual elements. Standing advisory groups are being utilized wherever
possible and the Parks and Recreation Board was established as the task force for
the Parks and Recreation Element. It was recommended that Board members review the
update report which would give them more information for the meeting with Mr. Pruitt.
Additionally~ members were given copies of the "Resolution" which gives the
Parks and Recreation Board authority to recommend the names of parks to the City
Commission. Since the Board has aome new members~ Mr. Wilson distributed this
Resolution and said that names for two parks will be needed at the November meeting.
He will bring information regarding the parks so that Board members could determine
whether the suggested names meet all cirteria.
Comments by Board Members - Hs. McHahon had no connnents. Hr. Shuttleworth
asked about the Department of Commerce study that was done regarding teams
spring training in Florida. , He referenced a slide that said four teams in
Pinellas County bring in $66,OOO~OOO to the economy. This is $l,OOO~OOO less
than the average of other counties. Mr. Wilson said th~t this study was done by
an outside objective firm and that a full report is forthcoming. Information
received to date regarding the slides leave several questions unanswered. Mr.
Hayes 'had no comments.
Mrs. Soukup saxd the meeting was most informative and that she learned a lot
from the police officers regarding Crest Lake Park., She said our young people
are extremely important and every effort should be taken to reduce or eliminate
undesirable activity even if it takes police officers.
, ,
Mr. Fuchs said he does not want to lose Crest Lake Park and that additional
police might be needed. Mr. \Ulson responded that the park receives a very heavy
attendance of 1.egitimate users and it is enjoyed by many citizens. Many of these
citizens are not aware of the problem since they are only there for a short period
of time each week.
Mr. Shuttleworth said that he llnd his wife had visited Del Oro Park and that
they were not aware ,that it 'even existed. He said it was beautiful and complimented
the park. Mr. Wilson suggested that the Board might want to take a field trip of
",ari~us areas throughout the City so that they might be more aware of parks the City
does have.'
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Mr. Wood had no comment.
Mrs. Hixon had no comment.
There being no further.~usiness before the Board, Hr. Fuchs moved adjournment.