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HO,nday t Septemher 28, 1987
The t'cgular meeting of the Parks and Rccraatlon Boord was held at the
City Hall Annex on Honday. September 28. 1987, nt 7t30 P.H. Hemherg prcBtmt
included Mrs. Paula Boulton, Hr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Herbert HayeR. Mra. nctsy
Hixon, Co-Chairperson Elizabeth McHahon, Mr. John Shuttleworth, Nrs. Norma
Soukup and Co-Chairperson Charles t...ood. ~frs. Jacquelyn 'fobin was not able
to attend. Mr. Ream Wilson was also in attendance.
Co-Chairperson McMahon chaired the meeting and asked for action regordlng
the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of July 27, 1987. Mrs. Houlton
made a motion that these minutes be approved as mailed, the motion was
seconded by Mrs. Soukup and passed.
Ms. McMahon welcomed and introduced new Board members Mrs. Betsy K.
Hixon and Mr. John S. Shuttleworth.
Ms. McMahon turned the meeting over to Ream 'Ulson for reports.
Because of new members on the Board, ~Jr. Wilson showed a map of various
parks and recreation responsibilities around the City in terms of parks, rights-
of-way, medians and public facilities. Each member was given a listing of
these facilities which numbers co~respond with those on the map. Further,
each Board member was glven a listing of all current members of the Parks
and Recreation Board.
Philadelphia Phillies - Members were informed that the City Commission
will be considering on Thursday, October 1st, a proposal to spend $500,000
for improvements to Jack Russell Stadium and Carpenter Field in return for
the Phillies extending their spring training in Clearwater for five years.
Specific improvements were described on an aerial and each Board member
receiyed copies of the aerial, listing of improvements and an article regarding
spring training in other cities. Considerable discussion ensued. Mr. Fuchs
,asked if, the term could be extended ,from five years to fifteen years as
originally hoped by the City. Mr. Wilson responded that Mr. Giles, President
of ,the Phi1lies, felt like five years was the maximum extension he could
approve in that he didn't know what the situation would be with the Phi1lies
or the City five years from now. Members were advised that Mr. Giles stated
that the Phillies want to stay in Clearwater and that a future extension might
result if seating could be expanded at Jack Russell Stadium. ~lrs. Boulton
said that several people were \mndering whether or not the City should spend
$500,OOO.for the improvements. However, Mrs. Boulton expressed that the
Philli~s were very' important to Clearwater and that eve~y effort should be
made to' have them continue their spring training in this City. Discussion..
ensued regarding the amount of money brought into a City by a sprin~ training
team and the magazine article mentioned figures of eight million dollars or
more. Hrs. Hixon stated that this ,,,,as in other cities and Clearwater ~eally
doesn't have a handle on exactly how much money comes into this City from
the'Phillies spring training. Mrs. Hixon asked if any homes fronted on
Missouri 'Avenue which would be vacated in order to construct and expand facili-
ties for the Phi11ies at the Stadium. Mr. Wilson stated that no homes fronted
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on this street and thut: the CHy owned prop(!rty Oil both Allie>>. The
question also come up nbout whnt would hnpPcll tu Joel<, IhtBfwll Stnd:lum Jf the
Phill1es were to leave, ChanceR arc the City would Rcck nnothcr tcmn nnd
monies for improvements would cxcel:!d even thoRe which are now heing propoBed.
Further discussion ensued nnd all members exprcAscd positive feelings ahout
the Phillies in Clearwater. Nr51. noultun made n motion thnt thl:! Pllrks and
Recreation Board recommend approval of the propoBol for the City to expend
$500,000 for improvements in return for n five yenr extcnslon to the Phillies
contrnct. This motion was seconded by Mrs. Soukup nnd passed unanimously.
The question came up about where the City would get the money to payoff the
$500,000 loan. Mr. Wilson responded that current tllought would be impact fees
collected on Q City wide basis and possibly interest from the spodal develop-
ment fund. Hrs. Hixon asked some questions regarding the impact fees and
Hr. 'l-lilson explained that these came from new developments into Clearwater.
Hembers were informed that their recommendation of approval for this pro-
posal would be forwarded to the City Commission for their consideration.
Clearwater For Youth Project - Hr. lHlson showed a new conceptual 51 to
plan of the Clearwater For Youth Project which includes the City's nine
acre park property to the southeast. The conceptdal site plan shows a
bicycle path from Belcher through the project and through the City park as
well as tennis courts, basketball courts, parking, and handball courts on the
City park pr.operty. The primary building being constructed by the Center
Foundation will include a 50-meter swimming pool, gymnasium, classrooms and
facilities for the Upper Pinellas Association for Retarded Children. Mrs.
Hixon asked how the City would benefit from this project. Hr. Wilson
responded that there would be three primary users including the City of
Clearwater Recreation Division., Clearwater For Youth and UPARC. The primary
facilities to be used by the City would be the swimming pool and gymnasium.
He stated that the City would provide monies for staffing City programs
offered'8t the facility but that all maintenance would be paid for by a
trust established by the Center Foundation. Members were advised that the
site plan is still conceptual at this point and Mr. Wilson felt that the plan
was prepared in such a way that it took advantage of open area as well as the
beautiful trees located on the site.
Cleveland Streetscape Program-Mr. Wilson explained that due to a
reduction of revenues coming into the City and other items, the number of
capital improvement projects approved for 1987/88 are rather limited. He
informed members that those projects approved include light replacement
$30~OOO), tennis court/parking lot resurfacing ($45,000), fencing for Carpenter
Field (40,000), playground equipment replacement ($30,000), pool renovations
at Holt and Norton ($62,000) and phased beautification of the Memorial Causeway
Hed ians' ($38,000).
Comments by Board Members - Brs. Soukup had no comment. Mrs. Boulton
complimented the Parks and Recreation Department staff on the time studies
that are currently in progress regarding parks maintenan~~ around the City.
Mr. l~ood mentioned the detention pond being installed at the south end
of Sid Lickton Park and the sod presently being laid. He felt this project
,was looking good and informed Hr. Wilson that a "No Ptlrking Signll is located
at a point' that it should be removed. Hr. ~1ilson stated that this would be
Nr. HcNnhon wel cOlllcd the new mCl1lhCrH to tlw Parks nnd RQcrcnt10n Board.
Hr. Fuchs Inrurmed t1ICmh(H'A of n City clecthm to he held Oil Novemher J7th
regarding the C1 ty' H IHlml f on p.1 nn.
Hr. lInycH hrought up the qucBt:lon of undctltrnblc nctivHy occurring at
Crest Luke P,ltk and felt tllDt the PoJ.icc Department Hhould hove heen doing n
better job in eUminat tng this prahl em. lie felt this commitment was made the
last time the prohlem \<109 d isCUH!'lcd. Nr. Shut tl awarth, who H,ves directly
acrOBS the street from Crcst Lake Park, responded that it took the Police
Deportment almost 45 minuteR to respond to u phone call regarding an undesirable
activity that took place. Hr. WUson explained that the shell parking along
the cast side of Glenwood Avenue would be paved in the near future and that a
concrete vertical curb would replace the telephone poles. lie also said that t1
temporary pnrking lot will be installed off Cleveland Street, away from the
homes and that this small lot would be well lighted. At that time, no parking
signs could be placed along Glenwood prohibiting parking between the hours of
11:00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. as requested by the residents. Mr. Wilson also in-
formed members that many of the problems occurringwith homosexuals at Crest
Lake Pnrk occur during the daytime hours. He said the Police Department has
discussed this problem with staff and has committed to placing undercover
officers in the park with arrests to be made and followed through with a
fully equipped police cruiser. These arrests will be well recognized and
hopefully discourage future undesirable activity. Because of the problems
at Crest Lake, members asked Mr. Wilson to try to arrange for a representative
of the Police Department to attend the next Board,meeting to discuss the problems
and to provide answers to questions Board members might have. They would also
like to know results of enforcement activity by the Police Department since the
crackdown. Mr. Wilson said that he would try to arrange for this program at
the next meeting.
Mr. ShuttlclJorth asked if he could have a map of all parks in the City
which would tell the names and locations. Following the meeting, members were
" given 'copies of the . latest "Newspaper" which shows this infot7mation.
Mrs. Hixon stated 'that she had many questions regarding the function and
,purpose of the Parks and Recreation Bioned. r-ls. McMahon explained that the
Board was advisory in nature and took ,up various programs and projects that
were 'currently involving parks and recreation throughout the City. Mrs. Hixon
asked how the agenda was formed and stated that she received her recent 'agenda
a ,day before the meeting and had no time for research. Mr. Wilson responderl
that changes could be made in this procedure and that the Chairman of the
Board could take a more active'role in establishing and setting the agendas.
He also invited members to take tours, 'of parks t to conduct meetings at various
sires, etc. He said that items desired by members could be placed on the next
meeting agenda and various other topics of interest could be discussed.
He also,sald that th~ Board is advisory in nature and that it could make any
recommendations it desires regarding parks and recreation activities to the
City }mnager nnd City Commission for consideration. Mr. lvilson serves as the
liaison between the Boat"d and the City and ,muld be happy to provide whatever
information is available. Mrs. Hixon said she had many complaints and wasn't
sure about the exact functions of the Board. She asked if Board
recommendations carried weight after they \Jere made. Hr. Fuchs responded that
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,Th~re being no further matters before the Board', the meetinR' adjourned
at 9:45 P.M.,
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