05/18/1987PARKS AND RECREATICN BOARD 1ITNUIUS Monday, May 18, 1987 f l ! The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the City Hall Annex on Monday, May 18, 1907, at 7:30 P.M. Members present included Mr. Murray B"uchs, Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Co-Chairperson Elizabeth McMahon, Mr. Dorr Snayenbos, Mrs. Norma Soukup and Co--Chairperson Charles Wood. Mrs. Mark I?egue and Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin were unable to attend. Mr. Ream Wilson was in attendance. Cb-Chairperson Wood chaired the meeting and asked for action regarding the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of Monday, March 23, 1987. Mr. Fuchs made a motion that these minutes be approved as mailed. Mr. Hayes seconded this motion which passed. Mr. Wood then asked for action regarding the special. Board Meeting Minutes of Wednesday, April. 8, 1987. Mr. Fuchs made a motion that these minutes be approved. Mr. Hayes seconded this motion which passed. Because of not having a quorum at the regular Board Meeting of Monday, April 27, 1987, Mr. Vood suggested that the minutes of that meeting be retained only for informational purposes. Mr. Wood then turned the meeting over to Ream Wilson for reports. y ital Inprovement Pro `ect - Mr. Wilson explained that the City C+=dssion is in the process of conducting Capital Improvement Project Hearings for the 1987/88 fiscal year. Because of the many projects submitted by the Parks and Recreation Departmnt, consideration is being given to a special millage for Parks and Recreation improvements. This millage is being called PRIM. Mr. Wilson then explained the various projects on a map that are being considered for funding under.this special millage. Current thought is that the millage might be one- third mill which would go to referendum for voter consideration. one-third mill will - produce approximately one million dollars a year Cor Parks and Recreation improvenents.. Since all PRIM projects are estimated at three million dollars, the cne-third mill would be for three years, one million dollars each year. The rrvmi?ers generally felt that this was a good approach in that the voters would either say yes or no to the improvements. Mr. Wood felt it was an advantage in that voters would know exactly what they were getting and that payments and interest would not be spread over a period of many years. Mr. Wilson proceeded to describe each project and showed the location of each project on a city wide map. Discussions ensued among board members and several questions were addressed. Mr. Wilson also explained that approximately six projects.might be funded through general revenue. Ms. McMahon asked how members of the Parks and Recreation Board could contribute towards the PRIM proposal. Mr. Wilson responded that, if approved by the O nni.ssion, charts and other displays might be prepared with canned programs that Board Members could take to various clubs and civic groups. Several members felt this was a good idea and expressed a desire to participate. i R '1M • Mr. Wood then asked for caments by Board Dlenixeirs. Ms. Md4ahon complimented the landscaping on the Howard Johnson's triangle and the numerous palm trees that-were recently planted around the perimeter of the pier 60 parking lot. She felt that these were outstanding additions to Clearwater. Mr. Iiayes had no comment. Mr. Snoyenbos expressed to Board Members his pleasure at being back in attendance at Board n>eetings. He has been quite ill aryl all members welcomed Dorr Back. Mr. Fuchs expressed disappointment over the lack of information relative to Cooper's Point. He felt the City should do more in acquiring the land and felt.it was wrong for a former City employee to enter into a contract to purchase the, property while he was still in City employ. Mr. Fuchs said he was one of the ;s•. original people that attended Crystal River to promote the purchase of Cooper's Point by the State. Mr. Fuchs said he understood that the State Attorney's Office was investigating the appropriateness of a city employee gaining a contract m the property and asked that the Hoard be provided a status report regarding this investigation. Mr. Wilson stated that he would look into this and provide same to-the Board if it is available. Mr. Fuchs also informed members that Mr. Steve Gerakis, teacher at Clearwater High School and member of the City's Historical Committee, has been extremely ill. He expressed to members that Mr. Gerakis has always been a public spirited citizen and that he hoped the Board could express their wishes for improved health. Mr..Fuchs stated that he would get back to Dir. Wilson cn this subject. 1' y ' -r Mr. I*)od had no oomrent. Mrs. Boulton asked about a survey she received as a Board Member from the Florida'Recreation'and Park Association. She asked if other members had received the survey and whether or not they had cccmpleted it. Other members expressed ... that they had. Further, Mrs. Boul.ton stated that she supported the PRIM proposal and that she would take an active part in the program if requested. Finally, she expressed her strong support for information regarding the land at Cooper's Point. Mrs. Soukup had no ca wnt other than to say that she supported the PRIM proposal and that she wo'tmld take an active pert. There being no further action before the Hoard, the meeting adjourned at 8:30 P;M. l *'