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Monday, April 27th,
1987 - 7:30 p.m.
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Approval of Parks and Recreation Board Minutes for
Monday, ,March 23rd, 1987.
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:;Hr:';.;:.:" , a.Clearwater Bombers Results' of request to sell
mt\., beer at. Clearwater Bomber Stadium.. ,;
';/,:" . '. b.."c~kitai Improvement Project. Budget Bo.ard members
i;:~:." ,: ,> '.. .'.. . c. .. ~:::~~::~::::fs;:~o~:~~ priority CIP. projects for.,
~lk:\~'i",; : .::. ':'4 .).\.' Comments .by Board Members
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'.2.~App~ova1 for special meeting Board Minutes Wednesday,
..' April 8th,' 1987. .
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Mond~y, April 27, 19B7
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the City
. Hall Annex on Monday, April 27th, 1987, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included
Mr. ,Murray Fuchs, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Co-Chairperson Charles Wood and Mrs. Norma
Soukup. Mrs. Paula Boulton was unable to attend due to a conflicting meeting,
Co-Chairperson Elizabeth McMahon couldn't attend due to being in Tallahassee and
Mr. Dorr SnoyenboB was unable to attend due to illness. Mr. Mark Legue and Mrs.
Jacquelyn Tobin were also unable to attend. Mr. Ream Wilson was in attendance.
Co-Chairperson Wood chaired the meeting but, since a quorum was not present,
action was postponed regarding the Board minutes of March 23rd and April 8th, 19B7.
Mr. Wood asked Mr. Wilson to give the following reports.
Clearwater Bombers - Mr. Wilson explained that the Clearwater Bombers had
rescinded their request to sell beer at the concession stand at Clearwater Bomber
Stadium. He informed members that Mr. Ed Wright, President of the Bomber Boosters,
attended the Commission meeting to rescind the request to sell beer and asked the
City Commission for other financial support. After discuSSion, the City Commission
decided to refund slightly over $4,000 to the Bombers which the Bombers had paid
in two annual installments toward the cost of the concession room. Also, the
Commission decided to forgive the next three annual. payments of the Bombers which
amounts to approximately $6,000. Therefore, the City is contributing slightly
over $10,000 to the Bombers and they were most pleased with this action.
Capital Improvement Project Budget - Mr. Wilson reviewed the list of Capital
'Improvement Projects that had been submitted for City Commission consideration.
Following this review, Board members were asked to rank their ten top priority
projects which would be forwarded to the City Commission. Since a quorum of the
Board was not present, these priorities could not be forwarded as recommendations
.' of the "Board", but they will be forwarded as the suggestions of those members
present.' Of the four members in attendance plus projects recommended by Mrs.
Boulton, the following ten projects are listed according to their priority.
1. Parkland Acquitition
2. Bayfront Tennis. Complex
3. Lake Chautauqua Park
4.' Coachman Ridge Park
5. Morningside Recreation Complex
6. Lake Chautauqua Park North
7. Memorial Causeway Median Beautification
8." Martin Luther King Center
8. Carpenter Field Fencing
9. . McMullen Tennis Complex
10. Northeast Coachman Park
10. Swimming Pools
10. Playground Equipment Replacement/New
, .
Board members inquired about whether or not the City should have a bond issue or
request residents to consider.a 1/2 mill tax to fund various parks and recreation
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capital projects throughout the City. Mr. Wilson stated that theBe items had been
discussed and that he would bring more information back to the May meeting of the
Comments by Board Members -
Mr. Hayes suggested that future pedestrian and e~ercise trails be curved in
such a manner so to achieve a one mile distance. He said that many people exercise
and look for this type marking. Also, he said he had read in the paper about the
liability concerns regar~ing parks and recreation in Dunedin, Clearwater, etc.
Mr. Wilson concurred and' said that increased inspections are being performed in
Clearwater to attempt to reduce potential problems.
Mr. Fuchs asked about tennis courts being constructed on Sand Key which he had
read in the paper. Mr. Wilson responded that this project was approved in this
year's budget and will include two tennis courts, a basketball court, two racquet-
ball courts, a small parking lot and bicycle path in the County park on Sand Key.
He'said these improvements would be funded by impact fees from Sand Key. He also
asked'nboutparks being named after people that move away from Clearwater and
whether or not the name would be,changed. Mr. Wilson responded that parks are
,named. after people for specific reasons and he didn't see that names would be
changed. Mr. Wood confirmed this and felt that parks are named in honor of persons
who 'have contributed substantially and he did not see a need to change names.
Mrs. Soukup complimented the Arbor Day ceremony recently held at Coachman
Park and ,also complimented the relandscaping of the park. She also stated that
she has talked to many people regarding capital projects for parks and recreation
and many of these people have expressed needs for gymnasiums and swimming pools.
Mr'. 'Wils'on responded that the City has always used school' gymnasiums, but that
increased school programs have resulted in less time being available for City pro-
-grams'" The City owns no gymnasiums at the present time and this is an item that
'needE;! to. b'e, addressed. Mrs. Soukup also indicated that the parking lot of Jack
'Russell Stadium always contains a lot of broken glass. Mr. Wilson stated that
debris in this lot is a continual, problem with vehicles passing by and that a
regular inspection program is underway in an attempt to improve the situation.
.' . .
Th~re ,being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
,9:15 p.m.
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