Monday, February 23rd, 1987
The regular meeting of the Parks aud Recreation Board woe held at the
Morningside Recreation Complex on Monday, February 23rd, 1987, at 7:30 p,m.
Members present included Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Co-Chairperson
Elizabeth McMahan, Mrs. Norma Soukup and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Mr. Dorr
SnoyenboB is ill and could not attend. Further. Mr. Murray Fuchs. Mr. Mark
Legue and Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin were unable to make the meeting. Ream Wilson,
Lou Dacey and Kay Tillinghast were also in attendance.
Co-Chairperson Wood asked for discussion regarding the Board minutes of
Monday, January 26, 1987. Mrs. Boulton moved to approve these minutes as written
and mailed. The motion was seconded by Ms. McMahon and passed.
Mr. Wood turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for the following reports.
Clearwater For Youth Project - Mr. Wilson distributed copies of conceptual
site plans of the Clearwater For Youth project. He explained that numerous changes
are expected in that many facilities are being considered for the site. Although
the site is beautiful, 'its configuration poses some problems for the location of
large recreation facilities. Mr. Wilson advised members that he would keep them
informed of the project.
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, Coachman Park - Mr. Wilson advised members that Coachman Park relandscaping
is almost complete and that park lights will soon be installed. Several members
said they had visited the project and complimented its attractiveness.
Sailing Center - Mr. Wilson said that the Sailing Center Committee had held
a Itfund raising kick off" at the Sailing Center site this past Saturday. Even
though it was inclement weather, a nice turn out was present and a check of $3,000
was donated as' a beginning of the fund raising drive.
Morningside Recreation Center - Lou Dacey and Kay Tillinghast explained the
programs at the new Morningside Recreation Center and conducted a tour of the
facilities 'for Board members. Members expressed their pleasure about the facility
and complimented the staff for the programs in progress. During this tour, six
" or seven ladies were working in the pottery room, eight or ten teenagers were in
the game room, approximately fifteen ladies were taking aero~icize and a meeting
of the Community Chorus was in progress in the office.
'Comments by Board Members -
Mrs. ,Boulton indicated that a need exists for signs at beach street ends
,reading "plastic bags could be fatal to sea creatures". Mr. Wilson stated that
he would look into signs on the beach in that numerous messages are posted.
Also,. he believes the Marina might be looking into.fdtandardized type signs.
There being no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at
8:30 p.m.
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