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January 26th,
(7:30 p.m.)
1. Board'Minutes of Monday,
November 24th,
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2. . Reports'
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Monday. Janun~y 26. 19B7
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The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the City
Hall Annex on Monday. January 26th. 1987, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included
Mrs. Paula Boulton, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Mr. Mark Legue, Co-
Chairperson Elizabeth McMahon, Mrs. Norma Soukup, Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin and
Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Mr. Dorr Snoyenbos was unable to attend but had
previously contacted the office stating that his leg was in a cast due to an
injury to his Achilles tendon and that he was not able to drive. Mr. Ream Wilson
was also in attendance.
Co-Chairperson McMahon chaired the meeting and asked for discussion regard-
ing the Board Minutes of Monday, November 24th, 1986. M~. Fuchs moved to approve
these Minutes as written and mailed. The motion was seconded by Mr. Hayes and
Ms. McMahon asked Mr. Wilson to give the following reports.
. .
Clearwater For Youth - Mr. Wilson explained that the City has closed on the
15.6 acres of land on Belcher Road and that an Agreement has been executed be-
tween the City and Clearwater For Youth. Clearwater For Youth has contracted
with an architectural firm to prepare conceptual site plans. Mr. Wilson stated
that he would keep Board members apprised of this project and was available for
any questions. .
, .
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Coachman Park - The brick paver sidewalk in the lower portion of the park
has been completed and the contractor is currently laying the brick pavers in the
plaza area behind the library. Sod is being laid and the irrigation system has
been completed. Lights have been ordered for the brick paver walkway and members
should notice improvements each day as they pass by the park. Mr. Wood indicated
that the first projection of a completion date was prior to the holidays. Mr. Wilson
explained that the construction has taken longer due to several reasons, one of
which is the footer that was required for the sidewalk by the contractor. This
is unusual in this type of work and has taken longer than expected. Members indi-
cated that the contractor was not making a large profit on the job because of the
time involved and Mr. Wilson,stated that this was correct. However, the contractor
is taking a lot of patience and pride in the work and hopes to use it as a reference
.point for other projects for his company.
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Sailing Center - Members were informed that the City Commission approved the
preliminary site plan for the Sailing Center on Sand Key prior to the holidays.
Further. Mr. Wilson stated that he met with representatives of the sailing commun-
ity this past Thursday and that the volunteers are currently getting geared up
fora fund raising effort. Since the tota1'project cost of the Sailing Center
is approximately $300,000, the original goal was to generate approximately $150,000
in donations. However, the Sailing Center Committee indicated an interest in
.raising monies and volunteer services to construct the building which has an
estimated coat of $200,000. 'If they are successful in this endeavor, the City's
portion would be slightly more than $100,000 for the site work. ~lr. Legue in-
.qu~red as to the proposed roadway and parking lot which is shown on the plan
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10cat~d close to the existing restroom building. Mr. Wilson responded that this
area is currently heavily used for parking and that some cars get stuck in the
80ft sand. The proposed roadway would be for an improved parking lot which now
accommodates cars on an informal basis. The question was asked as to whether or
not this lot would be metered and Mr. Wilson responded that this would need to
be addressed. Hia feelings were that it would need to be metered. Mrs. Tobin
asked if cars could enter the Sand Key property from an area close to the Toll
Booth. Mr. Wilson responded that cars must enter from an area south of the Toll
Booth. Mr. Legue stated that Clearwater residents would need to pay a bridge
toll to get to the Sailing Center while people south of the Sailing Center ~ould
not have to pay this toll. Mr. Wilson concurred, but said that he knew of nothing
that could be done in this respect. Mr. Wilson also informed members that the
Sailing Center Committee will be holding a "kick-off" for the fund raising drive
during the month of February at the site. He said letters would be sent to
Board members inviting them to this ceremony.
Eddie Moore Recreation Complex - The expansion of Drew Street and the eventual
expansion of McMullen Booth Road will improve the complex but will result in the
loss of many grass and overflow parking spaces. He stated that he plans to take
to the City Commission during the month of February a site plan showing a parking
area at the south side of the park under the pine trees. This parking plan would
consist of a meandering loop road with grass parking spaces under the trees which
would result in very few trees coming down. He said the City Commission required
that they have a chance to review any change in this site plan prior to work com-
mencing since residents who live north ~f the park were concerned about additional
parking by their homes and their streets being used for major thoroughfares.
Mr. Wilson said that this. would not occur and that he feels sufficient parking
could be accomplished under the trees on the south side of the ares. Further,
Mr. Wilson stated that the Department would recommend that the new 1.4 acres of
property recently purchased on the north side of the park be fenced in and retained
as green area for overflow and practice soccer activities. If a restroom/storage
building ia constructed by the soccer program) it would be located south of the
soccer fields and close to the wooded area. It would not be located by the resi-
dential area or on the site recently purchased. Finally) since the Drew Street
expansion will come immediately along the south boundary of the third soccer field,
fencing will need to be installed to keep soccer balls out of Drew Street. Hope-
fully this could be accomplished by the erection of a chain link fence and dense
. I
tree planting. Other than along side the soccer field) a low level barricade
fence consisting of 4" x 6" posts and cable should suffice in keeping automobiles
out of the area except when scheduled. Because of the facilities being in close
proximity to the right-of-way of Drew Street, some variances for fencing will
quite likely be needed. Members expressed a desire to plant as many trees as
possible to retain balls in the complex and out of the roadway. Mr. Wood asked
if. some fly balls from the softball fields would go over the fences and into
McMullen Booth Road. Mr. Wilson responded that this could be the case but that
an extension fence might have to be installed and care..will be taken on scheduling
higher caliber teams on the two ~est fields. Mrs. Soukup complimented the Depart-
ment on the water fountains recently installed at the facility and indicated that
the Clearwater Chargers soccer program had a facilities committee that was working,.
with City staff regarding a proposed building) etc. Mr. Wilson stated that plans
are to 'improve the third soccer field by installing a subdrain system and by re-
sprigging the area. Major frontage of the park will soon bec9~e Drew Street in-
stead of McMullen Booth Road.
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Lake Chautauqua Property - Mr. Hilson explained that Mr. Billy Stevens of
Stevens Designer Homes, will possibly offer a proposal to the City for the City
to purchase 3.24 acres along the south shoreline of Lake Chautauqua. Along with
other City properties in this area, the City would then own the majority of
property along the south side of the lake. Mr. Wilson stated that Mr. Stevens
would sell the 3.24 acres to the City at the same price as what he is paying for
the property to the Boy Scouts. Further, if and when Mr. Stevens does develop
the remainder of his tract, he would be required to pay all park impact fees.
Mr. Wood responded that we should buy parkland while it is available and Mr.
Wilson stated it appeared that impact fees were sufficient to make this purchase.
These monies must be expended on land and land is rapidly disappearing. The
general consenSUB of the Board was in favor of purchasing this piece of property.
Comments by Board Members - Mrs. Tobin complimented the renovation of the
upstairs of the Morningside Recreation Center and said that it looked terrific.
She also made.s motion that the February meeting of the Board be he1d'at the
Morningside Recreation Center instead of the City Hall Annex. Mrs. Soukup
seconded this motion which passed.
Mrs. Boulton stated that she was actively involved in the task force on
Clearwater Beach but that she had no comments regarding Parks and Recreation
Board' action ,at this time. However, Mr. Wilson arranged a meeting with Mrs.
Boulton at' Mandalay Park at 11:00 a.m. on Thursday, January 29th, to discuss
improvements that might be made to that park.
Mr. Hayes had no comments.
,Ms. McMahon had no comments.
Mr. Wood had no comments.
Mr. Legue had no comments.
Mrs'. Soukup stated that she had visited the new Morningside Recreation
Center and that she was most impressed with the facilities and with the caliber
'of staff 'assigned fa the facility. S~e was impressed with many of the things
going 'on and wanted to let the Board know how pleased she was with the activities.
, There being no further matters before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
. 8:'45' p'.To.. ,
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