06/23/1986 i~~:~,~ ~ ' e: i'e~',~. ., l" '1'~ J,>.. ~.~ ,. ., \~~~~ :.~ ,,<,:' :',(: ;', ;:)).'~" . :it.". '~~, ~ <' " ..,. . ~;:';' . ~~~) /<, :;'f "'fJ.\ ,..> -~}~. ~e:. \t,~'"", ;'j~'.',:,: . ;!!~, ~:', . ':''''::,./.1 ';~ ~ -:: , (.....t n ~. ".r. .... '. ,~t;~ ...~, /. .:...... : .\'t., ','Ij.~. " .,,", , ~~t:. 'l'.'.. ~;~::;.' .. ~~~~::-:\ it;"\;<", , 11:!/" G)' '," .. '\ ~. 50 ' . .;. ~jit;: ~~;"1.~,'- ~.~ ..' ..,' < ".: t.~.~},:'~'\' " : ,: :': ' :\: N:::i, ,;, \'2/i; :,',,: ' , ' ~~~\t:.::, ;' .- t~!' .. ". ":.'. l.:".,+,,:'. .... {.. it;:;'.'" ,1':' .;l ,. ~ . . :i,' ~ ".. . , , 'I PARKS,AND RECREATION DOARD AGENDA / " Moccasin Lake Park ,Monda~, ~unc 23rd, 1986 7:00 p.m. .;7:"."" '. . " I ' . ... < " .. ~'< ',' ,', '''''' ' I, ',' ,\ " .~ " , 1. /': Approval of l4ay~, ,19,th, .... Parks 1986. Recreation and Board Minu:tes of t-1onday I, t. Elizabeth McMahon Board meetings,. Excused,absences from threo 3.', Repo,rts " :a., Response to Board member comment's "b. " " Capital Project update Improvement ...." c.. 'Other. comments 'y, " \ ,..., by :.Board d., Comments Members ,. I ~. ;, 'j " e~" f\1occa~in Lake, ,Park; progra~ Eric'Trogdon ,{. ' ,Mr,. " ' ~ .... e . .. ' <"'. ,4.', ::',Adj,?'u,rnment :, .. ..'. ~ :'~I'~ .,~ '. < :. < .: ':':,~, :.:,:.:,' "';/~ .~>. ;" ,.:, .~. ~ , ' ". . . (- .", ",'< ,> " ~ " : . ," " ,', .\.1 ,./ ' , e' ;, ..'{;'?, . ',' ~, . '., {,. " , . .~' >',' :~. :..." '/'.;. , ,. e.l/ ',1, .'" > ~ { ~. y , I" , ,( , , ,. , , " ' I .', ~ L . ~. ., " , ~ , . j<., +. ,: " ,. .. ' . ~ ~ ,.' ; , , ~. . , 'I . Ie . ,..;' . ! '" . . If, .' ,) .:- . ~ .~. .'~, '.. . L '~.., , 'r .~:. . : , !,:I." .l 1, i. ~ .:.....". .. . : ~. " , I :.. '.!-. , ' , ,'~. ~ .1. '. .\.' .; ~: '" "." :l . \: '; ,:~ ~.~ ,::.. i, - :' ~'4<- " .. '\ ':.':, , I'. .'." . . . .:.\ ; ': ~.' .. ~'r:"~:,~ ' . i:e ,:;'r, .: ' ~. ..":""<::', , ' ,I ,:l ~ ,.... ~ . " , . I'. " , .,/'.< .h <. " , " ':"::':~':i;';':':;:,<. ' );. ,~'.; r.. ~ ;. . ....:., .,:. . 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Mr. Mark Legue" Mr. Dorr Snoyenbos and Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin were unable to make the meeting. Ms. Eli2abeth McMahon was absent due to illness and hospitalization. Mr. Ream Wilson was in attendance as was Mr. Eric Trogdon. Moccasin Lake Park Supervisor. Co-chairperson Wood called the meeting to order and, since a quorum was not present, action to approve the Parks and Recreation Board minutes of Monday, May. 19, could not be taken. This will be on the agenda for the July meeting. Mr. Wood read a letter from Ms. McMahon explaining that she would be out for three or four months due to illness and hospitalization. Ms. McMahon requested that these a~sences be considered excused so that her Board membership would not be jeopardized. Mr. Wilson stated that the City Manager concurred in this request and that her absences will be considered excused. Mr. Wood turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. RESPONSE TO BOARD MEMBER COMMENTS - Mr. Wilson explained that Parks crews had removed and repaired water pipes that were sticking up out of a median along the entrance walk to Crest Lake Park. This possible danger hazard was brought to our attention by Board Member Mr. Legue. Mr. Wilson also distributed name tags to Board Members'as requested by Mr. Fuchs and members at the last meeting. Mr. Wilson ,explained that the City Manager and he had visited' Sand Key Park and will be corres- ponding with the County regarding active recreation facilities that might be con- structed in the Park by the City. Mr. Wilson also explained to members that he had written, a letter to Mr. Steve Gerakios, Chairman of the Clearwater Historic Preser- 'vatioD Board. The letter conveyed the Board's denial of the request that Edgewater ,prive be.named after Mr. Lester Dicus. However, in the letter, Mr. Wilson explained ,to Mr. Gerakios that this was a recommendation on the part of the Board and that the request could be submitted, if desired. to the City Commission for a final decision. Mr. Wilson has not yet received a response from the Historic Preservation Board or from Mr. Gerakios. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROJECT UPDATE - In the interest of time and with the absence of a quorum, Capital Improvement Projects were not discussed. OTHER COMMENTS - Mr. Wilson showed members a Certificate of Appreciation that had ,been prepared for Mr. Eric Ford who had recently resigned from the Board. Mr. Wood and Mr. Wilson signed this Certificate which will be sent to Mr. Ford. " .:.. .', '~. , :'"" '......, l' '. \ .". ~ .,' '.' I..'.. ' ',',':',:.,::~;"~/':~'~-:.!.,:,~.J~.>')'~":"~' A < J"', . ;' .. ' . ' . " , , "'" ' ~< '.' .. . ~ . . f':,:::1 ~\ . ~ ' .'. - . ,. . , , . , - 2 - COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS - Mr. Hayes expressed a concern about the recent drown- Ings on the Courtney Campbell Causeway and asked if the City had instructional swim programs. Mr. Wilson responded in the affirmative and stated that we concentrate considerable effort on teaching people to swim and that it might be of ,interest 'to the Board to have their July meeting at one of our swimming pools. Discussion ensued regarding this meeting location and it was decided that Mr. Wilson would send a letter to all Board members explaining which pool will host the July meeting. Also. at that meeting. representatives of the City's Aquatic Staff will be present to explain the City's swim program. Mr. Fuchs inquired as to whether or not it would be appropriate for the Parks and Recreation Boord to take 0 stand in support of requiring that fencing be placed , around swimming pools. Mr. Wood responded that this might be an item under some- one else's jurisdiction and questioned whether it would be appropriate for the Parks and Recreation Board to make such a recommendation. Mr. Wilson stated that the City is currently considering this type situation and said that he will bring additional information to the July meeting. Mr. Fuchs also thought it would be nice for the Parks and Recreation Board to send a get well card to Mr. Charlie Fenton. Honorary City Commissioner. Members felt that this would be appropriate and Mr. Wilson stated that he would bring a card to the next meeting for signatures. ~ Mrs. Martin had no comments. MOCCASIN LAKE PARK PROGRAM -' Mr. Eric Trogdon, Moccasin Lake Park Supervisor, was introduced to members and presented a video taped program of Moccasin Lake Park. Considerable discussion ensued by members and Mr. Trogdon explained many of the programs and facilities of ~IDccasin Lake Park. He touched on items such as the Bald Eagles Exhibit that the City is working on, the school teacher's program that is currently assigned to the Park by the Pinellas County School Board, permanently , injured ' birds that are secured through the Sun Coast Seabird Sanctuary, the new , Song Bird'Exhibit, etc. Following this presentation by Mr. Trogdon, several of the members and their wives took a tour of the Nature Trail around the Park. Mr. Trogdon interpreted many of the Park's features to members and all members were most appreciative of Mr. Trogdon and his staff for the fine work ,they are doing at Moccasin Lake Park. This meeting was also attended by'spouses of several members including Mrs. Murray Fuchs, Mrs. Charles Wood and ~rrs. Sylvia Wilson., Members were invited to the ParK early (6:00 p.m.) to bring a box dinner with drinks provided by the City. There being no further business before the Board. the meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m. ~, ',ei ',. . .1 .