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Parks and Recreation Board
Monday, May 19, 1986 - 7:30 p.m.
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1.. Approval of Board Minutes of 'Monday, April 14th, 1986.
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2 . Reports
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a~ Board Member Park Inspections - Discussion of Board
Members visiting various park sites to assist in
. identifying and reporting items that could lead to
':liability:problems. Review of City Attorneyts opinion
,as to liability of members.
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Monday) Hay 19th, 1986
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was
held at the Parks and Recreation Office at the City Hall Annex on
Monday, May 19th, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Members preBcnt included Mr.
Murray' Fucha, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Mr. Mark Lague, Co-Chairperson
Elizabeth McMahon, Mrs. Lols Marttn, Mr. Dorr SnoyenboB, Mrs.
Jacquelyn Tobin and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Mr. Eric Ford
did not make the meeting as he had previously submitted his
resignation due to a change in employment responsibilities. Mr.
Ream Wilson was present.
Co-Chairperson McMahon called the meeting to order at 7:30
p.m. Mr. Fuchs moved that the Minutes of Monday, A~Til 14th,
1986 be approved as mailed. Mr. Hayes seconded the motion which
Ms. McMahon turned the m~eting over to Mr. Wilson for
Board Member Park Visitations - At the April meeting, members
brought up the question as to whether or not Board members would
be subject to increased liability in the event they assisted in a
volunteer program of visiting park sites and notifying the
Department of repair items that might 'need attention. Members
h~d asked thit Mr. Wilson secure a legal opinion from the City
Attorney regarding this question of liability. The City
Attorney, Mr. Al Galbraith, prepared a memorandum on this subject
(attached) which was sent to all Board members prior to the May
me~ting. Members reviewed this memorandum and considerable
: discussion ensued. Mr~ Fuchs asked if the'C1ty would protect
members in the event they would be sued. Mr. Legue felt that
tn1swas covered in the fourth paragraph of Mr. Galbraith's
memorandum. Specifically, this paragraph .reads IIIf a judgment is
i~nderea ,against Board members in their individual capacity,
State law and the City Code provides for the indemnnlfication of
the Board member, ,unless it 1s established that the liability
arose from the conduct of the Board members acting outside the
scope of their duties or in bad faith,.... This 'right of
indemnification applies whether the judgment' was obtained in
State, or Federal Court". Mrs. Martin added that if Board members
visited 'parks and saw something that might need attention) she
f e 1 t the y co u 1 d r e p 0 r tit but wo u 1 d not be r e qui red to do; 80.
The primary responsibility for this remains with .City staf f. Mr.
Legue mentioned that he originally proposed this concept with
memoe~s visiting various parks close to where they live.
Ho~ever~ he said that'they would not be limited 1n this respect
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in that Hoard membera serve on a City-wide basis. Mr. Fuchs
agreed and stnted that he had various parks close to his home.
Mr. Snoycnbos felt that members could act 8S extra oye8 at
various park sites just as any other good citizens would do.
Mr. Legue moved that members become more active in visiting
and observing park and recreation areaa on a more regular baais
and that they contact the Parks Bnd Recreation Department
regarding items such ns repairs thnt the members might feel need
to be Inspected~ Mr. Fuchs seconded this motion which passed.
As a continuation of this discussion, Mr. Legue gave the
example of his visiting the temporary parking lot recently
constructed on the south side of the Memorial Causeway. He said
'that following rain storms. the areB is very wet and mucky and
might need some assistance with drainage.
ReSponses to Board Member Comments - Regarding the question of
additional directional signs for Moccasin Lake Park as mentioned
'by Mr. Fuc~s at the April meeting, Mr. Wilson stated that this
subject is already being addressed by the Naturalist of the Park,
Mr. Eric Trogdon. Specifically, four directional signs are being
requested i~rough the Traffic Engineering Department which would
be,larger than the directional signs now located at three
,locatio~s. Mr. Wilson explained that although this request hos
been forwarded, a policy decision might be required because of
'the many r~quests for directional signs that are received. Mr.
Wilson stated that he would keep the Board informed.
Regarding Mrs. Tobin's previous inquiry about the condition
of diving boards, Mr. Wilson responded that the boards were
',inspected and in proper working condition on May 3rd, 1986. He
. said. that the Morningside diving boards were resurfaced by Pinch-
A-Penny on June '9th, 1985 and redone on June 20th, 1985.
F~~t~er~ he said' that the diving board at Norton Pool was
overhauled last month, April 30th, 1986. Mrs. Tobin said that
,she had further ,questions and that she would discuss them with
'Mark G6heen' at MorningBid~. Mr. Wilson a160 ,indicated that he
,would have Mr. Dacey) Aquatic SuperviBor, contact Mrs. Tobin.
Mr. Wilson alao explained that the staff at the Martin
Luther King Recreation Complex has been instructed to police the
parking lot for glass on'a more regular basis. This was in
respouse to a question posed by Mrs. Martin at the April meeting.
C~pltal Improvement Projects - Each Board member was given a c6py
'of the memorandum regarding their priority rankings of Capital
Improvement Projects that was sent to the City Commission and
'City Manager. Mr. WilBon further explained that each project
recommended,as top priority by the Board was approved for funding
next year by the City Commission. However, Mr. Wilson stated
. .
that furth~r hearings will be held on thesa projectH an the
budget process continues. Further, of those projects receiving
accond priority ranking by the Board, two wero approved for this
coming year while two were moved back one year. Of projects
receiving third priority ranking, three were approved for thia
coming year and the remainder were moved back one to two years.
Mr. Legue felt that the Sailing Center should proceed in
that impact fee monies are available and that general revenue
dollars are not required. Mr. Wood felt the opposite in that he
volunteers should be given an opportunity to try to raise as many
dollars as possible prior to impact fee monies being
appropriated. Mr. Legue also suggested that once the Center Is
developed, volunteers from the salling community might be secured
to assist in maintenance and operation. Mr. Wilson said that the
next step would probably be to schedule the "preliminary site
plan" before the City Commission for consideration. He informed
members that a meeting with staff had been held with members of
the Sand Key Homeowners Association. He also informed the Board
that the Sand Key Homeowners Association recommended that a
maximum of $125,000 from impact fees be appropriated for the
Sailing Center. He said their feeling WOR that the remainder of
the money should be raised through donations from volunteers.
Mr. Wilson informed members that he will keep them informed
as to when the Sailing Center will be scheduled on a City
Commission agenda. Prior to that scheduling, the Board might
,wish to make a formal recommendation regarding the facillty and
its, funding.,
Summer Meetings - Members recommended that the June meeting of
tbe Parks and ,Recreation Board be held at Moccasin Lake Park
rather than at the City Hall Annex. Mr. Wilson stated that this
worild be arranged and that a letter would be sent to each Board
member explaining the time of the meeting and an earlier time
th~t members might come to the Park with their families and bring
" a box lunch if desired. He said that the Department would
provide the beverage. This meeting will be held on Monday, June
23rd, 1986.
Other Reports - Mr. Wilson informed Board members of an accident
that resulted in a fatality during an adult softball league game.
He stated that a pitcher was hit in the head accidentally by a
throw from his third baseman who was throwing the ball to first
base. He said the pitcher was reportedly unconscious for a short
period of time but that he got up and sat in h1s team's dugout to
view the remainder of the game. Following the game, he drove his
wife home. Preliminary reports indicate that the player went to
,a local hospital the following day and died on Friday evening,
May 16th. Members agreed with Mr. Wilson that this was a most
unfortunate incident and that it seems most unusual in that it's
the first time anyone could remember an accident of this type
proving fatal during one of the City's recreation programs.
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Mr. Wilson also preacntod n letter to Ms. McMahon signed by
Mr. Eric Ford who felt tt necesBary to resign from the Board.
Ms. McMahon read Mr. Ford's letter of resignation to members and
there wos a general consensus that Mr. Ford had done an
outstanding job in hiB term as noard member.
Mr. Wilson also explained to members that he had received a
letter from Mr. Steve GerakoiBt Chairman of the Clearwater
Historic Preservation Roard. Copies of Mr. Gernko1s' letter were
distributed to each Board member along with copies of the
resolution that allows the Board to make recommendations
regarding the naming of parka and recreation facilities.
Specifically, the letter from Mr. Gerakois requests consideration
for naming the City-owned property located at Sunset Pt. Road and
Edgewaier Drive (formerly the site of the Sunset Pt. Hotel) in
honor of Mr. J. Lester Dicus. The letter explains that Mr. Dicus
owned and managed the hotel which consisted of three stories and
which accommodated many of Clearwater's visitors~ The letter
also explains that Mr. Dicus was Clearwater's Postmaster from
1955 through 1972 and that the new Post Office on Belcher Road
was built under his administration. Mr. Dicus was a leader in
the Clearwater community and a charter member of the Clearwater
Little Th~atre for twenty yearst a director of the Clearwater
Jaycees, and the Vice President of the Chamber of Commerce for
three terms. Members reviewed the letter from Mr. Gerakois which
is attached to these minutes.
Considerable discussion ensued among Board members and the
riquest was' considered in terms of the Resolution regarding the
naming of parks which outlines various criteria that should be
,considered. Mr. Wilson informed members that whether they
recommended approval or denial of the request, the requesting
pa~ty could ask that it be forwarded to the City Commission for
firial consideration and action~ The general feeling among Board
.me~bers was that everyone knows Edgewater Drive as "Edgewater
Drive" and,that it would be confusing to name this type area
after' a person. Further, one criterion is that the neighborhood
homeowners'association be contacted when considering names for
'~a~k6 located in their neighborhoods. Another is that 1n a
majority of casest parks should be named after geographic
features, locations, streets, etc. Members felt that "Edgewater
Drive" is more descriptive of the locatio~~
Mr. Wood moved that the Board recommend denial of the
request to name the park after Mr~ Dicus as suggested by the
Clearwater Historic Preservation Board. Mr. Legue seconded the
motion ,which passed.
Mr. Wilson informed members that he would notify Mr.
Ge~akoi~ of the Board's action and that the Historic Preservation
Board could ask that, their request be forwarded to the City
Commission for final consideration.
Comments by Board MemberR - Mr Charles Wood - moved that the
August, 1986 meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board be omitted
due to vacatlons. Mr. Fuchs seconded the motton. Discussion
ensued and Mrs. Tobin felt that the meeting should not be
cancelted in that membera needed to see park facilitteR Rnd that
the Bummer months are the heavlcst and busicst times to view
programs. The question was called and the motion to omit the
August meeting was passed.
Mr. Wood 0180 indicated his concern that the Memorial
Causeway was in very poor condition. Mr. Wilson agreed and
stated that flowers would Boon be planted in four or five beds
wh i c h h a v e a Ire ad y bee n pre par e d . Fur the r, he s aid t hat a
Capital Improvement budget for the renovation of the medians had
not been submitted to the City Commission since this project is
still being considered by 0 private group of citizens who have
contracted with a landscape architect. The period of no rain has
also contributed to the poor condition, but Mr. Wilson stated
that attention will be given the medians to make them as
presentable as possible. M~. Fuchs asked about the money he
contributed to the renovation of the medians a couple of years
ago. M~. Wilson responded that his underst~nding is that these
monies are still being held in a bank account and would be
applied to the renovation by the group of citizens at such time
as th~ project commences. However. the project has not yet been
submitte~ to the City Commission for consideration.
Jackie Tobin - Inquired about the status of the Clearwater
For Youth proposal and Mr. Wilson stated that all attention now
centers on the St. Petersburg Jr. College site and that a request
for a grant from the State has been submitted to assist in
development. ,She also asked about a senior citizens chess club
meeting at the new Morningside Recreation Center. Mr. Wilson
that this would be looked into. but that several requests from
various clubs ha~e been received to use the Center and if all
were approved, little time would be available for recreation
programs for general citizenry. However, he stated that the
chess club was originally started as a recreation program and
,might be a good part of activities to be conducted at the Center.
Mrs. Tobin also appreciated the trees that were planted at the
Mornin~side Recreation Complex and indicated that they might need
watering. M~. Wilson said that he would check into this.
Herbert Haycs - Stated that he had visited Countryside
Community Park on a Sunday afternoon and found the entrance gate
lo~ked, at 2 p.m. Mr. Wilson stated that this should not he the
'case in that the Police Department through their Countryside
Substation unlocks the gate each morning and locks it at sundown.
Howev~r, because of schedule conflicts. there might be an
oversight and this particular Sunday might have been one. He
stated he would check on it and advised Mr. Haye~ to contact him
or ~he Countryside Police Station 1n the event he sees the park
locked during daytime hours.
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Murray Fuchs - Said that the Parks and Recreation Board
should accept the resignation of Mr. Eric Ford with regret and
that a proclamation 1n appreciation for his services should be
sent. Mr. W11son advised that this will done and will be signed
by the Co-Chairpersons of the Board. Mr. Fuchs also asked about
land acquisition being in the Capital Improvement budget and Mr.
Wilson responded that this is a continuing type project primarily
using impact fees collected for this purpo~e. Mr. Fuchs also
asked if each Board member could be supplied an identification
badge in laminated plastic showing the Parks and Recreation Board
member's name and his term of membership. He felt that if these
badges could be provided with clips, Board members could ~ear
them as they visit City parks so that City staff would recognize
them as being members of the Board and interested in City-wide
~arks and recreation activities. Mr. Wilson stated that this
could be done and felt that these could be ready by the June
mee, t i ng.
Dorr Snoyenbos - No comment.
, Elizabeth McMahon - Thanked the Parks and Recreation
Department for all their cooperation during the recent March of
'Dim.es Walk..
,Lois Martin - Expressed a concern that the City continues to
gr~w.~~th.additiona1 responsibilities but that manpo~er levels
're~~in, th~ same as previous years. She felt this resulted in
",less ,maintenance being able to be provided at various areas and
felt,~hat addit10nal employees are needed. Mr. Wilson respond~d
~ha~~udgets,are extremel~ tight and that each'Department
co~iinual1~ looks at ways of operating their departments more
: efficiently~' For example, the Parks and Recreation Department is
"currently"studying a one man operation piece of equipment that
:'co~ld ,b~,~sed for th~ emptying of trash containers on Clearwater
" Beach r~ther' than four employees p~rformlng this task with a "
flatb~d",iruck. If this proves feasible, the employees saved from
this iespon~ibility could be directed to work elsewhere to
increa~e maintenance levels.
There being no further business before the Board, the
meet~ng adjourned at 9:3a p.m.
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