Monday, April 14th, 1986
The regular meeting of the Parka and Recreation Board was
held at the Parks and Recreation office at the City Hall Annex on
Monday, April 14th, 1986 at 7:30 p.m. Members present included
Mr. Eric Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Herbert Hayes, Co-
Chairperson Elizabeth McMahon, Mrs. Lois Martin, Mr. Dorr
Snoyenbos, Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood.
Mr. Mark Legue had visited the office earlier in the day to
deliver his input (Capital Improvement Budget) for the meeting.
He was unable to attend due to a previous commitment. Mr. Ream
Wilson was also in attendance.
Co-Chairperson Wood called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Fuchs moved that the minutes of March 24th, 1986, be approved
as mailed. Ms. McMahon seconded this motion which passed.
Mr. Wood turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports.
Capital Im rovement Bud et - 1986/87 - Parks and Recreation
Board members had been given a listing of Capital Improvement
Projects at the Board meeting held on March 24th. Mr. Wood
informed members that he had gone through his listing and
selected what he considered to be the most important fifteen
projects. Further, he stated that he ranked these projects one
..through fifteen and that they were closely aligned with the
recommendations made by staff. other members indicated that they
also had gone through their listing and that they were ready to
assign priorities to the various Capital Improvement Projects.
It'was noted by members that "land acquisition" should continue
to receive top priority ahead of all other projects. It was
suggested'that Mr. Wilson proceed down the list of fifty-eight
projects one.at.a time to determine which projects had support
from Board members. This exercise was followed which resulted in
fifteen priority projects being recommended in three different
vote groups. The projects and groups are as follows:
rstPriority Projects (8 votes each)
Project #26 - Jack Russell Stadium sent replacement and
backstop replacement.
Project #27 - Bolt Ave. Pool renovations
Project #32 - Morningside Recreation Complex Phase II
recreation center renovations and pool renovation
Project #38 - Sailing Center/Sand Key
Second Priority Projects (5 votes each)
Project 3 - Bayfrront Tennis Court renovation - north
four courts
Project #6 - Light replacement program at Carpenter
Field and other locations
Project 1111 - Cliff Stephens park restrooms and parking
Project #12 - Countryside Community Park Little League
Third Priorit Pro ects (4 votes each)
Project 13 -- Countryside Sports Complex lighting for
two fields
Project #16 - Crest Lake Park parking lot
Project #18 - Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex parking
lot and roadway
Project 1124 - Sid Lickton/Fred Cournoyer renovation of
fields and parking lot
Project 1137 - Sand Key Park (County) active facilities
Project 1148 - Alligator Creek Recreation Area - bicycle
paths, fencing, etc.
Project #58 - Norton Park Pool repair to pool deck
Mr. Wilson stated that he would forward the above three
groups of fifteen projects to the Budget Office and City
Commission for City Commission consideration during hearings on
the 1986/87 Capital Improvement Project budget. He stated that
although funding was going to be very limited, we are fortunate
in some respect to have impact fees available for some projects.
Recommendation of Mr. Mark Legue -- Mr. Wilson informed
members thaC Mr. Legue had discussed the possibility of Board
members.taking a more active role in City parks. For example,
Board members and Mr. Wilson discussed at the March meeting the
problems with liability and problems the City faces with
potential suits. Mr. Wilson informed members that his staff had
recently begun a program of submitting inspection sheets for each
park (staffed and unstaffed) in the City identifying items such
' as.broken swing.seats, cracked sidewalks, broken picnic tables,
etc..-.that need repair. It is felt that the more eyes looking for
problems such as these the better the Department could keep
facilities in good repair. Mr. Legue had suggested that Board
members also play a role in this respect. For example, he
suggests that each Board member may assume responsibility for
various parks around their homes. Members might walk the parks
periodically and look"for items that could be potentially
dangerous. Since Mr. Legue was unable to make this meeting, his
suggestion was passed on to Board members and it will be on the
agenda for the regular meeting in May for further discussion.
Members felt that the idea had merit although there was a
question about liability for Board members. Mr. Wood asked if
the members could receive a ruling as to how liable Board members
might be at the present time in an advisory capacity. Also, he
asked if there would be any increased liability in the event they
` were to play an active role in visiting and informing the
Department of items that might need repair. Mr. Wilson stated
that he would check with the Legal Department and report back to
' the Board in May.
Board Member Comments
Mr. Fuchs asked if identification signs could be located
with arrows pointing the direction to Moccasin Lake Park.
Specifically, a sign is needed at Fairwood and Drew Street with
another sign being located at Park Trail Lane and Fairwood. Mr.
Wilson stated that he would clieck with Traffic Engineering to
determine if these could be provided.
Mrs. Tobin asked about the waterline being installed at
Moccasin Lake Park. Mr. Wilson stated that this project would be
accomplished and that a meeting was recently held at the Park
with Mr: Eric Trogdon (Naturalist), Mr. Mike Kenton (City
Environmentalist), the City's Project Engineer and the
contractor. He assured Mrs. Tobin that the waterline would be
installed, that it would be placed along the north perimeter of
the Park and that everyone was satisfied that work would be
accomplished in as environmentally sensitive a way as possible.
For example, through the wetlands, the line would be placed
.'; toward the top of the ground rather than the ground being
trenched. Mrs. Tobin also asked if the material on the diving
boards at Morningside and Norton Park Pool was safe. She
indicated that material was loose in past years and that it could
be dangerous. Mr. Wilson stated that he would investigate. Mrs.
Tobin also asked about stones being stored on the Causeway near
the east bridge for the 440 West Condominium. Mr. Wilson stated
that the Public Works Department is familiar with this project
?,, ,and 'that she might contact that Department.
Mrs. Martin said that broken bottles are normally present,on
the-parking lot at the Martin Luther King Recreation Center. She
stated that she had received a flat tire on one occasion. Mr.
Wilson responded that he would inform his staff to clean these
parking lots on a regular basis. Mrs. Martin also suggested that
Board- members take field trips to parks so that they could become
more familiar with facilities. Mrs. Tobin stated that this was
done last summer and that we would probably be doing it again
this coming. summer.
Mr. Ford said he liked the suggestions of Mr. Legue and that
he felt it-would be good.for Board members to visit more parks so
they could become more familiar with the system.
Mr. Wood stated that he would like to have the issue of
"board liability" placed on the next Board agenda. Mr. Wilson
stated that this would be done.
There being no further business before the Board the meeting
adjourned at 8:30 p.m.