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Monday, February 24, 1986
1. Introduction of new Board Members, Mr. Herbert B. Hayes
and Mrs. Lois B. Martin
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'2. Certificates of Appreciation to Members leaving the Board,
Dr. LaMar Mac Nutt and Dr. Ira Berger
3. 'Approval of Board Minutes of Monday, January 27th, 1986.
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4 . Reports
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a., Homeowners Associations - Report to members regarding
meetings with homeowners around Skycrest Baptist Church
property and homeowners living adjacent to Eddie C.
Moore Complex. '
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b.' Capital Improvement project Budget - The capital Improve-
, ,"ment project BUdget requests for 1986/87 will be due
'around the end of March. Staff is currently preparing
,a"'listlng of Capital Improvement Projects for the next
, five years and Board members are encouraged and invi.ted
,to make re9ommendations regarding projects they feel
, 'n:ee,dedthat might be included in this listing. As in
,past ye'ars, once the listing is finalized, the Board
. will have an opportunity to assign priorities for city
" commission consideration.
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c. Clearwater For Youth - Update on Clearwater For Youth
d. Sailing Center - Update on Sailing Center proposal.
e. Other Reports
5. ,c~mrnents by Board Members
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6~ Adjournment
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Mr. Wood informed members thgt Certificates of Appreciation
would be sent to Dr. LaMar MacNutt and Dr. Ira Berger for their
pervious service as members of the Parks and Recreation Board.
These Certificates were signed by Mr. Wood and Ms. McMahon and
will be mailed by the Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Wood asked
January 27th, 1986.
approved as mailed.
for a motion regarding the minutes of Monday,
Mr. Fuchs moved that these minutes be
Mr. Snoyenbos seconded the motion which
Mr. Wood turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports.
Homeowners Associations - Mr. Wilson informed members that
he had met. with two homeowners associations. One of these
associations involves residents who live around the property
owned by Skycrest Baptist Church which is being considered for a
reco'mmendation as a future park site. Hr. Wilson stated that the
association meeting involved quite a few residents and that the
final consessus of the residents was that they would be in favor
of the City purchasing the property as a park. They also'
expressed the fact that they would support recreational
development, especially soccer fields. Mr. Wilson informed
members that this type meeting is beneficial in that the City
'does con~ider the affect a park development would have on the
immediate neighborhood. The other meeting was held with the
homeowners association located immediately north of the Eddie C.
Moore Recreation Complex. The purpose of this meeting was to
explain to association members the parking situation at the Eddie
c. Moore Complex and the City's possible desire to purchase a
piece of property approximately 1.4 acres in size located on the
north side of the Eddie C. Moore soccer fields. Residents
inf~rmed Mr. Wilson that they would oppose the acquisition of
this property if it were to be developed as a packing lot. The
reason being that such a development would increase traffic on
HQyt Ave. as soccer participants and'parents travel to the
p~rking lot. Residents indicated that they already have problems
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getting out of Hoyt Ave. on to McMullen Booth because of trafflc
being backed up from productions at RlIth Eckerd lIall. They also
informed Mr. Wilson that the two streets immediately north of
Hoyt will be closed when McMullen Booth Road is widened. These
closings will necessitate persons living on thoBe Bt~ectB ~oing
around and down Hoyt Drive to gain access to McMullen Booth Road.
They felt that all of these developments would place too much
traffic on their residential street. Mr. Wilson told the
homeowners that the property would be valuable for future park
development but that parking arrangements would first be
addressed on the south side of the Eddie Moore Complex just off
the Drew Street extension. In the event the new piece of land
was to the acquired by the City, it would only be used for
parking as a last resort. Mr. Wilson also informed Board members
that he had recently received a letter from Mrs. Virginia
Zorovich, President of the Clearwater Chargers Soccer Club,
encouraging the City to purchase the house adjacent to the above
subject property and at the intersection of Hoyt and Moss
Streets. Mr. Wood inquired as to the cost of this parcel. Mr.
Wilson responded that the asking price was approximately $78,000.
He felt the acquisition would eliminate the problem of complaints
being lodged by whoever purchases this house because of soccer
balls continually travelling into the backyard and over the
fence. This situation would be almost impossible to eliminate.
Also, the Clearwater Chargers Soccer Club felt that the purchase
could result in the house being available to their organization
asa clubhouse, storage area and restrooms for children
participating in the soccer program. The Chargers Soccer Club
further committed to paying any renovation or maintenance costs
in addition to upkeep. Mr. Legue asked about the condition of
the house and ~r. Ford responded that it was in good condition
and constructed out of concrete block. Mrs. Martin felt that
Board member should visit the property before recommending that
it be purchased. Members discussed this item in detail. Mrs.
Tobin made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Board recommend
that t~e City look tnto the possible purchase of the house at
Moss and Hoyt to determine if it' would be a feasible acquisition
,to,'be added to the Eddie C. Moore 'Recreation Comp,lex. Mr. Ford
seconded the motion which passed. Mr. Wilson stated that he
,would bring the matter to the attention of the City Manager and
~ould keep the Board apprised. He further informed members that'
park impact fees for,both of these purchases might be available
from the Hampton developmeqt which is being constructed
immediately north of the.Kapok Tree Restaurant. He stated that
these monies must be utilized to purchase land within one and
one-half miles of the site and that land is rapidly disappearing.
" Mrs. Martin asked that the City look into the property
located at Druid and Greenwood Avenues to determine if it might
be attractive as a future park site. Further, Mr. Legue
'recommended that the Department look at property located on the
corner of Highland Avenue and Belleair Road as a possible future
~ark site. Mr. Wilson Btated that he would investigate each of
these properties.
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Capital Improvement Project Rudgot - Mr. WiL60n explained
that Capitol Improvement budget requests for 19H6/87 will be due
around the end of March. "e solicited suggestions from Porks and
Recreation Board members nnd also informed members that they
would have an opportunity at the March meeting to oSBign
priorities on the projects which would be forwarded to the City
Commission for ~ons!deration. Mr. Wilson passed out copies of
Parks and Recreation Department standards for facilities and
explained that a good portion of capital improvement budget
requests are based on these standards. Further, he passed out u
listing of all park sites in the City which included the various
facilities located at ~ach park. He asked members to review this
information and invited them to contact him regarding any
projects they would like to see considered for inclusion in the
Capital Improvement budget requests. He informed members that
this year-s, CIP budget will be established over n five year
period and that state law will soon require that funding be
definitely set for a five year period. This would be in accord
with the City-s comprehensive plan. Mr. Wood inquired as to
whether or not changes could be made during the five year period
and Mr. Wilson responded that this would be the case except that
it would involve a rather lengthy procedure. Mrs. Tobin asked
about emergencies that might occur such as storm damage.
Specifically, she wondered if projects set two or three years
down the road could be cancelled in the event monies were needed
io handle emergencies.' Mr. Wi~son responded that he would
inquire into this matter but felt that provisions to handle
emergencies should'be provided for in the process. Mrs. Martin
inquired ,if there waS going to be a second bridge to the beach
included in the City's five year ClP budget. Mr. Wilson
responded that this would not be the Parks and Recreation
Department responsibility, but rather an area to be addressed by
the Public Works Department, the Traffic Engineering Department
or the Planning Department.
Clearwater For Youth - Mr. Wilson informed Board members
that ,the City is continuing to search for property to make
available to Clearwater For Youth for the construction of a
multl-~illion dollar complex to be constructed with private
funds.' Members will be kept apprised of this situation.
Sailing Center - Hr. Wilson explained that the plans for a
proposed sailing center should be ready to go to the City
Comm~ssion for consideration within the next three weeks or so.
He said that the proposal will include two parking areas. One
area 'will be available only to those cars using the sailing
center and would be parking by permit only. The other parkrng
lot would be available for parking by the general public using
the remainder of the City site. Mr. Legue asked if the public
parking, area would be metered and Mr. Wilson responded that this
'decision was yet to be made.
Other Reports - Mr. Wilson advised members that he had met
with the County Parks Director, Mr. Fred McLean, to discuss the
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possibility of the City constructlnR Rome fictive recre~tion
facilitics on the County Sand Key pilrk tlitc uain~ monies from
impact fecs. He Raid Mr. McLean wns receptive to this idea but
wos concerned that facilities be congtructcd in a manner as to
not detract from the County park. Mr. Wilson statcd that the
County has an age old policy of parks being closcd at sundown.
In respect for this policy. he suggested that the City consider
constructing active fncilitie6 such as two tcnnis courts, a
basketball court and two handbull courtB but not light these
facilities. In other words. they would cloDe nt. the same time
the County park closcs. This procedure would eliminate
complaints originating from the City facilities and being passed
on to thc County groundskeeper who ia housed in the park.
Mr. Wilson also distributed schedules of the Philadelphia
Phillies spring training games to members of the Board. He
invited members to contact his office in the event they wou~d
like to attend Borne of the games. Mrs. Tobin requested four
tickets for Friday, March 14th. when Boston plays at Clearwater.
Comments by Board Members -
Elizabeth McMahon:
no comment..
Herbert Hayes: expressed his pleasure at having the
opportunity of serving on the Parks and Recreation Board.
Eric Ford: welcomed the new members to the Board and
~ugges~ed that the City continue to try to purchase open space
for parks since impact monies are available and since lands are
rapidly' disappeari'ng.
Murray Fuchs: suggested that the City continue to pursue
the possibility of the Clearwater For Youth development.
'Charles Wood:
no comment.
Mark Legue: had two items for discussion. First, he
'suggested that the Parks and Recreation Board keep in mind the
space shuttle "Challenger" as a possible name for a future park.
He felt this would be an appropriate recognition of this national
tragedy. Second. Mr. Legue explained to Board members that the
City of"Tampa will no longer be in a position to accommodate the
submarine "V.5.S. Requiem" as a tourist attraction. He said this
s~bmarine was constructed in the 194D's and that it is
app~oximately three to four hundred feet in length. He felt it
had 'historical significance and that it might be a nice
attraction for Clea~water since it must give way to private
de~elop~ent in Tampa. He also stated that he understood that St..
Petersburg and Tarpon Springs were also interested in acquiring
it for'their cities. He said the submarine is owned by the U. S..
Navy" and that if a permanent home is not found, it would be
dismantled ~nd sunk on site. He felt it should be saved and felt
"that Clearwater had adequate wa~er area in which it might be
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t:.;-:.: ,Lo~'s' Mart'in:, inquired about whether or not the City owned.
t.';:' . . the former. Chick Smith Ford property. Mr. Wilson responded that
<::;:,:;':"....,...:, th.e. C.ity, has a current lease on.the property which. expires in a.
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/~'" '::'. There' being no' further business before' the Boa.rd, the
~~;.~' ',meeting 'adjourned at .9:30 p.m'.
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accommodated. He realized it was nn unusual project but felt.
that i~ was worthy of consideration. Members dis6ussed the issue
Bnd Mr. Wilson stated that he had di9cusse~ it with Mr. ~111
Burchfield. The primary concerns expressed by Mr. Burchfield
were ,that maintenance would be costly llnd that if it requi'red
more than eight feet of water, it would not be able to make it
'into Clearwater Bay or the Morina. Mr. Legue said the'
'~rganiz8tio" currently conducting tours on the submarine in Tampa
stated. that .50,000 people went through the vessel this past. year'
.~t $2 each. :Mrs. Tobin felt that parking would be a problem and
suggested that it be located in St. Petersburg since she
~nderstood the Bounty would be leaving. Mr. Legue will gather
.mor~ information about the submarine especially Be it relates to
maintenance costs and to the amount of water it would require.
H~ sai~'h~ ~ould gather this information and report back. to the
Board'.' in Ma rch .
'J ackie To hi n:
no comments.
'Dort Snoyenbos:
no comments.
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