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Monday, November 25, 1985
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1. Approv~l of l~inutes of Honday, October 28th, 1985
.2. Reports
a. David Martin Soccer Field .- Dedication Ceremony
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. b. Sailing Center - Board to be updated on status of
Sailing Center including preliminary
site plan .
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~fj/~<.;"", ,;', . ~~. Tree: Thoughts. Program - Discuss'ion of' Coachman Park
7/,;.:.';':: .' I "",.e. }~arning of city Parks General discussion'
~!;L; ,:' .' ',:f. "other Reports.
~:1~':'~@\ ". ; '.'3. . c~mme~ts by .Board members
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Monday, November 25, 1985
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The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Parks
and Recreation Office at the City Hall Annex on Monday, November 25th, 1985 at
7:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Eric Ford, Or. LaMar MacNutt, Co-Chairperson
Elizabeth McMahon, Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Or. Ira
Berger, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Mark Legue and Mr. Oorr Snoyenbos were unable to
attend. Miss Barbara Tobin visited the meeting and Mr. Ream Wilson was in atten-
Ms. McMahon called the meeting to order and asked for a motion regarding the
last month's minutes. Dr. MacNutt'moved that the Board Minutes of October 28th,
1985 be approved as mailed. Mrs. Tobin seconded the motion which passed.
Ms. McMahon turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports.
David Martin Soccer Field - Members discussed their desire to have a dedi-
cation ceremony to unveil the new sign reading IIDavid Martin Soccer Fieldll.
After considerable discussion as to activities that might take place at. the dedi-
cation ceremony, Dr. MacNutt volunteered to talk to the Martin family to determine
a date, time and program that they feel would be appropriate. The Board decided
that the dedication should be held on any Saturday during the month of January,
1986. Dr. MacNutt, after talking to the Martin family, will contact Ream Wilson
to make final arrangements for the dedication.
Sailing Center - Mr. Wilson showed members a preliminary site plan of the
propo~ed Sailing Center which has been in discussion stages for many months with
a 8a111n9 Center Committee comprised of sailing enthusiasts. Mr. Wilson explained
that'when the preliminary site plan is completed, it will follow the City's regular
: site plan review process. Further, in addition to the preliminary site plan
eventually going to the City Comndssion for consideration, it will be accompanied
by a document explaining the purpose, objectives, estimated revenues and expenses,
management, etc. of the Sailing Center. Currently, intentions are for the Sailing
Center to be operated by the City with one employee on duty at all times when the
Center is open. An advisory comndttee composed of one representative from each
ofChe sailing organizations in Clearwater will also be formed to meet with the
.City employee on a month basis to assist with scheduling and programming. Mr.
Wilson. explained to members that this is a new type project and that considerable
input has come from interested citizens on the committee who are very active in
various sailing programs. primarily, the Pram Sailing Fleet, which now operates
out of the Youth Maritime Center on the Beach, will be housed at the new Sailing
Center on a permanent and full time basis. Other organizations such as the Wind-
lasses will schedule or rent the facility on a regular basis. Red cross classes
and water safety programs could be conducted in addition to contract instructional
classes in various types of small sail boats. The Sailing Center would be limited
to' non-motorized boats not exceeding 20' in length. Several questions were asked
about the draft of the preliminary site plan and considerable discussion ensued.
Mr. Wilson explained that he would send copies of the written information to Board
members for further discussion at the next Board meeting. Once a site plan is
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approved by the City, members of the sailing committeo and community will bogin
a fund-raising ca.mpaign for capital monies. A posnibility exists that monioa
needed to supplement those donated might come from park impact fees collected on
Sand Key. Although more exact cstimates will be forthcoming, thoughts now arc
that the Sailing center might run between $125,000 and $200,000.
Triangle East of County Court House - Mr. Wilson informod members that the
waterfall currently located across Ft. Uarrison Avenue from the County Court
House will be renovated and put back into operation. This work. is scheduled
for conpletion wi thin the next two or three months. Addi tionally, Mr. Nilson
explained to members that Q floating fountain similar to that installed at Glen
Oaks Golf Course was recently placed in the small lake at Coachman Park. Several
members complimented this fountain which Mr. Wilson said assists in keeping the
lake clear and clean.
Tree Thoughts Program - Members were informed that the Clearwater Chamber
of commerce's Beautification Council is undertaking a new Tree Thoughts Program
which will be located at Coachman Park. BasicallYf approximately ten large oak
,trees will be purchased and planted in accord with the conceptual landscape plan
prepared by the landscape architect firm during the Bayfront Referendum. Old and
large shrub materials have been removed which was complimented by several Board
. members. People wishing to participate in this year r S Tree Thoughts Program are
encouraged to contact the Chamber of Con~erce. For a donation of $100 or more a
participant could have an. occasion remembered on a bronze plaque. However,
smaller contributions of $l or more are also appreciated.
Naming of city Parks - Mr. Wilson generally discussed with members a letter
and proposal which was forwarded to the City Comrrdssion by the Tench family.
Basically, the proposal included the donation of at least $8,000 worth of play-
ground apparatus and support equipment. Also, the Tench family requested consid-
eration in naming the park (the Billy Tench Park). Although members agreed that
the proposal was most generous; they felt tllat it did not quite meet all of the
criteria listed in Resolution No. 80-82. This Resolution was passed in 1980 and
outlined various criteria that would be taken into consideration when naming City
parks and recreation facilities. Rather than re-narning the park, members suggested
that it might be more appropriate to install a plaque or other identification
located near the apparatus explaining that it was donated in the memory of Billy
Tench.. In the event this is acceptable to the Tench family, Mrs. Jackie Tobin
moved that the Board approve the installation of a plaque to recognize the play-
ground apparatus donation in the memory of Billy Tench. This motion was seconded
by Mr. Ford which passed.
The proposal submitted by the Tench family is the first of this type to come
before the Parks and Recreation Board. This being the case, and in the event future
similar proposals are received, discussion ensued as to whether or not a new policy
should be adopted. Mr. Wood expressed that it might be better not to have specific
regulations hut that each request should be considered on its own merit. Dr.
MacNutt explained that tile existing resolution concerning the naming of parks had
worked well for several years. He and other Board members felt that the criteria
should not be changed to meet each'request that might come before the Board.
. Members' did not feel it appropriate to establish a new policy in that the exist-
ing policy has proved successful. However, members felt that more consideration
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might:. be given to changes in the future. MomberEl discuasod the fact thDt Bome
donations, including playground apparat.us, are very valuable to the City but re-
quire considerable oxponditureD onch year on a pormanent basis for maintenance
and replacement. Also, residents contributing toward various recreation facilitios
should be made aware of the life expectancy of thoso facili tics. For example,
playground apparatus might last five or six years and itts difficult to say at
this time that the city would be in a position fivo or six years from now to
afford replacement apparatus if such should become necossary. he it related to
the proposal from the Tench family, Hrs. Tobin Guggostcd that the family should
know exactly what their money would be purchasing. Besides playground equipment,
items such as benches, tables, water fountains, waste baskets, mulch and railroad
ties are quite costly and could further reduce the amount of apparatus that might
be placed at'the site. Mr. wilson responded that he would contact Mrs. Tench and
inform her that the Board recommends tllat the donation be recognized by the in~
stallation of a plaque.
other Reports
1. Skycrest Baptist Church Property - Mr. Wilson informed Board members
that Skycrest Baptist Church had recently had a MAl appraisal o~ the thirteen
acres they own between Airp'ort Drive and Drew Street. The appraisal was in the.
. amount of $450,000 and members were informed that City staff will be recommending
this purchase to the City commission.
2. Members were also advised that a site of approximately 1.4 acres of land
might be available for purchase immediately north of the soccer fields at Eddie C.
Moore Recreation Complex. In the event this property is available, Mr. Wilson recom-
mended! ts, purchase to supplement parking needs to service the softball and soccer
fields at the Complex. The acquisition of this site for parking will help reduce
the i1T!i?act of losing spaces on the east side of the Complex to the expansion of
McMullen Booth Road and to the loss of overflow space on the south to the expansion
of Drew Street. Parking is critical at this Complex and sufficient spaces are not
available under present conditions'. In the event the 1. 4 acres is available and'
approved by the City, sufficient monies from impact fees are available in the area.
It.would be a valuable acquisition and the impact fees are required to be expended
on the acquisition of property.
Comments by Board Members
Charles Wood - Suggested that that Department resume the practice of placing
the time of the Parks and Recreation Board meetings on the agendas that are mailed
to members.
Elizabeth McM~lon - No comment.
Eric Ford - Informed members that the City had recently resodded the goal
mouth on'the upper soccer field at the Eddie Moore Complex and that the sod is
lookinqgood. Also, he said that the sod is being watered by the Groundskeeper
and that the mowing which recently took place under the trees looks very attractive.
Dr. LaMar MacNutt - No comment.
.Jackie Tobin - Because of the Christmas holidays in December, Mrs. Tobin moved
that, the Parks and Recreation Board meeting scheduled for Monday, December 23rd
be.cancelled~ Dr. MacNutt seconded this motion which passed. The next meeting
of the Board will be on Monday, January 27th, 1986.
. ' .There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
'9:05 p.m.
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