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Monday, AuguBt 26th, 19n~
The reg u 18 r me c tin g 0 f the P R r k H n n d It (t C rOIl t 11) n no n r cl W II U
held at Norton/Ed Wright Park on Monday, Augu~t 26th, 1985, At
7 : 00 p. m . Me m b e r s pre IJ c n tin c 1 u d e d II r. 1 r 0 n erR 0 r, Mr. I~ r i c
Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Or. LaMar MBcNutt, Co-ChnlrpofHon
.Elizabeth McMahon, Mr. Dorr SnoyeuboB, MrH. Jacquelyn Tobln "od
Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Mr. Mark Laguo hod cnllod
previously and was unable to attend the meeting. AlBo in
attendance were Mr. Ream Wilson nnd Mr. Steve MIller.
Mrs. McMahon called the meeting to order at 7tOO p.m. Mr.
Fuchs moved that the Board Minutes of Monday, July 22nd, 1985, be
approved as mailed. This motion was seconded by Hr. Snoycnbo8
and passed.
CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET - At the request of Board
members, Mr. Wilson distributed budget document pages of the
Capital Improvement Program for 1985/86. He explained that the
City Commission will be holding public hearings on the budgets on
September 5th and September 19th. He stated that if any Board
members had questions or comments regarding the budget8 that they
might wish to attend one of these budget hCBrlnga. Members
~xpre88ed concern that their top aix priority projects were not
funded. An exception to this Ie Morningside Recreation Center
which was the Board's number one priority. However, rather than
being funded at the requested amount of $120,000, it received
general revenue in the amount of $20,000. Mr. Wilson explained
that tbe Recreation Division is studying the building now and
. that every effort would be made to Bpend the $20,000 in the most
appropriate fashion in order to operate the building 9S a
recreation center at the earliest time. The only other project
receiving general revenue monies was '50,000 for additional
development of the soccer/football fields on McMullen Booth Road.
Mr. Wilson explained that general revenue monies were short and
that~parks and recreation projects had to compete with projects
submitted by other departments for these limited dollars. Also,
items 'such as the City's self-insurance program had a big impact
on ,the amount of general revenues available for capital projects.
Although ,many possible parks and recreation projects were
submitted. the decisions on which projects to fund with general
revenue were difficult because of limited dollars. Additional
funding for 1985/86 projects involve park impact fees. This
includes a possible sailing center on Sand Key from impact money
which must be spent on Sand Key.
The original part of this Board meeting was h~ld in the
Plumb House and Mr. Wilson distributed copies of documents about
tbe Plumb House history and about the Neighborhood Housing
Service which operates an office out of the facility. The
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Neighborhood Houslng Service a190 keeps the building open for
tours by the general public.
Following this initial part of the meeting, tbe meeting was
turned over to Mr. Steve Mille~, Superintendent of Recreation.
Mr. WilBon explained about other facilities on the Norton/Ed
Wright Park property and a tour was conducted. Members started
at the horseshoe courts where Mr. Miller explained that the
Horseshoe Cl,ub 18 composed ,of approximately 75 members. He
stated that the members do most of the maintenance and that the
cou~ts are considered among finest in the country. Southern and
national 'tournaments are conducted on the site. Following this
. visit, Mr. Miller explained the Physical Fitness Course which was
recently,lnstalled along the 'new sidewalk. This Course is
des~gned for senior adults and was acquired in a cooperative
effprt with Morton Plant Hospital. Participants in the
Therapeut~c Recreation program were taking 'part in a fishing
, class 6n the bridge and Mr. Miller explained that this program is
.under the, direction of Mr. Tom .Mudano. Following this walk.
members visited tbe Norton Park Recreation Center where an arts
and, crafts class of therapeutic participants was in progress.
Als~~ a~tivities involving teenagers were being conducted in the
iarge ioom. Visits then we~e made to .the swimming pool and to
the football field where, Clearwater For Youth football program
was'in session.
, Memb~r8 expressed their appreciation to Mr. Miller for the
~~ur and for. hIs informative session. There being no further
business .before .t'he Roardt the meeting adjourned.
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