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Monday, May 20th, 1985
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Approval of Board Minutes for meeting of Monday, April 22nd,
2. ' Reports'
Non-Resident Fees - General discussion and recommendations
of ,Board relating to possible adjustments and revisions
to be.proposed for non-resident recreation fees. Steve
Miller, Recreation Superintendent, will attend meeting
and provide information. .
. b. Properties - Status of properties that may be considered
as, park purchases by the City.
. a.
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, .'
status. of Existing Capital Projects - Countryside soccer/
. football' fields, Clearwater Bomber Field, Clearwater Beach
triangle, Countryside Community Park, Eddie C. Moore Rest-
,room/storage building, etc.
... .d.".. Response to Board Members Comments
" .L Parking area .a.t Carpenter Field
'2. ,Dugouts - Obscenities
.. 3.. Irrigation Pipe at Sid Lickton. Field
. 4.:Palm trees at Cliff Stephens Park
. c.
, , . e.. Other Report~s.
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.3.'...'-.B~'a,r4 Member Comments
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Monday, May 20, 1985
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. The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board which is normally
held on the fourth Monday of the month, was held at the City Hall Annex, 10 S.
Missouri Avenue, on Monday, May 20th, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. The meeting was moved
up one week due to the Memorial Day holiday occurring on Monday, May 27th.
Members present included Mr. Eric Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Mark Lague, Mr.
Dorr Snoyenbos, Mrs. Jacquelyn Tobin and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Dr. Ira
Berger, Dr. LaMarr MacNutt and Co-Chairperson Elizabeth Mcl~ahon were unable to
attend. Also in attandance were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Steve Miller, Superin-
tendent of Recreation.
In the absence of a Chairperson at the beginning of the meeting, members
asked Mr. Fuchs to serve as temporary chairman.
Mrs. Tobin moved that the Board Minutes of Monday, April 22nd, 1985, be
approved as mailed. Mr. Snoyenbos seconded this motion which passed.
CO-Chairperson Charles Wood arrived at this time and turned the meeting over
to Mr. Wilson for reports.
Non-Resident Fees - Mr. Wilson introduced Mr. Steve Miller, Superintendent
of Recreation, and explained that Mr. Miller and his staff are heavily inVolved
in the City of Clearwater's non-resident fee program. Mr. Wilson said that Board
members, at the last meeting, had asked staff to give more thought to new fees
.that might be proposed for non-residents who participate in recreation programs.
Mr. Wilson stated that this has been done and turned this portion of the meeting
over..to Mr. Miller. Hr. Miller distributed copies of a revised non-resident reso-
'lution for Board members information. He explained that, if approved, new fees
w9~ld take effect on October 1st, 1985. Also, fees that would be recommended to
the 'City Commission are as follows:
1. Increase annual individual carq from $30.00 to $35.00. This represents.
the per capita cost of recreation services in Clearwater. The entire
~ecreation .budget was divided by the estimated population of Clearwater,
93,000 people.
2. Increase the cost of the quarterly individual card which is good from
'September 1st through December 31st from $15.00 to $20.00.
3. Establish a new category of annual membership by way of a II family card"
for the fee of $87.50. This figure is 2.5 times the cost of an annual
individual card.
4. Establish a new quarterly family card which would be good from September
lstthrough December 31st of each year for a fee of $50.00.
5. A $2.00 daily guest fee at all tennis facilities would remain the same
as this year.
6. As is charged this year, keep in effect a $1.00 admission fee for
children 17 and under and $2.00 admission fee for adults Ie and over
at all City swimming pools for "open swim" programs only. As indicated,
these charges are the same as currently in effect.
7. Establish a new non-resident fee for classes/programs. In these instances,
in the event a non-resident did not wish to purcl\ase an annual card, he
would have the option of participating and paying the regular class or
program fee currently charged plus an additional fee of 50% for activities
offered on a session basis. Staff feels that this option will improve
attendance in some classes and programs which otherwise might have to
be cancelled due to an insufficient number of participants. When classes
are cancelled, city residents wishing to take those classes are penalized.
B. Establish a new optional fee of $20.00 per person for a single season
Adult Athletic League. For example, a non-resldent wishing to participate
in the City's basketball league, may pay an additional $20.00 non-resident
fee for this particular season. However, if this person should wish to
participate in more than one league, it would be to his advantage to pur-
chase a $35.00 individual annual card.
Mr. Miller summarized that the above recommendations should result in an in-
crease in revenue while assisting class and program participation. Rather than
having to purchase an annual card for any participation, a non-resident will have
several options.
Board members discussed each of these recommendations in detail and asked
questions of Mr. Miller. Following considerable discussion, members felt that
the proposed resolution was fair. Mr. Fuchs moved that the Board recommend approval
. of the proposed non-resident resolution. The motion was seconded by Mr. Ford and
passed unanimoUSly. Board members thanked Mr. Miller for coming to the meeting and
for explaining the non-resident fee policy.
.Properties - Mr. wilson discussed with Board members two pieces of property
.currently being considered for possible purchase as parkland. The Skycrest Baptist
Church property consists of thirteen acres and the original aSking price was $700,000.
Mr. Wilson stated that feeling at the present time is that an appraisal of the prop-
erty shOUld be secured taking into consideration the zoning and soil conditions of
the property. Mr. Wilson stated that he would keep members informed of tllis item.
Further, Mr. Wilson explained that meetings will be held with the owners of a
twenty-five acre parcel, of property on Belcher Road. This property is immediately
across from the Fire Station and would provide a linear green. space from Belcher
Road almost to Tampa Bay. Members will be kept apprised of this item. Board members
at previou~ meetings had recommended the acquisition of park properties as their
number one priority.
Status of Existing Capital Projects - Mr. ,Wilson explained that the irrigation
system being installed at the Countryside soccer/football fields is almost complete.
Final connections will be made in hopes that waste water could be used from the ~orth-
east Water Pollution Control Plant. Members were advised that the Clearwater Bomber
Field has been completed an4 Mrs. Tobin stated that she had visited the fleld and
felt that it was most attractive. Mr. Wilson also explained that the landscaping
of the Clearwater Beach Triangle has been completed with the exception of some
wede1ia and beach sand. Also, lettering for the'sign should be installod around
the first of June. A 100 car parking lot has recently been installed at Country-
side community Park and the restroom/storage building for the Eddie C. Moore
Recreation Complex should be undor construction within the next week or two.
Response to Board Members Comments - Mr. Wilson explained that some grading
and material had been placed on the parking area immediately west of Carpenter
Field. Brs. Tobin indicated that the material is very dusty and feels it could
be a problem. Mr. Wilson explained that Ilmerock had been used and that conditions
have been very dry. However, if future rains donlt help solve the problem, addi-
tional materials will be used to cover the limerock. Mr. Wilson also explained
that obscenities had been painted out at the dugouts of Sid Lickton and Norton
Park fields and that the irrigation pipe had been removed from the well site of
Sid Lickton Field. Also, the two palm trees have been removed from Cliff Stephens
Board Member Comments
Mrs. Tobin - Brought up the idea of the Board taking tours of recreation
facilities during the summer months. A decision was made by Board members for
the June meeting to be held at the Clearwater Bombers. softball field at 7 p.m.
This will give members an opportunity to view this new facility and Mr. Wilson
will have two cars available to visit two or three other facilities in the
Countryside area. Members expressed a desire to continue this program through
~ the summer months so that they could have a better idea of facilities around the
~~ City. Members asked that Mr. \'li150n send letters to each Board member reminding
them that the June meeting will be moved from the City Hall Annex to the Clear-
water Bomber.fi~ld. Mr. Wilson stated that this would be done.
Mr. Snoyenbos - No comment.
Mr. Fuchs - E~ressed appreciation to Mr. Miller for his fine presentation of
the non-resident resolution. Mr. Fuchs also complimented the Pprks and Recreation
newspaper that was recently prepared by the Recreation Division. Mr. Fuchs recom-
. mended that this newspaper be sent to the l~ational Parks and Recreation Association
as well as the Florida Recreation and Parks Association. Further, Mr. Fuchs asked
if a dedication ceremony has been planned for the unveiling of a sign in memory
of David Martin. Members felt that a dedication ceremony would be appropriate
. and Mr. Wilson stated that he would forward this recommendation to the City Manager.
Further, if approved by the City Manager and commission, Mr. Wilson suggested that
a ceremony be coordinated between his office and the Youth Soccer Associations.
Mr~ Wilson stated that he would keep members informed of this program.
Mr. Wood - No comment.
Mr. Legue - Asked if fencing couldn1t be placed at Morningside separating the
small play field from the sidewalk which runs along the east side of the bath house
building. He said the playfield is very popular and worthwhile but that some balls
are kicked against the building as other children are walking along the sidewalk.
Mr. Wilson stated that. he would investigate this with staff and report back at the
next Board meeting.
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Mr. Ford - Indicated that the non-resident resolution draft is fair for all
concerned. He also felt that a dedication ceremony in memory of oavid Martin
.to be appropriate. He volunteered to assist the City in the event a ceremony is
held. .Mr. Ford also asked about a pollution control plant which is located just
northwest of the Eddie Moore. soccer fields. Mr. Wilson explained that.this is
a private plant and that he didn't. feel waste water would be available for irri-
gation of the soccer fields. Finally, Mr. Ford indicated that members of the
Soccer Association would be more than happy to help the. City in watering the .
soccer-fields at Eddie C. Moore in keeping with the water restrictions. .For
. example, Mr. wilson stated that city groundskeepers now water the fields every
other morning prior to 7 a.m. In this case, Mr~ Ford said that soccer people
cOuld volunteer to water the fields on the same day after 9 p.m. Mr. Wilson
.' f .
. stated that this appeared to have merit and that he would get back with Mr. Ford.
.There being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at
9:45 p~m.
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