04/22/1985 \ ' // , I V :,'~ 'I~ ~ AGENDA '/ ,,,r ,/ , , ;- '~ '. " ' PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD /' / , " .' Monday, April 22, 1985 .' /, ,',,;,: ,," . 1. Approval of Board Minutes for meeting of March 25, 1985. 2. Introduction of new Board member, Mr. Mark Lague. 3. Letter from City Manager, Anthony Shoemaker, relative to Boardls recommendations for Capital Improvement projects. 4. . Reports ,', ::.,-: ~t:@. ~;:;/ . ... ~J.. ,,: ' i\1~i::' ,'. '.' '~,r ,: " \'. .' ;:ut,':,:'; ~:;JI . '<;: '" . :. . , ~~'~:~:.'. ': .' . . ;~.),,'.~"~':',:', I'", I' ' ","~.:> ' '\'~ .....' . , , u , .. " , .' a. Court street Soccer Field - status of Board I s recommen- dation for naming this fIeld in memory of David Martin~ b. ~erties -,status of proposed park pro~erties that mrgEt be cons~dered for purchase by the C1ty. c. status' of existing CaEital Projects -, Countryside Soccerl Football" Fields, Clearwater Beach Triangle, Countryside community 'park, Eddie C. Moore Restroom/Storage Building, Clearwater Bomber Field, etc. .. ,'., " " ' 'I'd. Non-resident Fees - Discussion as to IInon-resident fees" , w~ich, are paid by non City of Clearwater residents who participate in recreation programs. , , . ',e. , other' Reports Board,f.1ember comments' ,'6., ,'Adjournme~t ,I ~! ~L <.~. I ~ ~ ;~: .' , ~~'j~,;',;',.... ',.. '" ,.;. ~;";,;', .. '... ...: ~t(;:,C '.. ' , , Iti.;:' . ..., ' ~~3r :', , :. .:.: '~. . ~ ~,\ i:".'~~ .....l ,~: " ,', . o ,.,( 0" .' ..:. ~1 1; . PARKS AND RECREATION BqARD MINUTES Monday, April 22, 1985 The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the City Hall Annex, 10 s. Missouri Avenue, on Monday, April 22nd, 19S5, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Or. Ira Berger, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mr. Mark Legue, Dr. LaMar MacNutt, Co-Chairperson Elizabeth McMahon, Mr. Dorr Snoyenbos, and Mrs. Jacqueline Tobin. Co-Chairperson Charles Wood and Mr. Eric Ford were unable to attend. Also in attendance was Mr. Re~' Wilson. In the absence of a chairperson at the beginning of the meeting, members asked Mr. Fuchs to serve as temporary chairman. Mrs. Tobin moved that the Board Minutes of Monday, March 25th, 1985, be approved as mailed. Mr. Snoyenbos seconded this motion which passed. Mr. Fuchs introduced new Board member Mark Legue. Members welcomed z.tr. Legue to the Board. Mr. Fuchs mentioned the letter that was sent by the City Manager to Mr. Wood and Ms. McMahon relative to the Board's recommendations for capital improvement projects. Mr. Wilson responded that this letter was sent by the City Manager to confirm his receipt of the Board's recommendations as to priority capital improve- ment projects for the 1985/86 fiscal year. The Manager mentioned in the letter that a copy of the Board's recommendations would be sent to the City Commission for their information. Mr. Fuchs turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. Since Dr. MacNutt would be required to leave the meeting early, the suggestion was made that i tero (d) ,be discussed first. Non-Resident Fees - Mr. Wilson distributed to members a draft copy of an amended resolution which is currently being considered by staff for submittal to the, City Commission. Members read copies of the resolution and Mr. Wilson e~lained that it is identical to the resolution currently in effect with the exception of two items. Specifically, these include item (e) which allows for non-residents to participate in Class/programs for the regular fee plus 50% extra as a non-resident 'fee. This additional non-resident classification is suggested in order to assure full'class loads at many classes which now may have to be cancelled because of having to pay a $30.00 annual fee for a six or eight week class, they would be allowed to,participate in one class or program for the regular class fee plus an additional fee of 50\. This proposal may indirectly be of benefit to City residents who 'would then be able to participate in classes which otherwise might be cancelled because of an inadequate number of people. Also, non-resident revenues may be in- creased as a result. Aquatic teams and adult athletic leagues a~e excluded from this new classification in that they operate on a twelve-month basis. Mr. Fuchs asked if they would be exempt and Mr. Wilson responded that participants on aquatic teams or in adult athletic leagues would still be required to pay the annual non- resident fee or a partial fee after september 1st. The othe~ suggested classifi- cation to be added is (f). This classification would allow a non-resident to pay a $l5~OO per person single season fee for adult athletic leagues excluding soft- ball programs. Softball programs would be excluded because they operate on a year round ~asis and a full year's fee would be required. /;j},c(,"{~ !~'~': r ,,'.<'c,l :;, :~r~':' " t; ~ . . / t: I j(c, .. I ".~', " ", '. "",' < I ,,\',' ~~j, , ".; ", j " ,', ",.\..'" ''It. I,' " ',\.>,> ".'/". '~':",':"'" ,j,. i .'~ . .. .. . Members discusBod ~le resolution in detail. Dr. Berger suggested that tho Department continue to warn participants in the slowpitch program about tho poss- ibility of teams forfeiting games in the event thoy have non-residents who do not have active cards. Mr. Wilson stated that this was being done but that he would emphasize it further. Mr. Logue Buggested that the annual non-resident fee be increased above the existing $50.00. The eXisting feo was established in 1982 and it is lower than that charged in nearby cities. Mrs. Tobin stated that she recently paid $50.00 as a non-resident fee for her daughter to partic- ipate in tho swimming program in Largo. Mr. Snoyenbos expressed concern about increasing the fee too much above what might he considered as appropriate. Mr. Wilson responded that the fee is normally established by dividing the recreation operating budget by the total population of Clearwater to arrive at a per capita cost. Further discussion ensued and the Board asked Mr. Wilson to discuss possible increases with his staff so that additional information might be presented to the Board at the May meeting. Specifically, the Board suggested three areas of study. First, study the annual fee of $30.00 to see if it would be appropriate to increase it to $40.00 or more. Mr. Wilson stated that this could easily be done and that it should be based on new budget and population figures. Second, the existing fee of $15.00 paid by non-residents after September 1st for the remainder of each calendar year should be adjusted to represent one-half of whatever the new annual fee might be. Third, Mrs. Tobin suggested that consideration be given to a fee for families. Mr. Wilson stated that he had discussed this with the staff and the feeling is that a family fee might appropriately be set at two and one- half times the annual rate. For example, if the annual rate is $30.00, a family fee might be $75.00. Mr. Wilson felt 'that this would be appropriate in that families of four or five people would now have to pay $30.00 per person Or $120.00 or $150.00 respectively. Since many families might be unable to pay this fee, a reduced family fee would be more attractive. Also,'Mr. Wilson felt that non- residents would still be paying their fair share. Members asked that the above information be provided if it was not too much trouble. Mr. Wilson responded that it was not and that it would be discussed at the next meeting. He felt Parks and Recreation Board input would be appropriate in this matter since the final decision would be made by the City Commission. Mr. Snoyenbos asked about tourists who stay in Clearwater at Clearwater motels. Mr. Wilson responded that a tourist staying inside the City of Clearwater is treated as a resident since he indirectly pays property taxes through his room rental. Howeverf a tourist staying outside the City of Clearwater is treated as a non-resident. Mrs. Tobin inquired about the $2.00 daily fee at McMullen Park Tennis Complex. Mr. Wilson responded that this fee is not abused and that it is used sparingly by those people that might be in town for a few days and only want to play tennis on a limited basis. Oftentimes, these people may be playing with a City resident and otherwise would need to pay a $30.00 annual fee for only one o~ two times of use. Court Street Soccer Field - Mr. Wilson reported that the Board's recommenda- tion to name the Court Street Soccer Field in memory of David Martin was approved by the City Commission. An appropriate sign has been ordered and will be installed in the near future. properties - Mr. Wilson explained that two parcels of land are currently being considered by the City for possible purchase as park properties. He said a dilemma exists in that the properties are available now but that adequate assessment fees have not been collected to pay cash. He mentioned that a written report will be submitted to the City Co~ssion regarding the skycrest Baptist church property -2- "'::';~,::,'\',:, ,::;,..,'j,t,:,:,',;:'~: ?,:;;,,\'i~;"":::(",)~:"'i,;,!,)i,~r'::',~,:;:':,?~';1:.:,I,~?<j:fY,';:;'i;;;;~)~::,r~"'.I~':'~":';\"'~:;~~ .H,.. _ '~ fl " '.',.'... ., . ":<('~':.''. i'J J~ ' '"1. t,',':" ,. , .' 'I " -" " ""~' ;_:", ..,',",',~.",:ll',:. ," :,:c,,' (~>'" ,h ,.'~' ',~~',~, .' ~l \.: ,'.,' .... \" ' ',"::.,',;.,::':'.:,','.,',:,..',.'>'.',:.,~,:~~,...,::"~,,:,l.',,.,'.',',:,:::,',,:,.'.:::::~ ~. ::l'::~u~:~<\/", .:>.:. ";.,J~' .., '\, ".,'/.:~ ',', '!::."~ :- ",; , ,,: ",;', '. 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' i.:'i ;"\';' .."';' , '\ .;~,;; /i: :' :,:' ";:,; ':t/"':::;;. C::: I., J ;';/,i: '..., '~,',,:,"":',:~,~:""':'!:'<,;,I:,~:,::'t:;~\~.:..;'...". " I' lei ,. '~'.' ",>\: '~::"I::~:.:.~.':?<;' ,". .,,/~. ,l, ,:".1 ~,I,'" _ .".."t.[ :.'.l'.,'~.'l;~. ,fJ 'T,.II .\'.::~ :;: 'J' .\" ' . '. ",: .,:'~: ~T\, 0 .... _~ ,I.. " .!. ..- 0 I" .' (~ ~;I ;, " , :" ,': ~ ,,' , '" f 'I "J' ~"\l :.; ;': l~ ~',A o ,~' ~ '. ~ . " , , " " , ":' ,l.', ".\ :,":.'.":;,' . . .,' ~ ..~ 'l '," .:( J " :':Ir~: "," . '~. . I,'.' .'~""', , , , ,.:.t"" ',.." ~~,~..,;t,_.' ~ 'I.')::" .::': \ ".. , , . '0' and that financing options will be presented. The Board reitorated that land acquisition should be a top priority of the city in that it is quickly disappear- ing and may not be available when needed in ~le future. Status of Existing Capital Projects - Mr. Wilson reported that the irrigation system is presently being installed at the Countryside Soccer/Football Fields in preparation for grassing. Also, an irrigation system is presently being installed at the Clearwater Beach triangle which will be followed by the installation of landscape material. The Countryside community Park parking lot is under con- struction with a sixty day completion period. A pre-construction conference will be held for the Eddie C. Moore restroom/storage building with construction hope- fully to begin in early May. The Clearwater Bomber stadium is progressing in hopes of having it ready for the opening Bomber game of May 4th. Board Member Comments - Mrs. Tobin inqUired about the status of the Morningside Recreation Center (Coconuts). Mr. Wilson stated that the attorneys are still working on the con- tracts and members will be apprised of further developments. Mrs. Tobin also suggested that parking facilities at Carpenter Field be improved on the Florida Power right-of-way. She stated that many bumps exist in the dirt roadway and that grading might be necessary. Mr. Wilson stated tha~ he would look into this. Mr. Snoyenbos had no comments. Mr. Fuchs stated that he was most interested in the non-resident fees and suggested that the Board be contacted in the event a report is required by the city Comrrdssion prior to the next Parks and Recreation Board meeting. Mr. Wilson stated tbat this would be done. Mr. Fuchs also inquired about the status of the Edgewater Drive project. Mr. Wilson stated that monies have been requested as a part of the 1985/86 capital improvement budget but that a decision will not be known ~or a period of time. However, he informed Mr. Fuchs that he was instructed by the City Manager's office to submit an agenda item to the City Comndssion for , their regular meeting of Thursday, May 2nd, requesting approval from the City commission to construct a six or eight car parking lot at the site using monies that have been donated by the private sector. If this is approved, the Engineer- ing Department would be asked to prepare specifications which then would be let for bid. Following receipt of bids, an award would be conside~ed by the city Commission and construction could begin. Mr. Wilson explained that the proposed parking lot is in the location of the former Edgewater Drive hotel and that it would use an existing curb cut off of Edgewater Drive. It is directly across the street from the Edgewater Drive Motel. He felt that a paved parking lot would serve two primary purposes. First, it would eliminate dust from blowing into the motel swimming pools across the street and improve the beautification of the area. Second, it would contain cars in the specific area and preclude them from progres- sing either to the north or SOUtil along the grass parkway. Dr. Berger had no comments. Mr. Legue stated that the City recently painted several dugouts at the Sid Lickton Little League complex but that obscenities still exist on one of the dugouts. Also, he. said that this sarne condition exists on the dugouts at Ross Norton Park. .t., -3- ;t+ . (!.~: t'. ,<..,(:, , i~ ':. ',' J~>,' ; . " ~~~,~:::, , .~~i\'t'. . l if:,;:'.' . ~~i~':,' , '1:..,......,. , ' , ~;\'c','" '. '.~. ~ .c.,,' , '!~~v:, ,,'. c 'c ''\" iJ~tf.;" l;~}~~~:~. .<:, ~.: < '+ ",.- ~-:':;: :f':';:' ~~jt~'~ ;,"':- ,I..'" ~Tt ' j\:;' '. .. 'I,' {.',:."" J:'~ /'''. ~tJ :.". . ..',' '. ~i {". ~. ~~I{':':; '/,'" ',if' I', ' ~ .,~ c. ~2~?,: ~'" ' '\.. '!: '. , '.\'. (~d', .- /'>" ..:"'. ':;,::'}:::.' " .. t~.~; : '.' ~ .~." . :;,;),',... . ....' ~ , ~~i~"".' ' ~t.:....... \~~\::.. ,:',,' f'}:':':>;,~": , r,' " '~::.~:.,!!;' .: . ~~~:'~'~;:"" ' :. (. ~'i{::':'; ~,1,'.1 c.:: }:-~i'/:" . "&~<;:.;;'.:"'" ' ~;t)<~~~ ' ~ Jtr~;~::'< f'I,~'~~l', '. . L' :~:::~.~.~: ~ ,~ir~>' " ' ,.. ;..-; .,.::- . i Mr. Wilson stated that he would report this situation to the Building Maintenance Division. Mr. Lague also reported that' the irrigation system at Sid Lickton was recently repaired but that old,pipe is still being stored in the fenced in com- pound by the well. ,He asked if this might be removed in the future. Mr. Wilson responded that it would be~ Mr. Lague mentioned that Cliff Stephens Park looked excellent. but that two palm trees' near the dock have fallen over. Mr. Wilson stated that he would look into this situation. "Ms. McMahon ,asked Mr. Wilson to send her suggestions that might be considered , by, the Beautification Council of the Chamber of Commerce for the next Tree Thoughts Pro9ram~' Mr. Wilson stated that he would do this and asked Ms. McMahon to con- sider the area on the immediate east side of the downtown Clearwater Library, , betwe13n the: building and the sidewalk.. ,Ms. McMahon felt that this might have possibilities and'stated that she would look into it. ' 'There:being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at 8:45p.m. .,'j , '~,. ",' ". ,'l- ,', ,', . , :' ~; . '" ',> , , , ". ,I., ,....: . i' " ' .. " ,', , . ~ " , ' , .', ' \ . "'1 ., ,',." ,\ " '1 :' . . j I ~ . " . I ~ . ' :.1 }: ~<. , . , ',I " , '., I T<' ~ \ , ; " ' ",' ,I . . ," '" .': -4-