01/28/1985 _1:)01, .' '.! :~'" ! ~~: . )-~.' .' (. ~.:~.;> '~.. :~.t '.':.;~~, )of':>", ';' -t, :, ;,~ ", 'I ,:5 .' . .. 1 '~ ,.~ ~ ,{. , .'1' " ' "j' , ., .', . PARKS' AND RECREATION BOARD j~;',~ ,~ f;r: ;~!?':. :-:-:' 'AGENDA /, ,/ . Monday, January 28, 1985 ~~:;( ';' " ,1:. ",.' ~l/+: ~/. :1 ~,(, ~ .' ?;~,,', ' ' '. ' j\'~ ~:.1~~::"~' :"'I.P:...~c 't ~,(! :i'; ~ ':(l'.;;t~ '. 1{I'F.;' ~U;/~~.. ' p"~"~" , :d;~L':'~,!:.,:, '.~, ~. ' Jr' ....~..,. , /!- ~,t"r.'::,:~{',": '" '..<:', ", " , ,::.~':::;,,:,<~:,! '!') , ~~~,y.:' :'.' d'. ,McMullen Park, Tennis' Complex - Discussion of roadway, ~~h::.('::',:.,..::.,., :'.':', "" :." from, Tropic Hills. ~?:.:;~:, ;:: :..', ~,,: ", .; , ~'~'" Coachman Park and Bayfront General Discussion. ~1iL~:',"':; '.' 'f~S~iiing Center - Status Report and Discussion. :;';.;':::{'{,'.::':;,'.'. ..' " g.:..Response ,to Board Members I Comments -Fencing along, ~~f.':~,,>:>,:'. '.':':/,', '''. Bayfront t~~<(,~: ~:..~:,......:.:'. '::."'.:: .:' >"h" o~er . '~%~/}'I:<:,;,:<,..".'.;> "! ' .. 0 .', , Rel?orts &:~""'..";,: ','..,. ." 3 ':'Cominents' by Board Members' ~~i~+;;:.,~'. .' :.';, . :: ;....~.. ',. ...:.,~'. .'. . .. ~ ~ ", . '. . )~~';f~..~'~:'::."c ,':..'~ I :...., .' ..~.... . ;;:/", , :' ".,' ':'~ 0' AdJournment ;;\}f:::i> ::'," ".":,' '.. .' " " . ,. '. , ~...:~'!"..\.. "',, ~~/;,:'<:_::'_, '.' ~,',,:. ,,';1 tf;~, " " - .: : I I~'i/ . :. ". g;1.:~{. .y \ """.. :.,' .i " '" "it. i.',.~.~ -:.. .. ~ . , i '. '.< <' ~tY:" . '. ~,:';'.. '" " " ~~:':~':e' ',;'" . ,.1 ',. i..~},~ " I . " c , . .' " :f-:,';~"", ., " ',:' .... ::,:,. . ",., ,': k,.", '. ~~X<':'~:" ::::.', ': j~,,.,,,,., ' ~(:f./~ ":".~':, ;" '.: i, .' ~. '. "". '~i~; i'::~ ;.{t;.\"l. ' ,'. ' ~~~11 */:', . ',~ ~ 1. Approval of Board Minutes of Thursday, November 26th, 1984. 2. Reports' , , ,I ',:: c : ,'I'.:": :: >ci ;:~ , ..'.' . ~: ", . ' ~ Board Dinner - Holiday, Inn Surfside, February 26, 6 p'.m. .' ",b'o Clearwater Bombers - status Report on Facilities being , , , constructed at carpenter Field. .' . :,.1 ,:'Co'McMullen Soccer/Football Fields, - Status Report. , ::\; '. t. ,; .., , , ',\: , .. , ; .', " "t.; , :;: 'w'" . . . . ~ ". . , t".. Mrs. Schultz moved that the Board Minutes of Monday, November 26th, 1984, be approved. Mr. Ford seconded the motion which passed. I J PARKS AND RECREATION B01\RD ,. l>UNUTES . Monday, J llnua:ry 28, 1985 The regular meot~ng of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the City Hall Annex, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on Monday, January 28th, 1985, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Dr. Ira Berger, Mr. Eric Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs; Co- Chairperson Oiann Schultz and Co-Chairperson Charles Wood. Mr. Alison Fincher, Dr. LaMar MacNutt, Mrs. Nancy Morgan and Ms. Jacquelyn Tobin were unable to attend. Mr. Ream Wilson was also in attendance. Mrs. Schultz turned the meeting over to Mr. Wilson for reports. 1. Board Dinner - Mr. Wilson reminded members that the city dinner for lay Board me~rs is scheduled for the Holiday Inn Surfside on February 26th at 6 p.m. Members indicated that they had received notice of this dinner. , ",: :j~' '~" ;.: : r 2. Clearwater Bombers - Mr. Wilson explained that the softball field for the . Clearwater Bombers is under construction. He stated that City crews are doing all site work including .grading, subdrains, catch basins, drainage swales, etc. He said ~lat bids are now being advertised for construction of the restrooms, press" box, dugouts' and approximately 1,000 box and grandstand seats. He said the.field itself would be ready for the Bombers initial game now scheduled for May 4th, but that construction 'of the building and grandstands might not be ready until a couple of weeks after the season opens. Members asked if the facility could be used for other recreation programs in the event the Bombers 'did not operate in seasons to come and Mr. Wilson responded in the affirmative. He said that the length of the playing field would accommodate ladies softball and loWer classifications of the City league. """Q , ' ,'~:',': .i4Y ~, 3. McMullen Soccer/Football Fields - Mr. Wilson reported that the soccer/ football fields to be constructed on McMullen-Booth Road will be under construction in the next month. Plans are to grade the property during the winter months and to sprig grass during the spring. The objective is to have the fields completely ready for the approaching football and soccer seasons. 4. McMullen Park Tennis Cornvlex - Board Members were shown an aerial of various alternatives that might be considered for a new ingress/egress roadway for the Tropic Hills Subdivision. Mr. Wilson explained that residents of Tropic Hills have only one road available to them which leads to US 19. The aerial showed five' or six various alternatives including three on Florida Power right-of-way and one or ,two that went through McMullen Park ~ennis Complex. These particular routes would be along the western portion of the park immediately behind the residences of the Meadows. Mr. Wilson stated that he understood considerable objections had been received from residents in the area in that they did not want a roadWay behind their homes. Mr. Wilson stated that he had recommended against ~4:\ any roadway being placed through the park. Members discussed the'various alter- ~ natives and it appears that complaints or problems would be associated with each. . . .:!>.~ . ", .....; ,. , , ' ' . ",'/..:, ' ' ". . "'.. . '''.: '.: ~',.I . . ','; '. ,...., , ,. . :', ~ -.~:-:--'-;O~-:----:--:;--:-C--;--:-r, , .. I' ( "". j .. j ., -,',;.! :.>;;~;;:< i:;,' .,., ,;, I .. 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""., ,', .\ '.' ~" t.: ,. . 1 Mr. Wilson reported that Mr. Bill Bakor, Acting Director of Public \'lorks, had gone to a meeting of the Florida Power Corporation to discuss the possibility of the roadway being on ~"lorida Power right-of-way. He said Mr. Daker indicated that Florida Power would not approve two of the alternatives on the right-of-way due to a large underground oil pipeline. However, ho said that Florida Power might approve one along the western boundary of the right-of-way leading from Tropic Hills to Ham Blvd. However, this particular location might receivo opposition from Morningside Homeowners who live abutting the right-of-way. Also, the road would place additional traffic on Ham Blvd. Mrs. Schultz asked if a roadway could be placed through a dedicated park. Mr. Wilson said that this possibly could be done if the dedication was by Resolution and if another Reso- lution was passed allowing for the roadway. However, he indicated that McMullen Park was purchased with a matching grant from a 1970 bond issue and that wording of the grant might preclude a roadway being constructed. Members discussed the various alternatives and Mr. Wood made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Board be opposed to any roadway going through McMullen Park. Mrs. Schultz seconded this motion which passed. "..'.', " '. " .i ::~ , ., '1 I> .~ . ',,} . ~ """1 ~ ... ~ ::<1,;, :::;'( ,':)~ l..:~. t\ , , ~'r;:: ~, " t r, ", ;';r; '~:( 'r:1- (,;. 71":, .'I\"f} ~ 'J ~! ", v. ~~':.., I. l\ . 5. Coachman Park and Bayfront - Mr. Wilson said that Mrs. Tobin was going to discuss the Bayfront with the Board since she was a member of the Bayfront Planning Committee. However, Mrs. Tobin was unable to make this meeting due to . , having the flu. Mr. Wilson said that the general feeling is that it would be an advantage for the City to adopt the landscape portion of the Bayfront Plan that was desi9ned for City-owned properties so that development might occur in phases ,on an annual basis as monies are available. Members discussed this matter in detail and Mrs. Schultz made a motion that the City adopt the landscape portion of the Bayfront Plan for City-owned properties including Coachman Park, the Memorial parks and the tennis court area, and that the city proceed toward phased development of this landscaping with funding on an annual basis as monies are available similar to other capital i~rovement projects. This motion was seconded and passed. ... ~:./,,~ o':.~o,< .:1' ~,: " , ., v~~, ~~ ;!' ~::.' '~ ....1 o. J, \ "c ~ t' ~ ~.~~~ ~"I ~,.1 /~:{ I~ ; l'; '.: ~:i ~::~>! :,," ,6. sailing Center - Mr. Wilson reported that he had met with several members of the sailingcornmunity in regards to the development of a site plan for a sail- ing center to be'located on the southern portion of the City-owned property on Sand Key. He stated that the sailing center site would not encroach on the beach area or on the environmentally sensitive area. Members were informed that if a si te plan is formally adopted by the City, members of the sailing community would '~ark on a fund-raising campaign to assist in development. Monies raised from the privat,e sector might then be combined with monies to be received by the City in parkland dedication funds. Members also asked about what other types recreation development could occur on Sand Key which would be eligible in accord with the park fees to be received. Mrs. Schultz indicated an interest in bike trails along Gulf Blvd. leading from Belleair to the new County park. Mr. Wilson said this is a very viable project and that he has discussed it with Mr. Jim Sheeler of the Planning Department. Gulf Blvd. is a County road and plans might be underway for future expansion. If this is the case, bike trails might be a part of the County road. Either way, Mr. Wilson said that he would double check wir~ Mr. Sheeler in finding out from the County what the future plans involve. ':, \ ," ~ e , ~~ ~, t\,: ;t..1;, ", i .. ~ .',' -2- 1'0 ,I : \ .. . ;,/'>r.::/~' :~ ':;:I'~>,:,"':,:;:.:~" " , '(1 . ! '.,;' ':::~' ." ,[, " ' '-,to " -- ,,~ " , . ~ 'I> ,:~". '" C,_ , f I;. , ,: . ~,)' . .' ":.~... ::,:, . \,)t,' ;.' '. '.;"~ ,'.. .', :~.; \~ < ,0' .. ~"' 'h " ' .,. , i . ~ I: ,,t' ',: ,} 7. Response to Board Members Conooents - Mr. Wilson responded that a fencing permit had beon issued for the fencing which had been placed along the Pierco loop by WTAN. This question was raised at the November meeting of the Board. .. , , :, .~r.: .(",. B. Other Reports - Mr. Wilson showed an aerial of a piece of property which might be considered for a futuro park acquisition. H(l stated that approximately one-half million dollars had been received fr.om the new park and open space assessment ordinances and that approximately $200tOOO of this money would be available to go toward the purchase of this particular site. The site fronts on Belcher Road and is contiguous with proporty recently dedicated to the City by the Coachman Ridge Development. This property is just one of several under con- sideration. Mr_ Wilson also mentioned a parcel of land currently listed for sale by Skycrest Baptist Church. This particular site is approximately 13 acres in size and is located off the Keene Road right-of-way between Drew Street and Airport Drive. In either of these two cases, parkland monies are available but are not sufficient for a total purchase. Mrs. Schultz mentioned that property is quickly disappearing and that every effort should be expended to acquire park properties now. She also indicated that we might check with the Coun ty Property Appraise~'s Office as it relates to a program whereby a property owner might allow his property to be used for public purposes with the property owner receiv- ing a substantial reduction in property taxes. Mr. Wilson said that he would investigate this_ Hr. Wilson also reported that the terms of five Board Members expire next month. SpeCifically, Mr. Fincher and Mrs. Morgan end their three year terms on February 28th and each has indicated that they will not be able to serve a second term. Mrs. Schultz will be ending her second three year term on March 10th. She is not eligible for reappointment at this time. Mr. Ford and Mr_ Fuchs end their current terms on February 2Bth and each has indicated they desire to serve an additional three year term. Mr. Wilson also reported that Mr_ Bill Crown and other private residents are still interested and are work- ing on developing a proposal for the landscaping of the Causeway medians. He stated,that Board Members will be kept apprised of this project if a proposal is received. ;. ...< ,', :.\. : .:. ~ ',F" 'l~~:{: , '. .;; t~ i}; :~: ~ .:~ '~j~}i I ~< ~:~.:.~ J4,4 ,~ . "~:~ . '~J,. "''I .;.~ . 'f , '.'J, 'I'., .j.,. \.... , , ~,/:.. 'I~ ~ f'. ,d ~},- :1'/ Comments by Board Members - Mrs. schultz - Inquired about the status of land at the north end of Clearwater Beach. She said several rumors had been heard and that she would be opposed to moving the Channel south in the event this was being . , considered. Mr. Wilson stated that he would check into the status of the north beach and advised Mrs. Schultz that she might want to contact Mr. Bill Burchfield or Mr. Bill Baker. Mrs. Schultz also inquired about the possibility of hike trails being placed at the new Drew Street extension which will rWl from Eisen- hower School to McMullen-Booth Road. She hoped that trails could be accommodated in this project as they are adjacent to St. Petersburg Jr. COllege. Mr. Wilson said that he would investigate and report back to the Board. Mr. Wood - Had no comments. Mr. Fuchs - Mr. Fuchs said that whenever funding for projects is proposed by citizen groups, that such funding should be in writing and if the projects don't materialize, the citizens should be responsible. He said that he had donated some morley toward the landscaping of the Memorial Causeway medians and that he doesn't know ,the status of the project or of the monies which were donated. Mr. Wilson . said that he would inquira and report back to the Board. -3- \.' . ~ ~'fi~~;-:,,:,"~i~...~,! 1r.~i1\..~;'1~"" ~ f::'i.:l.\~~r~ '''I'!r.'f,( ~ "h.I~!w\4I"'7!''''~:i''_'", ,. ........ , , 1'~:y> ' ~t ;/;Ir. :~\'O' ~i;~' . ~; '!:.W""t". :ilk'::,;:.;:. . W;i;;'::;;"":'i';": ,;;,~;,;: ,;". ,c.,' , i,:' ...:,.:~. /' ." ~;:';:',~ ~"~.....~ :,;;';'.'.. . .'.' ';c:"''', "c , .. '" J. '> " tl: ' 1< . ",,\ , t.; : ~ ."" " ,),.. : ~ ~ : ," ~ I "~.::', , . ~':r. :: ,.". . , , 0,.... . ~.f...~ ";,,, ", ...." !':; :,e y., ' ;: ~~~:" :. ~:;b ;/J }~, Mr. Ford - Mr. Ford complimented the new sign and landscaping placed at the south east corner of Crest Lake Park. Other members joined Mr. Ford in complimenting this project. Mr. Ford also inquired about the extension of Drew Street to McMullen-Booth Road. Mr. Wilson stated that as far as he knew, the project was currently scheduled for the mid or latter part of 1986. Members felt that this would increase accessibility to several City parks in the area. Mr. Ford also asked if bleachers could be secured for soccer fields at the Eddie Moore Complex. Also, he said many people are using the nice trqil running from the parking lot to the soccer fields, but that lights are needed for 'night use. Further, he said cars are going through the railroad tie opening back to the soccer fields. He felt a chain with lock could prevent this from happeni~g and that supervision had keys for the chain when maintenance was required. Mr. Ford also reported that a southeastern regional soccer tournament will be held at the,E;'ddie C. Moore Complex and other soccer facilities on February 8th, 9th, and ,10th. He said that 180 to 200 soccer players will be coming to Clearwater from outside the area. Mrs. Schultz - Mrs. Schultz asked about whether or not the city still trimmed palm trees on rights-of-way around the city. Mr. Wilson stated that this program was stopped severa~ years ago with the, fue 1 shortage. At that time, approximately 1978, all departments were asked to look at programs that consumed the most fuel. ~he tree trimming operation was not only ineffective in that it took two or three years' to trim all palms in the City, but that it was alao inefficient in that the high-lift bucket truck and the packer truck had to be ~unning eight hours a day while they .were in operation trimndng the palms. Also, more complaints were being received at that time frorn,the general citizenry because we could not keep up wi th the palm trinuning as quickly as people would like. Although conplaints. . ,are nOW received that we do not trim palms, they are not as numerous as they were when we were actually in the program. 101r. Wilson agreed that the trimming . . of palms places an additional hardship on homeowners, but said it was a Vel:y '. ,exPensive and ineffective program. ' He did state that the City continues to trim all hardwood trees '. in that these could pose to be danger hazards. However, palm trimming wa's, one of an aesthetic nature. Mr. Fuchs moved that the meeting adjourn. ,; .' . ; ,.. . -4- ~~~JH{!'""t'~1f:' ',\;.i1f,~ ~r911\"':-"'~, . ., ,. ~~~,t? ; c . I