10/24/1983 .~~ 1 .' :1' ,. .,~' , ". " . PARKS AND RECREATION nOARD ./ .~:'O .\'"c. i,: " AGENDA "', / .\\ ' / ""''-./ ( Monday, October 24, 1983 Location -- Moccasin Lake Park 5: 30 p.m. 1. Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of September 26, 1983. 2. Reports a. Neva Duncan Tabb -- Naturalist -- Mrs. Tabb will update the Parks and'Recreation Board members on developments that have occurred 'at Moccasin Lake Park since the Board's last visit. b~ Response to Parks and Recreation Board members' comments 1. Status of teimis bat ter' S wall at NcMullen Park :! ,I .) , "/ .' "..' '. I. f:":',' .' ;:~'j/,.. . ';/.;'.,.', , ;\;'L~') .,(:7) :' .' . . , ~.~o~~:':"~' ".,: ~~t.:',"" ~{.~':~.: ~ '~': ~,' .' . I':;",' " , 'l:. 0.' ~.: I . nii;( ~.. ...' f:.t., , 2. Interest on Parkland Dedication monies 3. Coin meters on tennis courts at Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex 4. Co-chairman of Parks and Recreation Board -- Mrs. McQuigg was elected as Co-chairman on October 28th, 1981 along with Mr. Graden HOl\Te. Mr. Howe subsequently resigned from the Board and on May 24th, 1982. members appointed Mr. Ed Ste'iner to serve as Co-chilirman wi th Mrs. McQuigg. . . 5. Status of recreation programs being included in utility " bills "'. ,', . p., Lights on the north field at Jack Russell Stadium and mowing schedule for the' soccer fields 'J c. 'Parks Ordinance -- Members to receive copies of parks ordinance ',recently 'adopted by the City Commission. d. .Adopt-A-Park -- Members to be informed of bids received on parks to be adopted and status of soliciting financial assistance from the private comnunity.' e. British-American Marathon -- Members to be advised of developments. . +, ,;~ : '.\ :,:,1' ,', 'q" ,\ " ,M' :'\\:'''' .' " .' '. ' . . " >' .: ",: .: /: .' > ., , " '" , ..,'" u, 1.:, 'y),'~',., ,\. .,~ .. Or.' . -:. \. \ ... .'l ~ 0, , ' , :,~ .'~, " I , , t, f.Other Reports. g~' cOmnients 'by Board' Members. Adj ournmen't . ", '3~ t,i ~'~ I ",~ 'I ' " , ..: ~ ' o ;., :':',',~ :".....J , '. .,,' ~~', .. . " , ,." , , , ,-: ~I " ,I ~ f " 'J", ' i.,. . " " " " ' '. , ;<. ~ .. :, .1 , .'. , . ,~ ' ,; , 'I,: ;', :'.1., .' \',"""'--"'1, ,~: ~ .' '..'. ....: ' ,.. ", " , > ...~."; ~. r ' 4 ~ .~ T' .. ", PARKS AND RECREATION DOARD NINUTES Honday, October 24, 1903 The Clearwater Parks and Recreation Board met at floccasin Lake Park at 5: 30 p~m. on Monday, October 24th, 19B3. Hembers present included lir. Alison Fincher, Dr. Ira Berger, Hr. Eric Ford, Hr. Murray Fuchs, Hrs. Ginger BcQuigg, Dr. LaHar f.1acNutt, 1-1r8. Nancy Morgan, Mrs. Diann Schultz and Hr. Charles Nood. Also in attendance were families of Board members, lirs. Neva Duncan Tabb and Mr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Fuchs made a motion that the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes of September 25, 1983, be appl"oved. Dr. HacNutt seconded the motion which passed. This meeting was held at Hoccasin LaJte Park instead of the City Hall Annex in that it had been almost a year since the Board had visited this facility. Fanulies of Board members were invited and picnic dinners were enjoyed prior to beginning the meeting. Response to Parks and Recreation Board !>ternbers I comments - Hr. Wilson in- formed members that the Building and Maintenance Division will be starting to reconstruct the tennis batters wall at McMullen Park within the next two weeks. Mr. Frank Morris" local architect, has volunteered his services on the project. Members,were also informed that interest generated by park impact fees which are collected from local developers will be reallocated to the Parks and Recre- ation Trust Funds for future use in park and recreation projects. Mr. Wilson reported that the coin meters at the Clearwater Beach tennis courts, according to Bob Morrison, Electrical Superintendent, have been changed to free meters. This is consistent with meters at other satellite tennis courts ,around the city. Mr. Wilson advised members that Hrs. HcQuigg \\Ias elected as Co-chairman of the Board on October 28th, 1981 along with Hr. Grayden I.lowe. l>1r. Howe subsequent- ly resigned from' the Board and , on 11ay 24th, 1982, members appointed Mr. Ed Steiner to serve\as Co-chairman with Mrs. McQuigg. Normally, the Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board serves in this capacity for one year, but is eligible for re-election. Mr. Fuchs asked 11rs. McQuigg if she was willing to continue as Chairman of the Board. Mrs. McQuigg responded that her private work is consuming more of her time an~ questioned whether or ~ot she would have suf- ficient time to devote as Chairman. Mr. Fuchs indicated that since Mrs. McQuigg has served on the "Bayfrontfl committee she should continue in that capacity. Dr. l-IacUutt stated that Hrs. McQuigg could continue to serve on the Bayfront Committee even if she wasn't serving as Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board. He recommended that this item concerning the Chairman or Co-chairman .of the Parks and Recreation Board be postponed until the November meeting. 1>1r. Wilson reported that Mr. Steve Miller, 'Recreation Superintendent, along with his staff are looking into programs being made available at ~~e City's Recreation Centers advertising the various recreation activities. Recreation programs, which used to be included in the utility bill mailouts, had to be prepared far in advance and much of ~le information was either incomplete or inaccurate. However, current consideration is to develop full programs at , '\ . each Center listing all of the dates, times, instructors, fees and other infor- m~tion necessary for all programs. Also, consideration is being given to more . " ,~:l~,~<,~~~.. . " 'r:'.:,' ;'''':'''\:0; ~,"~ ~r',:,-: ':, ,,: , , . " ..~ l' ,~ ',:1 '. .,1, .. < ,", 1 ", '" ~ ~ \. ,,' ".., ~\~I'"!I!, .,~':~\;r.'" "'" 1 ,,1,' , " ,.';";:,~',:~~~;\".S><::'<:":.;:,,;..:' ,~ .J" ",:,:,,' ,:,,,':';:,~,' ....:;','..\i,' ,;'C., n '" <':":(,:,,~:'" .._,":-~ '"'' '" , n',''''::', :_" : ': :',/: ,:,':'( "r' :," ,',') r,' ': , ;.: ", ;;iU?::";' ; : "'i: \,"" ":;;, ::.,:. ,., '" . ,:;. , ,,:": ~,: > ::.,::'U>",';;}!'.(,i/"1.;" .,;., ..;",' ;".;,.' "~I .,; ""'::. ..: ";:~ ~"." ".' I' .'.', , ,; ;"'.':. ',.. ;',', "'.. :', ',',', , " '.)l~:' ,,: 'f. " ., '''f '. "', ." , , .: .,'!' .' 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Mr. Wilson reported that the lights are now working at the north soccer field at Jack Russell Stadium and that the mowing is on a regular weekly schedule. . ~ . . , / ; ',I ~ Park Ordinance - Hembers received copies of the new Park Ordinance recently adopted by the city Commission. ,~ I, ,:'. , ,', Adopt-A-Park - Mr. Wilson reported that bids had been received from private lawn companies on the maintenance of Edgewater Drive, Court St. l1edians, rtandalay Park and Woodgate Park. Low bids were Edgewater Drive ($5,280), Court St. ($3,eOO), Mandalay Park ($2,400) and Woodgate Park ($6,080). Publicity will soon be released encouraging the private business community to participate in the program by adopt- ing one of the parks. Under this program, the business would contribute the money to the city which in turn would enter into a purchase order ,~ith the low bidding private contractor to perfo~ the maintenance. An appropriate park sign would be erected acknOWledging the contribution of the private business. ;" .:~; "~ , I :' ':~ I, t:, j~ ~~: ): ~,,'l' British-American Ma!athon - t~embers were advised that the British-American Marathon will be run in Clearwater on November 20th, 1903. Hr. Wilson stated that the regular l5K route now used for the Morton Plant Run will be used with certain variations. ". ,:'~ \~~ ~, ;'", '-, . ' ;""8 1.', ( \: "':,', ' Neva Duncan 'Tabb ,- Mrs. Tabb, Naturalist at Hoccasin r~ake Park, updated the Parks and Recreation Board members on developments that have occurred at Moccasin Lake Park since' the Boardls last visit. She discussed the improved attendance at the Park and informed members that many improvements have taken place so that heavy rains do not necessitate Closing the facility. Among improvements that have been made, Mrs. Tabb listed over 1,000 feet of boardwalk, quarry tile on the floor of the Interpretive Center Building and the Restroom, new commodes in the ladies' room, various signs around the park, snake exhibits which were com- , pleted by the, optimist Club, the 500 gallon aquarium, poisonous plant exhibit, etc. She indicated that future plans include repairs to the wind generator Which is expected within the next week or two and repairs to one of the four solar stills. Also, Mrs. Tabb indicated that the Park currently has 16 photovoltaic cells and that 16 more might be purchased this budget year. Overall plans are to event- ually h~ve 64 photovoltaic cells which will give the Park a 2 kilowatt system. 1-1rs. Tabb also visited various paJ."ts of the Park with Board members and explained many of the exhibits. r ~ Yj ~~t jt " :J. , t, 'c' ~ i' , I~ I Comments by Board Z,lembers - Dr. MacNutt thanked f.1rs. Tabb for her presenta- tionand indicated that he was most impressed with the facility and was pleased wi th the improvements. He also asked about funding for bike trails and Hr. ,'lilson responded that monies have been transferred from this project to other priority projects over the past year or two. Therefore, funds for bike trails are not avail~le in this current budget. .n Mr. Wood inquired about the renovation that was to take place at Crest Lake Park. Mr. Wilson stated that a pe~it had been received and that renovation on the lake will begin this fall. , ' , '\ " , , I,.,,' .", .' "t' ~ .. '.,' ~ ..., '.' , '. ' ,;' , +, " , , ~:. :'<:~ '~; , 1"":"""". . ' ;j';:,.,,\', ;~/:l:. :'~; :. " ~ (', ': . ,. . t:io ~ ' ~~:~i;.:0...::. ....',. ", ~;;.~~~:: . , ;~~~y>; , , , ~';"::',.'. . ~~~':':/- :~ 14' .', " ~(>,' , ~l,:/:, : ~ l" , \.~t .' <, < I ' ' ~~r' . ~:~?'>:' " + t',t.tJ,~ tl~!\;: . "\ '.'. ' ~< :~:V~:::',',. :' !~:::'.", , 1~<>,: \',:, ..:. ' i,"~, .', J ~<~~ ." \ ~. 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He also indicated that parking quite possj,bly will have to be paved in the future. Mrs. Schultz stated that she had visited the restrooms at Crest Lake Park ..and was disappointed with vandalism. ,Specifically, ahe stated that someone had wet a large amount of toilet tissue and threw it against the underside of the interior roof. She said it was stuck to the roof and looked unsightly~ Mr~ wilson stated that he would have his custodians look into the matter. He also indicated that the restrooms are cleaned each morning hut that vandalism prob- lems of this type occur during the day. , ',' Mr. Fuchs inquired about the poisonous plant exhibit and Mrs. Tabb respon- .. ded that all'of these plants are found within the park. Mrs. McQuigg gave Mr. Wilson copies of minutes of the October 1983 meeting of the ut>lEDO Committee". This Committee had met on the Memorial Causeway, Dunedin Pass, ,Environmental and Open Space activities. Since Mrs. ~lcQuigg sits on this -Committee as a representative of the Parks and Recreation Board, she asked that copies of the minutes be distributed to Board members. Mr. Wilson indicated that. this would be done. - ,'There .being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at apliroximatelY ,7: 30 p. m. ' " ..' , :' t' ., " ,'~ :t, , , , ,. " L, '. , . ..' --: ~', ~' .' ",: ' ", ~ ~~~, ~ \ > " ': , '