09/26/1983 ,I " ,/ " !'~' ;..~ I J: :, I I ,I , II.GEN"PA PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING September 26~ }983 tI/ 1. ,~rove Board Minutes of July 25~ ,1983 - (Action has not taken on these Minutes since a quorum lias not present at special meeting of August 8.) be~'n" / the ., . 2. Minutes of August 8, 1983 - (Unofficia1--quoruItt not present) 3. Reports: a. Mr. Steve Miller - At Board members' request~ each Division Head in the Parks and Recreation Department is invited to a Board meeting to explain the work and organization of his division. On this date~ Mr. Steve Miller, Superintendent of Recreatlon~ will have a presentation on the Recreation Division. b. Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation - Update regarding the Chi Chi Foundation leasing of Glen Oaks Golf Course. c. Edgewater Drive Property - Status of property'andold hotel to be discussed. , ' {1f:~:!@ :: i" > . '..f.... ~:~~;.:~.. . ," d~ Park Ordinance - Members to be updated as to status of this proposed ordinance. , "+ .1 .. '.- t:):,;::,"':,,< ~:\i':~;;'::', . \""''::' . .,1 ..' e. Capital Improvement Projects - Update of Capital Improve~ ment Projects to be distributed to 'members. f. Gift Catalog & Adopt-A-Park - Status reports on Gift Catalog and Adopt-A-Park projects. . . . . . c' '. '" . T' .1 g.OtherReports " 4. ' Comments by Board 'Members 'I 5. ,Adjournment , ,', > ') . 'I ',' .".. ***** " '\,- \, :';":' ." '" '\ f. ' ~~~ ~:, ,f..: . Ie ,.' r:(,;: ,',., ' . . I ' ..,. I', I I' "!;, ",. , '1/.. " ,,- ',' " ' ., ,. :,: '/ .' .' ,.. ",.l / ~ o , 'J " , , " (, " ." I I // " Parka and Rocreation Board Minutos Monday Soptomber 26, 1983 v / ;/ , , ;' The Clearwater Parks and Recreation Board mat at tho city Hall Annex, 10 S. "..,./ Missouri Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, Septembor 26, 1983. Members present in- cluded Mr. Alison Fincher, Dr. Ira Berger, Mr. Eric Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, Dr. LaMar MacNutt, Mrs. Nancy Morgan, Mrs. Oiann Schultz and Mr. Charles Wood. Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Steve Miller were also in attendance. Mr. Fuchs made a motion that the Board Minutes of July' 25th, 1983, be approved. Mrs. Schultz seconded the motion which passed. Dr. MacNutt made a motion that the Board Minutes of August 8th, 1983, be approved. Mr. Fuchs seconded the motion which passed. Mrs. McQuigg informed Board members that she had met with the Save The Bayfront Committee and Mrs. Wray Register. She advised members that some people at the meeting indicated that the tennis courts on the Bayfront should be moved. She said that she opposed this move and Board members concurred. She also said that parking on the south side of the Causeway was discussed and that it is presently prohibited. Mrs. McQuigg said that representatives from the coalition of Home- owners, Chamber of Commerce, the Downtown Development Board and the City were present at the meeting. She stated that she told the people at this meeting that she could not speak in an official capacity for the Parks and Recreation Board. Mrs. Schultz moved that Mrs. McQuigg attend the meetings and be the official rep- resentative for the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Fuchs seconded this motion which passed. Several members indicated their desire that no parkland be elimin- ated or changed. Mrs. McQuigg said that the Bayfront group was interested not only in Clearwater's Bayfront, but also in Tampa Bay, etc. Mr'. Steve Miller - In keeping with Board members' requests, Mr. Miller addressed the Board and explained the workings and organization of the Recreation Division. He explained that the Division is comprised of six sections and discussed each section's organizational chart. Considerable discus~ion ensued on the organiza- tional charts and members felt that Mr. Millerls presentation was most informative. The six sections included Moccasin Lake Park, the Special Recreation Facility S~ction, District I, District II, the Social Recreation Section and the section of 'Athletics. He explained that many of the employees within the Recreation Division are,permanent part-time to allow flexibility in schedUling. FOllowing the discussion oforqanizational charts, Mr. Miller gave a slide presentation of various recreation activities conducted in the City. Members asked numerous questions, felt that the presentation was most valuable, and exPressed their appreciation for Mr. Hiller coming to explain the Recreation Division. " Chi 'Chi Rodriguez Foundation - Mr. Wilson explained that the city has entered into a 'lease with the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation for the leasing of Glen Oaks Golf Course and that the date of takeover is January 3rd, 1984. Edgewater Drive Property - Mr. Wilson stated that a recommendation will be going to the City Commission recommending that salvage rights at the old Edgewater Drive 'Hotel be advertised for bid and that the successful bidder also remove the structure from the site for the development of a passive park. He stated that the ", alternative to this would,be to place the old structure into good condition nnd to operate it as a historical structure.' However, he indicated that this would be a most expensive proposal and that tho recommendation would bo to demolish the structure. Park Ordinance - Mr. Wilson indicated that the Park ordinance is scheduled for the second reading by tho city Commission on October 6th, 1983. He stated that it passed on first reading but thero were questions on the alcoholic beverage section. Mr. Wilson indicated that the intention of the alcoholic beverage section WaS not to allow additional alcoholic beverages in City parks, but rather to address those areas where alcoholic beverages have been consumed for many years. Specif- ically, Glen Oaks Golf Course and ~ack Russell Stadium and at the City Hall Annex Auditorium, the Memorial Civic Center and the Martin Luther King Building when these buildings are rented for private parties. Mrs. Schultz and Mr. Fuchs asked if copies of the park ordinance could be mailed to members so that they would have it in time for the second reading by the City Commission. Mr. Wilson indicated that this would be done and they should be receiving these ordinances by the end of the week. Capital Im~rovement Projects - Mr. Wilson distributed status reports of various Capital Improvement Projects within the Department. He stated that members might wish to review these and to discuss them at the next meeting. " Gift Catalog and Adopt-A-Park - ~Ir. Wilson stated that the Gift Catalog is presently being designed in the Cityts\Print Room and that the Adopt-A-Park locations for maintenance are currentlY out on bid. Once bids are received, support will be requested from the private business community. """:"~' . "!-'. ...' I " , " . ..' , ...., '-....:.:1 Comments by Board Members - Dr. MacNutt complimented the presentation by Mr. Miller and indicated that a tour of recreation facilities would be worthwhile for Board members. Mr. Fincher asked about a previous agreement relative to the Park Place Develop- 'ment. Mr. Wilson indicated that an agreement had been entered 'into whereby Park Place wo~ld provide a park on Gulf-to-Bay Blvd., develop the park and provide maintenance on a perpetual basis, provide a recreation easement over the park, and to cOntribute $100,000. However, he e~lained to Mr. Fincher that this agree- ment has since been replaced and changed whereby the parkland dedication require- ment would'consist of a $600,000 cash contribution. ,i " , . Mr. Wood had no comment. Mr. Fuchs indicated that he was pleased to see that some of the recreation programs were becoming self-sustaining and felt that the Chi Chi ROdriguez proposal for the Glen' Oaks Golf Course was good. . Mrs. Morgan complimented the presentation by Mr. Miller. , ~., Dr. Berger stated that he would like to visit Moccasin Lake Park since he has not had an opportunity to do so. " :i ,: (."',O~" ; I, Mrs. Schultz asked about coin meters on the tennis courts at Clearwater Beach and .felt that they should be free since other tennis courts are free wi thin the 1'" -2- .!:: . .~, ~ .... I~ ". '. l~1 ~ e' \' , ' :: " , , ! ~.. ' ""':." t,: . ~':',; .- i 1'" ' .. '/,' ;':-;: " .' ' ,l ~ i , .." , , .1" "H , ' :.'. ".< ' I:" ' ~,' - " , , ~, . ~~.>" .".::' ". city. Mr. Nilson stated that he would check into this and report back at the next meeting. 'Mrs. Schultz also asked if it was time for a co-chai~an to ba elected for the Parks and Recreation Board and Mr. Wilson stated that he would look into this and, if so, include it on the next Parks and Recreation Board Agenda. ,Mrs. Schultz further made 8'motion that the October meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board be held at Moccasin Lake Park at 5:30 p~m. The early hour would allow people to visit the park during the daylight and to bring picnic dinners. Families are welcome and Mrs. Schultz asked if a map could be sent to membersefor easy directions. Mr. Wilson responded that ,this would be done. Mrs. Schultz also asked if recreation programs could once again be included in utility bills for publicity throughout the City. She stated that even though exact dates or costs could not be finalized, it was an excellent way of letting people know 'of programs being conducted by the Recreation Division. Mr. Ford indicated that he enjoyed the presentation by Mr. Miller, but stated that he and his wife had visited many of the soccer and baseball fields throughout , the City.' He felt that many of these fields were in poor condition and that they needed repair. He also stated that the lights on the north field at Jack Russell Stadium were still not working. Mr. wilson said that he would look into this and that 'repairs were supposed to have been made. Mr. Wilson invited Mr. Ford to call , ehim to' arrange a time to 'meet to discuss all of the soccer fields in the city so that,.where possible, corrective action could be taken. Mr. Ford stated that the soccer volunteers would probably be happy to assist ,in maintenance but that all youth programs should be ~reated in a fair and corisiste~t manner. . ~';~",,:.l ., ~ ' i~;:~'., There ';,\: 1'7\ '. 9: 45 p.m. \\'0:\9',' " ,,: t~ :' ' :~F:~ ;~~ ',. .\ .~: ."1 ~,i" {~tL . >' ':', ' ~i~l~,:::. :: "" t"" :~'J_,.. ,>,; ." '. E!~::-: ('''~ ,'~" ' " f~/:':q,,". 'l, .. :....: >" " '{;""..' 'e, ~;~~'}<'::';' '. " ! ':~ ~ . .:' '. . ..' " r . '1. .C., ... ::.+;'. _:r r;ij;~~j,:J:::',: ';;'<L> ': ,:,:;::: :,;',,'~:' ;'" being no further business before the Board, the meeting adjourned at ,e " , ,; \".1' , " .1' " I , i i , I i j , I I 1 I I ., l '" i ,\ , 1 I , ; " , " c"... . , , " \ .' ~ I' ;!\ ,',C ,i " '.1 '.' .,.i 'J c"' . . , ~.) , , ,. .....f " " -3-