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Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
Monday, August 8, 1983
The Clearwater Parks and Recreation Board met at the City Hall Annex, 10 S.
Missouri Avenue, at 7:30 p.m. on Monday, August 8th, 1983. At the request of
Board members, this meeting took the place of the regular meeting which would have
been held on Monday, August 29th, 1983. Members present included Mrs. Diann Schultz,
Dr. LaMar MacNutt, Mr. Buck Fincher and Mrs. Nancy Morgan. Members Dr. Ira Berger,
Mr. Eric Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg and Mr. Charles Wood were un-
able to make the meeting. Also in attendance were Mr. Art Kader and Mr. Ream Wilson.
In the absence of a quorum, action on the Parks and Recr.eation Board Minutes for
JUly 25th, 1983, was postponed.
The primary purpose of this Board meeting was for members to hear a proposal
from the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation relative to the Foundation's proposal to
lease Glen Oaks Golf Course from the City. Mr. Wilson introduced Mr. William C.
Hayes, President of the Chi Chi Rodriguez Youth Foundation. Mr. Hayes introduced
the following people who were in attendance at the meeting. Mr. Finley McDonald
and Mr. Ralph ROberts from Glen Oaks Golf Course; Mr. Bob Stiff, Mrs. Cheryl
Rodriguez, Mr. Doug Gregory and Mr. clayton Redfield from the Chi Chi Rodriguez
Foundation 1 and Mrs. Janis Coker from the SUncoast News.
Mr. Hayes proceeded to show a videotaped program of the Chi Chi Rodriquez
Youth Foundation. FOllowing this program, Mr. Stiff explained how he had been a
member of the Parks and Recreation Board and how the proposal of the Foundation to
lease Glen O~s Golf Course got started. Considerable discussion ensued between
members of the Foundation and members of the Parks and Recreation Board. Dr.
MacNutt inquired as to how youngsters became a part of the Chi Chi Rodriguez
Foundation. Mr. Gregory stated that introductions were by way of referals from HRS,
Police Departments, etc. He stated that the work of the Foundation relieves tax-
payers'of financial burdens which might be necessary for the young people had they
not been involved in the Chi Chi Rodriguez program. Mrs. Schultz indicated her
desire to acquire more parkland for the city of Clearwater. She expressed a con-
cern that the City would be leasing the course to the Chi Chi ROdriquez Foundation
thus reducing parkland. Mr. Stiff responded that Glen Oaks Golf Course would still
be a City recreation facility, that it would only be managed by the Chi Chi Rodriguez
Foundation and that the CitY"could concentrate its resources on other park expan-
sions. Mr. Hayes stated that the Foundation would have' considerable investment in
the course and that they would do as good if not better job than the City has done.
Mr. stiff indicated that the Foundation could produce a performance bond to assure
that the course would eventually be returned to the City in as good a condition as
it was when the Foundation received it. He stated that there would be no risk to
the taxpayers and that the Foundation had experts available to maintain the course.
Dr. MacNutt inquired as to the number of youngsters involved in the program and
the affect they would have on the course. Mr. Stiff responded that they would
intermingle with the people that currentlY play the course and that he would estimate
that approximately sixteen youngsters a day might be at the course after school hours.
He stated that citizens currently playing at the facility will continue as they
always have in the past. Mr. Wilson displayed the formal proposal as submitted
by the Foundation to the City Commission and informed members that it was available
in this office in the event any members wanted to review it.
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~ Mr. Wilson also informed members that the proposal would bc considcred by
the city commission at their regular moeting of August 18, 1983. Also, in the
event the proposal involves an actual "lease", his understanding is that a public
hearing would be scheduled at the following City Commission meeting for the purpose
of declaring the property surplus for a golf course.
Mr. Hayes indicated that it is not unusual for cities to contract out golf
CO\1rGe operations and that another public course in the Clearwater area owned by
another city has been reported as losing money. Mr. Wilson stated that the pro-
posal of the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation would result in an approximate savings
to the City of $40,000 Which possibly would have been required as a' subsidy.
Dr. MacNutt and Mrs. Schultz questioned this amount since some of the operational
costs at the course are interdepartmental expenses and that these expenses would
be prorated to other programs or departments.
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Members discussed the agreement to be finalized between the City and the
Foundation and Mrs. Schultz inquired as to some of the conditions. Mr. Wilson in-
formed members of some of the conditions that would be included such as the pro-
vision for an Advisory Board. This Advisory Committee would be comprised of gOlfers
from Glen Oaks who would advise the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation of operations as
well as fees to be charged for senior citizens. Mr. Roberts stated that he and
others had met on several occasions with representatives from the Chi Chi Rodriguez
Foundation and that membership would be reinstituted for those over 65 years of age.
He spoke in favor of the proposal and felt that it would result in improvement to
the course.
Mrs. Schultz expressed concern about the City having to declare the property
surplus in that she felt it would be reducing City parkland. Mr. Roberts and Mr.
Hayes stated that the property would remain as parkland but that it would be man-
aged by the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation.
.. '
Considerable discussion ensued regarding the proposal and, since a quorum of
the Parks and Recreation Board was not present, an official recommendation from
the Board was not made.
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However, in the absence of a formal recommendation, Mr. Hayes asked Board
members for their individual comments relative to the proposal. Dr. MacNutt indi-
cated that he was in favor of the proposal and felt that the Foundation could do
a good jOb and continue to offer the course as a public facility. Mrs. Schultz
stated that she has a problem with the proposal and is opposed to declaring the
property surplus. She felt that the City would lose control of the golf course
if the facility was leased to the Foundation. Mrs. Morgan infoLlned members that
she was familiar with some of the programs of the Foundation and felt that they
have been doing an excellent job. She indicated in favor of the proposal for the
Foundation to lease the golf course in that the City would retain ownership of
the property and that the City would he investing in the future of the young
Mrs. Schultz inquired as to the status of the lease that is being prepared
between the city and the Foundation and requested that she be able to review the
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document when finalized. Mr. Wilson stated that he would contact her w~on the
further draft of the proposed. lease is completed.
,Members expressed their appreciation to representatives from the Chi Chi
ROdriguez Foundation for attending the meeting.
Regarding other reports, Mr. Wilson informed Board members that the lights
at Frank Tack Park were currently being replaced, that the tennis court light meters
at the Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex would be changed and that the current
budget proposal for Glen Oaks Golf Cours~ 'involves a loan from the City's cash
'pool of approximately $44,000 rather thim a subsidy in this amount.
, Mr. ,Wilson, also discussed br~efly with members a copy of a newspaper article
,left by Mr. Fincher relative, to the development of "Park Placeu., Mr. Fincher had
'. ,
seen: ,:the article and it mentioned the possibility of the parkland dedication re--
,qU1rement, being satisfied, by way of monies being used to purchase the Co-Co-Nuts
Restaurant for, a recreation center at Morningside. Mr. Wilson stated that he would
:," '''i~k, 'into ,tlds ,matter but that an agreement had already been formulated between
.'lthe,'CitY"and,Park Place relative to their satisfaction of the parkland dedication
, ,requirement~'
, : .. There' being no furtllE!r business before the Board, the meeting adjourned.
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