06/13/1983 - Special i ;..: 1'"'\ . f" .' , ,I. " ~~'. . .'. .... - ',,, " r; , ..0-:,-,,> ;,,:, <,i) , , ' ..0 ~ J Minutes Special Meeting of Parks & Recreation Board June 13, 1983 J I / { { / " ......' , / A special meeting of the Clearwater Parks & Recreation Board was held at the Department Offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on June 13th, 1983, at 7:30 p.m. Members present included Mr. Alison Fincher, Dr. Ira Berger, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, Mrs. Diann Schultz and Mr. Charles Wood. Mr. Eric Ford, Dr. LaMar MacNutt and Mrs. Nancy Horgan were unable to attend. Mr. Ream wilson and Mr. Art Kader were also in attendance. Mr. Wilson informed members that this special meeting was called by Chairman Ginger McQuigg to discuss the special hearing that the City Commission was to have regarding the Memorial Causeway on Thursday, June 16th. Mr. Wilson also indicated that the Agenda sent to members regarding this special meeting also included the item of Board members establishing priorities for capital Improvement Projects. 1. Memorial Causeway Mr. Fuchs informed members that he had received phone calls from people own- ing boats at the Clearwater Marina saying that they had no spaces in which to park cars. He has h~ard other people say that Beach residents w~re selfish and that other Clearwater residents wanted to use the Causeway for recreation. He felt that people needed places to park for Clearwater Beach and indicated a possibility might be a parking facility on the causeway. Mrs. McQuigg asked about the opening of Sand Key Park and felt this had a bearing on the crowded situation for Clearwater Beach. Mr. Wilson responded that a definite date has not yet been set for the opening of the County Park. Mr. Fincher inquired as to what caused the problem on the Causeway. Mrs. Schultz responded that it is a fairly recent problem and that traffic to Clearwater Beach is much heavier now due to tourist development money, Sand Key Park being closed, and increased actiVity on the Beach including those activities at the Holiday Inn.. ,Mrs. Schultz urged the opening of Sand Key Park, the use of public transporta- ,ticn since enough parking 'would ,never be available and said that the problem has no easy solution. Mr. Fuchs indicated that mass transit wouldn't work because people can't carry picnic supplies, etc. on the bus. Mrs. Schultz said that she would oppose any type of parking garage on the south side of the Causeway. Mrs. Schultz offered several ideas. Temporary permits may be utilized for the parking lot at the Youth Maritime Center for, people who rent boats at the City Marina. Further, she suggested that parking might be allowed on the SOUtil side ',of the Causeway west of the ISland Estates entry. This will allow the use of the , Causeway as a passive park but not be attractive as a parking lot for Clearwater Beach. She 'also suggested the possibility of encouraging parking on private parking i Ii 1. Support the use of the Causeway as a passive park by allowing parking at the east end only. 2. Recommend a system of free and frequent transportation utilizing Causeway access road between mainland and Beach. 3. Strongly support the opening of Sand Key Park to relieve pressure on Clearwater Beach. The motion passed unanimously and Mrs. McQuigg indi- cated that she would convey the reoommendation to the City Commission at the special public hearing on the 16th. . 4-." r) ,,.....' lots on Clearwater Beach. Mrs. Schultz also brought up the possibility of using busses and the larger hotels contributing since they offer many special activities. Mr. Kader stated that special activities on the Beach result in a large in- crease in Beach goers. After considerable discussion, the fallowing motion was made. " . ~ .:~ ',' L 2. Capital Improvement Projects Mr. Kader reviewed the Capital Improvement Projects with Board members for the purpose of identifying Board priorities. ~Ir. Wilson stated that although Mr. Ford was unable to attend this meeting, he called in his top five priorities. These were: 1) soccer fields at Norton Park, 2) Crest Lake Park renovation, 3) Restrooms at the Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex, 4) Light Replacement program, and 5) Ray Green Fiel~,renovation. Each Board member present submitted their top five priorities with first place receiving five points, second place four points, etc. After receiving priorities from each Board member present, the following' priorities were established. ~f; . ~ I .' , , , .,J ,.,.' ; r" '..'" .,. / . , ,!!j.:- , " :... 4'~ I . . ~ " . '''tf' , 1. cOWltryside Conununity Park (16) 2. Crest Lake Park (15) 3. Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex (10) 4. Light Replacement Program (9) 5. Basketball courts at the Youth Maritime Center (B) and soccer fields at Norton Park (8) 6~ Downtown Park Development (7) and Countryside Little League Fields (7) 7. Jack Russell Stadium (5) a~ (four-way tie) Bike trails, carpenter Field irrigation, Moccasin Lake Pa3:k and Parks Maintenance Shelter (4) 9_ Ray Green Field renovation (2) ". . ~ f" l' :t.rj -':t'l .... h :\'/, ~ ; }~.~' 1;', ".,.. '\'>:\~ ;,'( ~ l~: ~,. ~ r'L 1,.\ \1.-... ,>\ "\ ,1:',:... "j~.;, c:. \~< ~r.l; Mr. Wilson informed the members that he would be having a budget hearing with ,'the City Manager, and City conunissioners regarding"capital Improvement Projects, and that their priorities would be conveyed. " .' ~~.< \,:i~t~ 1-. )~~~ .., ('t~~.\ ~ . c""- ., OTHER REPORTS '.', Parkland Dedication Ordinance - Mr. wilson advised Board members that staff has 'been working on a new Parkland Dedication Ordinance and that the Legal Depart- ment is in hopes of having it ready as soon as possible. Mr. Wilson stated that the existing Parkland Dedication policy has been excellent and that it has resulted in nUmerous improvements to the City-wide Parks and Recreation program. Basically, . the ,existing policy states that all annexations must contribute 10\ of their land ~;:'; ,~ ."or,money in lieu thereof for Parks and Recreation purposes. A new ordinance will ~:~.:: '0' 'be' much more detailed in ordinance form and parkland dedication would be based on ~:'\', ,existi~g 'conditions and on any new impact a new development might have on the "-, . ;.\' :,. . , , . .:\' '~):kf~' :':i " ;:\j~:' :(:,: ,', ~:! .\,. "... : .)" '. :'!:. 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Residential developments will be required to convey a specific amount of money to the City ,which will be applied toward the cost of recreation facility construction. This amount is also based on existing ratios. .!> !' Non-residential developments will be required to meet only the open space dedication. This will amount to 4% of their net land area. ~ I ~' ~t ~.: ,~:' . 'fj"u' . M.:::::'., The neW, ordinance would require dedication from single family homes as well )i.,;':'", as multi-fam~ly and non-residential. Cash may be conveyed in lieu of land, ea- .. 'pecially' incases where land size is too small for the development of parks. ~;~i,'~;L' , , "Special' trUst ,funds would be established and monies collected would be expended :':',:'~ .. within a certain radius of the impacted areas. Mr. Wilson stated that the first ;C<,@ 'reading ,of the new ordinance might be ready for the City conunission meeting of ~~~:;,\\,<,>',June, 16th, 1983, with a final hearing established for the following week. i,/ ,:<r,;",,', ':, ,:' " In' surrmary, the new ordinance would require new developments to convey land ;;.,"j\':,.' ,: : :"or, money i,n an' amount equal to what is presently provided to the citizens of ~,~':-:',c::,';''',.Clearwater. ,', The primary purpose 'is not to have new developments decrease the :;-',/.';...,;:"., '.'presentlevel of service. ~':/~f': ' ,,' ~ . ~ .. ' :' :,': ~"', :~:: There being no further business before the Board, meeting adjourned. j':,t, ,,'\ (~~, '., " ." , ' ~ J "c\~; , , , .), \ ," r'o.:'.' " , '... ' o,r. ' ';""0"'" ,'" , '::'~'. ' ~. '. . ." '\ '.. '.' c' ~ ~, ,c , ~:2,:~' ~~, " ~T I ' . T ~~,.; :,' , , , ' ,'+.,', ' ...: ..'