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'Monday. April 25. 1983
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. I,Approval of Minutes of March 28. 1983.
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.2. Reports
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A. Responses ,to Board Member Comments
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1. Oil washing up on Clearwater Beach.
2. Memorial Causeway maintenance.
3. ,Split rail 'fence - McKay Athletic Field.
4. Sand Key Park '
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B. Citizens Choice Amendment - General discussion by
Board members.
c. Parks Ordinance ~ Status report.
D~ Camp,Soule property - Status report.
Comments by'Board Members
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Parks and Recreation Board Meeting
Monday, April 25, 1983
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The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the de- 'v'
partment offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on April 25th, at 7:30 p.m. Members
present were: Mr. Alison Fincher, Mr. Eric Ford, Mr. Murray Fuchs, Dr. LaMar
MacNutt, Mrs. Nancy Morgan, Mrs. Diann Schultz and Mr. Charles Wood. Dr. Ira
Berger and Mrs. Ginger McQuigg were unable to attend. Also in attendance was
Mr. Ream Wilson.
In the absence of Mrs. McQuigg, Dr. MacNutt was appointed to serve as
temporary chairman.
Mr. Fuchs made a motion to accept the Parks and Recreation Board Minutes
of March 28th, 1983. Mrs. Schultz seconded the motion which passed.
Mr. Wilson provided the following responses to Board Member comments.
1. Mr. Wilson stated that he had checked with Mr. Andy Nicholson and Mrs.
Karen Wilson to determdne if they had heard of any complaints regarding oil
washing up on north Clearwater Beach. Mr. Wilson was advised that no complaints
had been received and that the oil discovered by Mr. Woods possibly came from
Gomeone who emptied their boat. Mr. Wilson advised members that the Coast Guard
investigates these situations and that any discovery of oil along the Beach
should be reported to that agency.
2. Mr~ Wilson informed Board members that the Department is currently look-
ing at ways to improve the maintenance of Memorial Causeway. Improved mainten-
ance is warranted due to the important role the Causeway plays in the economy
and the' beautification of Clearwater. Four annual beds will he replanted with
marigolds and ~ change of maintenance responsibilities is being investigated.
'For example, rather than a roving crew maintaining the Causeway every Friday,
consideration will be 9iven to one or two employees being assigned to the
Causeway on a ',regular basis. Advantages to be realized from this arrangement
would be improved maintenance and a pride in the area developed by the persons
responsible. Mr. Wilson stated that' he would keep the Board informed.
3. Mett1befs were advised that a split rail fence will be placed around the
. small parking area at the McKay Athletic Field.
4. Mr. Wilson responded that he had talked to Mr. Fred McLean of the Pinellas
County Parks Department and that a definite date for the opening of Sand Key Park
has not yet been established.
Citizen's Choice ~~endment - Mr. Wilson distributed copies of the Citizen's
Choice Amendment and Mrs. Schultz discussed the topic with members. Mrs. Schultz
said that the Citizen's Choice Amendment will be on the ballot in November of 1984
'and that many issues relative to the amendment could be interpreted differently.
The different interpretations could result in various impacts on government spending.
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Basically, the amendment limits government to 1980/81 dollars for all rovenUOD.
This includes interest on investments, pension fund interest, user feos, etc.
Increases are limited to 2/3 of the Consumer Price Index and property tax in-
creases are limitod to 5\.
Mr. Wilson and Board Members discussed the impact of the Citizen's Choice
Amendment as it relates to Parks and Recreation activities. The general feeling
is that departments such as Parks and Recreation will feel tho brunt of the re-
sults since its activities differ from police, fire and sanitation. Mr. Wilson
indicated that the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce was organizing a campaign to
oppose the amendment and that other citizens' groups might do the same. He also
advised members that a representative of the city's budget office could attend
a future Parks and Recreation Board Meeting to explain the exact dollar impact
the amendment would have on the City of Clearwater. Dr. MacNutt felt that this
type of presentation might best be presented during the fall. Mr. Wood'indicated
that the Board should become aware of the impact of the amendment and that both
sides should be heard from. Mrs. Schultz stated that she would keep the Board
informed of further developments as she becomes aWare of them.
Park Ordinance - Mr. Wilson advised members that the draft of a proposed park
ordinance is undergoing further change and that the Board would be kept apprised
of its development.
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Camv Soule Property - Members discussed the possibility of the Boy Scout property
(Camp Boule) being available for sale and the possibility of whether or not it
could be preserved as park property. Mr. Wilson explained that the Department of
Natural Resources has been approached by the City to determine if there was
interest from the State in purchasing the property as a State Park. He also
discussed the possibility of the City working with the State as it relates to
the forty acres the City owns immediately north of the property. Members indicated
approval and felt that the preservation of the property as a park would be a
tremendous asset to the City of Clearwater. Mr. Wilson advised members that he
would keep them apprised of the situation.
. Other Repo~t.s,
1. Mr. Wilson informed members that he had received a request from the
Eckard Camp for Girls to receive the ducks from Crest Lake Park. He stated that
the camp consists of several hundred acres and several lakes and that it will
provide a good home for the d~cks.
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2. Members were advised that the City is investigating the bays ide of Sand
Key as it relates to a possible sailing center. Mr. Wilson stated that such a
facility could be operated by the City and that the primary focus would be on
prams which provide the basis for sailing. Presently, the pram program operates
out of the Youth Maritime Center and conditions are less than desirable. He also
indicated that in addition to the prams. the possibility of one of each type of
sailboat could be located at the sailing center so that instructional programs
co'uld take place. Outside experts could be secured on a contractural basis to
teach classes. The facility would be scheduled for use by all sailing groups
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and funding assistance could be solicited from the sailing community. Mr. Wilson
stated that he would keep the Board apprised of the project and that they would
be reviewing it along with other capital improvement project submissions for the
1983/84 budget year.
3. Mr. Wilson informed members that the maintenance at Glen oaks Golf Course
is going well and that Mr. Bob Maute is doing an excellent job as Superintendent.
He also stated that the Chi Chi Rodriguez Foundation will quite possibly be making
a proposal to the City requesting that they be allowed to operate the Course as
a public oourse. He informed members that they would be kept apprised of the
comments by Board Members
Mrs. Oiann Schultz - Mrs. Schultz discussed the possibility of Board members be-
coming aware of recreational needs throughout the city and making recommendations
that might be taken into consideration during the hearings on the next year's
capital improvement budget. She also inquired about recreation programs being
mailed in utility bills and Mr. Wilson stated that he would report back to the
Board. In consideration of a sailing center for Sand Key, Mrs. Schultz referred
to the draft of the Parks Ordinance as it relates to one organization not dom-
inating a park or facility to the exclusion of others. She also inquired about
the status of recreation property on Island Estates as it relates to a condo-
minium that was to be developed several years ago. Mr. Wilson said that he would
investigate the matter. She also inquired about the status of the basketball
court construction for the Youth Maritime Center and ~~. Wilson responded that
plans are currently being prepared by the City's Engineering Division.
Mr. Alison Fincher - Mr. Fincher asked if the City ever leases property from
others for the use of recreation. Mr. Wilson responded that the City has agree-
ments with the school system" the Armory, the Junior College, etc., but that
they are actuallY facility type contracts. However, in the event a lease would
be beneficial to the City's recreation program, Mr. Wilson stated that a possi-
bility could be considered. Mr. Fincher also inquired as to whether or not
tennis facilities at Morningside and McMullen Park could be combined. Mr.
Wilson responded that both of these complexes are heavilY used and that each
site is currently developed to its maximum.
Mr. Charles Wood - No comment.
Mr. Murray Fuchs - Mr. Fuchs inquired about lights being on at the Frank Tack Park
at 8:30 p.m. one night with nobody on the field. Mr. Wilson responded that they
inyestigate these conditions on a regular basis to assure that energy is not wasted.
However, he stated that he would look into this particular situation and often
times, teams have just left the field and lights might not be turned out for five
to ten minutes. Mr. Wood indicated that he has not seen too' many problems in this
respect at the Little League Complex at sid Lickton.
Mrs. Nancy Morgan - Mrs. Morgan inquired as to what the City of ,Clearwater pro-
vides for Little League baseball. Mr. Wilson advised that the City provides all
fieldS, maintenance, lights and bases. He indicated that volunteers in these
youth programs do an outstanding' job and, in the event they did not volunteer
their services, the City would possibly incur more e~ense in providing the
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programs themselves. Mrs. Morgan indicated that the clubhouse at McMullen Park
,w8s'be!ng painted and that it lookedqood. She also inquired about the city de-
.. ,claring June as National Rocroation Month and Mr. Wilson responded that this
matter is being. pursued.
Mr. 'Eric Ford ~ Mr. Ford indicated that soccer enthusiasts are desirous of addi-
,'ttona1soccer facilities and that,they would like to meet with appropriate city
'officials to discuss the possibility of acquiring additional fieldS. Mr. Wilson
stated that'he'would be more than happy to meet with Mr. Ford and other soccer
"representatives to discuss their needs.
~ Dr..;LAMarMacNutt - Dr. MacNutt asked if organization charts could be made avail-
able to Board members 80 that they could better understand the responsibilities
and Divisions within the Department. Mr. Wilson said he would provide sante at
. the. next meeting.
.There. being 'no further business before the Board the meeting adjourned at
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