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Monday, January 24, 1983
Ap~rovnl of Minutes of November 22, 1982 meeting.
. 2.
~!8pOnSes to Board Member comments
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a. Sailing Center status
b. Gift CatRlog
c. Park Ordinance
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c. Philadelphia PhllUes - Schedule for Phillies Spring
Training activities.
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Reports -
a. Adopt-A-Park - Explanat'ion of program
b~ Bandshell - Status report of bandshell to be located on
Clearwater's Bayfront.
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d. Forestry Division - Members to be informed of administrative
changes regarding Forestry operations.
e. Format for Parks & Recreation Board Meetings - Discussion as
to preparing the agenda and conducting the
.', f. . Ballfields' in the Countryside area - Status report
. . g'.
Tourist Tax - Status of recommendation concerning
possibility.of using Tourist Tax monies
for acquisition of parkland.
h. Playground Apparatus - Members to be advised as to
allocation of available monies.
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L' Moccasin Lake'. Park - Status report
. '.,','
.j:Other Reports
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'," ,"" ."'_.: 4. Comments by Board- Members
, '.
5. .' Adjournment
* * * * * * * * .
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January 24, 1983
The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Boord was held at
the Department offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on January 24, 1983, nt
7:30 p.m., Members present were: Mr. ~~9on Fincher. Mr. Eric Ford, Mr.
Charles Wood, Dr. LaMar MacNutt, and~. Nancy Morgan. Mr. Ed Steiner was
unable to attend. as was Mrs. Ginger McQuigg who was required to attend a
meeting at her place of employment, and Mrs. Diann Schultz who had n
cOllUllitlDent to a meeting involving candidates in the upcoming City
elections. Mr. Murray Fuchs was unable to attend due to a death in the
family. Mr. Art Kader and Mr. Ream Wilson were also in attendance.
Dr. MacNutt
and ~k9. McQuigg.
1982, be approved.
MacNutt turned the
served as acting chairman in the absence of Mr. Steiner
M~~'ord made 8 motion that the Minutes of November 22,
~~'Morg8n seconded this motion, which passed. Dr.
meeting over to Mr. Wilson for the following reports.
Sailing Center Status - Mr. Wilson reported that another proposal
was made regarding a sailing center on Sand Key several months ago.
However, he indicated that the proposal was considered by the Cityts
Resource Development Committee and that a committee of City staff was to
meet regarding the project. BaSically, the feeling is that a plan should
be developed by the City with advice from the sailing community. In the
event a sailing center becomes a reality, it should be City controlled and
approved, with time made available to various sailing groups. This
direction will assure that all sailing enthusiasts in Clearwater will have
an opportunity for its use. Mr. Wilson stated that the Board would be
kept informed of the project and that private funds might be solicited to
assist in development.
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Gift Catalog - Mr. Wilson reported that Mr. Steiner had been
working on this project and that further information would be available.
Park Ordinance - Mr. Wilson reported that a park ordinance had been
drafted and that it includes activities regarding Clearwater Beach. This
draft is in very formulative stages and will be mailed to all Board
members prior to ,the February meeting so that members could discuss it in
its entirety at that meeting.
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Adopt-A-Park - Mr. Wilson explained that this program was recently
approved by the City Commission and that it had been discussed with the
Parks and ,Recreation Board some time ago. Basically, it involves the
identification of four properties in the City to be adopted. Performance
specifications relating to maintenance will be adopted for each of these
properties and will be let for bid to reputable and professional lawn
service companies. Once these bids are received, local businesses will be
asked if they would like to adopt,one of these properties, An adQpting
agency would then sign an agreement with the City whereby they would
contribute a certain amount of money which would be deposited in a special
"fund. This money would then be used for the City to enter into a purchase
order with a landscape company to perform maintenance. The Parks and
, Recreation Department would monitor the maintenance on a weekly basis and
. would make payment to the lawn service company at the completion of work.
, Low level but attractive signs will be installed at each location
.identifying the agency adopting the maintenance. The agency will realize
not only advertising benefits from contributing to a public project, but
also may use the contribution for income tax information.
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Adopt-A-Park - Continued. Mr. Wood suggested that only qualified
agencies or businesses be considered for participants. He suggestcd that
criteria might be developed in fairness to prospective agencies that wish
to adopt these properties. Mr. Wilson said that the program could be
released in the newspapers so that all agencies interested could have
equal opportunity to submit their interest in one of the four projects.
Dr. MacNutt confirmed the importance of cstablishing a method for securing
qualified applicants. He suggested that guidelines be established.
Bandshell - Mr. Wilson stated that he had been working with the
architect from Miami on the Bandshell for the Bayfront and that the
completion date for the project is still July 4.
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Philadel~bia Phll1ics - Mr. Wilson advised Board members that some
advance ballplayers will be ariiving as early as February 7, that
management will arrive around February 10, pitchers and catchers on
February 21, the entire team on February 28, first game at Jack Russell
Stadium on March 10, and final game at the stadium on ~~clr8.
Af'~ /'-
Forestry Division - Mr. Wilson informed members that Mr. Chris
Cowles, formerly Land Resource Specialist in the Environmental section of
the Public Works Department, has been promoted to the position of City
Forester and is now employed within the Parks and Recreation Department.
Mr. Cowles will continue to assume his former responsibility of monitoring
. the City's Tree Ordinance and Parking Lot Beautification Ordinance, as
well as assuming control of the City's tree operations, both maintenance
.and planting, which were formerly assigned to the department's Nuraery
Division. This addition should result in a benefit to the City in that
Mr. Cowles is a professional and certified forester and that he will now
be involved in all City tree operations from the time trees are propagated
,to the time they require regular maintenance. It 1s a promotion for Mr.
Cowles in that he will now have a staff to supervise and direct.
" ,
Format for Parks and Recreation Board Meetings - Mr. Wilson
indicated to members that at the last combined meeting of boards from
Clearwater, Largo, and Dunedin, comments were made about the format of
various parks and recreation board meetings. Specifically, the cities of
Dunedin and Largo operate,whereby the chairmen of those boards prepare
the agenda and conduct the meeting. They normally do so after meeting
with the director to assist in the preparation of the agenda. The format
for the Clearwater Board has been that the Parks and Recreation Director
formulates the agenda and coordinates the meeting after it is turned over
to him by the Chairman. Mr. Wilson reminded members 'that it is their
board and that he welcomes any change in format, that the members desire.
Dr. MacNutt indicated that many members don't have sufficient time to
prepare and work on agendas and felt that the current operation is
preferable. 'Mr. Wood indicated that the Board 1s advisory, and said that
it would take substantial time for a member to prepare the information
necessary. Mr. Wood suggested that the Board wait and discuss the item at
the next meeting.
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Ballfields in Countryside Area - Mr. Wilson informed members that
. the Little League Baseball program and soccer programs in Countryside are
growing tremendously with the increasing number of youngsters. He said
that existing fields 1n the community are limited and that additional
facilities are required. A current proposal is to construct an oversize
soccer field at the Countryside Community Park and to temporarily locate
two little league fields in two corners of the soccer field.
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Ballfielda in Countryside Aren - ContI Mr~ Wilson anticipated that
theBe Little Lengue fields will be needed for two years until Buch timo nR
a permanent Little Lengue baseball complex is constructed at another site,
possibly Tract 61. Funding for the development at Countryside Community
Park Is proposed to come from the monies that were allocAted for the
lights at that facility and from nn additional $10,000 from uncommitted
parkland dedication monies. lie said that stnff had met with representivcs
from the Countryside youth leagues and that they approve of this concept.
Tourist Tax - Mr. Wilson advised members that Mrs. Schultz has
been working regarding the possibility of Tourist Tax money being uscd for
the 'acquisition of parkland within Pine lIas County. The reasoning behind
this proposal is that tourists are heavy users of parkland. A
recommendation from the Board in this respect wos sent to the City
Commission for their consideration but was removed from the agenda since
Tourist Tax monies are presently being requested for a proposed civic
center to be located in downtown Clearwater. Mrs. Schultz was originally
scheduled to appear before the Pinellas County Legislative Delegation but
pulled the item from their agenda. The City does not feel that this is
the appropriate time for this specific recommendation and Mrs. Schultz
talked to other people who have advised her as to future directions.
Playground AfParatus - Mr. Kader advised Board members that the
City currently has 15)000 for tbe acquisition of playground apparatus to
be scattered around the city. He stated that the small playground at the
corner of Greenwood and Palmetto and the playground at Norton Park will
receive a portion of the equipment>> as will a few other areas. However>>
playground apparatus at Marshall Street Park and at Holt Avenue Youth
Center will be considered major projects and will be submitted for
Community Development funds which are not available to other communities.
'. ......../
Moccasin Lake Park - Mr. Wilson gave a status report as to the
development at Moccasin Lake Park and indicated that weekend and holiday
attendance is greater than attendance experienced during weekdays. He
stated that he has received an interest from the school system as to the
placement of a teacher at the park and has a meeting set with Mr. Beggs to
discuss this matter. He also informed members that considerable
improvements are proposed for the park and should be taking place soon.
Building & Maintenance will do additional work on the boardwalk as will
Public Works on the parking lot. The aquarium is completed and the
Optimist Club is currently working on the exhibits. Additional monies
were funded by the City Commission for these improvements.
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Other Reports - Mr. Wilson reported that the water in the lake at
Crest Lake Park is considered to be polluted because of waste from ducks,
dogs, etc. He stated that signs will be placed in the lake informing the
public of polluted waters and advised members that staff is currently
working on a program to propose for the renovation of the lake. The Parks
and Recreation Department is responsible for the project but will work
very closely with the expertise to be provided by the Environmental
Section of Public Works.
Comments by Board Members -
Alison Fincher - Mr. Fincher inquired about the policy regarding
accidents that occur at Morningside after supervision is no longer
available but lights are on. Mr. Wilson responded that many recreation
facilities throughout the city are used by people when no supervision is
available and persons experiencing accidents are placed into a position of
having.to make their own arrangements. He said he would inquire 8S to the
accident at Morningside.
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';,";'" Dr. LaMar MacNutt - Inquired about a status report on Glen.Oaks
\,.;~:.';:.' . Golf Course arid about a map of Parks and Recreation facilities. Mr.
'. . . Wilson indicated that these items would be provided at the next meeting.
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. There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was
.' adjourned.' .
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Hr. Charles Wood - No comments.
Hr. Eric Ford - Hr. Ford informed members that he has heard many
compliments regarding the soccer fields at the Eddie C. Moore Recreation
Complex, esp~cially during tho tournament held during the holidays. He
also indicated that restrooms are needed at those fields and indicated
that the sign recently placed Bt Court Street is attractive. He informed
members that he had noticed that the Parcourse at Crest Lake Park has
recently been painted and that additional lighting 1s needed at Jack
RUBse1l Stadium parking lot for soccer practices. He also indicated that
glas8 1s frequently found on these fields. Also. he stated that the .grass
might need mowing in Phillip Jones Park and that the soccer field at
Coachman and,Suneet Point Road appears to stay wet. Mr. Wilson and Mr.
Kader indicated to Mr. Ford and Board members that they would look into
these concerns.
m /lS'.
, Nancy Morgan ~. Horgan indicated that additional lights might
. ,be needed on the original 8 courts at the McMullen Park Tennis Complex.
Mr. Wilson'stated that he had heard this concern from others and that one
,'possibility might be to add additional mercury vapor lights rather than
: the ,fluorescent. This project Is under consideration and could be
considered in the next Capital Improvement Projects to be submitted next
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