05/24/1982. / s CITY OF CLEARWATER d • PARKS AND RSCHHATION BOARD MINUTES May 24, 1982 The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the department offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, May 24, 1982, at 7130 p.m. All members were prevent. Mr. Ream Wilson, Mr. Art Kader, Mr. Steve Muldrow (student representative), and Mr. Howard Groth were also present. Mr. Murray Fuchs moved that the Minutes of March 22, 1982, be approved. Mr. Ed Steiner seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Charles Wood offered a correction to the Minutes of April 26, 1982. He said that the third paragraph on Page two should be expanded to state that he favored the deletion of the $.50 surcharge.. Mr. Wood moved that the Minutes of April 26 be approved as amended. Mr. Steiner seconded the motion, which passed. 'Chairman, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, introduced and welcomed new Board members, Mr. Eric Ford and Dr. LaMar MacNutt. Mr. Ford inqured as to the responsibilities of the Parks and Recreation Board. Mr. Wilson distributed to all members copies of Ordinance #1664 which details the responsibilities of all lay boards within the City. He explained that the Parks and Recreation Board serves as an advisory board to the City Manager and the City Commission, and that it makes recommendations and takes positions regarding various parks and recreation issues on a city-wide basis. Because of the number of new members on the Board, discussion was held about the attendance policy that was adopted by the Board on March 25, 1980. Basically, the policy states that a Board member may be dismissed for three consecutive unexcused absences, or six absences, excused or unexcused, within a twelve month period. Discussion ensued relative to the definition of an unexcused absence. The feeling was that this would be those'absences where a Board member did not notify the Parks and Recreation Department of his/her being unable to attend a meeting. Chairman McQuigg stated that Item "a" on the agenda would be time consuming in that it involved fees, revenues, and Capital Improvement Projects for 1982/83. Therefore, she suggested that Mr. Wilson cover the .1 smaller items on the agenda first. r. . Boy Scout Funds - Mr. Wilson explained that the City received $6,744 from the insurance policy which covered the Boy Scout Rut which was damaged and removed due to fire. The funds are earmarked toward a parks and recreation project and members were asked for input. Possible projects discussed at previous meetings included a basketball court at the Youth Maritime Center and/or the development of a gift catalog. Mr. Wilson explained each of these projects and stated that besides a gift, catalog, homeowner's associations throughout the City are showing interest in performing some of their own maintenance on medians located in their neighborhoods. Mr. Ford inquired as to how the City receives these medians. Mr. Wilson responded that they were originally constructed by developers and subsequently turned over to the City for maintenance as all lots and homes were sold. I?1. • Mr. Steiner volunteered to head a committee of Board members to draft a gift catalog. Mrs. Schultz also volunteered for this committee and recommended that former Board member, Mrs. Peg Rogers, be asked to serve. Members decided to postpone recommending a project for which to .use the Boy Scout funds. This item`will be discussed at a future meeting. Sall's Lake - Mr. Wilson explained a new program which the City is entering into at Sall's Lake for the elimination of aquatic weeds. Primarily, the program calls for the lake to be treated chemically on a one time basis and then stocking the lake with Hybrid Grass Carp which feed on, aquatic vegatation. He stated that the City owned approximately 22% of the water surface area and that it would assume this same percentage of the cost of the program. He also said that 21 property owners live on the lake and that each of these property owners will contribute their prorata share (109.00) toward the project. The City Commission approved the program and an application is currently being made to the Department of Natural Resources for the permits. The Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission has also been working closely with the department in the program. Tour of Facilities - Due to the large number of new members, a tour of parks and recreation facilities was discussed. Members set two tours as follows: The first tour to be on Wednesday, June 16, from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m. and the second tour to be on Tuesday, July 13 from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 para. Members are encouraged to attend each of these tours if possible, which will embark from the City Hall Annex. Members also expressed an interest in visiting Moccasin Lake Park and approved relocating the June 28 Board meeting to the park and moving the starting time from 7:30 p.m. to 7;00 p.m•. Further, members are encouraged and invited to arrive at the park-at 6:00 p.m. with their families and to bring box dinners. Mr. Wilson stated that he would send letters to Board members relative to the tours and the Board meeting and also indicated that members would receive a phone call from the office. Youth Maritime Center - Mr. Wilson recommended that a name be established for the tennis courts, playground area, basketball courts, and Youth Maritime Center building on the beach. Art Kader and Ream Wilson suggested that establishment of a name would be helpful in that a sign should be posted on Mandalay Avenue so that people will re Cognize it as a public facility. Mr. Wilson read a letter received from the Clearwater, Beach Association relative to their recommendation that the area be named "Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex." He also read the list of criteria that is included in Resolution #80-82, which authorizes the Parks and Recreation Board to make recommendations to the City Commission about names for parks and recreation facilities. Mr. Wood moved that the Board recommend the facility be officially ' named "Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex" in accord with the Resolution. Mr. MacHutt seconded the motion,.vhich passed. Mrs. Schultz and other members emphasized that the Youth Maritime Center Building should retain its same name, but that it would become a part of the overall Clearwater Beach Recreation Complex. -2- r; . I I