04/26/1982 . AGEltriA ~J j ~ '(r\) PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING ," APRIL 26, 1982 '\, // \. ... !~ '. ..... '. ' !:," '. " . . ~ ~:~: . 1. Approval of Board Minutes of March 22, 1982. 2. Resignation of Mr. Graydon Howe. . 3. Reports: .... .' , ~ I' . l~" Y . .~'.~ '; . ~, . " '.~ :.' ~ ' , ~;... J' . :1' ".i'~ ., ,:: f ~ r. , . ~' : . . '.\" . .,. ," :~: ~~ :. . ' ... " ~ a. Gift Catalogs - Members to review catalogs from other cities and to discuss the development of a catalog for Clearwater. -\ 'I ; I , ':/ , f j j . "I .1 > I t i i I f I i I I I I ! I . , } ". , ' ., <.' . ~ . <,.,'. ...... b. Boy Scout Funds Further discussion as to recommended use of funds. ,~" ( ,'. .:- :,,: .~, ' . "j' .. , ., 'i ~." ~ . "\\. . c.Pier 60 Swimming Pool - Members to be updated as to programs currently in session. t; '. '.' ';'~; :r..' ".: l };',;~:~,':,:. ',', d. Salls Lake Information regarding new aquatic weed control program. ~;::;~,.' < . 1>:.,;";: " t;... "': . . ~ , ' ;tt:~~;~ .~ " " ~;'\\/~}."'''~'' 1" , , ' , il';.!\i": ' 4:. comm:~t:t::r ~:r::m:ere. ~~;;:'~~::.,';,: .:" ;y ': "'. : 5. Adjournment. ,~;>>~;",,', : VI,:: ," Wt;~,'::~,,'< :' . <l,',' , ';:'''- , ~~~:~.O' ~~<\,',: """, Wir<,:,', , ' ,,' .... ' ;1;i1~~:{.. ~. . ~I~~~":<:' ': >. .t .., :" < t ,:",' :?;t ~'''' } '.: ", . ~, ";. .:. ~ ," . ~';>~:~i ',; ~ <~.~~, .:.'~,<\' ' e. Parkland Dedication Discussion about parkland ordinance and revisions that may be con- sidered. \ ' . f. Tour of Facilities - Members to discuss the ,desirability of setting up a tour of facilities for new and old members. ." . , g. FRPA Meeting Clearwater will hoat the Florida Recreation and Park Association Distriot meeting on May 4, 1982. : 't- . .h. Youth Maritime Center - Discussion a8 to name for the facili ty. " **** I , , I i ! I I " ' ',,~ . ': 'i " ~ ' "; ~;" ' . ;, " "., , ., "",' ~ , '. ",.,~ ',',\' I',""': .... CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES Apri 1 26, 1982 ~ The rcgular meeting 01' the Parka und Reeren tioll Board Wll 0 hold at tho departmont offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, Ci ty Hall Annex, on Monday, April 26, 1982, at 7;30 p.m. Members present were Mrs. Diunn Schultz, Mr. Murray Fuchs, and Mr. Charles Wood. Members unable to attend were Mrs. Ginger McQUigg, duo to work reaponoibilitiea; Mr. Chris Calderbank, due to an accident; and Mr. Ed Steiner, who had achoo1 responoi bili ties. Also in attendance was Mr. Ream Wilson, Mr. Art Kader, Mr. Chick LeWis, and student member, Steve Muldrow. In Mrs. McQuigg's absence, Mrs. Schultz served as temporary Chairman. Also, since a quorum of the Board was not in attendance, a decision was made to postpone all items on the agenda to the next meeting. However, aince a delegation of approximately 17 people was present to express their concerns about Glen Oaks Golf Course, Eoard members allowed them the opportunity to speak. --. Mrs. Schultz aeked if the delegation from Glen Oaks had a representative to speak on its behalf. Mr. Ralph Roberts acted in this capaoityand stated that their main reason for attending the Board meeting was to express their concerns about the poor shape of the golf course, espeoially the front 9 greens and fairways, and to speak against fee increases. He stated that eaoh member at Glen Oaks is currently charged $.50 each time they play, which he felt was not appropriate. Mr. Roberts stated that the .50 fee should be eliminated, but that membership fees might be increased instead. Mr. Roberts made reference to Page 58 of the Budget Manual, which states that all people of Clearwater will be provided opportunities to participa~e in recreation activities. He felt that people playing golf should play free or at a reduced rate similar to other recreation participants. He questioned priorities relating to raising fe~s when the course is in bad condition. He also indicated that a greenekeeper and a golf course manager were eliminated from the budget and that a golf course superintendent took their places. Mr. Roberts asked why the City is losing money at the course and asked if $60,000 is needed for an irrigation system. He questioned the contribution to the course of . approximately $39,000 from the General Fund, Inventory purchases of . approximately $16,000, Operating Supplies of approximately $13,000, . : Bui1diD9 Maintenance charges of approximately $38.000, and Debt SerVice of around $17,000. .' .~. '" r~i . ...;.:./ /.' '. 'J ,:', ' ,: Mr. Wilson responded to Mr. Robertst concerns and explained that since Glen Oaks Golf Course was considered an Enterprise Account, it is expected to pay for itself. He stated that fees were increased last year and that revenues and participation have shown an increase this year for the first 6 months. However, he stated that the Operating Budget at Glen Oaks is approximately $219,000 and that the department has'very little control over approximately $169,000 of this budget, which is for salaries, fringe benefits, Garage service charges, Building & Maintenance chargee, Interfund administrataive service charges, and interest on, Debt Service. Restated that the department does have complete control over monies for Operating Supplies and Materials and that this particular line item has '~been decreased since Mr. Lewis has been Superintendent.' He stated that salaries at the course are high in that many current employees have been 'with the City for a number of years and that their pay scales are higher than would be paid to employees of a privately operated facility. .1' . :,.', ',', ,........... ,""'.' ~ ." J., ....". -1- ,',. " :i;' ~ . :J,:i;'.:" , ':,,',:. .....,. '. r') Mr. WilDon stated that every effort ia being made to improvo tho condition of the front 9 greene and that if revenueD do not get to a point of equalling expenses, various alternative solutiono might have to bo considered. TheDo may include contracting out the concession activity, eliminating memberships, or lensing the golf course out to n' private party. General discussion ensued regarding the budget of the course and representatives of tho Glen Oake delegation expressed thoir displeasure in considering Glen Oaks sa an Enterpri se Account and felt that i'l; should be treated as are other recreation activities in the city that are subsidized from the General Fund. Mr. Wood re-emphasized the fact that the since the golf course is an Enterprise Fund, fees would have to be adjusted to assure that revenues equalled expenses. (Addition to Minutes- ~.50 surcharge to members to be deleted.) Mr. Dick Friel also spoke on behalf of the Glen Oaks delegation and explained that many of the fairways were in terrible condition. He said that many of the players are elderly and that they play the whole course. 'He a1ao stated that golf course members have expressed their displeasure for several years and that the course continues to be in poor condition. , " l' ," '. , Mr. Wilson discussed many of the items with representatives of the delegation and asked Mr. Lewis, Golf Course Superintendent, to also speak regarding his views of the facility's operation. Mr. Lewis stated that the course contains many trees which results in widespread root systems that hamper maintenance. Also the trees cast considerable shade over the course, which restricts the growth of Bermuda 'grass. He further stated that the irrigation system is old, does not have appropriate coverage, and ,is'rapaired on a piecemeal basis'since the equipment is 80 out of date. He stated that he will be aerifying and top dressing the front 9 greens within the next few days and that improvement should be noted in 'approximately three weeks. Mr. Lewis discussed other items relative to ,the course and felt that an irrigation system should be of top priority. He further stated that every effort should be made to encourage and to accommodate additional greens fee players since they contribute such a large portion of the monies now collected. The more time that is set aside for membership play reduces the time available for greens fee players and thus reduces revenue potential. Mr. Wilson stated that the front 9 greens have been a major maintenance problem since they were 'rebuilt several years ago. ,', .-:-::-)' < " .. '. , ,~!::. '~~. "I ~ ". <" - , /;,"" ~r ' :c'." Mr. Wilson advised the delegation and Board members that the City Commission'recently approved borrowing $45,000 for the purchase of an irrigation system for the course. However, the department recently heard from the well pump company out of Texas, who stated that the new pump would require a 1211 casing on the existing well. The existing well has only a 4" casing and the installation of a 12" casing is tantamount to installing a new deep well, which is questionable about approval from SWFWMD (Southwest Florida Water Management District). However, Mr. Wilson stated that they are pursuing a different system with the possibility of pumping out of the lake on the course. This would result in many advantages, including the use of effluent when it becomes available in the area,and avoiding not being able to irrigate during periods' when a wat~ringban might be in effect. +,". "..;",'. -I : \', ~ . ", ~': . :j:,~., " ... '", ." :.... c,!. :""0" .. , .." .' '<" , ..: ~ ... " r ';,;,.,' .". " '\~ :,." -2- t:";,',:,':_C . '. :~~1:1;..-: . : I' ", ~r~~~'~~j,\,.",; ,<::",",,'" , . , ,., . ',' " ~ : , . , ,"'.',. ," '.:: . -' ': ' \ . - f\::,,' '1 I " X..... ';t~ ,.1.. ri~ ~'. . . . ~ '.'. ~ . L ", " " , " c"': r~::.\ , 0,",. Generally, discussion was of mutual benefit and no decisions were mad~ by the Board. Mrs. Schultz and Board members expressed their appre ciation to the golf course delegation for their taking the ,time to attend the meeting, and the representatives of the golf course thanked the Board members and Mr. Wilson. ~ r.. > ~\:>.. lV: ~. . i'~:::, . I' ~"- . :" . ~ > I '.~~ ,. ~, ., f'G:'::- ~,:" . \::"" ' t.~,.> <. ~;;~::: :;:1 :'~,' :::. (~~{i:';::~;l:," :,',' q~~;r::;;:."'-:,:.; :" .,.... , ~" ~. ", " ,P '>' Mre~ Schultz stated that she underetood' the need to increase fees to meet theexpendi tures and suggested tllat consideration might be ',given to increasing annual membership'c~ets commensurate with the amount of money ,that would be raised through the $_50 surcharge. She felt that if an exact amount of money could be determined to be, raised from the membership,' the membership might have input BS to whether or not they ,would'want to raise this amount bymemberahip fee increases or by surc~arge.' '" " : ','f- , . ~.. ".:'1 . . ;,' " , There being no further, business before the Board, the meeting was adjou~ried. .~ .' ". " :~:I." \: ~., . ~ ,', > g~r:>;.. t .:/', , . ~ . > .~> " : \, "<'~ ", ,., .,' . .' ~: ':L 'l/ ,1."1. ,. <: "cl'," , .' ' I'" " . <,.'.' , ' .} l.' . ~ ~ " , . ....,.f::,. '.' , j L , ' .~ J . ' , ' . .. +~. , , 'I' c', 'I > .<. < ~.~. .: ',: ~, ' " '\ .,1, I, " .' 1.,\:, ,..', -3-, " , , . ,'.1; '\d