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FebruQry 22, 1982
1. Approval of Minutes of JQnuary 25, 1982.
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2. Reports:
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a. Coachman Park Bandshell - Members to discuss and recommend
criteria which they would like to
see included' in the "program" for
the Bandshell proposed for Coachman
,Park. This program, when completed
involving input ,from various lay
organizations, will serve as the
basis for architectural designs.
It will assure that local needs
are satisfied.
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b. ,Boy Scout Funds -
$6,744.33 is available for
recreation project/projects from
,the insurance policy on the Boy
Scout Hut which was destroyed by
fire. Members to discuss and
recommeud possible use of money.
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c. Little Lea~e Ballfields - General discussion on ballfields
for Little League baseball program
throughout the City. An item of
consideration is the light poles
on the East field.at Ma~ont Park
which will be removed in the near
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d.' Mocc'asin Lake Park ...
Information for Board members
regarding fencing and the hiring
of II Naturalist.
e! . Appreciation Day Dinner
- Reminder to Board members of the
,dinner to'be held in appreciation
for all Lay Boards at the Holiday
'Inn Surfside on Tuesday, February
23, at 7:00 p.m.
f. Jack Russell Stadium -
Membcrs,to be advised and updated on
'repairs currently underway at the
g.. Good Life Game s -
Members to be informed of track
program for senior citizens which
was held at Clearwater High School
on Saturday, February 13.
h. Other Reports -
Comments by Board Members
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Fobruary 22, 1982
The regular mooting of tho Parka anti RecrQation Board was held at
the department offlces, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, February 22,
1982, at 7.30 p.m. Members present were Mr. Jack Gilmore, Mrs. Ginger
MoQuigg, Mrs. Peg Rogers, nrs. Dillnn Schultz, Mr. Ed. Steiner, and Mr.
Charles Wood. Members unablo to attend were Mr. Graydon Howo, and Mrs.
Marguerite Krame. Also in nttcnd~nco were Mr. Stevo Muldrow, Mr. Ream
Wilson, and Mr. Art Kader.
Ream Wilson introduced Stove Muldrow who is serving on the Doard as
a student representative from Clearwater High School.
Mr. Wood offered a correction to tho Minutes of January 25, 1982.
The correction was under Mr. Wood's comments On page three, which should
rend: "Inquired about whether or not the Board's comments and suggestions
for the bandahell program will be coordinated and presented," rather than
"presented in an acceptable manner." Mr. Wood made a motion to approve
the Board Minutes of January 25, 1982, as amended. Mr. steiner seconded
the motion, which passed.
Mrs. Schultz infoJ:l\\ed Board members that she had distributed copies
of the letter regarding the possible use of the Tourist Tax money for park
development to all County Commissioners, and she advised that she had an
opportunity to talk to two of the Commissioners. She said that
indications are that the County Commission will put a cap on tourist money
and that they will investigate to dete~ine what could leaglly be done
with any excess funds. She felt the County Commission was receptive to
the Parks and Recreation Board's recommendation. Further, Mrs. Schultz
recommended that the Board forward their recommendation regarding the
Touxist <<lax to the Clearwater City Commission to encourage them to macke
the same recommendati.on to the County. Also, she suggested that other
area parks and recreation boards be encouraged to make the same
recommendation. Mrs. McQuigg stated that she would prepare a letter to be
sent to other city parks and recreation boards, and Mr. Wilson said he
would prepare the recommendation to he considered ~ the City Commission.
Members discussed the fact that the Board te~s of Mr. Jack Gilmore
'and Mrs. Marguerite Krame would expire on February 28, 1982, and that they
would be leaving the Board. Members expressed their appreciation to these
m~rs for all of their service and wished them the best of luck in the
futur,e. The first terms of Mrs. McQuigg and Mrs. Schultz also expire on
the same day but they'are eligible for re-appointment.
Mr. Wood suggested that a method of recognition be prepared so t~at
the Parks and Recreation Board could officially acknowledge and express
appreciation to outgoing Board members. He stated that he would draft a
certificate for consideration py the Board for the next meeting.
Mrs. McQuigg chaired the meeting and turned the following reports
over to Mr. Wilson.
Coachman Park Bandshell - Mr. Wilson explained that input was
being requested from various lay boards regarding the development of a
"program" which will serve as the basis for the architectural design of
the proposed bandshell.
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(Bandsholl-Cont.) Mr. Wilson stated that the City Comminsion
approved t\\O concept of an arch! tectural competition and that Mr. Frank
Mudano, Architect, will serve as the City's consultant in this respect.
Ms. Chris Papandreas, from tho Ci ty' s Planning Department, also attended
the moeting to add information regarding tho Bandshell project. She
mentioned that tho Bandshell Committee has been working with Mr. Mudano.
Mr. Wilson asked Board members for imput regarding the "Program.1I
Mrs. McQuigg asked about the topography of Coachman Park and Ms~
Papl1ndreo!lB responded that it is relatively flat, West of the bluff. Mrs.
McQuigg also inquired about rcstrooms being provided in the bands hell and
felt that restroom facilities at the library might be adequate. Mr.
Gilmore inquired about the adequacy of parking and Mrs. Schultz suggested
that parking spaces are adequate in the area. Mrs. Schultz said that the
bandshell'should be as unobtrusive as possible and constructed in a
vandal-proof manner so that it does not have to be locked up and so that
children will not have to be reprimanded for playing around the facility
when it is not in use. Members reiterated their desire that there be no
pennanent seating and suggested that restrooms at the library be used.
Mrs. Schultz asked if the Pinellas County Arts COuncil had any grants
available for projects of this type and Ms. Papandreas indicated that she
would look into this possibility. Mrs. McQuigg felt that restroom
traffic could interfere with perfonnances and that she was opposed to
restrooms ae a part of the bandshell. Mrs. Schultz also indicated her
opposition. Following discussion, the following recommendations were
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1. That the facility be as vandal-proof as possible.
2. That acoustical considerations be adopted.
3~ That natural materials be considered in construction.
4. That there be no permanent seating.
5. That no significant trees be removed and the bluff be saved.
6. There were mixed emotions about restroom provisions, but
feeling was that if they had to be provided, that they
be minimal.
7. That there be minimal topographical changes.
8. That the design be unobtrusive.
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OVerall feeling was that the primary function of the bandshell is
to be a performing stage and not a restroom or storage facility. Members
discussed the above recommendations and Mrs~ McQuigg stated that she would
prepare a letter of recommendations to be forwarded to the Bandshell
Committee. Mr. Wilson said he would have the letter typed when Mrs.
Quigg had prepared it. He also said the City Commission would consider
the bandshell at their meeting of March 4.
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Boy Scout Funds - Mr. Wilson stated that $&,744 is available from
an insurance policy on the former Boy Scout Hut building which could be
directed into a recreation project. Mrs. Schultz suggested that the Board
be updated as to their previous recommendations f or Cap i tal Improvement
Projects and that the disposition of the Boy Scout funds be postponed
until the March meeting. ~~s. Schultz also indicated that she would like
to see a copy of the St. Petersburg "Gift Catalog". Mr. Wilson said that
these items will be prepared for the next meeting.
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Little Lol\tJue Ballfiolds - Mr. Wilson odvlaod Board membors that
the two Eastern most liqht poles on the Eaatern ballfield at Marymont muot
come down duo to encroachment in the flight path at tho Cloarwater Air
Park. He atated that his recommendation would be that the lighting on
this field be eliminated and that two additional fiolds be lighted at Sid
Lickton Park for use by the Girlie Softball program. Members indicated
that this would be an acceptable and appropriate project.
The Good Life Games - Mr. Wilson informed members that the
department recently sponsored the "Good Life Games" at Clearwater High
School and 129 senior citizens participated in track and field events.
Moccasin Lake Park - Mr. Wilson advised members that bids arc
currently being requested for the fencing of Moccllsin Lake Park. and that a
Naturalist will soon be hired.
) ,
Appreciation Day Dinner - Members were reminded of the dinner to be
held in honor of lay boards at the Holiday Inn Surfside on Tuesday,
February 23, at 7z00 p.m.
Jack Russell Stadium - Mr. Wilson informed members that repairs are
currently being made to Jack Russell Stadium and that the total cost at
this time, appears to be $77,650.
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Other Reports - Mr. Wilson stated that he would not be able to
attend the Board meeting of March 22, 1982, due to a City function
honoring the Philadelphia Phillies. Further, he infonned members of a
recommendation being forwarded to the Commission relative to repairing the
water fountain at City Hall. He stated that the fountain has been
inoperative for several years and that water continues to stagnate.
Members indicated their approval of this project.
Members discussed their desire to attend a Philadelphia Phillies
game at Jack Russell Stadium as a Board and selected the game with the Los
Angeles Dodgers to be held on Saturday, March 27. Mr. Wilson said that he
would try to arrange for tickets and the following orders were received.
. 'Mrs. Schultz
Mrs. McQuigg
Mr. Steiner
Mr. Muldrow
Mr. Gilmore
Mr. Wood
Mrs. Rogers
Comments by Board members
Mrs.' Rogers - Stated that she had toured Glen Oaks Golf Course with
. members of the golf club to discuss mai.ntenance. She indicated that
representatives would like to attend the next meeting of the Parks and
Recreation Board. Mr. Wilson and members indicated that this would be
fine although Mr. Wilson would not be present for the March meeting. He
stated that club members could attend that meeting with Mr. Kader and Mr.
Chick'Lewis (Golf Course Superintendent) in attendance. Or, they might
wait .until the April meeting when Mr. Wilson will be present. Mrs. Rogers
suggested that the lights on the tennis batters wall at Morningside be
Steve Muldrow - No comments.
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Mr. Steinor - Welcomed Mr. Muldrow n9 Q student representative and
stated that he visited the Arbor Office Complex on U.S. 19 and compli-
mented tho landscaping.
. j
Mr. Gilmore - Expressed his appreciation for tho opportunity to
serve on the Parks and Recreation Board and said that he fully enjoyed the
entire relationship.
Mrs. Schultz - Said that the fishing class at tho Youth Marittme
Center needs more publicity to encourage more participants. She suggested
that, various weekly newspapers be utilized such as the "Beaoh News." She
inquired as to why trees were placed on the East side of the Mandalay
Playfield and Mr. Wilson responded that they were planted to serve as
additional buffer and for shade. He said they do not interfere with tho
playing field itself. Mrs. Schultz asked that the City look into the
parking lot adjacent to the playfield, especially the boat which she has
seen parked there. She also inquired about a City swimming program being
offered at the Pier 60 swimming pool and Mr. Wilson re~onded that such a
program would begin in April.
Mr. Wood - No comments.
Mrs. McQuigg - Asked about the art sculpture to be placed at the
toll booth on Sand. Key and Mr. Wilson said that it had been installed.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was
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