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Me~bera to 'be advised of beautification
efforts presently undenlay in the,
m-e'rlia'ns on Wildwood Dr! ve.
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A'Little'League 'program. iEi.1;orining in
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toae.commodate the program will be
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Janunr,y 25, 1982
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The rogular meeting of the Parka nnd Recroation Board 'WaD held at
the department offices, 10 South tUesouri Avonuo, on ~tonday, January 25,
1982. Mombora preoent were Mr. Graydon Howe, Mro. Peg Rogers, Mrs. Diann
SChultz, Mr. Ed. Steiner, nnd ~h'. Charles ~/ood. "Hr. Jack Gilmore, MrH.
Marguerite Krome, nnd Mrs. Ginger McQuigg were unablo to attend. Also in "
attendance were Mr. Ream WilDon and Mr. Art Kader. ~~~
Mrs. Schultz made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of November
23; 1981. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Rogers und paosed.
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Mr. Howe chaired the meeting and turned the following section
concerning reports OVal' to Ream Wilson.
Coachman Park Bandnhell - Mr. Wilson advised Board mombers that an
effort is currently being made to rais8 private funde to finance the
construction of a bandahell which ia being proposed for location in
Coachman Park. Mr. Wilson reminded members that this project was
originally requested in the depa.rtment's 1981/82 Capital Budget
SUbmissions, but was eliminated due to insufficient City monies. Mr.
Wileon aleosaid that an architect's competition is being organized for
the design of the bandehell and that such a competition involves very
stringent rules. However, architects from around the state are expected
to participate and innovative ideas and designs should be received. To
assure that community needs are satisfied, Mr. Wilson stated that imput is
currently being sought from local lay boards and other citizens. Such
information will be organized in the form of a "program" which will then
be used as a base on which architects will plan their designs. The progam
might .conaist of parameters such' as the amount of money available, the
si~e of performing groups expected to use the facility, whether or not
restrooms will be required, no permanent seating for spectators, etc.
Members discussed the project and various questions were raised.
Mrs.' Rogers inquired 8S to whether or not any City money )(ould go into the
construction. Mr. Wilson replied that all monies at the present time are
expected to be rais~d from the private sector. Mr. Wood inquired about
permanent seating and Mr. Wilson advised that a recommendation will be
made' that this not be included. Jllr. Wood also asked if money would be a
paramet~r and was advised that it would. Mrs. Schultz inquired ~bout
archi tects taking into consideration the natural elevations of the park.
Following the discussion, Mr. Wilson requested that Board members think
about items that they would like to see included in the program 80 that a
list could be formulated at the Februarr meeting of the "Parks and
Recreation Board. He indicated that a need exists for a bandshell,
especially,in view of the successful 4th of July celebration, Jazz
Holiday, and Fun IONtI Sun concerts. He said that other requests are
received to have concerts in the park, but that the City's portable
reviewing platforms must be transported and installed to accommodate these
concerts. He also indicated that the department's own Cultural Arts
section would make regular use of a bandellell should it become a reality.
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Wildwood Medians - Members wero advised that beautification efforts
are presently underway at these medians to replace numerous shrub beds
with sod and trees, which is expected to result in not only attractive
,medians, but also in medians that require less maintenance.
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Capital Improvement Pl'ojecta - Nr. Kuder Silva n I'cport uxplnining
the status of various Capital Improvement Projecto. including Mocconin
Lake Park, Eddie C. Moore Softball Complex. St. Coco110'0 Soccer Field,
Countl~Bide Community Park. Crost r~ke Park, etc. During this discuooion,
Mi'. Wood complimented tho deportment on tho Porcouruo ut Croot Lake Park
and stated that it io atill receiving heuvy uno.
1i ttle Loague - Mr. Wilson advised the Board thu t a new Little
League Program is fonnill8 in the Countryside area and that plans aro
underway to develop fncilitiea to llccommodnte tho program. He stated that
discussions are being held to determine tho use of fields at Countryside
High School which could be renovated Qy Parks and Recreation crews. He
also stated that the field at Countryside Park could be utilized if
necessary. Due to the small oiza of the league, Mr. Wilson said that the
teams could be accommodated at the above fields during afternoon, daylight
hours sinoe lights could not be installed at this late date. However, he
said that discussions will be held with school officials to detennine a
course of nction regarding the lighting of school facilities in the
upcoming year. Mrs. Rogers asked if an additional field miBht not be
available at Sid Lickton park, which ia designed for Little League and
which might not be needed by tho existing Clearwater Littlo League. Mr.
Wilson said that this could be investigated, but that these fields are
alao ueed by the City's Ladiea Softball program and that they are a good
distance from the Countryside area.
: ,
Ross Norton Park - Nr. Kader stated that discussions have been held
with Mr. Don JaBS of Community Development regarding Coomunity Development
money being available for various projects. For example, at Norton Park
projects could include a sidewalk around the lake, the upgrading and
relocation of playground apparatus, and the investigation of additional
parking or possible loop road. He also stated that Community Development
money will be used for a restr.oom at Chesapeake Park. the addition of a
room at Condon Gardens" and a shelter at Wood Valley Park.
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Pier 60 Pool - Hr. Wilson advised members that the bathhouse and
parking lot at Pier 60 are complete and that the pool itself should be
complete and ready within a couple of weeks. He stated that the swimming
season at thia facility will begin in April and that the Parks and
Recreation Department is gearing itself up for the offering of this new
Comments by :Board loIembers -
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Mrs. Rogers - Asked if a public access was to be available at the
Arbor Offioe Complex, on U.S. 19. Mr. Wilson advised that it would be and
that all indications are that the developer has created a most attractive
type park atmosphere behind the complex which would be accessible' to the
general public. The second phase of Arbor Office development is to begin
shortly and the public access should be more easily defined. Mrs. Rogers
a1ao inquired about the tennis batters wall to be located at ~IcMul1en Park
and was informed that the site was cur~ently being prepared. Construction
l.:il1 begin as soon aa Oi ty crews are available for the concrete work. She
also indicated that residents on Grovewood would like to have acoeSB to
McMullen Park through an easement behind their subdivision. However,
after reviewing the appropriate atlas aheet, members found that no
easement was available for this access. Mrs. Rogers also indicated that
ahe was.invited to Glen Oaks Golf Course to Bee the facility and that she
lofould report back to the Board after her visi t.
'~;':''': . . Ur. Wood - Inquired about whether or no~ &P8' BOPI8' s 90mments ay~.:._. .
:i' ; auggeationsfor thebandahell program will be F~aOG~~a lnag~ R~~p~h'~~~
:);;..,::~' Mr. Wileon assured Mr. Wood that suggestions from the Board would
1;;:,'.. . . .be clearly stated and submitted to the appropriate committee to be
:;}dcY: :', '.' considered for inclusion in the bandshell program.
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Mr. S~oiner - No comments.
Mra. Schultz - Infonned members that the County Commission would be
oonsidering the tourist development tax tomorrow, Tuesday, January 26.
Slu,t indicated a desire that tl\9 Board go on rocord ahout some of tho money
boing spent on additional parkland in the event it is not uaed entirely
with tourist related activities. After various disouBsions, Mra. Schultz
made n motion that the Parks and l1ooreation Board submit a letter to the
County Commission to read as followa:
liAs members of the Clearwater Parks and Recreation Board and
reaidentaof Clearwater and Pinellas County, we strongly recommend to the
County Commission that in order to enhance the attractiveness of our
oommunity for both residents and visitors the following recommendation be
If the Commission chooses to spend pal~ of the monies raised from
the tourist tax on projects other than tourism advertising; we recommend
moniea.be spent for the purChase of additional county park lands and the
building of capital facilities to enable current county owned park lands
to be fully utilized j speoifically Sand Key."
Following diSCUSSion, the motion, ss submitted by Mrs. Schultz. was
seconded by Mrs. Rogers and passed unanimously-
Mr. Howe - Stated that he is becoming more and more involved in his
business and that it might.be necessary that he resign from the Parks and
. Recreation Board~ ,He discussed this verbally but. if so decided, he will
. submi this resignation in wri ting ~
..', There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was
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