08/24/1981 .. c. ^Gt~NO^ /~ ~ . i:'. ., j\.\.~\ ~tL,:,:c' .. ' ~>:. "7i' PARKS AND RE5=JtEATION BOARD........ AUGUST 24, 1991 I r~.'. ~';:" ....~ , " :.r.,' . ..t ,. .J~', c. ~;.~'~.~. ' 1'" ' :~;: ...' . ~ ~ " ~, > I ~ ~ ,. " ,// " 1. App!oval of Minutes of July 27, 1981 2. Reports: ... .' ~""// :~ , J~: >' c a. Coastal Zone ManagaMent Element - Discussion by Board members relative to the summary of this element that was distributed at the June meeting~ b. Sailing Center - - - - - - - --Consideration of meeting at the Sand Key site in September with members of the Sailing Center Committee. c. Status Reports . Restrooms at Crest Lake Park Tract 20 Countryside Tract 28 Countryside Moccasin Lake Park Eddie C. Moore Complex ';L~.~ ..., c . (,,-~\:.'\.', : ,. ';':t,:..:, .:'. ~.~:~::;.'~.'. I ~ '.:.':~: ,~..:: ;1, .'.o. .> '~f~r0: , , !\'\ ;'.' \:.;;::j .' ~.[,~,f,:t.i.; " .' . > ., ,~" I ?J.~~,?:l','::::'::;':,"",;,:,:" . , , .', ;~~.,:..,h:;,: :1, ,;" ~j .f. -Avalon and Kendall Property f);~~';~".; ,\',' I' I,.""" ~t',;",'1 < i.,' . .' . Jim>:. ..... .... q, Otbe~ RepOrts' ,,~l . ," " 3'.: comme'nts by Board Members ~sy:,~",:;: ", ' ':\, 4.' Adjournment' ,~~~~j.T~ .\<:' '. ..': :~" . ~',;;.". . i "'.' .... c ., ~;:L:',:~", J""""'O'" " ~~!.~::/':'" :'" ~'~':"~',: I\~:k~;,::':.-<~.,,';' ,,' L...Lt~ 'J,.. . I .. '\K:(:::, :: ';-:, I,;'tl.\',: I. '. ' . :. . , " ~~:;~~" :., C:' -.' .:.' ' " , d., Non-resident Polic~ Members to discuss existing Non-resident pOlicy and to consider changes that ,might be recommended. , : e..' Names 'for ,Parks Members to consider and to recommend names . , for parks at Moccasin Lake and at countryside::: Tract 20. .':' Memoers to be advised of the status of property located at Avalon and Kendall" streets on Clearwater Beach :-:, Yc '" l .', I " , .' ~ . , ',' 1 , ' " '.' ',,' . ~ ,.: : . . . I,. ' , . , ,., CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES August 24, 1981 .j Tho regulllr meeting of the Parka and Recreation Board wus held at the department officGs, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, August 24, 1981, at 7 :30 p.m. Membors present wel'e Mr. Jack Gilmore, 11r. Denis Fitzpatrick, Mra. Marguerite Krame, Mra. Peg Rogers, and Mr. Ed Steiner. Chairman, Graydon Howe, Mrs. Diann Schultz, and Nra. Ginger McQuigg were unable to attend. Alao in attendance were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Art Kader. c_.""'--........ Mra. Rogers served as Chairman in the absence of Mr. Howe. Mrs. Krame made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of July 27, 1981. Mr. Steiner seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Wileon reported on the following: , '-:-.. < ~ I ,', ,\~ '" ' Coastal Zone Management Element - Members were advised that they had previously received summaries of the Coastal Zone Management Element aa prepared by the City's Planning Department. Mr. Wilson explained that he and Mr. Kader had reviewed the Element and felt that it was well prepared in that it addressed various issues while leaving flexibility in meeting those issues. Mr. Fitzpatrick inquired about the mention in the Element of the objective to provide a hobi-cat or pram launch site on Sand Key. A question was asked as to whether or not this mention would mean that the project has received final approval. Mr. Wilson advised that the Sailing Center Committee will still be preparing and presenting plans for 'the Center to City departments and the City Commission for final approval. He stated that the mention of a facility in the Element leaves flexibility as to the degree of development. People presently launch prams and hobi-cata from the site. . ' , " Sailing Center - Members were advised of establishing a meeting on Sand Key site with representatives of the Sailing Center Committee. This was decided at the June Board meeting. Mr. Fitzpatrick made a motion to meet for the regular Parke and Recreation Board meeting during September at 7:00 p.m. instead of 7:30, and for the Board to go direotly to the Sand Key site in two vehicles. Mr. Gilmore seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Wilson stated that he would contact the Sailing Center representatives to have them stake out the corners of the facility and requesting that they meet Board members at the site on September 28. Status Reports 1. Crest Lake Park - Mr. Kader reported that the restroom building for Crest Lake Park was awarded to the Clark and Logan Construction Company for approximately $31,000. Construction will begin in the next two or three weeks and 90 days are allowed for completion of the project. The City will construct a lift station to service the facility. 2. Countryside Tract 20 - Mr. Kader also informed members that the Tract 20 development i6 progresaing. He stated that grass haa been sprigged, playground apparatus is presently being installed, and the construction of a basketball court was just nwarded to Frank Kunnen Con- struotion Company for a bid price of $15,107. Page One 3. Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex - Mr. Kader also reported that the grading of the Eddie C. Moore Complox was completed and that tho work will be checked out by City engineers and department staff tomorrow (Tuesday) at 2:00 p.m. The installation of fencing, irrigation oyatem, ~ sprigging, and deep wells will follow. 4. Countryside Tract 28 - Mr. Wilson reportod that approximatoly two acres at Tract 28 has been cleared and hydroseeding is scheduled for this .week. The lack of appropriate heav.y equipment to remove Palmotto roots has caused a delay and resulted in considerable manhoura for hand work. Sodding the site would have been too expensive (approximately $10,000) in that funds were not available at the present time. Sprigging was not planned since an irrigation system is not present to keep the sprigs wet. He stated that the hydroaeeding program haa been successful with engineering projects. .t "'. f: \...~ f" " " .~ \ " ... ;. :".1 " ,j I ~ :,f I ~ t ~ ;. . : ~ 't" :..' I . '.,~ ~ L I '~ , t", " , f ',; ':~.;:I.', ~ f.: : , ~/ ; }',.. , ' , . :t~l' .\., oj'> ?<::' , ~: " ," '(':\' I, 'I:;,' ,~ , '. ,>.....; I.', , , ; , I~: . .l" I '~" , , "_II" " . ~ . :i.~1 l~ !.~ "- ) .'-v "':i~: , ,. l,.~~ " 't> ~. .. ...,.:, , , ,. i.., . .!. .. ~. ,j' ..... ":'~::.~;. it :~"):'''', : ,,',:t:,. "~:"': :~','<,';':',::":' '\':;,': :.:, :):,,: . J.I \ ~'. . 5. Moccasin Lake Park - Moccasin Lake Park is under construction. The contractor will begin on the parking lot on Tuesday, August 25, and the BUilding & Maintenance Division is currently constructing the restroom facility. Boardwalk construction will begin after Labor Day. Non-Resident Policy - Mr. Wilson and Mr. Kader distributed copies of the existing Resolution detailing City policy regarding non-residents and explained to members that the department might be recommending two , major changes. The first major change would be to make Non-Resident Cards ($25.00) valid for one year following the date of purchase rather than for a calendar year, as is presently the case. The advantage of a calendar year is that everyone's card becomes renewable on the first day of January ench year. This makes policing eaaier but it does not fairly meet concerns of people who purchase a card in September or October and pay the full rate for only two or three months eligibility. The twelve months from date of purchase will necessitate closer monitoring for expiration dates, but will be fairer to the general public overall. Mr. Steiner suggested that the card be renewed yearly at the end of the month during which it is purchased, similar to auto licenses. Members, Mr. Kader, and Mr. Wilson felt that this would be a good idea. The second major change being considered is a move to change the . word ing from tlnon-residen tall to tI non- taxpayers. It A concern has been expressed by numerous people that many persons live in the City limits while not contributing to services through the payment of property taxes. Considerable discussion ensued and Mr. Wilson stated that he would place the item on the next Parks and Recreation Board agenda for further review. ,'In the meantime, he said that he would check with the Legal Department to determine if this change would be feasible and practical. Naming of Parks - Mr. Wilson stated that development at Moccaain Lake and Countryside Tract 20 has progressed to the point to where names for these parks should be consiQered. He distributed to members copiea of Resolution 80-82, which establishes criteria to be utili~ed in establishing names for City parks and recreation facilities. He recommended that the park at Moccasin Lake be officially named ItMoccaein Lake Nature park.tI He felt that all of the criteria in the Resolution would be met in considering this particular name except that a neighbor- hood homeowner's association has not been contacted for imput. However, he stated that the park was of regional significance and the contacting of the neighborhood homeownerts association (Of which there are several) might not be appropriate. Members discussed this name and felt that it met all criteria with the exception of neighborhood association imput. P age Two ,J-" II"~ . "e, ,'j" , .. ". .~. ...... ,;"~ II : '.. .., t~ . ~.J ';':. '.~':.@;5 ::":::':;'~ '/:',;,'/}.:':;:,"r, ...; \';:.. :: //,' .' ~" ".. d, " ., I", ", , > ':::':~..:,,:":. ""', . . .' I, " '.., ,1,,/ q, ':'ff ' '. ..' . .'. ....!,::,I"P,':..., ':,,'/:c;,~;:iir';:'\(,::;h';ljl\vt/I~(:,\~,;";' ,J:J" ;"'~{('l.'i:'\i..' ::: .. ,': .'.:. .... ,.".." I. J-' ," I'... ',. ',n ". '''::-:. " .1 , ' .... . , . ..). ' , " , ' ~ ~ , . {, ...,' (, ~.' , , .' 'i"c.' i , ~ :,:~.'.. > ., , :l~ '':;/,' <,'lilt ~: j . : ~~ ;. ),. , t~: ;', ~. ", . \" . $':' , .:'~~. >: :' '" ~:. <', ~\?<:,' , r \"}:, " , .\'+t: :: ;/':;~ r,':;~.~ !...',....' . ,.... , ~t: ~f.,.~ < ", . :.~~.~r..~ ,c:c j~]:' :'. ~.\ " :. .','. ,'.. ;~ <: ~ r:':.>~~:.c",:. ' 7';;'>:":', ~ ' . . ,~:~:. .~'~':",;~., "\:.: . ~: !:.' ~~}:.'>':,:, . Mrs. Krame moved to recommend the park be officially named "Moocasin Lake Naturo Park." Mr. Steiner seconded tho motion, whioh passed. Mr. Wilson then recommended to memboro that Countryside Traot 20 be offioially named nCountryside Park." . He stated that this wan ono of the largest parks to be developed in the Countryoide area and that it will be a community rather than a neighborhood park. He stated that there are numerous neighborhood homeowner's associations located in the area, but felt that the park should be named for the entire Countryside community rather than for a single neighborhood. Mrs. Rogern BUBsested that the word "community" be added and that the park should be named "Countryside Community Park.1I Members agreed with this comment. Mr. Gilmore mnde a motion that the park be officially named "Coun trysid e Conununi ty Park. II Mr. Fitzpatrick seconded the motion, which passed. . Avalon Hotel Property - Mr. Wilson informed members that the Avalon Hotel will be torn down as per approval by the City Commission. Disposition of the property fOllowing demolition has not been decided. However, he explained to Eoard members that staff has considered the development of additional parking and beach areas. He displayed a map showing the property, as well as property to the South, which was purc~ased in 1971 with the assistance of a federal matching grant. Other l3usiness - Mr. Wilson reminded members that one of the items on the September agenda will be the election of a Parks and Recreation .Board Chaiman. Comments 'by Eoard Members - Mrs. Rogers requested additional , comments ,by Board members. , Denis Fitzpatrick - Inquired about the construction in progress immediately North of the soccer field at St. Cecelia's. Mrs. Rogers explained that ~his will be a combination retention area and soccer field similar' tothe'faoility already present. ; ',There ,beiI18 no further business before the J3oard, the meeting was adjourned at 9:30 p.m. RW: pp ", '. , I ., , ..', . .;::/-:.:. . ~~ .. . , ;;':.;":':,:),:,:',: ." ~~..: :l~'. I " : ~. 'J: . i;X~:<.",,:<.: ~. c " . ;':'0:- " . , ~;0h::<<d' . Page Three