June 22, 1981
1. App roval of Minutes of June 1, 1981
;;- 2. Reports:
a. Sailing Center-Prop osal - Mr. Norman Olson, president of the Sailing
Center organization, will discuss this item
with Hoard members..
b. Coastal Zone Management
Element - - Discussion.and imput regarding draft of this
' c. Moccasin Lake Park _ Members to be updated as-to work on this
"-' d. Crest Lake Park - Members to review plan of,the proposed
parking area.
e. 1981/82 Bud et - Members to discuss and recommend.fees and
a<t ' charges for the 1981/82 fiscal year.
f .. fro posed hotel for Ba front - Members to be advised of project status.
g: Other. Reports
3., Comments by. Board members
t?': 4. Ad'ournment
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City of Clearwater
June 22, 1981
The regular meeting of the Parka and Recreation Board was held on
Monday, June 22, 1981, at 7:30 p•m• at the Department Offices, City Hall
Annex, to south Missouri Avenue. Members present were Chairman, Graydon
11owe. Mr. inck Gilmore, Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mrs. Diann' Schultz, Mr. Ed
Steiner, and Mrs. Binger Mc4uigg. Mr. Denis Fitzpatrick and Mrs.
Marguerite Krame were unable to attend. Also in attendance were Mr.
Norman Olson, Mr. Rick Watson, Mr. Jay Myers, and Mr. Gil McPherson of the
Sailing Center Committee, Mr. Bill Burchfield (''iarbormaster), Mr. Ream
Wilson, and Mr. Art Kador.
Mrs. Schultz made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of June 1,
1981. Mrs. 'Rogers seconded the motion, which passed.
SAILING CENSER - Mr. Wilson introduced Mr. Norman Olsen, President
of the Sailing Center Committee, who was in attendance to inform Board
members of plans the Sailing Center Committee has for a Sailing Center
they wish to see located on City-owned property an Sand Key'. Mr. Olsen
stated that the primary purpose of the Sailing Center would be to teach
youngsters, to sail. He distributed photographs of the proposed facility
and requested that Board members express their feelings and opinions
regarding the project. Mr. Olsen said that the City Commission had
allowed the Committee a period of one year in order to develop a final,
plan which would 'be submitted to City departments. and the City Commission
for consideration. He stated that the Sailing Center would be comprised
of a fenced-in area of approximately the size of two tennis courts and
that it would include a building for the storage of prams. Presently, he
said prams are stored at the Youth Maritime Center but the waterways at
that location are not very safe.
Other.than the building for the prams, Mr. Olsen stated that
approximately 15 other sailboats, including 420's would be stored within
the fenced-in area and would be available for instructional purposes to
any ,and all residents of the City of Clearwater. lie emphasized that
private boats would not be stored in the compound and that all boats would
be for the-purpose of instruction. The plan shows that the Sailing Center
is approximately 70 feet off of Gulf Boulevard and approximately 130 feet
away from the-water's edge. The Sailing Center organization would lake an
easement to the water so that prams could be carried for launching, but
Mr. Olsen emphasized that the area between the water and the fenced-in
Sailing Center would be unobstructed and the public would have a free flow
of use and movement in the area. Further, Mr. Olsen said that a
stabilised parking surface would be provided and that this parking area
would be available to the general public except during 6*weekends a year
when regattas are conducted. Also, he advised of a picnic area to be
located immediately South of the Sailing Center which would be open; and
available at all times to the public.
Other members of the Sailing Center Committee contributed
information and considerable discussion ensued regarding the project.
Mrs. Schultz asked if the Center would be restricted to City of
Clearwater residents. Mr. Olsen indicated that it would be available to
all people, residents and non-residents alike. Mrs. Schultz also asked if
the parking would be open to the public and Mr. Olsen responded that it
would'be but that he did not envision a paved surface. Mrs. Schultz
inquired if the ramp and floating dock would be open to the public. Mr.
Olsen stated that it would be but primarily for sailboats and not power
boats. She also inquired as to whether or not the public would always
have access. to the water and the response was yes. .- L
Chairman Howe advised that the Board is concerned about making the '
best use of the property and indicated that the Sailing Center would
consume only a small portion of the entire Sand Key property owned by the
City. 'Mr. Howe asked if someone not belonging to the Sailing Center came,
could he use the stabilized road. The answer was yes.
. Mr. Howe also inquired as to whether or not there is precedent for
private organizations'to lease public lands. Mr. Wilson stated that there
was precedent and he envisiondd this project being similar to Little
League's use, of Sid Lickton•Field, or Babe Ruth's lease of Carpenter
Field. Mr.•Howe. also said'that it would be disappointing in the future if
the facility only was used by a select group of people. Mr. Olsen stated
that this would not occur and that the center would always be open to all
age groups of the public. Mr. Olsen also said that the Sailing Center
Committee was looking for harmony and for imput and ideas from the Board.
Mrs. McQuigg said that the land and "sailing are super, but asked if
the general public might be prevented from using it further down the
road. Mr. Olsen said that this would not happen and that guarantees would
certainly be included in the agreement.
Mr. Burchfield said that he is a member of the City staff and that
he is not actively promoting the Sailing Center. However, he stated that
he likes what he sees about the present plans for the Center and stated
that in his opinion, this was the most suitable area for a sailing
facility. '
y .
Mira. Nequigg naked if the Sailing Center Committee had worked out a
lease for the property. Mr. Olsen stated that a lease had not yet been
formulntod but that he envini.oned one eventually being done which would
include all items that the City and the Sailing Center felt would be
required. Mrs. McQuigg also asked if the Sailing Centex would come under
the supervision of the Maxine Department. Mr. Olsen said that they had
been working with Mr. Burchfield and operating under his direction. Mr.
Wilson and Mr. Burchfield stated that the project would cross responsi-
bilities of both departments and that each would have imput.
Mr. Gilmore asked if the City would have much weight•in the event
the operation was not conducted in accord with City desires. Mr.
Burchfield responded that the City,would have strong imput and that the
agreement would contain strong performance guarantees.
Mr. Steiner said the project looked good, but he envisions that
parking around the area would be congested.
• Mr. Gilmore asked if a lifeguard would be stationed in the water
for safety and Mr. Olsen responded that the Sailing Center instructors are
all qualified in water safety.
Mrs. Rogers asked about the coat of belonging to the Sailing
Center. Mr. Olsen stated that the cost would be $55.00 a year, which
included classes and free use of boats on weekends.
Mr. Wilson suggested-that Board members make a trip out to Sand-Key
so that they could see exactly where the fenced-in Sailiing Center is pro-
posed to be.loca'ted. He stated that the Parks and Recreation Department
could also maize use of the Sailing Center for recreational sailing classes
and that it could be most successful as long as a large portion of the
property was not fenced, preventing public use. He asked Mr. Olsen if the
Committee would be receptive to returning to the Board when a final pla?1
is ready. Mr. Olsen stated that they would be happy to return and that he
appreciated the imput and comments of the Board members.
Mrs. Rogers expressed her opinion that a Sailiing Cent
excellent and of ?_areat_ value to the City.
'No official action was taken by the Board regarding the BaIllrig
Cbnter at this time and Board members will make a recommendntion upon
seeing the final plans.
COASTAL ZONE MANAGEMENT PLAN- Mr. Wilson distributed to membern
several summary pages of the Coastal Zone Management Element. Ile statod
that Mr. Kader and he had reviewed the entire element and that they felt
it was an excellent document. He mentioned that his only concern was that
-of encouraging landscaping in medians which have a history of high
maintenance and problems due to vehicular traffic. 'He informed members
that a complete copy of the element is available for their check-out and
review. Members requested that they be allowed to review the summary
pages and that the item be placed on the next meeting agenda,
MOCCASIN LAKE PARK - Members were informed that bids were opened
for construction of the parking.lot at Moccasin Lake Park (111,999.60) and
boardwalks 0,'12,252). He stated that these bide were close to project
estimates and that the shelter and restroom facilities will be constructed
in house. Project completion•is set for March of 1982.
CREST LAKE PARK - Mr. Kader displayed to members an engineering
drawing of the parking area proposed for construction at Crest Lake.
' Basically, the'area would consist of a 13 or 14 foot wide asphalt strip
along the East side of Glenwood from Gulf-to-Bay to Cleveland Street.
This strip will•allow for parallel parking and it would accommodate 40 t0
.50 automobiles. Mr. Howe inquired about about a barrier to keep cars out
of the park and about drainage'of the area. Mr. Wilson responded that a
barrier, possibly shrubbery, would be installed and that drainage would be
looked into. Mr. Howe further stated that this type of parking is most
efficient and Mr. Wilson said that it will eliminate a major problem of
dust floating into homes across the street.
.• Mr. Wilson advised that the plan will go to the Resource Develop-
ment Committee for further review.
Mrs. Rogers made a motion to approve the parking layout for Crest .
Lake Park. Mr. Steiner seconded the motion, which passed.
1981f81 BUDGET - Mr. Kader presented to Board members various
recreational fees and charges which are being considered for the new
1981/82 fiscal year. These recommended charges are attached to these
Minutes. Considerable discussion ensued between Board members. Mrs.
Rogers made a motion that the'Board accept increases as proposed in
general recreation fees. Mr. Steiner seconded the motion, which passed.
Mr. Kader also distributed a chart depicting fees and revenues for-
Glen Oaks Golf Course. Considerable discussion ensued on this'proposal
and Mr. Gilmore made a motion to approve recommendations as outlined.
Mrs. McQuigg seconded the motion, which passed.
t PROPOSED HOTEL FOR BAYFRONT - Mr. Wilson said, as desired by the
Board, he'would update members on the proposed hotel for the Bayfront. He
stated that he had talked to Mr. Keith Crawford (Director of Traffic
Engineering) 'and that Mr. Crawford envisioned the second level parking
garage to be located at the lower end cif the bluff, immediately North of
the proposed hotel site. Mr. 'Nilson showed members an aerial depicting
the sections of dedicated park and it appears that the parking lot as
j envisioned by Mr. Crawford would take up 40 or 50% of the dedicated prop-
erty. Mr. Wilson said that this area of dedicated park is already paved
and if the garage is constructed, the area would still be available for
Mr. Nilson emphasized that the dedicated parkland and parking lot design
are still under inveetigation and that no definite design has yet boom
" prapoeed. He assured members that thoy would have an opportunity to
?:.. •,' review any drawings or plane as the project continues. Mr. Howe indicated
'`- that parking would still be available on the asphalt area now dedicated as
: park.''
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'' C6mmENT9 BY BOARD MEMBERS Board members had no comments about
• i tems
on the agenda. •
Mr.'Steiner stated that the "Tree Thoughts" program to be conducted
by the Chamber of Commerce appears to be progressing.
There being'no further business before the Board Mrs. Schultz
` ' : , ' • :' moved for adjournment. The meeting was adjourned.
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" Attachments s
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