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1., Approval of Minutes of March 23, 1981.'
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2. Reports I
a. "Tree Thoughtd'program -
Program presented by Ms. Cynthia Nash and
recommended by the Board at the March meeting.
WQS a.pproved by the City conunission on Thursday,
April 16"
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b.,' Sailing Center -
Members to be advised of the status of the
Sailing C~nter proposed for Sand Key.
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lot behind
regarding dinner boat docking,' in
and the hotel proposed for the parking
Maas Brothers.
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Downtown Clearwater Street Plan -
Discussion concerning plans to beautify and
landscape downtown area.
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Capital Improvement Programs -
Members to be updated on various capital improvement'
projects by Mr. Art ,Kader.'
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St.Cecelia's School
Plans to develop additional retention area and
. 3~: Other Reports
, 4.: Comments by Board Members
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011'1 OF ClJ.:A1rWA'rHU
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Tho rogulnr' moo Lin<< or lItn Pllr'k" lllld Uoorotltiotl Boord wus held at
the Departmont OffioOD, 10 flouth .UUUOUl'.l Avonuo, on Monday, April 27, at
7:'0 p.m. Mombera pronenl W~H'O Viono.ClIntl'lll"", Pog Rogorn, 11r. Jack
Gilmore, Mr. Donia Fltr.pntrlolc, ~trl1. Mnrguorito Kl'llmo, Mrs. Dinnn Schultz,
amd Nr. Ed. Steinor. Chu il,nnn 0 ,'uYllon ltoW(~ wun una bla to 11 t tend due to
illness, Mrs. Oingo!' MoQuigS WIIU nhnont duo to another mooting, and Mr.
Charlia Meeko Was not in nttnndnnce.
Mr. Charlie Finton, Mr. Art Enrl, Mr. Room Wileon, and Mr. Art
Kader were alao in attondanoo.
Mro. Krame mndo 11 motion thnt Mro. Schult~ nerve temporarily as
chairman in the absonco of Ml'. Howe. Mr'. Gilmore seconded the motion,
which pssoed.
The Minutes of the Maroh 2', 1981 Board Mootir18 were discussed and
Mrs. ,Schultz had tho follOWing ohonso. Tho statement on Page two under
Pier 60 Swimming Pool should be ohanged to IIwill not be ready for the
public until after the summer months. II Mr. Steiner made a motion to
approve the Board Minutes ot Maroh 23 no amended. Mr. Fitzpatrick
seoonded the motion, whioh passed.
Mr. Wilson reported on tho following.
, Tree Thoughts Pro~ - MemberD wore informed that the City
, Commission approved the Il'ree Thoughts" program as proposed by Me . Cynthia
Nash of ,the Chamber of Commerco'e Beautifioation Council. 'Mr. Wilson
stated that 40 trees oould be aooommodated in the firet phase of the
pro~ramat Crest Lake Park and that the cost of each tree and labor would
be ~o.oo.' ,
Sailing Oenter - Mr. Wilson said that he had talked to Mr. Bill
Burohfiold, Harbormaater, to determine the up-to-date status of the
Sailing Center proposed for Sand Key. Presently, the City is waiting for
"the, group interested in the project to develop completo plana which would
then bo 6ubmitted to the City for consideration. Departments and Boards
would have an opportunity for imput and recommendations at that time.
-Mrs. Schultz inquired as to whether or not the group had one year to
',develop plana and Mr. Wileon replied that thie was the case.
Ba~front - Mr. Wilson informed Board members that the City Commis-
sion at their last meeting approved the construction of a dock and an
,arrangement to bave a dinner boat operate out of the harbor immediately
South of the Bayfront bridge. The dock will be 200 ft. long with a tlTlI at
the' end. The dinner boat would operate eight months out of the year and
the dook would be available for fishing by citizens on a twelve month
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The construotion of the dock will coat $76,000, with the City
providing $56,000 nnd the owner of the dinner boat paying $20.000. The
owner of the dinner boat would also pay the City $6,000 per year for a
period of ten years. Mr. Wilson stated that the Board had not discuased
this item at its previous meeting and that the project was coordinated by
, the Harbormsster's office. However, Mr. Wilson said that he did call Mr.
Howe (out of town), Mrs. Rogers, and Mrs. Schultz prior to the project
being considered by the City Commission in the event they wished to have
, Mr. Finton expressed his opposition about the dinner boat to Board
members ,since he felt it was wrong for a private and commercial enterprise
to~operBte out of public property and that the traffic and parking
situation would be unbearable. He also stated that people lining up for
boarding the vessel would preclude the general public from using the pier,
or the moet desirable portion of the pier for fishing.
Mr. Earl also stated his opposition to the project and said that
'membera,ahould visit a similar vessel operating out of st. Petersburg.
Mr.Wileon said that he felt that the vessel would have little or no
impact on the downtown park system, that the vessel would add character to
'the Eayfront, and that the new pier would add substantial fishing
opportunities for,residente of Clearwater. Considerable discussion ensued
and members asked various questions about the operation, especially about
,the traffic,' parking, and coate to the City.
. Mr. Wilson aleo informed Board members of a hotel being proposed
for the ,Bayfront. The proposal is for a luxur,y hotel to be situated on
'the parking lot owned by Maas Brothers, immediately West of Mass
'B~othere. 'He:atated that a final propossl has not been made to the City
',and'"thlit'many legal items are now being investigated. However, he stated
:thatone,of'the considerations is construction of a second level of
',parking oY,F4-r the existing City-owned parking lot which would be North of
>,the proposed, s1 te. Mr. 'Wilson etated his belief that this portion of the
parking lot' is dedicated park and that the question of air rights is being
, inves tisa ~ed ~
, Mr. Finton expressed his feeling that the hotel should not ,be on
the Eayfront and that it should be located further'East on Cleveland
street sa recommended earlier in the RTKL Study. He alao informed members
, '.. of comme~ta made by Landscape Archi tec t, Mr. Lane Marsha.ll t in 1970. In
this, report, Mr. Marshall, directed his attention to the value of the
, 'bluffs, on, the Bayfront and stated that officials should use every
,precaution to preclude any development that might damage these bluffs or
take away from the view of the araa.
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Mr. Finton also talked about the seoond level of parking taking away oalc
trees from the existing parking area of Coachman Park and that he felt the
uoo of dedicated park areB to be illegal. He felt that the Parks and
Recreation Board should take a firm stand in opposition to the project.
Board members discussed the proposal at length and Mrs. Rogers requested
that each Board member comment.
Mrs. Krame stated that ahe was sincerely interested in the Bayfront
and that an overall plan was needed before the Board could decide on a
Mr. Fitzpatrick requested more information on the hotel and felt,
that the Board should have an opportunity to meet about the project before
it go os to the City Commission for consideration.
Mrs. Schultz expressed her appreciation about hearing of the
project and having the opportunity for impute She thanked Mr. Earl and
Mr. Finton for attending the Board meeting, but, emphasized that the Board
haa alw,qys been on record about not only preserving parkland but also in
acquiring new parklands.' She stated that she was firmly opposed to giving
any parkland away to private or commercial enterprises. She expressed the
, feeling that a primary concern would be hotel support facilities such aa
the parking area which would affect downtown parka, etc., since the hotel
could be built on the private property owned by Maas Brothers with no
,comment from the Board or City aa long aa the construction,meeta all
',zoning codes, building regulations, etc. Mrs. Schultz felt that more
information is needed on'the project.
Mr. Steiner stated ,that there are good and bad points about living
'in a growing area such as Clearwater. He felt that the Board cannot take
action until a more detailed plan is available.
,Mr.' Gilmore felt that the Board should have imput and that it
:ahould make ever,y effort to maintain the natural characteristics of the
Bayfront. He said that the Board should eventually voice a ver,y strong
opinion of the.'project once detailed plans are reviewed.
Mrs. Rogers felt that she would like to 'see more people utilizing
,Coachman Park but that the Board better be alert as to what is happening
and\going on. She expressed her opposition to commercial use of City
property and suggested that a formal recommendation from the Board be
postponed until a detailed plan is available.
Mr. Fitzpatrick made a motion that when information is available on
the hotel, and before the City Commission's decision, that the Board meet,
cven if in special session. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Schultz and
passed ..
, Mr. Wilson assured members that he would keep them apprised of
further developments on the proposed hotel and support facilities.
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Downtown Olearwater Street Plan - Mr. Wilson explained to members
that the City Commission approved n plan whereby the Downtown Development
Board, the City, and the business owners on the 400 block of Cleveland
Street contribute $2~OOO each toward architoctural drawinga and initial
implementation of a cohesive beautification plan in downtown Clearwater.
Mr. Wilson further stated that an architectural firm hae been selected and
that a charette approach to design would be utilized. This approach will
involve the architectts setting up drawings in a storefront and gathering
imput from interested parties regarding the design over the period of two
or three days.Mr. Wilson said that he favors this approach and that a
cohesive plan would result which would be implemented along all of
Cleveland Street. He explained to Board members that the existing planter
pots are not' very attractive but that they were successful in introducing
immediate foliage to the downtown area. He felt that trees planted in
holes cut out of the sidewalk would be more attractive than the existing
fiberglass pots, but that underground utilities would have to be taken
into consideration. He felt that a cohesive plan is desirable in that
beautification would not be left up to each individual busineas owner,
which could result in a hodgepodge of street furniture and plantings.
Maintenanceia of primary concern and one consideration is for the City to
provide mainte~nce, but for costs to be absorbed by bueinoso owners.
Mrs. Schultz felt that the approach of involving the three
organizations in the iniital planning to be a ver,y appropriate and good
idea. Mr.' Fitzpatrick asked if the project would only be in front of the
"400: block, or ,would it stretch all the way up Cleveland Street? Mr.
Wilson stated that it would initially be in the 400 block and,then
expand~ Mr.,Fentonexpreased his concern about the development in meeting
existing,Cit,ycodes, etc. Mr. Wilson respponded that creativity would be
an integral part of the ,planning and may include items such as a sidewalk
',', :,cf:\fe,which could be most attractive. Mr. Wilson said that he would keep
'" t~e' Board' apprised of the program.,
.'c8p:Ltai Improvement Programs - !1r. Kader updated Board members on C.I.P.
projects including Bike Routes, Manda lay Playground, Moccasin Lake Park,
: Montclair Park, lighting projects, softball projects, Oountryside Park
; Tract 20A, Crest L~e Park roa~roome and parking area, etc. '
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Creat Lake Park" Members were shown a oolored rendition of the
restrooms proposed for Crest Lake Park ae prepared by the architeot. The
location under consideration is on the West side of the park immediately
North of the sidewalk which enters the park from the foot of Franklin
street. Mr. Wilson stated that Board oomments about the gates baing
located on the outside of the restroom to discourage inappropriate
aativities in the evening houra was considered and is included in tho'
plan. He also stated that the faoility would include skYlights for
natural lightins and louvres for natural ventilation. He said that the
park is extremely heavily used and that the need for a restroom facility
,is most evident. Mrs. Schultz questioned the location of the facilities'
within the restroom being located on exterior walls rather than back to
back on the dividing'wall. She felt that this would increase coats. Mr.
,Wilson said that he had talked to the architect about this suggestion and
that the architect felt that the cost would not be greatly increased and
that the traffic pattern of the existing plan to outweigh the additional
st. Cecelia's School - Mr. Wilson explained that plans are under-
WBy'tO develOp an additional retention/soccer field on st. Cecelia's
School property immediately North of the existing City-owned field. Mr.
Kader explained that the proposal haa been forwarded to Father Devine of
st. Cecelia'a and that we are awaiting his approval.
Other Reports - Mr. Wilson stated that he had attended the Saturday
night performance of the youth drama group which performed liThe Wizard of
, o~tt, at Countryside High School. Peformances were given on Friday night,
Saturday afternoon, and Saturday night, with attendance approxiJllBted at
600 ~ " 400, . and 600' respectively. He, felt that Mrs. Scottie Michael, Mrs.
Betty Jane Pucci, and other employees of the Social Section did an out-
standing job and that the program was exceedingly well received by all
,::' 'speotators. However; he mentioned that the use of the new Countryside
~udi~orim,would coat more money for this specific performance since it was
, . ,p,lannedand conducted during the school Easter holidays ~ ,The result was
that school custodians had to be brought back to work specifically for the
producti.on and that the Department had to pay these costs. Mr.
Fi~zpatrick mentioned that he had a180 attended the production and he,felt
it was excellent.
. .1'.
Comments by Board Members
Mr. Steiner
No comment.
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Mrs., Sohultz - Stated her desire to Bae the swimming pool at Pier
60 being oompleted aD aoon ae possible. She 0180 requested 8 statue
report about tho dirt pile along the Youth Maritime Center. Mr. Wilson
said that he would have Buch Q report at the next meeting. Mrs. Schultz
aaked if beer sales at Glen Oaks w~re BS successful as projected and Mr.
Wilson stated that they had not reached projected salen but sales are
pioking up now that the Bummer months have arrived. She aleo requested a
status report about the Avalon Hotel on Clearwater Beaoh and about the
ordinanoe for parke that may be proposed by the aepartment. Mr. Wilson
aaid that he would have information at the next meeting regarding the
Avalon Hotel and that time has just not been available for staff to
develop the proposed ordinanoe as desired. Mrs. Sohultz also requested
that the Board, at ita next meoting. discuss hoating a meeting involving
Parks and Recreation boards from Dunedin and Largo as originally held in
Dunadinbefore the Christmas holidays.
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Mra. Krame - No comment.
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Mr. Fitzpatrick - Felt that offioials of Countryside High,School
should have advised us of the Easter holidays and the effect they would
have on the school custodial schedules. Mr. Wilson said that ever.y effort
would be made in the future to plan activities a~ times when custodians
are 'normally on duty.
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Mrs. Rogers - Inquired about ,parking at the Morningside Tennis
'Courts and said that shell is needed in the lot to prevent damage to
,vehicles. She,aaid 'that the lot was very'rough when she drove on it with
her personal car. Mr. Wilson said that he would request Public Service to
,look,1nto rep~ir8 of the lot and stated that a design for regular paving
,';,ia ready pending the avai,lability of funding. Mrs. Rogers also inquired
about the tennis pro at McMullen Park and Mr. Wilson responded that a
p~raon ahould be on duty wi thin" the next couple of weeks.
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