02/23/1981 :. . I ,j.:.... ~ : ' '. . ,""." " '. ',' , . I _ .... . . '." , '~_ . '. .: I " .:,".':.".' ' ': "(' !,>,I ~~~: ,. : 'l~~' [...., I' f~'. " ~: ,. , ~ , ".. ",<.' ,,~ . , ~:':\: .:\ (' y,;,:~ '::;"':~ " ' ~~ ~",~ :; ~ ~,' ~';1: ~~.:: ' ".,' . ;.~... .' .. ,. . ~;... J/:.'; "',:' {',.' . , ti,;": '.''' >'" i:::': :' ;. > ;\:.'~ ;,,<-: :;~\(:.~.~ '. ' ..' .." ~..~. -. ;:.' '.. . ..", . 1~h';;.,:,~ :::.' .,'''~.. :~{l:~"'>,:',t:., ' "~i"l~" " . 1.;~; !;'" <J'~.,:. 'i. ' lp.. ; . ~.1~'::, :'f'" . (.."~}..~";: .... .,1'" . ~,~.;'.l.. ~:. : c . :.;:.:~/ > '::: ~~""~: '. ': ~ ~j,~/ : .! ".:.. ~; .' . f.:~ '.... :, '~.,~l~>.~..~" .:>' T{"~", 1 ~ . ,:,." ~~J.;:,'~o\I{" : ~.: ...,' ~ 1-,.' '. ru'/'" ", . >' ~t~Jt< ~~':"~ ;'.': " ~I"J.,. .'"." , ...,....',..., > " >, ~\i1<. ' , ~:i: ~~I" .r L~ " ;I<~..,.L 'I :. "\..i,\.':::' ' ~.,., :,:....> '. ,., . ~~f~~~~~X::C ,:'.;: ,:,;. ::>~:, /,1 l / : . I , : , AGENDA '.... I / ~/ " J PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD February 23, 1981 1. Mrs. Edwin Grene11e's last Board meeting. (1975 to 1901) ,.,/ 2. Welcome new Board member, Mr. Dennis Fitzpatrick, who was appointed February 5 for a term of three years, ending February 28, 1984. 3. Board Oinner, Tuesday, February.24, 1981, ,at 7:00 p.m., Sheraton Sand Key. 4. Approval of Board Minutes of January 26, 19BL> S. Reports: a. Site Plan for the Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex - Members to discuss and give imput as to the preliminary site plan. b. countryside Tract 20 - Members to review preliminary'site plan and to make recommendations for phases of development. " c. Philadelphia Phillies Members to be ,advised of activities scheduled for March 7, 19B1, in honor of the Phillies arrival in Clearwater. ;'1, d. Fun Runs - Members to discuss various fun runs as to the extent of participation on behalf of ,the City in road races and fun runs. " , e. liThe Prisoner of Second Avenuelt by Neil Simon - Members to be apprised of attendance for various City productions and revenues from same. , , f. ' "Mini-parklt movie Members invited to attend and review a movie on mini-parks which is to be shown in the City commission chambers on TueSday, March 3, at 4:00 p.m. 6. Other Reports - ':,,:7. ,'comments by Board members 8. 'Adjournment .: >, > ., .l '1 < , " , , ; I ~ , ,,'~ " ' ;..: ,:,' :.:. " l>', " . "" I 't.. . t. ." ~~;' . f .:.. . V,..:", ..... . >.' t:!::..o' 'p"~ < cO" . ..t:,.;":' '. ,0".... ~ '. ~"'F.. ' \ .. . I ~~)'("\: : ......1:.., . . ~~\:: ..:' ~ .,' . . f;.t::'~',,: :, t":'" , !:~. ;~ .." ''': ;t" ;': :"":. ~~, I .: -: : . i::',!:, ,':i .', .' I' -t . i"i' .::. ~1.\ .' . ~:') .::::'.':J tij,. . ,. tJ...,\'~. " . ~~;\/;, 1. , ,/ I \/ " CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES Fe bruary 23, 1981 ............ "'" The regular meeting of the Parka and Recreation Board was held at the Department Offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, 011 Monday, February 23, 1981, at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Chairman, Graydon Howe, Mr. Jack Gilmore, Mrs. Marguerite Krame, Mrs. Diann Schultz. and Mr. Ed. Steiner. Mr. Denis Fitzpatrick, whose term 8S a Board member begins on February 28, was also in attendance. Mrs. Edwin Grenelle, Mrs. Peg Rogern, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, and Mr. Charlie Meeks were unable to attend. Mr. Ream Wilaon and . Mr. Art Kader were in attendance. Chairman Howe informed members that thia would be the last meeting for Mrs. Grenello. who has served on the Eoard from 1975 until the present. He expressed his appreciation for Mrs. Grenelle's years of service and welcomed new Board member. Mr. Fitzpatrick. Mr. Howe also reminded members of the dinner to be sponsored by the City in honor of all Lay Boards which will be held on Tuesday, February 24. at the Sheraton Sand Key. As much as pOSSible, the Board will try to sit together at this function. Mr. Steiner made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of January 26, 1981. Mrs. Krame seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. 'Wilson reported on the following: , SITE PLAN FOR THE EDDIE C. MOORE RECREATION COMPLEX - Mr. Wilson : 'showed and disoussed with members the preliminary site plan for this ': complex. .Considerable discussion ensued. The complex will consist of ,four softball fields, a support building, three soccer fields, and parking ,for approximately 130 autombiles. Mr. Howe mentioned that a dust problem could ~evelop when grading of the property begins. Mr. Wilson agreed and said ,that every effort would be made to prevent any dust problems. Mr. Howe also advised staff to recheck the alignment for the expansion of McMullen-Booth Road. He felt that the realignment could move the road a~ proximately 30 feet oloser to the West, which would necessitate moving the facility a corresponding distance. Mr~ Wilson said he would check into this alignment. " COUNTRYSIDE TRACT 20 - Mr. Wilson reviewed with members a preliminary aite plan for the development of Countryside Tract 20'and asked the.BoaI~ 'as to their recommendations for the phases of develop1ll.ent~ 'He stated that the first phase would include a playfield, (baseball/soccer/football), playground apparatus area, etc. Members felt ,. that a lighted basketball court should also be considered in the first phase.since .this type facility is so popular with youth. Mr. Howe :~xpressed concern about young people loitering in the parking lot at night' after the park is closed. ' Mr. Kader said that the entrance road will be of benefit in that a gate could be installed to preclude automobiles from en~ering, the park after closing time. Mrs. Schultz 8upported initial .develop-ment of outdoor recreation facilities but expressed concern about costly 'facilities such as a swimming pool or recreation c€nter. -1- tj;';', . 'J ' Chairman Howe - Expressed an interest in some type of landscaping ~~~~';"'d:' being ina-Ealled under the bridge at State Road 60 and U. S. 19. Mr. Wileon '". "." , felt that this would be difficult in that the area is under constant t::':': , shade, which retards the growth of landscaping. Howevers he said that f.t+.<:). staff would look at the area to see what could be done. Mr. Howe also !t " ' ; mentioned that the City Commission will recognize Mrs. Grenelle I B years of ... ~~?-i~:.-:'.'~~''''>' . service at the regular Commission Meeting of March 5 s 1981- ~\L;:.,: :'. ..., . adj~,Urn;~~re being no further business before the Board, the meeting was ~:l:;/ .:,':, ~"/ ;~.~'>.' ,: , ',,' . '.' ',I' ,. " .~ ,. .,' ,., :t.. ' ;:-, '~ ('~, '... . '.' '.' . . ~ ' , , , ":. \. " " . , t~/:'> ',: ;c~':./;.;" ' ~\f.: .. l' , ,<, , " ,,:: ," _ f. ...". +. [::',..... ~~(j :. . }: ~.~.~. c~ :'. . , ',:.', . ,I, , " '" " " :( .. /~. . 'r.' ,,- '" -,;' , '. ,f".'; ',Ie , ; ~,; ~ . :. PHILADELPHIA PHILLIES - Memboro were informed of the spaoial evcnto to take plaoe on March 7 in honor of the Philadelphia Phillies being World Champions. A parade will bo hold at 10:00 a.m., starting from Crest Lake Park and ending at Maaa Brothero downtowl1. Everyone 10 invited to Jack RUBaell Stadium for L\ brief oeremony at approximately 11:00 n.m., to talce pictures of their favorite ballplayers and to remain at the otndium to watch a Phillies workout. During the workout, the City will provide spectators with a free hot dog and cold drink. ROAD RACES AND FUN RUNS - Mr. Wilson informed members that these type activitiea are becoming increasingly popular and that various City departments are becoming more involved in participating from the standpoint of finances, equipment, and manpower. He said they are a valuable reoreational outlet but that the City often ia faced with considerable expense. Members discussed these activities and the role the City should play in cooperating with them. Although no official Board action was recommended, members expressed a feeling that the City should not foot the coat for non-profit organizations, but that entry feea might be oharaged to cover these costs. Fees should be established for various pieces of equipment and manpower, and if desireds organizers of events could seek waiver of fees with the City Commission. '''PRISONER OF SECOND AVENUE" - Mr. Wilson informed members tha.t the "Prisoner of Second Avenue" was presented by the City Players at the St. Petersburg Junior. College this past week. It was the first play where an . admiBs'ion' fee of $1.00 was charged. The production was well received and . 671 persons attended. MINI-PARK MOVIE - Members were invited to attend and view a movie on mini-parks which is to be shown in the City Commission chambers on Tuesday, March 3, at 4:00 p.m. , Members also discussed the parcourse at Crest Lake Park and expressed their pleasure at seeing it 80 well utilized by citizens. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS - , }w. Steiner - Requested that a map of Parks and Recreation facilities be prepared to familiarize people with what the City has to offer. Since a map of this type has recently been printed, a copy was given to Mr. Steiner. ' Mr. Stainer alao complimented the Parcourse. MI'. Fitzpatrick - No comments. Mrs. Schultz - Complimented the playground equipment being installed adjacent to the tennis courts on Clearwater Beach. She also 'expressed her feeling that: too many "NO" signs were being evolved on the fence at McKay Athletic Field. MI'. Wilson agreed and stated that he would attempt to consolidate these rules into one sign. Mrs. Krame - No comment. 1 ~~~f~0~ ~ '"'' ,.,. ' ,.j",,"" ,n,,,, I'. '.', " .r f,., ",1' '" .k",.'"" "1' ,',.", \, ,.",.".,'/'.......", ,...".',./,,\1,'.\..., -.\:\ ,"< ",.,". "",', -"" ..~ ,';., '1" ;.,)' . "., j !' '-'( ,,., ~',,: : . t" I . :>,'~'~~.' /' ~), "'/, :.'.(~::"', ::" " ,>"I.~ ': .', .,' ; .. . ." . 1'. .:' ,": . '\;' , " ..... '.