11/24/1980 ~:, L , .:, L I I '~' , . . "', " .'.,. i, ' < ~ " '. , , ' . L , ',' '. , '. , '" ' , { , ' .- i:<' , " · \">, 'L'", } J' .. '.fl' ~' , ,l. ,.,. ) , , ".1 , " , I; ", , , ,'/ ' . ~ .' ' i,' ... " ',,' " " :) , ~L .. ~. ,", \" ., . ~ '~, ~. , ' , ' :" '" ;";f' .':; . . ~~~:; : ' . ' ..,. ,~ ~~\:'.' '0' ~ , r"".' !0>:,;~': , ,': '" ' t~:~';,:', <, , "!'?1" :~: < .. ~)(~'i:,::'~ ;',:" " L ' "" "v.,f:.;~i:,' , ( ... I' /" 'y/ CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES . November 24, 1980 The regular moeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Departmont Offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, November 24, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Chairman, Mr. Graydon Howe, Mr. Jaok Gilmore, Mrs. Marguerite Krnme, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, Mra. Peg Rogers. Also in attendance were Mrs. Barbara Grow, Student Representative from Clearwater High, Mr. Ream Wileon and Mr. Art Kader. Mrs. Dinnn Schultz was on vaoation, Mr. Charlie Meeka wus out of town, and Mr. Ed,. Steiner and Mrs. Edwin Grenelle were unable to attend. Mrs. Rogers made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of October 27, 19BO. Mrs. Krame seoonded the motion, which passed. j ! '! , I, , I , I \ , c, , . Mr. Howe introduced Miss Barbara Grow to the Board and weloomed her partioipation. }~. Wilson reported on the following: MOCCASIN LAKE PARK-Members reviewed a aite plan of the facilities to be located at Mocoasin Lake Park. It was explained that the facilities would be looated on the property recently purchased and that the entrance to the park would be from the Southeast, or Park Trail Lane. , Mrs. McQuigg asked where the main route to the park would be. Mr. Wilson advised that signs would be posted on Drew Street, with people entering from Fairmont and Park Trail Lane. Members were informed that working drawings are now in progress and that, when completed, they would be forwarded to the State with the site plan. When approval is received, construction will be let for bid. ' ( r I I I , , r , I , ! I . " NA~rrNG OF PARKS-Members were shown two Resolutions recently approved by the'City Commission. One pertained to naming the softball/soccer complex ItThe Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex" and the other related to the playfield on Mandalay Avenue being named "The McKay Athletic Field'!. \1 '01 , i , BEL ,CHEER PROPERTY-Mr. Wilson informed members of concerns expressed by Plumb Elementary School parents regarding their children who cross Bel Cheer Park going to and from sohaol. Parents were concerned about older teenagers bullying younger children and about clearing the property to a greater extent in an effort to reduce these type incidents. Mr. Wilson explained that he had met with the Bchool advisory'committee and that additional olearing efforts have been made to the park. He further stated that he had walked the property with the advisors and parents of Plumb School and that they expressed their pleasure about the clearing. I ',I MEMORIAL CAUSEWAY-Members were informed of maintenance efforts now taking place on the South side of Memorial Causeway, between the emergency roadway and the curb. Parks crews have placed extensive fill material and have generally dressed the area up. Several members expressed the fact that they had noticed the improvement. Mr. Howe and Mrs Krame expressed their concerns about the electricity being off on the Causeway between the 'Eaat;Bridge and the entrance to Island Way. ~w. Wilson explained that he ,'sh~res this concern and that the power outage affects the sprinkler system in the medians and the lights for Christmas deoorations. Florida Pow~r CorporatiolL has been contacted and repairs are considered major and could coat approximately $50,000. . , " ... ' , . . . ". . " ~ r ,I " ' '.' ".' , .' I,' ... ,', ,', ,', o " , , '1 :,. , ., 0"'3 ,f I .. - , ," n.., ' '~', I, . " , " ~':: ~i'~ ".:. . ~l~: :':' . ~.;.; ~>.... '..b . , ..' i ,I.... ~~~:,{.. . " ,,', \ , . ;' )" .' , . ~,,' , 't.', ,;,:':- ~. . , " ,. .-.... " ' :~~:" ", .'c' ~il r'~<~, . " .~~ J .. . .... ~.. . ~~:. . ;\.\".0'" :~./ 't' . r\ " .t,t;;~ (.:' . ~p., .'\ If\, . ':/-:'. li"'\' ' .f.k'.l t.... ~i;':: .. 2 PARK ORDINANCE-Mr. Wilson distributed to Board memboro n copy of an ordinance from the City of Largo which establishes rules and regulntiono controlling the public's ueage of that City's parks and recreation facilities. He explained that the City of Clearwatel' has no such Bingle ordinance. Parks and Recreation staff haa met with the Chief Assistant City Attorney for Clearwater and feels that a similar ordinance would be helpful in Clearwater. It would support department employees when they are placed in a position of havine to enforce various park rules and regulations. For example, commercial fishing in lakes, boating in lakes, sale of merchandise in parks, dogs in parks, etc. Members discussed the Largo ordinance in generalities and felt that they would like more time to study and to think about an ordinance being propoeed for Clearwater. Comments ranged from feelings that the ordinance would be very helpful to comments that the Board would not want to impose so mnny rules and regulations in parka that may discourage members of the public from using the facilities. Chairman Howe suggested that each member take a copy of the Largo ordinance home and review same for further discussion at the next meeting of the Board. TRACT 28 COUNTRYSIDE-Members were advised that a sidewalk is being placed in the right-of-way adjacent to City Park property which leads to Countryside High School. The sidwalk should be completed this week and will be followed in the not too distant future by placement of aod between the walk and the curbing of Landmark Drive. TRACT 20 COUNTRYSIDE-Mr. Wilson advised members that this 20 acre park is of prime importance in the Countryside area and has generated much interest from residents of that community. Monies are currently available for the construction of a playfield, fencing, irrigation system, and playground apparatus. Before work could commence. on the above, electricity must be brought into the area to service a pump for the irrigation system. A meeting was held this past week with Florida Power. Hopefully, construction could begin after the first of the year. YOUTH J.1ARITINE CENTER-The swimming pool at the former Yacht Club site has been filled in. Arrangements are now being made for installation of playground apparatus which is on handt and for the addition of future landscaping. Mr. Howe inquired about the dirt piles running along the South side of the playfield adjacent to the Youth Maritime Center. Mr. Wilson explained that some of this dirt has been used to fill in the swimming pool, some for the South aide of the causeway, and some dirt has been left. The Public Works Department will be contacted about the possibility of removing the remainder of the dirt and about erecting a fence along the South aide of the property. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS , I ~ Mrs. McQuigg -Made a motion to cancel the December meeting of the Parks and ~ecreation Board due to the heavy schedule surrounding the Christmas holidays. Mrs. Krame seconded the motion, which passed. Mrs. McQuigg also inquired about restrooms to be placed at Crest Lake Park and expressed a concern about undesirable activities that might be generated. Mr~ Wilson explained that they are aware' of the potential fOl" problems but that the increased usage of the park has'reaulted in more people requesting restroom facilities. Mrs. McQuigg alao informed members of the goodoomments she continues to receiVe about the activities at Woodgate Park in Countryside. Further, she inquired about the Airpark property and the disposition of same should it cease to be used BS an airpark. Members discussed this issue and indicated a desire to withhold a recommendation , pending future developmentB concerning the Airpark. .': {~r':~:" ,:~" ~ ".. 1:~h::,: :' 'L . 'J:J" ! J>~ f ,I ,~':, ',}, 3 Mr. Gilmore, Mrs. Krame, and Mise Grow had no comments. /,<" , 'I: . Mrs. Rogers-Inquired about the Boftball fields at Marymont Park and whether or not improvements would be made for the upcoming girls softball 'season. Mr. Wilson advised that improvements will be underway shortly and should 'be completed by 'the season's beginning. Mrs. Rogers also inquired . about :the status of Glen Oaks Golf Course and the new management. Mr. Kader and Mr. Wilson expressed their pleasure in having Mr. Chick Lewis as the new Golf Course Superintendent and stated that many improvements have been made . . ~: : .,-.... : (, ,r .I .. ....:...)' T'; 7" " , , :~; ~. - L",' 'i " ~!:< ~I:::' ': ' ~ .... I.~, 1,1. ' Mr. Howe-Inquired about the entrance sign located on State noad 60 BcrOBS from the Water Pollution Control plant. Mr. Wilson replied that ,beautification e~forts will take place on this property in the future Be the property is deeded ,over to the City. The sign was erected by the Chamber of Commerce and low maintenance beautification, including palm trees, is'beinginstalled. Mr. Howe also expressed his concerns about , Bugar Band being placed in the median on the new Delcher extension and ".. : ,f~els that it will be'detrimental to the growth of heal thy grass. ,Mr. 'Wilson expiained ,that this is a County road and that, the City is not .' reapons'ible for their maintenance. . . . . ~ .... ' ", ,".. . . ~:~;.':' ',' I >" ,:': ~ . ; " :V,' ,"; r>"~:l " " , I , ' ,There being no further business before the Board t Mrs. Rogers moved : for' adjournme~t. , :,Meetill8 adjourned at 9:15 p.m. ;' ~ '," . ~.' ,,] " ' , "r ~ .' " . f ,t " " ,,' r . ~.,' ,". " . '" ,I .' , ~. , " .. ,"r .. ',:,., ',I ";, ,I I . . '", , I ~. . ':'t,' 1>' " "i ", , ,I , , " . ~ '.'.,. j > ~ . " " I ',' " " ;::." . , ' , ' .; 11 \ , , ;. ~ . '. ~ " :! '. ',' .1 'I : e~ r . , " ' ; , . ,',