10/27/1980 :. r '" I: ' J~\~~.:~~.l. "... c~ j~" ~": r I _...., . r . '. . f,i.~.,;,> ,,~,,', 4: Other,Reports. If~'/".,~.':':" '",:::::::e::. Board ~~:'.,'.'," tfU, \ '"} '^ .' ti{{fi " ~FY ",. , . ~\~.',:':I.."'" .," l';';~'::'"'\''' " ~~;~t::;;.:;>:,', ' ," ~f.,.,~,,, , .' " f<iJi " ~~~..t. ','. ~::i'1 . '. . ~,< h .' N~~\X:'-:':";' .,;;' " ,', ~T,....JLJ~., ' I" .'.: ;~tl{,,;:,~.~,'::.' "',', :m~11;~.,l :; ': ' \~t~:r:, . , ::;.:: ~,: ~ 't' ~t (to;. .!/~.:.~. : f.: ~ :1, :-'j,' ,:F:"i' . ~ \' , . ,~ ; .~, . 1.." :::.,:~ /: . .... ." '11.',\:':,' ::r<'-,:",:,:.. '.' ~. . ":.' ", . ;\i::>', ."" " :. r! " ,; l. ~ AGENDA . , PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD / October 27. 1980 1. Approval of Minutes of August 25, 1980, meeting. / 2. Board meeting of Sevtember 22, 1980 -Cancelled-lack of quorum. " ;, 3. Reports: . \':-l a. Softball Complex ,) .'c<'S , To consider and recommend a name for the future softball complex. b. Memorial'Civic Center - Consider recommendation from the Memorial Civic Center Association about rehabilitation of the fountain in Kruse Gardens. c. Manda1ay Playfield Consider recommendation from the Memorial Civic Center Association about a name for the Mandalay P1ayfield. d.,' G1.en Oaks Golf Course - Report on status of the course. Com~etit1ve Swim ProRram - Information to members about facilities and personnel for competitive swim activities. ". e. f. Capital Improvement Pr01ects - Status report on active projects., Information regarding improvements made to the lake , 'g~, ,Coach~n Park - ", / members. ..:-:.,; I : .... 'I, ~ ~ . I.. "., \ ,~ CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES I October 27, 1980 -----.... The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation :Qoard was held at the Department Offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, October 27, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Chainnan, Mr. Graydon Howe, Mrs. Edwin Grenelle.. Mrs, Marguerite. Krame, Mrs. Ginger Mcquigg, Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mrs. Diann Schultz, and Mr. Ed. Steiner. Mr. Jack Gilmore was unable to attend due to an engagement at his chut'ch and Mr. Charlie }ieeks was out of town. Mr. Art Kader and Mr. Ream Wilson were also in attendance. Mrs. Krame made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of August 25, 1980. Mrs. Rogers seconded the motion. Mrs. Krame requested that the minutes be amended to read that the synchronized swim program was held at Morningsidc swimming pool rather than at Norton Pool. Mrs. Krame's motion to approve the minutes as amended was passed. No action was necessary regarding the Minutes for the Board meeting of September 22, 1980, due to the fact that a quorum was not present for that meeting. Mr. Wilson reported on the following: SOFTBALL COMPLEX - Mr. Wilson recommended to Board members that the.y consider naming the new Softball Complex and Soccer Complex in honor of Eddie C. Moore, former Parks and Recreation Dire.ctor. Mr. Wilson advised that he thought this to be appropriate not only because of Mr. Moore's forty years of service to the City, but also because of his being so active ~ith softball throughout the United States and abroad. Mr. Wilson distributed ':=J to members copies of the criteria that should be followed when considering a name for a , " park or recreation facility. Discussion regarding the recommendation ensued among.~he, , members with several indicating their support for Mr. Moore because of his many years of service and dedication. Mr. Steiner made a motion to recommend to the Commission that the property officially be named "The Eddie C. Moore Recreation Complex. II Mrs. Grene11e se~onded the motion, which passed unanimously. MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER - Mr. Wilson discussed with the Board members an insurance policy left by Mr. Arthur Kruse, of which one-third of the proceeds ($1,046.00) would be' directed toward the provision of a decorative or drinking fountain at the Memorial Civic Center. " Mr: Wilson further reminded members that the Board had previously discussed this insurance policy and that consideration was originally given to installing a statue inside of the building. However, the Memorial Civic Center Association, of which Mr. Kruse had been '~ounder and a member for so many years, has recommended that consideration be given to usIng 'the $1,046.00 to renovate the small fountain in the gazebo in the gardens immediately behind the Civic Center building. Mrs. Rogers made a motion to support the recommendation of the Memorial Civic Center Association and to recommend that the monies be expended to renovate the fountain in the garden. Mrs. Mcquigg seconded the motion~ which passed. On this same subject~ }lr. Wilson informed members that Mr. John Peddy, City Energy Officer, investigated the project and estimates that the fountain would cost approximately $150.00 a year to operate. MANDALAY PLAYFIELD - Chairman Howe informed Board members of a letter he received from Mr. E. J. Martih, President of the Clearwater Beach Association, Inc. Mr. Martin requested that the Board consider a recommendation to name the play field on Mandalay Avenue in honor ~:,~, '~J" of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford McKay. Copies of this letter were di6tri~uted to members. Dis- ;;.> ~g cussion ensued relative to the request satisfying thu criteria about: the naming of parks, ,?"" and all. items were met. Mrs. Schultz made a motion to reconunend that the pl:'operty be :..: named "t-fcKay Athletic Field." Hr. Steiner seconded the motion, which passed. -1- :, () , . , , , " ' " , " ': ..~. :. :;'1. ~ . ': i :~'. .:c t , " "1. . , ' ~1\c. . ,c :{/:. ~:'~;. . :S.I"c:'. ,:, t:l'~11ll .;. V' .. ,V' '.. ';./; \ "'':'jc, ':.:' ~' . n GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE - Mr. Wilson informed mernbc~s of a rcorguni1.otion of Glon Oaks Golf Course. He stated that the couree previously had been under the organization of the Recreation Division. However, due to the fact that it is the largest oinglo recreation facility in the City, and since it is an enterprise account whereby subs tan- ~ tial revenues are Bener-nted, it was siven "AgencyU status. By being elevated to an agency, the Golf Course Superintendent will answer directly to the Director and the Assistant Director of Parks and Recreation. This will be different than in the past in that thu Golf Course Manager did answer to a Recreation Supervisor II and then the Superintendent of Recreation. Mr. Wilson advised that the former Golf Course Manager had resigned and that a new Golf Course Superintendent hOB been hired. The new Superintendent is Mr. Chick Lewis, who wus in charge of Glen Oaks when the facility was purchaoed by the City in 1973. Mr. Lewis left the City around 1974 and has been in charge of the golf courses at East Lake Woodlands for the past five years. Mr. Wilson informed members that Mr. Lewis haa been ,used on numerous ~ccasions as a consultant and is considered to be one of the finest golf course men in the area. He further stated that improvements are already being noted at the course and that personnel and players have expressed a great deal of confidence in Mr. Lewists abilities. Mr. Wilson said that the City is indeed fortunate to have a man of Mr. Lewis's caliber in its employ. COMPETITIVE SWIM PROGRAlI - Mr. Kader informed the Board about the Clearwater High School Pool being closed for repair and about the City's competitive swim program being moved 'to Ross Norton Park Pool. He also stated that Mr. Donnie Prokes, former City A.A.U. Coach, will be leaving his position at Clearwater High School to accept a similar position in Winter Park. This being the case, the Department is now in the process of seeking a new coach ,for our competitive swim program, which has grown very rapidly over the past year or two. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS PROJECTS - Mr. Kader informed Board members of the status of different active Capital Improvement Projects. Included were the completion of the parking lot at Chesapeake Park. the construction presently beginning on a playfield at Belmont PaTk. lighting fo~ the Court Street Soccer Field, etc. COACHMAN PARK - Members were informed of improvements which were recently made to the lake at Coachman Park. The bottom of the lake has been cleaned,the waterfall is working) and the banks around the lake have been reshaped. Mr. Wilson stated that the completion of the library has resulted in many more people using the park and that heavy crowds are anticipated with the upcoming Jazz Festival sponsored by the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. Several members conmented about the attractive landscaping placed around the new library by the department's Nursery Division. OTHER REPORTS - PARCOURSE - CREST LAKE PARK - Members were a~vised that materials for the Parcourse have been received and installation will be scheduled within the next couple of weeks. Members will be notified when installation is complete in the hope of having a grand opening of the course. , FOUR DAY WORK WEEK - Members were also advised that the Parks and Recreation Depart- ment ~ill be going to a 4 day work,week effective Monday, November 3. Mr. Wilson stated that the Annex offices will be open MOnday through Thursdays from 7:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.. and closed on Fridays. The Parks and Nursery Divisions will also work Mondays through Thursdays. All playgrounds, tennis' complexes) swimming pools, center-s, etc., will not be affected by the 4 day work week and will continue their normal schedules. Mr. Wilson advised members that they may reach the Parks and Recreation office before or during Board meetings by calling 462-6540. 1'.' . .:: ,~ ,."! tr :.t( ~-I r.;; :'I.:~ !~.;~. '':,'1 ;1A; ii? -2- '~l.~ ,Jk {,'~ . , , .: ~iJ' ,~~ ~: , , ;;o,~ . , ..- ,.. ~,-.....' " , ""'. 1 ", ~ ' ..;';~':::~:~'f,ii~:\::':;'..:i/} ;';,:~ ::,'.~ ;::;i ~;:j: ;'!:::::: :;!};;J::/S f;rftt:::::~!y,!;'\'i;;';>:;;::;;I(;';!,;:~'~~i?Ui;::~;~' }//:g{r~;':;i;t;,".tmf(,::;~,';,?~:';,{:'\:iQ:::;;~: " '" ",',.. c" ",'" '", i" '''Ii,'''', - ~,,", ",,,,,,, , It."""" ", I,", ""," ..,",', I .. "I., ,,"'," '... '.. ,", 'o" 'o , ", ',,,' ,'''' """,,, ..... '''', '., ",' "'" ' ',' ..', ~;:;Y\; i),?:' ::CH,' i:::;; ";.: ',:: :'/':;:i',,;:.t:::;::;;,) j.~;,;id':}~;,:;::':;i\/'<,i:::)(:iti,/y;~,~}') !;;;,:\::~:,;/:t:;;\i:;.\ ::;;;, ,:'i': Xi{:"~:L':,{: :l:::,:.;:;;;:;? I, ' ".. , ",' ," "''''''"" , '" ",' """, """ ",,'o,', ''''" '.,. "-,,,',",' """.", I ... ',..,,.,,, "r '.... "',i , ..'" 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'. . . ~ . \ +"" ", l" ' 'r~:'.':~~ .,: ~",;, . ~5.. L... ~\:;, ~\.~' ~:. ;'/,. ., J;- " '''. 3~';..;.1 ." _, c. , ~ : '! 'i' , I . COMMENTf!,BY BOARD MEMBERS Mrs. McQuigg - Suggested that an effort be made to level the parking lot on the West side oftbe'Sid Lickton Little League complex. . She felt it was very rough. Mr. Wilson said he would look into the matter. Mr.' Howe Inquired as to whether or not a fence would be placed along the North ,'property,line':of' the ,new Softball Complex to provide some protection to Adjacent .res1dences~ ,Mr. Wilson replied that he h~dcorresponded with the President of the Kapok Civic Association to the effect that a heavy border of plnntings would be 'installed in this area and that a. fence would 'be erected. ' u ~, There ~eing no further business before the Board. the meeting was adjourned. c '.;\: " I'! " , , .' , '. ,.>, =., -, . ,.\1 . ::L. , " !' : " . . . "t. < : : ,~ , . . . ~ c '" " . ,.;. ! ' '>:, . ".' 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