08/25/1980 ;a. "" AGENDA PAR~ AND RECREATION BOA~~ CITY OF CLEARWATER AUGUST 25, 1980 1. Approval of Minutes of July 28 meeting. 2. Clearwater Artist-in-Residence Program - Mr. Loyd Jones, representative of the Ar~s Council, will make a presentation and review of the latest Artist-in-Residence project. / .. ~". -.......-- 3. Reports: . a. Naming of Parks - The City Commission approved the criteria submitted by the Parks and ' . Recreation Board regarding naming of parks. At this time, the Board will be asked to consider names for park property located in the Glenwood section, the softball complex property, and a new park being developed on Montclair Road. b. Swimming proqram at Pier 60 Pool - The Recreation Division is conducting instructional classes at the Pier 60 pool during the lat~er two weeks of August. , c. Fountain at Memorial Civic Center - The Board, at its last meeting, approved a recolTmendation to purchase a statue for placement in the' entry fountain at the Memorial Civic Center in accordance with an agreement between the City of Clearwater and Mr. Art Kruse. However, recent developments include an interest of the Memorial Civic Center Association to give consideration to restoring the fountain located in Kruse Gardens, immediately behind Memorial Civic Center. ';':".0 ' .d.' B~Yfront.parkS - A review and discussion of a site plan for the development of the Bayfront Parks as prepared by a landscape architect from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. '....:~ .'. ,e~ P~oject Update : l~ The handball courts have been completed at.Montclair Park with the exception .of painting; the installation of playground apparatus is almost completed, etc. . '. ~ . . . 2. The lighting of Mandalay Playf;eld is in progress and should be completed within the next ten days. 3.' Brief report on the uOle Fashion Picnic" recently conducted at Crest Lake Park. '4. Status of old swimming pool located at the former Yacht Club property. .\ 4. ' Other Reports 'f 5. . Conunents by Board members 6. . Adjournment , : ""0" ~... . .~ .: .. ." r F.~.' ~ . ~ .i . '~~ '.'~ . .. CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECRE}\TION BOARD MINUTES August 25, 19BO ,..., The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Department Offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, August 25, 1980, at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Chairman, Mr. Graydon Howe, Mrs. Marguerite Krame, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, Mrs. Peg Rogers, and Mr. Ed. Steiner. Mr. Jack Gilmore was unable to attend due to participation in a church program, Mrs. Edwin Grenelle was ill, Mr. Charlie Mecks was out of town, and Mrs. Diann Schultz had work responsibilities. Also in attendance were City Commissioner, Mrs. Rita Garvey, Mr. Ream Wilson, Hr. Art Kader, Mrs. Anita Gagnan (Pinellas County Arts Council), and Mr. Loyd Jones, Artist in Residence. Mr. Wilson advised the Board that Mr. Howe would be a little late to the meeting. Mrs. Peg Rogers, Vice-Chairman, began proceedings. Mrs. McQuigg made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of July 28, 1980. Mrs. Rogers seconded the motion, which passed. Mrs. Gagnan introduced Mr. Loyd JOnes, who is the City's Artist in Residence for June, July, and August. Mr. Jones distributed drawings of a metal sculpture that he will be doing for placement in the median at the Sand Key Toll Gate. The sculpture will be a representation ofsails and will be embedded in a concrete base. Questions and answers ensued between Mr. Jones and Board members, with members indicating their pleasure in the project and their anticipation of its completion. Mr. Wilson reported on the,following: NJU~ING OF PARKS - ~lembers were advised that Cit1 Manager, Anthony Shoemaker, received a :- :,~letter.from Mr. John Chestnut, Sr., requesting consideration for the naming of property on ..' <,:/load Drive in honor of Judge Alfred Marshall. Judge Marshall had donated 41,; lots to the City , for parks and open space purposes in 1965, and this property is contiguous with other property 'owned by the City. Mr_ Wilson explained to members that other adjacent lots had been donated to,the City by Dr. Fred Cournoyer and the Department of Transportation. Because of muck problems, the property is termed unbuildable. However, pine trees exist on the property donated by Judge Marshall, with the area serving as open space. Mr. Wilson further explained that the City recently removed pavement from old Wood Drive, which encircled a large grass area that now serves as open space/retention. Considerable discussion ensued relative to the 'area being wet a good portion of the year, which restricts proper maintenance by Parks mowers. During certain portions of the year, the area cannot be mowed due to these conditions. Due to the muck, and wet characteristics of the site, members felt that it should be more appropri- ately classified as open space rather than park. This being the case, members felt that it would not be appropriate at this time to name the site after Judge Marshall. However, in the event improvements are made to the area in the future, the request from Mr. Chestnut may be reconsidered. , " Members were advised that a 4~ acre piece of property located on Montclair Road at Keene Road is presently under development with two handball courts, playground apparatus, picnic facilities, etc. This being the case, Mr. Wilson recommended that the Board consider a name for the park in accordance with the criteria recently approved by the City Commission. He ," advised members that it has been' referred to up to this point as the Montclair property since .' it is on Montclair Road. In accord with the criteria established for the naming of parks, Chairman Howe requested that Parks and Recreation staff contact the homeowner1s association at Montclair to give them an opportunity for imput. Mrs. McQuigg made a motion that the lolontclair Honieownerl s Association be advised that the Board suggests Nontclair Park as the (:{ame for the property. Mr. Steiner seconded the montion, which passed. Mr. Wilson stated '; hat if concurrence is received from the Montclair Association, he will present the recom- ,;' "', mended name for consideration by the City Conunission in accord with established criteria. . ' ; ", ",' , ," c.. ~. I: -1- In the event the Association recommends a different namet Mr. Wilson will bring the matter back to the Board at thoir September meeting. Mr. Wilson also suggested to members that they fonnally recommend to the City Conunissi~ _hat the softball/soccer complex on McMullon-Booth Road be named after former Parks and I," llecreation Director, Mr. Eddie C. Moore. He stated that this recommendation had baen made on previous occasions by the Board but that the established criteria for the naming of Parks was different. Considerable discussion ensued relative to naming the park after Mr. Moore and, following the new criteria. Chairman Howe stated that he would check with the neigh- borhood association located across the street from the site and would bring the matter back to the Board at the next meeting for final action. He also mentioned that additional Board members would be in attendance since summer vacations would be over. SWIMMING - PIER 60 POOL - Swimming instructional programs are now taking place at the pier 60 pool and will finish on Friday, August 29. The classes havo been well received and have given children a last chance opportunity to learn to swim this summer. FOUNTAIN AT MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER - Mr. Wilson reminded the Board that at their last meeting they had approved a recommendation to purchase a fountain statue to be placed in the Memoria~ Civic Center in accordance with an agreement between the City of Clearwater and Mr. Art Kruse. However, Mr. Wilson informed members that the Memorial civic Center Association has requested consideration to use the proceeds from the insurance policy ($1,046.00) to restore the fountain located in Kruse Gardens, immediately hehind the Civic Center building. Mr. Kruse was the first President of the Memorial Civic Center Association and present members ,indicate that this would be a more worthwhile project. Members discussed the project and requested that Mr. Wilson investigate the cost of restoring the outdoor fountain and that he bring the information back to the Board at their September meeting. Commissioner Garvey mentioned that the use of energy for the operation of the fountain should be taken into con- sideration. Chairman Howe suggested that Mr. Wilson discuss the project with Mr. John peddy, ~" ,~~~yity Energy Officer. ':'=1 - BAYFRONT PARKS - Mr. Wilson displayed a conceptual site plan for the development of the Bayfront Parks as prepared by a landscape architect from the Florida Department of Natural Resources. He stated that the architect had met with members of City departments for imput and that the early participation of the Department of Natural Resources might be of benefit if'and when the city proceeds with the development and seeking of a matching grant. Mr. Wilson emphasized that the site plan was strictly conceptual and that he hoped to review it with the City Commission within the next month or so. Members discussed each phase of the site plan. Questions were raised by different members regarding the need for the proposed band shell. Mr. Howe expressed a concern as to whether or not the lake and other facilities in Coachman Park were drawn to scale. Mrs. Rogers inquired about the cost of tho proposed handball/racketball courts and was informed that they could run between $20,000 and $25,000. Members also discussed the need and cost of the road crossing structure at Drew Street extended. General comment indicated disfavor with this structure. If it was included, it might be better located across Pierce street or Cleveland Street. Also, Commissioner Garvey and Chair.man Howe discussed the fact that Maas Brothers should be contacted for imput in the event any changes are recommended for their parking lot immediately West of the store. In further discussing the plan, members decided to review it in terms of four phases. " , " l. 2. 3. " ,. 4. ; Area immediately behind City Hall, between Cleveland and pierce Streets. Area behind Maas Brothers, including Coachman Park. Area West of Drew Street and North of the Causeway bridge. Area West of the Pierce Street Loop and South of the Causeway bridge. ,; Members generally approved the concept as drawn for Phase One. Further consideration ~:'" 0"'" of Phases Two, Three, and Four will be postponed until the next meeting. Members indicated \' ~ that the City Commission might have an opportunity to see the plan prior to the next meeting""'" "'t~ . . ;~, I of the Board and th'.J.t the Board could consider their reconunendations as well as lookl.ng at ~',', costs, 's1te plan scale of Coachman Park, etc. ~~~. '.~ . -2- .' . . '. .'. .. "<"~" ~:;,'I ....: ,:..:.,:~'. .,'" ,", " ' ." ", \:-~ " .. ~ PROJECT UPDATE - Board membors wero advised that handball courts woro completed at Montclair Park, that playground apparatus had boen installed, and that those two facilitios are already in heavy use. ~ Members were also advised that lighting systems for tho Mandalay playfield should be completed this week. H' ~. Mr. Wilson advised the Board of tho "ala Fashioned picnic" recently conducted at Crest Lake Park and stated that it appeared to bo most Buccessful. Commissioner Garvey and Mrs. Rogers attended the picnic and concurred with this feeling. It is estimated that 700 to 1,000 people utilized the area at ana timo or another. Members were advised that the old swimming pool located at the former Clearwater Yacht Club property was presently being knocked in and filled. Playground apparatus will be in- stalled upon the completion of the covering of the pool. OTHER REPORTS - Members were this,summer proved most successful. volunteers at a previous meeting. advised that the use of volunteer tennis instructors for Mrs. Rogers and other members had suggested the use of '- COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS - >, ." ~ Mrs. Marguerite Krame - Complimented the synchronized swim show conducted at.~~~ No.oml Park pool, and especially the organization of the show which was under the direction of Miss Cheryl Crafton. . .C, .' .! Mrs. Peg Rogers - Inquired about the policing of non-resident and resident cards at the Morningside Recreation Complex. Mr. Kader responded that several membership cards had been :" . . issued to City residents, which was originally an oversight of staff. .::.~ '. .~;D', '. . . Mr. Ed'- Steiner - Complimented the beautification being installed on the Memorial ". .. "'----- ,:,'.,' . Causeway. ',. ".. ' . .. . " . Chairman Graydon Howe - Inquired as to the status of selling beer at Glen Oaks Golf ;.:.... Course and was advised that application is now being made and that staff is discussing the ", _. . item with the various vendors. Draft beer is being considered as well as beer in cans. .' if: .' j:: ~~, '. : + . . Commissioner Garvey - Suggested that receptacles be placed in various locations for. the ,collection,of aluminum cans. She stated that various civic organizations or the City might' 'benefit from such a procedure. . I>' .~:" :.~. ~~, '. . '.' ~ " > . There being no-further business before, the Board, Mr. Steiner moved that the meeting .be adjourned. The motion was seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 10:00 p.m. " ., I>,:. . ., .'. .'" .f .:"1, ", ., ..~ ~ ~ ~>'-f'," .:" 'c f:' '"" :.... '-\~~~l <<.\~~y :~':. ',' ',I, ,', l -:~ ", !~ " .... \ c 1.>.-.. . .,c, . .-:.... . &':,;: ..... f~;,/,.:~~~~ ~.: '~.J~;:>" ~ .::: ~;" 'i ".:,\ -3- .: ;