June 2, 1980
The regular nonthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at
the Deparbnent offices, 10 s. Missouri Ave., on ~rrlay, June 2, 1980 at 7:30 P.M.
Members present were Chairman Graydon HCMe, Mrs. M3rguerite Krame, loll's. Eklwin
Grenelle,Mrs. Ginger McOJigg, Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mrs. oiann Schultz, ani. Mr. E::1
Stemer. Mr. Jack Gillrore was unable to atterrl due to a prev-ious camdtIoont ard
Mr. Charlie Meeks was unable to atten:1 due to being out of town. Student Board
Members Miss Brenia M::Fetridge ani Scott Wyckoff were in attendance along with
Mr. Ream Wilson.
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Mr. Steiner trade a motion to approve the Boaxd minutes of February 28, 1980.
Mrs. Rogers secorrloo the lTOtion, which passed.
Mr. Wilson reporte:1 on the following:
NAMDX; OF PARKS: Mr. Wilson distxibutoo lists of criteria for the naming of parks
as subnitted by several Board Ma11bers. The list was discusse::i in detail and
additional suggestions were made by other manbers of the BoaJ:d. Mrs. Krame rroved
that .Mr~ Wilson prepare a letter for Board signatures relative to suggested
criteria ',to be used for the naming of parks. Mrs. Grenelle secon:1ed the,motion,
which passed. The letter \<<)\lId include the following: '
L, Each park to be named would be given spe:::ial arrl in::lividual consideration.
2. . Neighl:orlxxxl Advisory Carmittees should be contacte:i as to suggestions
they may have for a name.
3. Parks would only be nam::rl after irrlividuals on rare cccasions arrl only
. when an irxlividual has given lengthy civic service to the carmunity.
Persons serving on the Parks arrl Recreation Board or on the City Catmission
w:luld not l:e eligible to have a facility namEd after than during their
tenn of office.
4. If a park property is donated, the donor should be allm.e:l the privilege
of subnitting a preference for name.
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5. . In the event a park is namerl after an irrlividual, that i.rx:lividual should
be of local ~t.ance or. historical significance rather than people of
state or national significance.
6. In a najority of cases, parks smuld be name::1 after geographic features,
locations, streets, etc.
7. The Parks arrl Recreation Board will nake final recannen:1ation to the City
Ccmni.ssion far !'laIlWaS of all future city parks arrl recreation facilities.
'. Ml;'. Wilson state::i that he \\OUld prepare a letter' for the lbard to consider at
.their regular meeting of June 30th.
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CAPITAL lMPRDVEMEN'fS: Board members received charts listing suggested capital
iInprovenent projects to be includa1 in bu:1get requests for the 1980/81 fiscal
year. Each project was discussa:1 an1 each member irilicated their top five
choices as to the importance of each project. Five points was awarded to each
1st place vote through one {Oint for each 5th place vote. A t.a.tulation of
these points results in the following priority projects as recannen:le1 by the
Board for consideration:
1. Acquisition of Parklarrl - 23 points
2. Roof repairs for Jack Russell Stadium - 18 (;Oints
3. Bike Trails - 14 points
4. and 5. Developnent am lighting of soccer fields on the Iley Rupple
property am light replacement program - 11 points each
SLIDE PRESENTATION: A slide presentation originally schedula:1 to give an
overview of Parks and Recreation activities was postpona::1 for placanent on the
Agen:1a of the June 23 rd meeting.
M.:)X.ASIN IAKE PARK: Mr. Wilson exhibited site plans and an aerial soowing five
{X>ssfDle alternative entran::es into M:xcasin lake Park arrl the estimata::1 costs
of each. The five alternative entrarx::es included:
1. . (Men Drive - $7,600
2. u. S. 19 - $69,700
3. . Park Trail Lane - $142,900
4. . u. S. Harne pnoperty - $73,150
5. Park Trail lane (purchase of the Rasch property) - $156,000
Mr. Wilson explained that if purchaSe:l, the Pasch property of 0 acres ~ld cost
$156,000 am that the site l>.Ould prove to be an excellent location for facilities
such as parking, shelter, restroan, etc. The 8 acres would be an attractive
addition to the park and, si.n::e Park Trail lane is already pave:1 up to the east
l:xJurrlary of the PaSch property, entrance road construction "-OUld be minimal.
Following oonsiderable disCussion, Mrs. Schultz noverl that the Board reccmnend.
top priority be given to the p.lI"chase of the Rasch property an:} to the entraooe
; caning fran Park Trail lane. The rrotion 'WaS secorrlerl by Mrs. Krame arrl passe:1.
In the event m:mies are not available for this purchase, the Board reiteraterl
their,ariginal recamv::mdation that the CMen Drive entrance be used. During this
discuSsion of Moccasin Lake Park, Mr. wilson Wormerl.. Board ~s of $100,000
being donated to the City in lieu of parklan:1 de:1icatio!l by the Justice Corp.
on U. S. 19. Additionally, nanbers were infol-med that a recreation easement
. ,;culd. be ~ov.iderl at this sits 'giving residents access to Tampa Pay.
. SOFl'BALLjSOCCER CCMPLEX: Manbers expressed their sincere pleasure am. appre-
clatiOn for the City C'.amIission' s decision to J;UrChase the Iley Rupple property
on M:Mullen Booth Road for a soft:l:all/soccer canplex. Pleasure was also ex-
i:>>:essOO al:o.1t the decisicn to narre the canplex after fanner Parks an:1 Recreation
Director E1:3die C. M:lore.
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ST.kt:;t;,L1 'IREE PR03RAM: MEmbers were advisa:l that the street Tree Program has
been resumed ani that applications are being acceptoo fran residents for the
next:. two ~ (June 2 - JUne 13). Mr. Wilson explaina:l that approx:imately
4S petitions had been received on this first day of applicati.ons.
B().lffiJ) MEMBER ~;
Mrs. McQligg .. requested that consideration be given to the placerent of
playgram:l equiprent at the Sid Lickton fields for younger children.
. Mr. Steiner ;.. expresse:l his pleasure for the opportunity of serving on the
Parks ani Recreation Board am for having the opportunity for inp.lt.
Mrs. Rogers - requested that consideration be given to providing a termis
camp program on the Cleaxwater Beach courts for children atrl that efforts be
experded towards the offering of rrore free tennis clinics on a neighborhocxl
basis. . She suggeste:1 that volunteers be sought to teach when possible. Mr.
Wilson adviserl. that he \\O.1ld look into these requests.
Mrs. Grenelle - 00 cannent.
Mrs. Krane - canplimented the lan:lscaping am rraintenance rt:.:M present on
ltigewater Drive.
Mrs. SchUitz - expressed her concerns .abalt the appeararce of flower bErls
on the causeway. Mr. Wilson respon::led that the Nursery Division was row in
progress of replanti.n;J, mmy .of the beds _ She also inquired into the plan am
use of the emergeooy roadway on the Causeway. She suggested that it might
also. be aVA;:] Rble for cyclists, joggers, ate. Mr". Wilson infarmed meml:ers
that he would check with Public l'brks and report the status of this project
at the next 9Jard meetin:J. Mrs.. Schultz also expressed her desire to have
, sW:imning instructional programs on Clearwater Beach arrl ranarke::1 that the
ballfield at Martin rnther King is in J.XlOr coDlltion. Mr. Wilson explained
that the Pier 60 sW:imning pool'lease is being looked into an:1 that efforts
have recently been made to correct 5C.'Ile deficiencies at the Martin !J.ltrer
. Kin]. field.' The field' is on school property, is rot irrigated, arrl is
,,;heavlly used by 500001 physical education classes as well as city softball
':players. Mrs. Scln:1lt2 also inquirEd as to whether or not there 'is any follow
. '., up' action when trees plantai by' developers die. Mr. wilson explained that
the parkinJ IDt Beautification Ordinarx::e is enforce:i by the Envirormental
seCtion of Public Works ani that he \<<Uld report tack to the ,Board.
Mr. steiner movErl that the meeting adjourn. M::>tion secorrle:i by Mrs. M:Q.ligg
am passed. .
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