03/24/1980 I, \ ~ . '~~ '~,z.,: .:' . .\ ,'- \ A ", A':' ,'~l,: , It;. '".. . PARKS AND RECRF'..AT'ION BOARD MARCH 24, 1'000 ~+-"'J~I/! :.!.' ~. ~ .' '. . '~!,I:,' , ~V;--: \t,~!:.J: ;, ,,~!~.\\., ~~;.~:t~~, ~: .~{ ;;. ~ IV":~ '_' , ~;:'..... 'J("'~~ 1:~1, ,\i~ . ,," . , . \-'.1.\; , i.\"~\ ~ :. \' .. f .,1','.. ~ . >;. ~ , ~::\;:'; , ~2/:1' ~t~.j if.}<-: '.' ....J!.; ~ '1t~~::;', ,:',:::, ..' '" 1~~~f';J:', . " I . . ~ . " .. '7'" . I ,"',(, r l " , .' , ,\ , , L Minutes of FebruarY 25 meeting. \\<x . .; 2. 'Reports t 'a. Financial . ': ',' . . . ~ , .. b. Hoccasin Lake Park '.:! (',' ", ." c.' Softball Complex d. Attendance Board Memb~rs, , ' "e'- Board, Agendas' ~;m,::,>, 'f: ,Election of Parks and Recreation Bcard chaiioDan ~;;!:r :'~'7~.,."..':",3'., ",,:::::r b:U::::" _ers y'J.,I: ..", ,',., "...4.", Adjourn li;l;f~j<;,;:;,:: "','.'::;~ ,,: ".' ", ".. ~Lh~'l-""" ,:.,..", "....., .- ,. ~} . " , , , 01' " .t~);... . 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Mr. Wilson reported on the following: FINANCIAL REPORTS: Board members were given copies of financial reports through the 5th Accounting Period. It was explained that the Department is currently spending at a rate of 2.9\ under the norm and Glen Oaks Golf Course at 4.7% over the norm. The overage at Glen oaks is due primarily to the early purchase of capital items. MOCCASIN LAKE PARK: Mr. wilson informed Board members that at the regular meeting of Thursday, March 20, the City Commission approved a resolution and agreement regarding the City's acceptance of a $100,000 grant from the Florida Department of Natural Resources for the development of Moccasin Lake Park. Members were also informed that a number of residents living on OWen Drive attended the commission meeting and protested the use of that street as the main entry into the park. Further, the Board was advised that the City commission, while approving the resolution and agreement, requested that all alter- native routes into the park be explored as to feasibility and cost, including the use of property owned by U.s. Horne immediately North of the park_ A decision on the entry road will be made at the time a definite site plan is prepared to send to the State for certification. The Board discussed the development of the park. Mr. Howe made a motion , to use OWen Drive as the main entrance to the park and to pursue the purchase of u.s. Home ,property as an alternate entrance to be considered if necessary in the future. Also, the mOtion included the securing of an estimated cost to construct a road and to consider the various possibilities that might affect the City receiving the grant. The motion was 'seconded and passed unanimously. ,SOFTBALL COMPLEX: The Board was informed that the question of securing land for a~softball complex was not placed on the City Commission agenda for their March 20 meeting, ,the reason being to'secure additional necessary information. Members reiterated their recommendation of the February meeting concerning their desire to see the City purchase the property on McMullen-Booth Road,where Drew Street would intersect, for construction of the complex. If 'this does not prove feasible, the Board recommended that consideration be given to construct the complex on the 320 acres in North Clearwater. ATTENDANCE/BOARD MEMBERS: This item was continued from the February meeting and Mr.'Wilson informed the Board that the city Manager's office is requesting that each lay board in the City establish attendance requirements of their members and, preferably, that the procedures be consistent among the various boards. The policy proposed by the City Manager states that a Board member may be dismissed in the event he/she has either 3 consecutive absences or 6 absences during any 12 month period. The Board discussed this proposed policy and recommended that the Parks and Recreation Board accept and adopt an attendance policy as explained on the memo attached to these minutes. The policy would involve the dismissal of a Parks and Recreation Board member for 3 consecutive absences at regular meetings of the Board" unless such absence is approved by the Board; and for the absence at 6 regular meetings during a 12 month period whether excused or not. Mrs. Schultz made a motion to adopt the policy as explained in the attached memo. Mr. Howe seconded the motion, which passed. ".: ,.... . . t . \ . .. I.; . '., .".' . , ,,: :\., ,~ ..,. /. ".' .. .. "' . - " .' ~ ' . , ...... I' ", ~(;!;j~"{~'5;}lf:! 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Mr. Wilson stated that he will prepare the agendas in the manner requested and begin with next monCh's meeting. ELECTION OF PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD CHAIRMAN: Mrs. Grenelle nominated Mr. Howe as the new Chairman of the Parks and Recreation Board. Mrs. McQuigg seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Mrs. McQuigg nominated Mrs. Rogers for Vice-Chairman of the Board. Mrs. SchUltz seconded the motion. Mrs_ McQuigg was nominated for Vice-Chairman, but declined. Mrs. Rogers was elected Vice-Chairman by unanimous vote. OTHER BUSINESS 1. Naming of Parks - Mr. Wilson advised the Board that the Manager's Office had requested a recommendation from members relating to a policy for the naming of parks, either present or those to be developed in the future. Present Commission policy stip- ulates that parks cannot be named after a pe~son unless that person has been deceased for '5 years. After considerable discussion, and in place of the existing policy, Mrs. Schultz made a motion to recommend that the Parks and Recreation Board be assigned the responsibility of recommending to the City Commission the names for city parks. Mr. Howe seconded the motion. In discussing this item, Board members felt that the naming of various parks should each be considered on an individual basis whether or not they are named after a subdivision, a street, or a person. Mr. Stavros called for a vote on Mrs. Schultz's motion, which passed unanimously~ 2. Glen Oaks Golf Course - As a matter of Board information, Mr. Wilson advised members that the front 9 greens at Glen Oaks have not responded as expected and are in poor condition. He explained that he will be meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, March 25, with Mr. Chick Lewis (E8stlake Woodlands Greenskeeper) to solicit his assistance regarding the ,problem. Also, the Department has been working with representatives from the Scotts' Fertlizer Company as it relates to securing soil samples, etc. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS: Mrs_ Rogers - inquired as to the distribution point of Parks and Recreation minutes and stated that she felt they should 90 to members of the City Commission. Mr. Wilson stated that he would inquire. Mrs. Grenelle - explained that she had been ill and apologized for missing the pre- vious meetings. Further, she stated that she was in charge of the voting precinct at Norton Park Recreation Center, and she complimented the employees at the Center for the assistance they provided during the recent City election_ She also inquired about large piles of dirt located immediately South of the Norton Park Recreation building. Mr_ Wilson advised the Board that the dirt was construction material stored for the improvements being made to South Greenwood Avenue and that all of the debris would be removed at the comp~etion of the construction_ Mrs. Krame - Inquired about the possibility of out-at-town guests securing seasonal swimming passes. Mr. Wilson advised that out-of-town guests residing within the City Limits of Clearwater are not required to purchase non-resident cards, and that they are eligible to purchase a seasonal swim pass. Mr. Wilson also advised the Board that, in an effort to more accurately police the non-resident situation at swimming pools, all persons attending swimming pools will be required to show two proofs of City residency. Th~se may include an address in the telephone directory, a Florida Driver's License, a Voter's identification card, a water bill, etc. -2- ',' ,.' ~ .': :::~ " ~. \' '\ ..' , " ." I . ~<! ; ..., " " , ( . .", "'::'~'.,(.":'.,:.~..L'.",,'~I,'!:.~,I: ....... ,:....:. ~.:'.~.~...~~ ..:~ " C.... ".::,. '. ..",\: .' ....~:>...~,::.!.~:,\:..,\:.:.....::..':, ..... '::",'.I~..,'...' , , , . . . _#, ", I', I, ~,I.;: ':.. .MS. Howe - ^dvised members ofa new County park, Brooker Croek Park, which he Bta~od is one of the finest he has ever sean. He also requested that the Parks and Rocreation Departmont investigate improving the sma1llandscapo areas under the bridge at ~he intersection of U.S. 19 and Stato Road 60., Further, Mr. Howe inquired as to tho stntus of the Chamber placing an entrance sign to Clearwater on state Road 60. Mr. ,Wilspn informed tIle Board tbat meetings have been held regarding this subject and that 4 title search is presently underway regarding property requested as the location for the 'sign. Also, Mr. Howe informed the Board that the Florida Power Corporation has post- poned ~ndefinitelY the placement of a new high power 'transmission ,line behind the res- idences of Woodgate'Subdlvision. : '.',~' :i , :; '"..", ", f.~:i.J:).' ~: I ,".'. <';. "I'". ',\ ' Mrs. MCQu~ - No comment. ( . t\.'" ,':i' , , " l:' , "'./ . ~ ~. : ", . .' '. Mrs. Schultz - Complimented Mr. Stavros for his years of service on the Parks and Recreation Board and thanked him on behalf of the Board for all of the expertise and help .thathe'has' provided to the membership over the years. Mr. Wilson also thanked Mr. Stavros for his dedicated service 'nnd said that his'presence would be missed. Mr. stavros stated that he has been privileged toserve on the Board and felt that it was one of the best lay boardsirithe City. ,He felt the Board serves a vital purpose in City government and, expressed his desire for the membership to continue in the same dedicated manner that they '~ave under his chairmanship. Individual members also voiced their thanks and appreciation 'to Mr.'StavroB for his long tenure and service to the City. '" ~I\ . , , , .~ :.' " .. . ~ ".1. ,'._ L ~ ". . "'l~ :' ~ '. " , ~. . , }t.A,'.', " .: ~ti J:~ ;,... .. .' .~ ' ~~~:~. ',' .', ,I . >\i,' , ., 9: 45 p.m. ~~,',",'~~'",,::',,:""< ~ " '. \1' ~ - ~p .' . ~;;.2.'," ,,; ",'~tt~." ' , ~!:)i?~,:,:,/ " " ~~.'r 1'\'" ~ tl: . , .~ '\ .. : < j. ,. :. F ' " . .' '.. . , : ,...... , . .:.,>' , .'~ . tl;~i::{{:',.', " .'., :' , %"r1'~':,." , -" ~'i'..;V~,:.r.,.., .:, ;ti;fl~l\ ',', " :, ",' :tit ,".y, , ~~r;3~<:~I;:' > ...-, (f,"":''':'': r{!t~;{iD,;;" , ' i";:." E.~:Y:~""';~'" ""'.' ,'\ '" ,,' ',,' , " ~..../'~ .....:-,.r...,Jr..h,~l' r..f I +" I ~ " , Their being no 'further business before the 'Board, the meeting was adjourned at ;' \ . ~. r;:. j" :. >,'". ; .: . t', c , ; 'c~ ,1' , ' '.' . , , , , " ,', , ' .. '!. , :( ~~. '.' "\ ,] ".1 .\ I :'.\c . .... I ,\ ,f) ; ~. ..' 't " . '.' '. " , -3-