11/26/1979 ,.,.,.: '":,,.. !",~,~ 1..... '~!.f' .~.'.r.,' '! l :' -' , , ~,~ '~ 'J':;: '{ri', AGENDA iiL',... t.~'.,:, (~1. ~,' '.r It'~.t~ " ,j. ~~:'::);"~ ", ~;:>;," 1~..~.~'1, .: f j.;~ .' I. :';:~. ,f: ," :, I>'" ." ~1h..~.~ .~~ I" , ~~:'~'.'~ ., ~ . , .:.: . ~0:~:!; i', ~f~t;\'" ,. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD NOVEMBER 26, 1979 ','If':,',: ~ '~\, " 1. Minutes of October 22 meeting. ~ \ t I' ' :1, ,', , !: '. ~"l" :, ,2. ',Reports financial Reports . \ ::':\~1 ,~ '1" :)'. a. 13th Period ;1 ,; :1 .,.J b~, Crest Lake Park . ,'\. ,c. Mocassin'Lake Park Grant ':,1 .ft , ',d~ 320'Acres'~ North Clearwater . Soccer, Fields , SPJC e. - :,'f. BayfrontPark ", g. Court Street Soccer Field " h'. Lighting of, Athletic' Faci1,~ties ::'i,~.' Pier, 60 Pool ".. '~<, . ,'.~ t . "I" u> ". ( '~ ,,:,J" . ". . ~' , ~ ':. '. ;' '.':.:', "lC,'. " , ".,1. ',' ,"'.I, . T >'. . '~"j t~ ,". , " ;s.:'~'''l$)'' " " . , ' .:..' ~N"'" .' 1":[ '. 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'" , ,..!" :',: ~', , C ",. ~. ~ " " ,I ;... \ n~,.~: ~~~ ~':' CITY OF CLEARWATER vi' PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES November 26, 1979 ~ The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Department Offices, ~~~lO South M1ssouri Avenue, on Monday, November 26, 1979, at 7:30 p.m. Members present were Mr. Gus stavros, Chairman, Mr. Jack Gilmore, Mrs. Edwin Grenelle, Mrs. Ginger ,McQuigg, ~r. Charlie Meeks, Mrs. Peg Rogers, and Mrs. 01ann Schultz. Mr. Graydon Howe and Mrs. Marguerite Krame were unable to attend. Also present were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Art Kader. ' Mr. Meeks made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of October 22, 1979. Mrs. Grene1le seconded the motion, which passed. Mr. Wilson reported on the following items: FINANCIAL: Mr. Wilson explained that as of the end of the 13th Accounting Period, trye close of the 1978/79 fiscal year, the Department was 1.8% under budget. He further explalned that Glen Oaks Golf Course, after adjustments, was .6 of a percent over budget. Members discussed the revenues versus expenditures at Glen Oaks and were informed that expen~i~ur~s exceeded revenues by approximately $10,100. Mr. Wilson explained that a greater deflclt 1S anticipated for the 1979/80 fiscal year due to the fact that this is the first time the course will be required to pay interest on debt service. CREST LAKE PARK: At the October 22 meeting of the Board, Ms. Cynthia Nash, Chairman of the Beautification Council of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce, infonmed Board members that her committee is looking into possible beautification projects, one of which might be a donation of a fountain for the lake at Crest Lake Park. Her feelings were that the City might assume the maintenance and operating costs of the fountain lf one was tn fact donated by the Chamber. Mr. Wilson advised Board members that, on their request, the Department had contacted a Mr. W. Venis, owner of the Unisphere Lighttng DeYice Company. ~Mr. Venis gave an approximate acquisition cost of $10,000 for an elaborate fountain which would include 3 patterns and 12 lights with 4 different colors. Mr. Venis further esti- maged that an operation cost of approximately $100 a month would be involYed for power, and that $100 a month might be required for an outside contractor to properly maintain the fountain. Mr. Wilson further stated that a meeting will be arranged with Mr. Yents next week to discuss various proposals and that Ms. Nash and Mrs. Schultz would be invited to attend. Additional information might be gathered at this meeting which could then'be brought before the Board. MOCCASIN LAKE PARK GRANT: Mr. Kader reported on the status of the City's application for a grant for the development of Moccasin Lake Park. He stated that we haye received very positive comments regarding the possibility of receiving the grant and that con- sideration will be given during the State's next funding period, which is in February of 1980. Members were interested in the possibility of developing the park since the property ha~'been sitting undeveloped since its purchase in 1971. 320 ACRES - NORTH CLEARWATER: Mr. Wilson displayed to Board members a colored rendition of a golf course prepared by a golf course architect for property along the West side of McMullen Booth Road. The golf course was designed as a Par 70 and works its way around a 20 acre site which is being considered for possible sale to industry. Mr. Wilson stated that the property has never been actually committed to parks and recre- ation purposes and that it was originally purchased for a sanitary landfill. He stated that he generally opposes the sale of any City open space land but that, in his personal ~ opinion, this proposal has considerable merit. First, the proposal to sell 20 acres .. would be conditioned with a commitment to utilize funds realized from the sale toward ':,', r;';'!~ the purchase of additional .~and of equal value for parks and recreation purposes. For :' "--' example, the land of approxlmately 48 acres located on r~cMul1en Booth Rd., where Drew ;,. St. extended would intersect. If acquired, this tract could accon11lodate a 4 field soft- '. ball complex and a 4 field soccer complex, and result in a net gain of approximately 28 ,,' '" -1- . . '. I', : I i ~ " .. ", I I ".. ".;. . . ,~ . .. ;, ..':' "I ',' : ' I' " . ,.. . . ,'. ',:' , ",' . " ':. ' acres in recreation land. A need for the softball complex has existed for many years and the proposal relating to the sale of property to industry could result in ~bringing the complex to fruition. Secondly, he felt the sale of 20 acres to industry t""lwould not negate the possibility of a golf course being located on that property, but would reduce the size of the course from a Par 72 to a Par 70. Further, Mr. Wilson informed the Board that a complete feasibility study will be prepared by City staff in order to determine if the golf course is in fact feasible. A preliminary study pre- pared for a golf course on this site a couple of years ago stated that the course would be feasible. However, since that time, other courses have been constructed within a ten to twenty mile radius which are available to the general public for greens fees. , Considerable discussion relative to the proposed sale of City land ensued by Board members. Mr. stavros stated that he and Mrs. Schultz appeared before the City COlnmission a couple of months ago and expressed to Commissioners a dire need to acquire additional properties for parks and recreation purposes. Mr. Stavros felt the Board should remain consistent in their feelings and that efforts should be made to acquire additional lands rather than reduce them. Members expressed agreement with Mr. Stavros' comments and, in general, expressed the following concerns about the project: 1. They questioned the compatability of the golf course being so close or adjacent to an industrial site. 2. Members expressed a concern about the land sitting for years without develop- ment or any plan for development. 3. The City needs to increase its acreage for parks and recreation purposes rather than decrease it. ~'~-.'", 4. They inquired about the feasibility of a golf course in the area in question. <.J Mr. Wilson explained that the proposal will eventually go before the City Commission for consideration and that there will be opportunities for' further imput. Members agreed with the need for a softball complex and suggested that it could be located on the 320 Acres. Additionally, Mr. Stavros stated that a trade off in land might be acceptable in order to realize a softball complex. < ' I SOCCER FIELDS - ST.PETERSBURG JUNIQR COLLEGE: Mr. Wilson stated that 4,600;lbs. of rye seed was distributed this morning over the 9 acres of land intended for soccer fields at the Junior college site. Also, a portable sprinkling system has been instal- led which, hopefully, will be sufficient to provide grass for the approachJng soccer season beginning 'in January. BAYFRONT PARK: Members were informed that City Manager, Tony Shoemaker, has re- quested the Department to coordinate a site plan with cost estimates for the development of the Bayfront parks. Mr. Wilson informed members that Parks and Recreation staff is currently working with Mr. Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineer, regarding the parking to be included in the plan. Members expressed an interest in favor of the development of the Bay front and desired that efforts progress as rapidly as possible. A plan of develop- ment previously prepared by the Planning Department was shown to Board members. Members expressed an interest in the amphitheater and felt that a facility like this could be valuable if regularly programmed. \: ' ", " , ..; COURT STREET SOCCER FIELD: Mr. Wilson explained that the Engineering Department ;, ~ should be completing the grading of this facility within the next week. Further, he ~ l::)explained that the Parks and Recreation Department is ready to immediately install fencing~ :', ',., sod, and an irrigation system upon the project being turned over from the Engineer; ng r<, , . Depa rtment. J". ....--c-'. " .~;.: ' ' , ~\ ! ' · Mrs. Rogers expressed a concern about the length of time it is taking to develop the facility. Mr. Wilson explained that engineering crews have been de.velopi,n9 the soccer field but that they have also been heavily involved tn correcting major drainage ~prob1ems which resulted around the city from heavy summer rains. LIGHTING OF ATHLETIC FACILITIES: Mr. Kader reported that the Electrical Division has been making a great deal of progress during th, past few months regarding the lighting of various facilities. He informed members that Chesapeake Park, Sid Lickton Diamond #5, and the'Bayfront Tennis Courts have all been lighted and are ready for play. Further, lighting improvements have been made at Carpenter Field and other Sid Lickton diamonds, etc. He explained the horseshoe courts are scheduled next and that future lighting projects will include the Manda1ay Playfield, Court Street Soccer Field, Belmont Park, and Jack Russell Stadium. PIER 60 POOL: Members were informed that the arbitration hearing relative to the lease of Pier 60 has been postponed until after the first of the year. Originally, the hearings were scheduled for Tuesday, November 27 and Wednesday, November 28. OTHER: Mr. Wilson explained that the City Manager's Office had sent a letter to Countryside High School inviting students of that school to serve on various lay boards of the City. This letter was suggested by the Parks and Recreation Board at their meet- ing of October 22. COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS: ',. Mr. Stavros - Mr. Stavros inquired about a letter sent to him by the Cross Country coach of Countryside High School. Mr. Wilson stated that he had received the letter and that he thought it was a copy of one sent to Mr. Stavros. However, a copy was provided to Mr. Stavros at the meeting and the contents were discussed generally with the Board :, 'omembers. Basically, the coach requested consideration of developing a running or jogging . . trail in conjunction with the City's 320 Acres for use of citizens who are increasingly participating in running activities. Mr. Stavros also discussed with Board members the possibility of having a holiday social involving members and their spouses. Members were in agreement and it was decided that Monday, December 17, would be set aside as a tentative date. Mr. Stavros stated that he would check on facilities located at 440 West for a covered dish function at 7:00 p.m. If arrangements could be made, he will contact Mr. ' Wilson, who in turn will confirm the activity with individual Board members. Members would then be contacted either by Mrs. Stavros or Mrs. Schultz regarding what they are ,to bring to the social. Mrs. Schultz - Mrs. Schultz informed Board members of a grass parking area she saw at ~he new County park, Brooker Creek. She stated that the pervious blocks used for the parking area allowed grass to grow and looked extremely attractive and impressive. She suggested that the City consider similar developments ;n park areas. Mrs. Rogers - Mrs. Rogers expressed her interest in the development of a softball complex. Mrs. ~C~Uig~ - Mrs. McQuigg complimented the engineering work and road now being constructe or Marymont Park and Airport Road. " Mr. Gilmore - Mr. Gilmore requested that the Parks and Recreation Department look into the possibility of constructing dugouts at Carpenter Field. He also indicated his support of acquiring additional lands for parks and recreation and a softball complex. , ~~aFurther, Mr. Gilmore requested that the Department take a close look at the lights on i ,yDiamond [#3 at Carpenter f'leld toward the goal of improving them. Mr. Meeks Mr. Meeks expressed a desire to satisfy the needs of constructing 'a softba1l--soccer complex. " " ,c ;~ . -3- . ,'. 'L ..' - ,'~, I: ' L : :,;. \ ~,..;, , , " .. ' " +.' ~ ~ ~ ' j , ~ '0\ . . _,' I';, ',1, . j//,~.i +,.;. ~~~,l , ~ ," . ,. {:~<' "J,', '$,' ~;~:\f:.' ~~',~ ',' ~:'? , ~' ., {t-' Mrs. 9;00 p.m. Grenelle Mrs. Grenelle excused herself from the meeting at approximately, for another commitment. o Mr. passed. Gilmore moved that the meeting be adjourned. Meeting adjourned. The motion was seconded and ~!?:,., l)', ' .: " "i ~ ; ~ rl 'c ~,:~~,~:;" ',:' T,.. ,"- !:;{~\,:~'::'. :' \~~\ ,,:,:," ',", s',:",...>' ~'~.. ,', ',:,c...'_'.+ t. )'tJ.~._.. .'+' ~ ~ ",. .' I ' j': ,;, .; . ~' .' , -, .q >, '1t " '~' , , " .'c' .. j. \' '" . j " ' " " ;:~'L~':':/'''' > ",;Oi':. '. 'I':";~\ '..~ '.:. ",', ,-",*' .'.J,.':,' , ,,' 'J ' ' , " ; ,,:;;: ~-, i:l,,;f;:.i,;'!':;:" . ';,,', ~",. "., ':' ,', '... . ;F.~~:~\:,;..,,;'~:>: l, , """, ""''':, ,~.t" ,'. ".,..', ,.. , . ~11f:( r::/~;,~:~"":{::,,, (:," ,).-.::,,;', ,,' : ,,:,,; < ,"::. ' ,,:~ . ' ?r~~;,~.'",..;..~.\,,:;., ,~'.,:. d" 'I':'.. 1YJ\:f~"'~~";J..>":"{<' \..,' \..,' ,':~,I.:' '.,.r.. (~?J::;,;:~",<':"~:i' ., :.' ".,',.. ,'~:,:.,.. :.". w.",,'h . ',. , :'., ,.'!" '.,' ", " r~f.~:jf,tf:; :.'~> '~>,' ':, ~Jl'd" ,,, ". ",.',. " ',::';",'" ,~ "<7~. '.,-/.' ,:.;L~ ~ .~, " T"."'.,... ~.. 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