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OCTOBER 22, 1979
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Mfnutes of September ~4 meeting.
Financial Report,
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~pplications,for Grants.
,B. St. Petersburg Junior College. Soccer Fields.
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Special Interest Instructors.
D. 'Youth Soccer Program.
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,E. ,Bayfront Tennis Court Light~ng.
Clearwater Beach Association
Youth Maritime Center'
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G. . NRPA meeting - New Orleans
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October 22, 1979
The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was
held at the Department offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on Monday,
,October 22. 1979. at 7~30 P.M. Membersprcsent were Mrs. Edwin
Grenelle. Mr. Graydon Howe, Mrs. Marguerite Krome, Mrs. Peg Rogers,
" Mrs. Dinnn Schultz, Mr. GUB Stavros and Mr. Charlie Mecks. Also
present were Miss Joy Yost and Mr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Jack Gilmore
nnd Mrs. Ginger McQuigg were unable to attend. Mr. Howe made a
motion to approve the Board Minutes of September 24, 1979. Mrs.
Grenelle seconded the motion, which passed.
Chairman Stavros introduced Ms. Cynthia Nash, Chairman of the
Beautification Council of the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. Ms.
Nash informed the Board that she was recently appointed Chairman of
'the Beautification Committee and that as one of her major projects~
she is most interested in securing and donating a fountain for the
lake at Crest Lake Park. She stated that her committee would make
an ,attempt to raise funds for the purchase of said fountain if the
City of Clearwater would be willing to accept the maintenance. Mr.
Stavros asked each Board Member to comment an Ms. Nash's proposal.
The general feeling of the Board was that they appreciated Ms. Nash
attending the meeting and that they are most interested in her com-
mittee's proposal to donate a fountain for the park. They felt it
would add to the landscaping and overall beauty of the area. However.
Board Members did express an interest for additional information
relative to the operating costs the City would have to assume. They
,requested Mr. Wilson work with Ms. Nash to secure acquisition and
maintenance costs to bring to the next Board meeting at which time
they would consider a formal recommendation.
Mr. Wilson reported on the following items:
,FINANCIAL: Members were informed that financial reports for the
13th accounting period had not yet been received. These reports
will 'be made available to members at the next meeting.
APPLICATIONS FOR GRANTS: Mr. Wilson advised Board Members that the
Department has submitted preliminary applications for two grants.
The first grant would cover the rehabilitation of four parks
(Plaza Park, Overbrook Park, Ray Green Field, and Chesapeake Park).
The City could receive approximately $87,500 from this program
and would be required to match it with approximately $37,500. He
further explained that the $37~500 could come from Community Develop-
ment funds since the parks to be r.novated are in low income areas.
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Tho second Brant would be for a maximum of $100tOOO from the
Department of Natural Resources for the development of Moccasin
Loke })nrk. In this grant, the City would be required to match
approximately $63,000. $20,000 of this is available in an active
Capital Improvement Project for Moccasin Lake and the remaining
City ahare could be donated through in-kind services.
Mr. Wilson stated that the possibility of receiving the above
,two grants is good at the present time. Mrs. Schultz made n motion
to recommend thnt the City continue to pursue these grants. Mrs.
Grenelle seconded the motion which passed.
that M~. George Hunt has voluntarily graded and leveled approxi-
mately 9 acres east of the gymnasium for use by youth soccer teams.
Mr. Hunt had four pieces of heavy equipment on the site for several
days to accomplish the work. Mr. Wilson informed members that the
City is in the process of ordering an irrigation system and grass
seed for the area. When completed the site would accomodate six
soccer fields. The Board directed Mr. Wilson to prepare a letter
to Mr. Hunt thanking him for his generosity in volunteering to
prepare the Jr. College area for soccer fields.
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SPECIAL INTEREST INSTRUCTORS: Members were informed that the City
Commission recently approved an item to authorize the City Manager
to negogiate fees and charges for special interest recreation class
instructors. Mr. Wilson stated that members should see substantial
growth in special interest classes within the recreation program in
the near future.
YOUTH SOCCER PROGRAM: The Board was informed that approximately
400 youngsters are presently participating in the Parks and Recreation
Department's soccer league at the Jr. College. Portable restrooms
have been requisitioned.
BAYFRONT TENNIS COURT LIGHTING: Members were informed that four
courts have been lighted and are now available for evening play.
Lighting on the remaining five courts should be completed within
the next week.
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CLEARWATER BEACH ASSOCIATION: Mr. Wilson advised the Board that
the Clearwater Beach Association has expressed considerable interest
in completing the development around the Youth Maritime Center.
Approximately $18,000 remains in this code and the association is
intereste~ in constructing racquetball courts, renovating the
basketball court, and installing new playground apparatus. The
Association has expressed an interest in raiSing money to donate
the playground equipment. Mrs. Schultz questioned whether the pro-
posed marina would interfere with the development of this recreation
area. Mr. Wilson assured the Board that plans would be prepared
in the best interest of both facilities.
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NRPA MEETING: Mr. Wilson informed members that he will be away
from the office next week to attend the NRPA meeting in New Orleans.
EQUIPMENT - TRACTOR EDGER: Members were advised that the Parke and
Recreation Department recently acquired the tractor edger which
heretofore has been assigned to the Public Service Department.
He stated that the edger has recently been put in full use Bnd
that considerable edging has been accomplished on medians around
the City. This program is timely in that an ordinance was
recently passed prohibiting people from allowing grass to grow
in excess ,of 411 over the curbs.
JOINT USE OF SCHOOL FACILITIES: Mr. Wilson stated that he and
Mr. Kader had met with school officials to discuss the formulation
of an agreement covering the joint use of school and City facilitfes.
Basically, the intention is for the City to be able to use school
facilities when convenient to the school system, and for the school
system to use City facilities when convenient to the City. Further,
it is proposed that no fees be charged since the use by one party
would equal the use by the other. A study has shown that the use
of facilities is fairly equal between the two agencies and, if
charges were required, they would be fairly equal.
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OTHER REPORTS: Mr. Wilson'advised members that the former City
Players' storage room at the Youth Maritime Center has been renovated,
that the lighting of the Chesapeake Ballfield has been completed and
that the lighting of Diamond #5 at Sid Lickton is in progress and
should be completed within two weeks.
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Mr. Stavros - Mr. Stavros read a letter from the City Manager to the
Board relative to an inventory of all undeveloped park properties.
He requested that copies of the letter be provided to each Board
Member and sent with the Minutes. Mr. Stavros also read a letter
from the City Manager to local high schools inviting young people
to,serve as student members of the Board. He requested that Mr.
Wilson inform the Manager's office that Countryside High School
students'~ere inadvertently left off the list and that a letter
'should be sent to that school.
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Mr. Stavros a160 informed the Board that he had talked to the
cross' country coach of Countryside High School and that the coach
was looking for a suitable site to conduct cross country races.
Mr. ,Wilson assured Mr. Stavros that the department has and will
continue to work with local high schools in an effort to provide
. ,
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Mrs. Schultz - Mrs. Schultz inquired about the effect the proposed
marina would have on the Youth Maritime Center. She also continued
to s~res8 the importance of the City acquiring land as soon as
possible for Parks and Recreation purposes.
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Mr. How~ - No comment.
Mrs. Rogers - Mrs. Rogers inquired about the two youth soccer
groups now being formed in Clearwater. Mr. Meeks explained the
soccer situation in that the two groups arc "The Clearwater Soc.cer
Associationll and I1Clearwater for Youth". Mr. Wilson stated that
he heard Clearwater for Youth would be conducting their program
at the George Hunt fields on Drew and Belcher. He further stated
that the fields recently graded at the Jr. College, if grass covers
sufficiently, will be utilized primarily by the Clearwater Soccer
Mrs. Grenelle - Mrs. Grenelle said that property on the south side
of Druid between So. Ft. Harrison and Myrtle Ave. is in need of
mowing and clearing. Mr. Wilson said that he would forward this
request to the Sanitation Inspector, Mr. Willard Stewart.
/~ .
Mrs. Grenelle stated that a tree located on the southeast corner
of Garden and Court St. intersection causes a sight problem if you
~re trav.ling north on Garden Ave. Mr. Wilson stated that he would
investigate the situation. Mrs. Grenelle made a motion to thank
Mr. George Hunt for the work he did at the Jr. College and that a
letter be sent to him from the Board. Mr. Howe seconded the motion
which passed.
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Mrs. Grenelle inquired about the heavy equipment working around
thel4th green of Glen Oaks Golf Course. Mr. Wilson informed the
Board that this was a major drainage project and that work was
virtually complete.
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Mr. Meeks - M~~ Meeks commented on the Court St. soccer field saying
that he looked forward to its completion. St. Cecelia's School is
constructing restrooms on their recreation center which will be
acceBsi~le from the outside. Mr. Wilson informed the Board that
he will inquire as to whether or not these facilities can be used
by soccer players.
,Mr~~' Kr~me - Mrs., Krame stated that there are two benches with broken
slats on Osceola Ave. between Drew and Eldridge. Mr. Wils~n said
that he would investigate and take appropriate action.
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Mrs~ Gienelle moved that the meeting be adjourned. Mrs. Schultz
seconded the motion which carried.
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