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SEPTEMBER 24, 1979
The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the
Department Offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on September 24, 1979. Members present
were Mr. Jack Gilmore, Mrs. Edwin Grenel1e, Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mr. Graydon Howe, Mr.
Gus Stavros, Mrs. Ginger McQuigg, and Mr. Charlie Meeks. Mrs. Marguerite Krame and
Mrs. Oiann Schultz were unable to attend. Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Art Kader were
also present.
Mr. Meeks made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of August 27, 1979. Mr.
Gilmore seconded the motion, which passed.
Mr. Wilson reported on the following items:
FINANCIAL: Members were infonned that as of the end of the 12th Accounting Period
the Department was spending at a rate of 88.6% of its budget. This is 3.7% under
the normal expenditure rate for this period of 92.3%. Members were also informed
that Glen Oaks Golf Course was spending at a rate of 93%, or .07% over the norm.
Stavros attended the City Commission Work Session of September 4, 1979 to relay to
City Commissioners the concerns of the Parks and Recreation Board for the importance
of acquiring additional park land as soon as possible. Mrs. Schultz attended the
meeting with Mr. Stavros. Mr. Wilson showed Board members publicity covering this
meeting and thanked Mr. Stavros and Mrs. Schultz for taking the time to meet with
the City Commissioners regarding this important issue.
1979j80 BUDGET: 1979/80 Budget Requests as submitted by the Parks and Recreation
Department have been approved. However, the 3 new employees requested for next
year are questionable and will be considered at a later date.
RECREATION FEES: Mr. Wilson explained that the City Commission voted against the
increased fees at Glen Oaks Golf Course, but tabled for future consideration the fee
adjustments proposed for other recreational activities. Board members were informed
that the 1979/80 Budget for Glen Oaks has increased approximately $38,QOO due to the
fact that the course, for the first time, will be paying the interest on the Debt
S~rvice. The proposed fee increases were expected to generate sufficient funds to
cover this additional expense. Considerable discussion ensued by members about the
fees at Glen Oaks. Mrs. Schultz had previously called the office and wanted the
Board to be informed of her desire to pursue the increased fees. Other Board members
expressed similar feelings since the expenditures for Glen Oaks have escalated con-
tinuously while fees have remained the same. Mr. Wilson explained that the renova-
tions now taking place at Glen Oaks, which necessitates participants playing only
the back 9 greens, may have added to the displeasure of participants who objected
to the fee increases at the City Commission budget hearing. Members commented that
the situation should be monitored during the first few Accounting Periods of 1979/80
and felt that revenues should equal expenditures.
KRUSE GARDENS--MEMORIAL CIVIC CENTER: Mr. Wilson informed Board members of landscape
work now being performea at Kruse Gardens. The rose beds are being prepared to
receive new rose bushes which will be planted during the early part of October from
funds donated by the Memorial Civic Center Association. The Association donated
$420.00 for this purpose. Mr. Wilson stated that substantial work is also taking
place on the Causeway, Island Estates~ and other landscaped areas on Clearwater
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Rains and an unusualy number of vacant positions have limited the work previously
done in these areas. Members were also advised that the Department has taken OVer
the operation of the tractor-edger which heretofore had been assigned to the Public
Service Department. This edger, even though it will be operated by an employee
taken off a tractor~mower, should be invaluable for edging the miles of medians
which exist on the Causeway, Island Estates, Morningside, Court Street, and Country-
PARKS AND RECREATION OPEN SPACE PLAN: Mr. Kader informed members that the complete
draft of this plan has been finished and forwarded to the Planning Department.
He mentioned that Board members previously had received and discussed the first
half of the plan which included objectives, demographics, inventory, standards,
and identification of needs. Mr. Kader was lnfonmed by the Planning Department
that he should receive the complete draft of the document within two weeks. The
draft will then be made available to Board members. If received prior to next
monthls meeting, members will be called and copies could be picked up at this office
if desired.
GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE: Mr. Wilson advised the Board that the grass on the front 9
greens is covering rapidly but that erosion from heavy rains has been a continual
problem. The front 9 greens should be ready to open to the public in approximately
two weeks. Mr. Wilson also explained that Engineering is performing major drainage
work around the 14th green, which should be completed in the near future.
COURT STREET SOCCER FIELD: Mr. Kader met with the project engineer at this site
last week and was informed that the grading could be completed in about one month.
Mr. Wilson explained that immediately upon the completion of the grading, the Parks
and Recreation Department would install an irrigation system and the area will be
sodded by the Engineering Department. Further, fencing for the West, South, and
East sides has been ordered. Mrs. Rogers expressed a concern about scheduled com-
pletionof this field and mentioned that St. Cecilia's School is interested in
haVing the same thing done to their property. Mr. Howe indicated that using property
for dry retention areas as well as recreational facilities is a good idea in that
two needs are satisfied.
: COMPETITIVE SWIM PROGRAM: Mr. Wilson informed the Board that approximately 300
youngsters participated in a competitive swim program this summer, and that about
200 attended the final pool championships conducted at the Bobby Walker Pool.
Members were also shown the trophy which was won by the City's AAU team for an out
of town swim meet.
Mr. Wilson explained that the sidewalk has been completed at the Crest Lake Park
playground and that the area is now accessible to handicapped persons and babies in
strollers. Mr. Stavros commented on the attractiveness of the area and, along with
other Board members, expressed a pleasure in seeing such an increased use of the
facility which has resulted from the playground installation.
Mr. Wilson also informed members that approximately 100 feet of fencing has been
washed away at Carpenter Field by the heavy rains of Sunday, September 23. Many
Department employees are assisting the Public Service Department with items such as
sandbags and ditches which are needed to alleviate various water problems.
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The Board was also advised that Mr. George Hunt had disced the area proposed
for soccer fields at St. Petersburg Junior College, but that heavy rains have detered
,~ him from grading the area.
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Mr. Wilson expressed a comment forwarded to the office by Mrs. Schultz. Mrs.
Schultz expressed an interest in a future bond issue for parks and recreation,' but
that the issue be separate from a library bond issue. Board members appeared to
be in favor of a separate issue as suggested by Mrs. Schultz.
Jack Gilmore: Mr. Gilmore spoke in favor of a separate bond issue and indicated
that it should contain something for everyone. He expressed an interest in fees
at Glen Oaks and thought the idea of combining a retention area and soccer field
on Court Street is a good one.
Mrs. Edwin Grenel1e: Mrs. Grenelle mentioned that a sign reading uNo Loitering"
was placed in front of the Magnolia Street dock. She felt that the sign should be
removed in that many persons just go to the dock to enjoy the scenery. Mrs. Grenel'e
also indicated concern about a metal barricade at this facility which requires that
people step over the barricade.
Mrs. Peg Rogers: Mrs. Rogers informed Mr. Wilson that her new address is 1472
Rosetree Court, Clearwater. She also inquired as to reduced fees for children who
play tennis at McMullen Park during non-prime time hours. Mr. Wilson informed Mrs.
Rogers that this item will be referred and considered by the City Commission when
the fees for general recreational activitites are discussed.
Mr. Graydon Howe: Mr. Howe expressed a concern about the development being planned
for the area immediately adjacent to Woodgate Park. He stated that a two-story
condominium wi 11 be " ocated approximately 20 feet away from the two acres of Wood-
gate which 'presently may be used as a soccer field. However, persons living in
these particular units might be concerned in the future if the City decides to build
a swimming pool, lighted recreation facility, or recreation center building on this
two, acres. Mr. Howe also suggested that Mr. Wilson look into the swale running
through Woodgate Park. He feels that it has been partially filled, keeping it from
satisfactorily carrying water. Mr. Howe also indicated that a City program to
acquire open space for parks and recreation will help alleviate a city-wide drainage
Mr. Charlie Meeks: No comment. ,
Mr. Gus Stavros: Mr. Stavros discussed the Performing Arts Center and Theater, and
indicated that a rose garden would be developed. Further, he informed the Board that
monies for the maintenance for this garden have been pledged.
Mrs. Ginger McQuiqg: Mrs. Mcquigg invited Board members to attend a swim meet at Bobby
Walker Pool at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday, September 29.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned.
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