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JULY 23, 1979
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'Minutes of June 25 meeting.
a. Financial
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. b. 1979/80 Capital Improvements Budget Requests
c. Mandalay Playfield
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Recrea~ion/Open Space Plan
City Players/Finian's Rainbow
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JULY 23, 1979
The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the
Department Offices, 10 S. Missnuri Avenuc, on July 23, 1979. Members present were
Mrs. Edwin Grenellc, Mrs. Marguerite Krnnlo. Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mrs. Oiann Schultz,
Chairman Gus Stavros, nnd student member, Mr. Jay Patouillet. Mr. Jack Gilmore,
Mr. Graydon Howe. Mrs. Ginger Mcquigg, and Mr. Charles Meeks were not in attendance.
Mr. Art Kader and Mr. Ream Wilson also attended.
Mrs. Krame made a motion to approve the Ooard Minutes of June 25J 1979. Mrs.
Rogers seconded the motion, which passed.
Mr. Wilson reported on the following items:
FINANCIAL: Board members were advised that, as of the 9th Accounting PeriodJ the
Department was spending at a rate of 4.5% under the norm and that Glen Oaks Golf
Course, for the same period, was spending at a rate of .03% above the norm.
1979/80 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT BUDGET REQUESTS: Mr. Wilson discussed with the Board
members various Capital Improvement Projects and specifically the six receiving a
priority ranking by the Board. According to Board members, the following six projects
were detennined to be the most important. "
1. Light Replacement Program
2. Tennis court resurfacing
3. Handball courts
4. Soccer fields
5 . Bike tra 11 s
6. 'Horseshoe courts
Members 'were advised that the aforementioned projects will be recommended for funding
for 1979/80, with the exception of the handball courts. AdditionallYJ horseshoe court
improvements will be recommended as a part of the Operating Budget rather than the
Capital Improvement Budget. At previous meetingsJ the Board recommended that the
"Acquisition of Park Land" be given overall number one priority since land is quickly
disappearing and will be in short supply in the future. Mr. Wilson explained that
approximately $240,000 ;s currently available for the purchase of property and that an
additional $200,000 is being requested for 1979/80. Further, members were advised that
the funding source is uLand Sales Revenue\!. Members expressed concern about this source
and suggested that the .'Acquisition of Park Land" is important enough to deserve fund-
ing from General Revenue. Chariman Stavros requested that Mr. Wilson inquire to see if
a time could be established whereby the Parks and Recreation Board could discuss the
importance of the acquisition of park land with the City Manager and members of the
City Commission. The possibility of doing this at a City Commission work session was
discussed. Mr. Wilson stated that he would contact the City Manager and inform Board
members as to whether or not arrangements could be made. Mr. Wilson also encouraged
Board members to attend City Commission Budget hearings which will be conducted in the
near future. .
MANOALAY PLAYFIELO: Members were informed that construction is well underway on this
project. To date, fencing, irrigation system, shallow well, hedge material, and power
sources have been installed. Sprigging of grass is scheduled to take place in approx-
imately one week. Further, the light poles and fixtures have been ordered.
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RECREATION OPEN SPACE PLAN: Mr. Kader distributed to Board members a Table of
ontents, an ppen X or ables and Maps, and an additional chapter pertaining
to Non Traditional Recreational Needs. Mr. Kader requested that members insert
these pages into their Recreation/Open Space draft and that they review the infor-
mation for future discussion.
CITY PLAYERS: Members were advised that the City Players are currently performing
"Finian's RainbowH at St. Petersburg Jr. College. Production begins at 8:00 p.m.
and, this past Friday and Saturday, the doors were closed due to c~pacity crowds
at 7:30 p.m. Members were advised that the production will also be offered this
coming Friday and Saturday, July 27 and 28.
CHESAPEAKE PARK: This project is progressing with the light poles and fixtures
currently being installed. Further, concrete pads will shortly be poured for dugouts
and bleachers.
COURT STREET SOCCER FIELD: Mr. Wilson advised members that the Engineering Department
is remOVing approximately the top 3 feet of soil from the existing soccer field and
pushing it into a low area by Stevenson Creek. This process will lengthen the soccer
field and will provide a facility approximately 200' wide by 400' long. Immediately
following grading, the Nursery Division will install an irrigation system which will
be followed by the area being sodded. Once completed, a fence will be erected on the
West, South, and East sides. Also, Capital Improvement Requests for 1979/80 include
the installation of lights on the field.
GLEN OAKS GOLF COURSE: Mr. Wilson explained that the front 9 greens at Glen Oaks
Golf Course are under construction and work is being performed by employees of the
Recreation Facility Division since bids were not received from private contractors.
The greens have been graded, sand has been added,and they are schedUled to be fumigated
under cover on Wednesday, July 25. "Southern Turf" will perform the fumigation and will
sprig the greens on Saturday, July 28 or Monday, July 30. Mr. Wilson also advised Board
members that Capital Improvement Requests for next year include a request to add addi-
tional parking spaces at the course.
RECREATION ACTIVITY FEES AND CHARGES: Mr. Kader distributed to Board members a chart
showing eXisting fees now being charged for recreational activities and adjusted fees
for 1979/80. Considerable discussion ensued. Primarily, discussion centered an charges
for open and instructional swimming, for non-resident cards, and for tennis court use
at the Bayfront Tennis complex. Also discussed was a new procedure which is designed
to strengthen the Department's policing of the non-resident policy. It was explained
that revenues fron non-resident cards have decreased over the past year, primarily
because of numerous non-residents circumventing the existing procedures. Mr. Wilson
stated that this recommended policy will be put in writing and will be discussed with
the Parks and Recreation Board at the August meeting. Further, the recommended policy
will be mailed to Board members with the Minutes and Agenda preceding the meeting.
Mrs. Grenelle made'a motion to approve all fee increases for recreational activities
as presented on the aforementioned chart. Mrs. Krame seconded the motion, which passed
unanimously. Mr. Wilson stated that the schedule of adjusted fees will be presented
to the City Manager for his consideration during upcoming budget hearings. Further,
Mr. Wilson stated that once an acceptable policy can be drafted relating to the policing
of non-resident charges, it will be submitted to the City Manager for his consideration.
Basically, the policy might involve issuing, free of charge, a membership card to all
City residents upon proof of residency. All non-residents would then have to purchase
a membership card. Board members were also provided copies of a memo from Mr. Art Kader
to Mr. Wilson concerning fees at Glen Oaks Golf Course. The recommendations include
.. .
increasing year-round greens fees from $2.50 and $3.00 to $4.00, and increasing
~ Twilight Greens Fees from $2.00 to $3.00; increasing Season la-play cards from
o. f...] $24.00 to $32.00; increasing single annual memberships from $175.00 to $225.00,
increasing man and wife memberships from $250.00 to $325.00, and increasing individ-
ual memberships from $75.00 to $100.00. It was explained that the proposed fees are
well in line with other similar golf course operations the size of Glen Oaks. If
approved, the increased fees are expected to generate an additional $42,400 in
revenue. The increases are being considered due to the fact that expenses have con-
tinually increased over the past several years while fees have remained unchanged.
Further, improvements tothe course and to the parking lot are being planned. Mrs.
Schultz made a motion to approve the fee increases at Glen Oaks Golf Course as
recommended. Mrs. Grenelle seconded the motion. Mrs.Rogers moved to ammed the motion
and to limit the privilege of annual memberships to Clearwater residents only. Mrs.
Schultz seconded the amended motion, which passed. Mr. Stavros called for a vote on
the original motion as amended by Mrs. Rogers. The motion carried unanimously. Mr.
Wilson stated that the recommended increases in golf course fees wil' be presented to
the City Manager for his consideration and disposition.
" .
Mrs. Rogers inquired about the possibility of children being able to play tennis
at McMullen Park at a reduced rate during non prime time. Members felt that this was
a good idea and Mr. Wilson concurred. A recommendation will be made to the City Manager
and Board members will be apprised of the outcome.
Mrs. Rogers also inquired about the status of the Bell Cheer property. Mr. Wilson
informed her that a large hole has been dug and 'that City departments are currently
filling the hole with street sweepings and park clippings. Once filled, the area will
be covered with top soil and graded, which should provide a more substantial base than
the existing peat. When completed, the process will be duplicated within other areas
of the 10-acre parcel of land.
Mr. Patoui11et stated that he was glad to see the fee increases for recreational
activities and that he felt the increases were overdue. Mr. Patouil'et also inquired
as to converting the shuffleboard courts at Morningside to a base for the installation
of additional racketball courts. He stated that the existing racketball courts are
extremely heavily used but that they are insufficient for present demands. Mr. Patouillet
also complimented the Parks and Recreation Department on the status of the playfield
being developed on Mandalay Avenue.
Mrs. Grenelle suggested that pins or tags be made available for youngsters' swimming
suits at Morningside to assist in the identification of residents and non-residents.
Further, Mrs. Grenelle requested that Mr. Wilson check the IIsea wall" at the Magnolia
Street dock for a washout.
Mrs. Krame stated that a large tree limb hides the traffic light as you approach
Court Street moving South on Greenwood Avenue. Mr. Wilson stated that he would have
a Forestry crew investigate and take appropriate action.
Mrs. Schultz stated that residents of Edgewater Drive have complimented the land-
scaping recently installed, although they are concerned about possible future erosion.
Mr. Wilson stated the situation would be monitored and that corrective action would be
taken in the event erosion does occur. Mrs. Schultz also expressed a concern about
confusion and lack of publicity regarding youth tennis clinics at the Youth Maritime
Den.ter on Clearwater Beach. Mr. Kader stated that he would look into the situation.
Mrs'. Schultz al so compl imented Mr. Stavros on the outstandi n9 job he is doi n9 on
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seconded the motion and the meeting was adjourned.
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