JUNE 25, 1979
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JUNE 25, 1979
The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board
was held at the Department offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on June
25, 1979. Members present were Mrs. Marguerite Krame, Mrs. Ginger
Mcquigg, Mr. Gus Stavros, Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mrs. Oiann Schultz, Mr.
Jack Gilmore, and Mr. Charlie Meeks. Mr. Graydon Howe and Mrs.
Edwin Grenelle were unable to attend. Also, student members Mr.
Jay Patouillet, Miss Amy Corell, and Mr. Scott Rost were not in
attendance. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Art Kader.
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Mrs. Schultz made a motion to approve the Board Minutes of April
23. 1979. Mrs. Krame seconded the motion, which passed.
Mr. Gilmore moved to approve the Board Minutes of June 4. 1979.
Mr. Meeks seconded the motion, which passed.
Mr. Wilson reported on the following items:
FINANCIAL: Board members were advised that the print-out showing
revenues and expenditures for the 9th Accounting Period had not yet
been received by the Department. These print-outs will be made avail-
able to members at the July meeting.
Mr. Kader discussed the Recreation/Open
was mailed to and received by Board members on a
previous date. Mr. Kader explained specific points of the plan and
reviewed the various charts and graphs which are included. Members
discussed various aspects of the document and complimented Mr. Kader
on his presentation. Members were advised that additional sections
will be forthcoming which could be added to existing information.
Board members were encouraged to review the standards being proposed
for recreational facilities in the City of Clearwater in that this is
one of the most important aspects of the Open Space Plan. Further
discussion will take place at future Board meetings.
OPERATING BUDGET REQUESTS--1979/80: Mr. Wilson explained to members
that City Manager Budget Hearings were held on Monday, June 25, 1979.
The Department's requested Operating Budget for 1979/80 is $3,487,452.
This represents a 4.8% increase over the adjusted budget for 78/79,
which is $3,328,464.
Board members were informed that hearings \'lith the City Manager will
be held on Capital Budget requests during the next couple of weeks.
The request of the Board to place high priority on the acquisition of
properties has been relayed to the City Manager for his consideration.
Further, Mr. Wilson advised members that they will have an opportunity
to speak to the Operating and Capital budgets during City Commission
hearings to be held the latter part of this summer.
The Parks and Recreation staff is currently reviewing all fees and
charges associated with recreational activities. A study showing
recommended increases in user charges will be presented to the Board
at its July meeting.
MANDALAY PLAYFIELO: Mr. Wilson distributed copies of a letter which was
sent to the Mayor, City Commissioners, and City Manager by Chairman, Gus
Stavros, relating to the development of the p1ayfie1d on Mandalay Avenue.
Specifically, the letter recommended in favor of the original site plan
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and opposed additional parking being placed on the site. The
letter was prepared in response. to the Board's request for'same.
Mr. Wilson advised the Board members that the City Commission,at
its meeting of June 21, 1979, reaffirmed its approval of the original
site plan. This being the case, development has commenced with the
removal of trees, grading of the site, and ordering of fencing and
irrigation materials. Mr. Stavros commended Mrs. Schultz and Mrs.
Krame,who were in attendance at the City Commission meeting of June
21, and who were prepared to support the development of the p1ayfield
as unanimously recommend by the Board.
EDGEWATER DRIVE: Mr. Wilson stated that the landscaping of Edgewater
Drive is now complete. However, some touch-up work is still being
CHESAPEAKE PARK: Members were informed that the lighting of Chesapeake
ballfield will resume as soon as the City.s Electrical Division is in
a position to continue the project. A delay has been encountered due
to repairs needed to the 90' crane-truck which is necessary for instal-
lation of the lights.
MISCELLANEOUS PROJECTS: Mr. Wilson also reported briefly on the following:
1. The Competitive Swim Program recently started has met with conw
siderable success,and compliments from the general public have been
received. Intra teams were formed at each of the 4 swimming pools in
the City with a more competitive AAU team available for youngsters
desiring a higher level of competition.
2. The Department's Cultural Arts Section has started the move into
"0ld Fire Station #4" located on Drew Street. Scenery and props belong-
ing to the City Players have been relocated to this facility and a
series of arts and crafts classes are scheduled for the month of July.
Printed copies of craft schedules were distributed to Board members.
The room previously used for storage by the City Players at the Youth
Maritime Center is being cleaned out and prepared for additional rec-
reational activities on the beach.
3. Mr. Wilson advised Board members that the City Commission approved
the Department's mid year budget requests which included the fencing
and irrigation of the soccer field on Court Street. Members expressed
pleasure in this project and were advised that development should begin
and be completed before the end of the summer.
4. The site for the playground to be located on Island Estates
behind the Church is being prepared. Playground apparatus has been
requisitioned and grading of the site will begin this week.
5. Mr. Wilson informed Board members of the production "Finian1s
Rainbow" to be performed by the City Players the last two weekends of
J ul y .
Mr. Stavros complimented the productions of the City Players
and discussed the need for additional cultural activities to be held in
Clearwater. He informed the Board about P.A.C.T. and about the fund
raising efforts which are now being pursued regarding the Cultural Arts
Theater for Clearwater.
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Mrs. Rogers inquired about the playground to be developed at St.
Cecel1a's Church on Island Estates and was informed that work has
commenced. Mrs. Rogers also recommended that consideration be given
to construction of a tennis batter's wall at McMullen Tennis Complex.
She stated that the complex is well utilized and that a batter's wall
would be a valuable asset. Mr. Wilson informed the Board that every
consideration will be given to this project.
Mrs. Schultz recommended that the Department consider installation
of an exercise course (Par Course) during the next year. She recently
visited a similar facility in another city which was extremely popular.
Mr. Wilson informed the members that a similar project had been sub-
mittod for budget considerations in the past and that efforts will be
expended to secure an exercise course. A need has been expressed by
many residents for such a facility.
Mrs. Krame inquired about the competitive swim program and was in-
formed that it was in progress and that it was meeting with considerable
Mrs. Mcquigg complimented the City's competitive swim program as well
. as the new playground equipment recently installed at Crest Lake Park.
Further, Mrs. McQuigg inquired about the possibility of starting a
jogging program for youngsters. Mr. Wilson stated that he thought one
of the centers had such a program and that either he or Mr. Kader would
no t f fy her 0 f s arne .
Mr. Meeks inquired as to the status of soccer fields at St. Petersburg
Jr. College. Mr. Wilson advised him that 3,000 yards of dirt was de~
termfned to be needed and that 2,000 y~rds has been delivered to the site.
The additional 1,000 yards is expected this week. Once delivered, the
dirt will be graded over the area. Further, Mr. Meeks suggested that
Clearwater provide as many recreational activities as possible to its
citizens, especially in view of the gas situation and the constraints
now faced by residents on traveling to other locations. Also, as a
possible so\ution to the Department's lighting problems, Mr. Meeks
suggested ,that the Fire Department be contacted to determine if their
high bucket or ladder truck could be used for the light replacement
program thro~ghout the City's recreational facilities. Mr. Wilson
stated that he would inquire about this possibility from the Fire Chief,
John Pitts.
Mr. Gilmore stated that ballfield lights at Carpehter Field were in .,
extremely poor condition with so many lamps burned out. Mr. Wilson advised
the Board that they were aware of the problem and that 127 lights were
burned out at.Carpenter Field. However, the City's Electrical Division
has since replaced all of the lights on the infield and are currently
working on the outfield lights.
Mr. Gilmore also expressed a need for additional dirt to be placed
in a low area north of Norton Park sWimming pool and west of the
recreation center building. Further, Mr. Gilmore inquired as to drain-
age projects in the South Greenwood community. Mr. Wilson stated that
he would check into this request with the City Engineering Department
and respond back to the Board.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting
adjourned. -3-
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