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JUNE 4, 1979
The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at
the Department offices, 10 s. Missouri Avenue, on Monday, June 4, 1979. Members
present were Mrs. Marguerite Krame, Mrs. Ginger Mcquigg, Mrs. D1ann Schultz,
Mr. Graydon Howe, and Mr. Gus Stavros. Mrs. Peg Rogers, Mr. Jack Gilmore, Mrs.
Edwin Grenel1e, and Mr. Charles Meeks were unable to attend. Also, student
members Mr. Jay Patouillet, Miss Amy Corell, and Mr. Scott Rost were not in
attendance. Also attending were Mr. Ream Wilson and Mr. Art Kader.
Since a quorum was not present at the beginning of the meeting and since
minutes of the April meeting had not reached Board members through the mail, Mr.
Stavros postponed action on accepting the minutes of April until the regular June
Board meeting. Mr. Wilson explained that the minutes, the Agenda, and the revised
Recreation/Open Space Plan had been sent to Board members on Wednesday, May 30,
and apologized for members not having received this information.
Mr. Wilson reported on the following items:
FINANCIAL: Board members were provided copies of Departmental expenditures for
Accounting Periods 7 and 8. The normal expenditure for the 8th Period is 61.52%
and, at the present time, the Department is spending at the rate of 57.3%, or 4.2%
under the norm. Further, it was reported that expenditures for the 8th Period
exceeded revenues at Glen Oaks Golf Course but that the year to date figures con-
tinue to show that total revenues exceed total expenditures.
RECREATION/OPEN SPACE PLAN: Further discussion on this item was postponed to the
regular June Board meeting.
BUDGETS---1979/80: Mr. Wilson distributed to members summaries of Operating Budget
Requests fo~ the 1979/80 fiscal year. The summaries showed requests for Personal
Services, Commodities, and Capital Acquisitions and compared the requests for 79/80
to the adjusted budget for fiscal year 78/79. Initial budget requests for the entire
Parks and Recreation Department amount.to $3,487,500, which is a .048 increase over
the current adjusted budget of $3,325.464. ' The requested budget for Glen Oaks Golf
Course is $141,978 as compared to the adjusted budget of this year of $139,923. The
requested budget at the Golf Course represents a .014 increase.
CapitalI~rovements Budget'
Mr. Art Kader prepared a large wall chart showing all requested Capital Improve-
ment projects by title, costs, year, and funding source. Considerable discussion
took place by Board,members involving the 25 various projects. Mr. Wilson requested
Board imput as to a priority ranking for the projects. Following considerable
deliberations, the Board recommended the following projects be given top priority.
1. Light replacement proQram--$lB,900 was budgeted this year for necessary
energy conserving light fixtures for various athletic fields. The department requests
$21,600 for fiscal year 79/80, which would provide new light fixtures for Norton Park,
Ray Green Field, Phillip Jones Park, and an additional field at Sid Lickton. Board
members were unanimous in their feeling that this program should receive top priority.
Their main concern was that old lights at existing fields require too much maintenance
and ar€ inoperative at times to the point at which it could be dangerous for partici-
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2. Tennis Court Resurfacing--Before adding additional tennis courts in the
City, Board members felt that we should be in the position of maintaining existing
courts in a satisfactory manner. $18,000 is requested to resurface 5 courts at
Morningside, 2 courts at Del Oro Park, and 2 at Valencia. Mr. Wilson explained
that $13,200 was budgeted this year for tennis court resurfacing and that a contract
~as been let to Joe Teel for resurfacing 3 courts at Martin Luther King and 8 courts
at McMullen Park.
3. Handball Rac uet Ball Courts--$96,OOO is requested for 1979/80 to construct
2 handbal courts each at Woodgate Park, Martin Luther King, Mandalay Marina Recre-
ation Complex, and the Bayfront Tennis Complex. Members felt that with today's
emphasis on fitness and individual sports that these facilities are needed and should
receive a high priority.
4. Soccer Fields--Board melnbers recommended high priority for soccer field
development, which is estimated to cost $58,000 for fiscal year 1979/80. Mr. Wilson
explained that the mid-year budget now being considered by the City Commission includes
fencing and irrigation. for the Court Street soccer field. The budget for 79/80 would
include lights for the field at Court Street~ lights, fencing, and irrigation for a
field on U.S. 19 adjacent to the water reservior~ improvements to lights, and fencing
and irrigation at Belmont Park~ and lighting a field at St. Petersburg Jr. College.
5. Bike Trails--Board members indicated that a system of City-wide bike trails
should be pursued. $21,600 is requested for 1979/80 to continue development of the
City-wide bicycle trail plan.
6. Horseshoe Courts--$ll,OOO is requested for 1979/80 to fence and to place
shelters over the horseshoe court complex located at Ed. Wright Park. Additional
courts are scheduled for 80/81.
Even though the above 6 listed projects were listed according to priority by Board
members, members were unanimous in the recommendation that the acquisition of land
for parks be given first overall priority. Members felt that land is quickly disap-
pearing and that with costs escalating each year, every effort should be made to
acquire properties immediately. Further, the Board suggested that the source of
purchasing lands not be limited to Land Sales Revenue, but that General Revenue funds
also be utilized.
MANDALAY PLAYFIELD: Mr. Wilson informed members of the status of the Mandalay
Playfie1d and explained that a certain segment of the Clearwater Beach population is
. requesting that parking spaces be made available at the Mandalay Playfield site.
Mrs.. Schultz moved to recommend that additional parking not be made available and
that the original site plan for the playfield as approvedlby the City Commission be
developed. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Krame and passed unanimously.
CIiESAPEAKE PARK BALLFIELD: Board members were advised that the clay and fencing for
the ballfield at Chesapeake Park has been completed and that a lighting system is
currently being installed. However, Mr. Wilson also advised Board members that
residents living adjacent to the park on Cleveland Street are objecting to the place-
ment of lights. Further, residents are requesting a 9:00 p.m. curfew be enforced if
lights are installed. Mr. Wilson informed Board members that a 9:00 p.m. curfew would
allow only 2 games per night and it is questionable whether this would satisfy enough
of the softball needs to warrant the expenditure of lighting. Further, members were
informed that many other neighborhoods throughout the City have bal1fie1ds immediately
adjacent to residences and that curfews of approximately 10:00 p.m. are in effect at
these facilities.
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Mrs. Schultz recommended that the Parks and Recreation Department and the City
immediately look into the possibility of offering instructional swim programs to
the children at Clearwater Beach via the use of the swimming pool at Pier 60 or
the Ca~louel Club by joint-use agreement. Mr. Wilson explained that meetings have
been held between City staff and owners of the lease at Pier 60. Mr. Wilson assured
the Board members that he would actively pursue the offering of an instructional
swim program on the beach for this summer.
Mrs. McQuigg expressed the following concerns:
1. The growth of weeds in the lake at Crest lake Park and the presence of
alligators. Mr. Wilson explained that Parks crews mow the lake bank but that they
do not remove the aquatic weeds ehich serve as f1sh habitat. Also, Mr. Wilson in-
for.med the Board that. the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission has been notified
about the a11igators.
2. Mrs. McQuigg expressed concern about water fountains not working at
. several athletic facilities, especially Marymont Park and Sid Lickton Field. Mr.
Wilson stated that he would look into this matter.
3. Mrs. McQuigg also expressed concern about a 7 year old drowning in a local
residential swimming pool and felt that the City and school should make every effort'
to. teach every child to swim. Especially, Mrs. Mcquigg felt that children of school
age should be offered instructional swim programs.
Mr. Howe questioned the lack of beautification at the "Welcome to ClearwaterU sign
. located on Edgewater Drive. Mr. Wilson explained that additional landscaping will.
. be provided in the area.
Board members complimented the additional landscaping being placed on Memorial
. Causeway and were pleased that landscaping of Edgewater Drive was progressing.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at
,11 :10 p.m.
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