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JANUARY 22, 1979
,The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation. J
was held at the Department offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on
Monday, January 22, 1979, at 7:30 P.M. Members present were Mr.
Dick Prokes, Mr. Bill Justice, Mrs. Helen Taube, Mr. Charles Meeks,
Mr. Gus Stavros, Mr. Jack Gilmore and Mr. Graydon Howe. Mrs. Edwin
. Grenelle was unable to attend due to illness. Also present was Mr.
Ream Wilson.
Chairman Prokes informed the Board of the resignation of Mrs~
Legare Hole which was required due to her running for a seat on the
Clearwater City Commission. Mr. Meeks moved that Mrs. Holels resig-
nation be accepted with regrets. .Mrs. Taube seconded the motion
which carried. Mr. Prokes requested that Mr. Wilson send M~s. Hole
a letter expressing their appreciation and thanking her for the
contributions she had made to the Board.
. . .........~
Mr. Wilson reported to the Board on the following items:
FINANCIAL: Board members were provided copies of budget expenditure
printouts for the 1st and 2nd periods. It was explained that expen-
.ditures are running below the norm for these periods b~t that heavier
outlays of monies are common during the summer months.
Board members that 97 applicants had applied for the position of
Assistant Director. Following oral interviews, Mr. Art Kader,
-Assistant Director of Recreation in Largo, was appointed to the
position. Mr. Kader will report to work on Monday, February 19.
Mr. Wilson explained that Mr. Kader had worked with the Clearwater
Parks and Recreation Depa~tment during the time that he was working
on his as Degree in business administration from the University of
South Florida. He was an outstanding employee and left the depart-
ment to pursue his Masters which he received in church related recre-
ation. On his return to Clearwater, Mr. Kader was appointed to the
Assistant Director's position in Largo where he is still currently
serving. The City Manager in Largo and the Director of Parks and
Recreation of that city have given Mr. Kader excellent recommenda-
tions. Mr. Wilson advised the Board that Mr. Kader will attend the
February meeting of the Board and all meetings in the future._
BAYFRONT TENNIS COURTS. Bids were received for the construction of
four tennis courts on the Bayfront. A total of $50,000 was budgeted
for this project and the department had hoped that the tennis court
construction would have a total cost of $40,000, leaving $10,000 to
,relight all 9 courts. However, the low bid was $47,000 which left
only $3,000 for lighting which is insufficient. Mr. Wilson explained
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that City crews will perform some of the work which should result
in a saving of several thousand dollars from the $47,000 bid. He
suggested that any additional monies needed to complete the lighting
system could be requested to be transferred from the McMullen Park
Tennis Complex capital improvement code. Approximately $5,000 re-
mains in this code. Mr. Stavros moved that a recommendation be made
to utilize these funds to enable the City to install a lighting sys-
tem on the Bayfront courts. Mrs. Taube seconded the motion which
PIER 60 SWIMMING POOL. Board members were informed that the City
staff has been negotiating with the owner of the lease at Pier 60
and his attorney. Negotiations are continuing and the primary ob-
jective of the Parks and Recreation Department is to assure that
arrangements be included for the offering of a full compliment of
swim programs for the residents of Clearwater Beach at the least
possible cost to the City.
t at the C~ty Corom 6sion, at its meeting before the Christmas holi-
days, had considered a recommendation by City staff to purchase
property on McMullen Booth Road for the construction of a softball/
soccer complex. Due to concerns about sufficient funding, the rec-
ommendation for acquisition was turned down:
RECREATION OPEN'SPACE PLAN. Board members were advised that the
~arks and Recreation Department and the Planning Department are
continuing to work on the recreation open space 'plan which will act
as a road map for the future development of parks and recreation
facilities for the next several years. Mr. Wilson explained that
this plan is of extreme fmportance, especially as it pertains to
the establishing of standards or criteria for the development of
parks and recrea~ion facilities. He suggested that the February
Board meeting be devoted entirely to Board discussion of the plan .
of which each member received copies. Mr. Mike Kenton of the
Planning Department will be present with Mr. Wilson to discuss and
receive all input from Board members.
~;. .~
JACK RUSSELL STADIUM. Board members were informed that the score-
board has been installed at the stadium and is in operation, and
that new fencing fabric and backstop wire have been installed.
Also, it was explained that the public restroom facilities are
being renovated,to accomodate handicapped persons.
EDGEWATER DRIVE. Board members were informed that the Engineering
Department has completed the installation of riprap along the shore-
line to stabilize same. Nursery crews are currently working on the
site to complete the landscaping efforts.
SOCCER FIELD - SPJC. Mr. Wilson informed Board members that Mr.
George Hunt had volunteered to grade the property east of the Jr.
College gymnasium for the future use as soccer fields. Parks crews
. "
have expended" considerable manhours at the site in raking and
removing debris from the surface which seems to De never ending
due to the fact that the site is a former landfill area. Fill
dirt is scheduled to be spread along the top with grassing efforts
to begin in the spring.
PHILADELPHIA FURY. The professional soccer team from Philadelphia
has indicated its desire to conduct its spring training in Clearwater
from February 25 through March 17. Mr. Wilson met with a represen-
tative of the Fury organization at Norton Park which will be the
site of their training.
DOWNTOWN STREET TREES. The Board was informed that a capital im-
provement project of planting trees along specific arteries in the
downtown area will begin in the not too distant future. This project
will be coordinated with the installation of downtown identification
signs which will be prepared and secured by the Traffic Engineering
Department. Mr. Wilson also informed members that benches in the
downtown area are being replaced with new benches that have unpainted
bench ends and slats. This program of unpainted benches is in keep-
ing with. the request of the downtown association to assist in estab-
lishing a rustic motif.
CLEARWATER BEACH PARK. The Board was informed that the landscaping
of the small park area immediately behind the Memorial civic Center
has been completed, with the installation of a berm sign reading
"Welcome to Clearwater Beach.1I Mr. Stavros and other Board members
who have seen this newly landscaped area expressed their pleasure
of the project and their thanks to the employees who performed the
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COUNTRYSIDE PARKS. Members of the Board were advised of increasing
demands that have been received by the department from residents
living in the Countryside area pertaining to the need for the devel-
opment of additional recreation facilities. The demands and requests
are primarily associated with the undeveloped 20 acre parksite immed-
iately off Countryside Boulevard.
COMMENTS BY BOARD MEMBERS. Mr. Stavros thanked the Parks and Recre-
ation Department~s Nursery Division for the loan of indoor plant
materials which were displayed at the J. C. Penney golf tournament
conducted at the Bardmoor Golf Course. The event was sponsored by
the Suncoast Chamber and resulted in the raising of substantial funds
~or Morton Plant Hospital.
Mr. Stavros inquired about the development of Coachman Park 10-
,cated behind the Clearwater Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Wilson advised
Mr. Stavros that ~k. Marc Tritschler of the City's Planning Depart-
ment, has a tentative development plan for this park area and would
be available to present sarne on Mr. Stavros I request.
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Mr. Jack Gilmore inquired as to the future development of
Belmont Park located on S. Greenwood Ave. Mr. Wilson advised
that plans include removing the old existing concrete basketball
court and interior fencing. In exchange the park will be devel-
oped as a play field including an.irrigation system, grassing,
new exterior fencing and a renovated lighting system. As such,
the facility should be most conducive to activities such as
soccer, football, rugby as well as softball. Mr. Gilmore also
inquired as to the speed signs along S. Greenwood Ave. and ex-
pressed his concern about the safety of the many youngsters who
must ,cross this street to gain access to the facilities at Ross'
Norton Park. Mr. Wilson stated that he will talk to Mr. Keith
,Crawford, City Traffic Engineer, regarding the plaoement of
appropriate signs along this street, and about the possibility
of lowering the speed limit.
Mr.. .Howe inquired about the possible installation of a
"Welcome to ClearwaterU sign as you enter Clearwater from the
Courtney Campbell Causeway. Mr. Howe stated that other entranoes
to the City have such signs and that they are most attractive.
: He. will discuss this p,roject with the Clearwater 'Chamber of
Commerce which might be in a position to make a recommendation
to the Parks and Recreation Department. Mr~, Howe also inquired
about the recent donation of money for parks development from
-the Charter Oaks Subdivision on Hercules Ave. . Mr. Wilson ex-
plained~that this donation was to make up the difference between
the land that was dedicated by the subdivision and the 10% dedi-
cation, which is required of annexations of this type. The funds
are 'needed and will be used'in improving the land donated by this
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, There being no further businesa of the Board, Mr. Stavros
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