11/27/1978 I, t.:.~~f<:Y< :-~ ,,~ 'J I ~~..'" ,. ~tt,' , ~~! . .~" ' \'f', '" },o..,' . '';: ~'\ . i~!';'\O' ~ ~~ J i,.~. ,'., f' /' :~:~;~; :1> : '},' .... ." ~~r ~ :,' Ie,;, :~:\', .- or <. \.. 't: u" 1>:::,'<',: ", . . AGENDA ~.~~ '-. //:'/ \ . \~ . ,PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING NOVgMBER 27. 1978 '/1 _~. .i\~_ i~";::' t.,.'\.:.. I. ,If. , ~ ~ , t>p' ;,.:" .!" '," c ' , , , , . ~ ." ..~".; .', . ., .' . :;f....) ",' 1. Minutes of October meeting , f ,r..;'" t. t;;. '< I .: 2 . Reports: a.. ,Financial (Final 13th period reports year 1977-78) , .\ for fiscal . ....~ " , b. Proposed Ordinance'- (Parkland Dedication) 't . . r; ; ., , ': c. Litter - Clearwater Beach , ,',' fl/:':(~:'c"':'" ftS I, ," ", . ./, : ~';. ~~ . " V;5~~ /),' .:'~..;.; I?~.:' .~~ ': . . h ~ ~,--: ~" >,;, \ . . '" i:'.";. ;: . '~_I ~lY;~:;"'>;.;::::, ....... .::.....:::: n:u::::: e: t::: ::rou n d ~'t.\~.~. . l- .-' . ' . . , . , . ~ ~ .' .", ' r " : 3. : Comments by' Board Members . ,', I'.... 4 ~;, 'Ot'her Busin~ss .:t. ' \~;)\~ ~'. .. I'}i'j",i .'.;,. '.,: .... . ..,",..0"" f.4\1~;i.i, ;..::;;.i':,:,.,"~'~.::"f., ,,'" ~','" tL',"'":'i''' , '" ,,"'. ". ~~~[.::::~!:I>:I~ ':'. :~ ". > '" .~ I, > Mn,,', ..., l" " , ;", ~i~;t,:;,\:~.;{,).,.:;;. ':.' .. . . .' d. Mandala~ Playfie~d (2 acres) , " . e. Bayfront Tennis Courts f. Crest, Lake Park (Park at Granada and Broadway) ~ .\- . , ~ ; . ; go' Pier 60, Lease 'I Comprehe~sive Recreation and Open Sapce Plan, " 'j (Scoreboards Platform) Backstop. T.V. .,~ 5~ Adjourn '1 l't "/," . i ~ , ,', '.1' " ' :\, '., . ,'t .. .~ ,'{ ,. , .. , ." \ .;' ~~.I . ~ . ,. ."', '. " .t';. \. , ' '. "'; ~. .. . " .... "'.r ." ~ CITY OF CLEAIMATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES NOVEMBER 27, 1978 / The regular IrOnthly meeting of the Parks am. Recreation Board was held at the Department offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on M:lnday, Novanber 27, 1978, at 7:30 P.M. Members present were Mr. Dick Prokes, Mr. Bill Justice, Mrs. Helen Taube, Mrs.. Edwin Grenelle, Mrs. Pat Hole and Mr. Charles Meeks. Also present was Mr. Ream wilson. Mr. Gus Stavros, Mr. Jack GilIt'cre ani Mr. Graydon Howe were tmable to atten:1. Mr. Bill Justice made a motion to accept the Board minutes for the ITOnth of october. Mr. ~ seconded the rrotion which carrie:1. Mr. Wilson rer:orted to the Board the following itans: FlNANCIAL. Board rnanbers were providai copies of 13th pericrl budget expen:1itures for the Department, btiiget expenditures arrl revenues for Glen oaks Golf Calrse aIX1 general Department revenues. Mr. Wilson explainai that for FY 1977/78 a total of 98.1% of the operating Wdget was spent, or 1.9% urrler the nonn. It was also rep::>rtEd that experxlibJres at Glen Oaks G:J1f COUrse amounta:1 to 103.8% of the btxlget, or 3.8% aver the noon. The Board was further advised that expen- ditures exceede:i revemles at Glen Oaks for the fiscal year. Mr. Prokes questioned the possibility of shcMing rronthly inventory figures which may offset the apparent deficit. ) , I ..-' PROPOSED SUBDIVISICN ORDINANCE. Board manbers, at the O::tober meeting, ha:l re- ceived copies of this }?roposed ordinance which reccmnen1s a new fornu1a pertain- ing to the dedication of park larxi. The proposed Ordinance ~ld specify that developmnts WOlld donate varioos percentages of their larrl for park purposes, which ~ be based up:Jn the density of their develQElClE!I1t. Follc:Ming discussion, the Board felt tl1e existing p::>1icy re:JUiring a straight 10% de:iication has been successful. Members felt that developers having already donated 10% of their lani to the City may question the new fotmlla if they in fact ~d have been requirEd to dedicate a smaller percentage of their lard. Mrs. Helen Taube mcde a notion to reccmnend that tbe existing ordinance, or 10% remain. Mrs. Grenelle seo:mied the rrotion wlU.ch carried. :,:) ~ BF1\CH -Ll'l.~. Mr. Wilson explainai that, beginning this past z.bIXlay, the City-wide trash crfM (2 menl will be dispatched to the beach each norning at appraKimately 7: 30 A.M. to assist in picking up litter foun:1 in the larx:lscape::1 areas of the beach parking lots. Heretofore, this litter \-laS not remJved until approximately 9:30 or 10 A.M. Mr. Meeks inquired about the possibility of placing snail signs around the beach in an attempt to reduce the litter problan. Mr. wilson stated that he had talked to Keith Crawford, Traffic Engineering Director, to detemtine if a large number of srall signs could be preparei rea:iing "Please Help Us Keep Your Bea;ch Clean". It was deteDTLi.ne:I that this could be done and the depart:n'ent hopes to place many of these snBll signs along the beach on trash oopta.:ine;'s, lifeguard chairs, walls, ete. The Board felt this would be nore effective than the few large signs c:ontaiIrlng a long list of beach roles which are presently locate:1 by the showers as yro enter the san] beach. Mrs. Hole asked alxnlt the I=Ossihllity of placing additional trash containers in the parking lots, especially on the north erxl of the beach. Mr. Wilson said he "-UUld inves- tigate this matter. Mr. Prokes further suggested that Mr. Wilson look into the " ,">,.'~ ,~"" .:. . .,' 1 . :'~". .. . > ., . .. '." '" ',', '."l;'~";'<~,':\.\\' ..:.Ij......,'.. . " , ~~:;(>':'\': .: ,'. \ ,l. """ _~~"""h,~~ ", r"\ . 1 :" J~ .......,/ , ' , /',:) ...~ > ',I t:he.};Ossibility of people dri.riking alcoholic beverages in the parking lot during the evening hours adjacent to the beach. Mr. Wilson will report back to the Board on these itans. Ml\NDAIAY PI1\{ FIElD. Mr. wilson advised Board members that he had. been asked by Mr. Mike Parobyf Assistant City Manager for Operations~ to prepare a marc- ran:l\ltl for the City Carmission relating to the developnent of the 2 acre park on Man:ia1ay AvetU.1e. Mr. paroby also asked that Board rrenbers be given the O'J?l?Clrtunity to recatl11eIl1 a name for this particular play field wflich is soon to be, develope:i. 'me Board appreciated this OJ?l:Ortunity~ blt felt that mem- bers of tIle Clearwater Beach Assn. might be in a better position to recacrnern a naIre. Mrs. Hole made a rrotion for Mr. Wilson to contact the Clearwater Beach Assn. for the plrpOse of recannen:1ing a name. Mr. JUstice seconde:i the Imtion which carried. BAYFRCN'r TENNIS CCXJRrS. Board manOers were infonra:1 that specifications are in the final stages for the construction of 4 tennis coorts on the Bayfront am tnat advertisanent is expecte:1 to .begin in DecenDer. cmsr !ARE PARK. Mr. Wilson infcmned Board members that the large piece of pla~ equipnent, Natureville V, is atout three fourths installed, arxl is already in heavy use. He further explaine:1 tliat, once all new equiprent is installed, tne old playgrcmrl B:}Uipnent nt:M located at Crest Iake will be relocate:l to the snall park at the intersection of Granaia and Broadway. Citizens living within this area are a gocd distance fran the nearest existing playgromXis am have subnitte:i a petition for same. PIER 60 ~ POOL. Mr. Wilson clistrilutEd to Board itenbers a copy of the letter fran Mrs. I1urleen pert:aining to the eKist:tng and future operation of tOe Pier 60 sw:imning pool. Mr. Wils:m exp1.ainai that negotiations are now De:ing beld regarding this facility and that e:very effort will be nade to pr0- vide a full eanpliment of swinming programs to residents living on the beach, ~CN MID <::!Pm SPACE PIAN.. Board menDers receivai copies of rough infor- mation pert:aining to this plan.. Mr. Wilson aske:3. nenbers to review the i.n:for- , rrati.a1 for the pu:t1X)Se of discussion an:1 future suggestions, especially as they xray pertain to the fonrulation ani establi.shtre.nt of recreation stan:1ards for the City of Clearwater. ISIAND ESTATES PIAYGIa1ND. Mr. Wilson infoDTEd rrenbers that he had met with Mr.. Bert Vallery of the Islard Estates F..aneowners Assn. and Mr. Hutchinson, lay administrator of St. Cecilia Catholic Church, in regards to the deve10pnent of a playgra.trd on church property locate::l on Islam Estates. A tentative agrement at this m;eting was to use the existing $10,000 to grass ard irri- gate the area an:l to install playgra.url apparatus for ycmlg children. HcMe\7er , Mr. WUS011 exp1.ai.nt:rl that he has sitx:e been contacte:1 by the attorney r S office regarding liability corcerns pertaining to the use of the playgrourrl apparatus. Mr. Wilson exp1.ai.nt:rl that he will De rreeting with representatives of the attor- neyts office aI:out this natter. -2- .. I" ,.'. '..',," ". "'",' ""'/ "', ,,'..., "''''1'''''' """"" ",',"" ','" /".....".,.,.,... ""1, J, ""i" ..,",.".~ '. .""; ,f ','H'i(;;~/:',":}ii;'" :i,{'; .....'?~:tii.;:;.t'.;:...;.,:?;.::}i :)}:.?\~::': ;'.>,C::i.:;;;(:;\e";:::}:i'i::\;:i:::,'",!:i.:A;.:;'\:'j';: .. " , <J .' i \ , " IN:K IVSSELL STADIUM. Jba.rd members ~e infonned of the following: ~ 1. The I beams for the scoreCoard have been installe::1. The next step is to aSsemlle the scoreboard on the grourii a.rrl to lift it in place for attach- rrent to the I beams. 2. '!he old screen backstop which was rusty an::1 contained holes perm.i tting baseballs to penetrate throogh onto spectators has Oeen raroved. A nEM 1Jackstcp will l:e installed. at tIie conclusion of tIle City--wide evangelical crusade OO'W in progress at tIie stadium. 3. Mr. Wilson discussed with Board ITellBers a Tll carrera platfonn which has been requested far the stadium ani which \oPUld be connected to the steel girders exterxiing over an:1 0ehiJrl heme plate. . This facility has been requested lJy the T.V. station which televises several of the spring Philadelphia Phillies games. The estiITated cost of the project is $6,000. 'lb.e platfo:cn wculd allow a cameraman to secure nuch improved shots over hane plate which wculd lltprove not only the potential of televising phillles garres, but also other activities which may be sche:1uled at Jack Russell Stadium. National a1vertisanent that the City may receive fran 'IV events is inmeasurable. Mr. Wilson infOJ:Ined the rnerrbers that he had contacted the station and that they have expressai a desire to contri- b:tte $3,000 toward, the project. Mr. Wilson also stated that he will cxmtact the Philadelphia Phlllies to detennine if they w:JUld also be in a position to contribute financi r'l 1 1 y. Hopefully, the platform could be installed for the spring games scheduled in 1979. ~ BY OOAIID MEMBERS. Mrs. Grenelle inquired about the status of the Magnolia st. D:x:k.. Mr. wilson will investigate. ..\~ Mr. Meeks inquired abOut Clea:J:Water Baseball ~rld arx1 alx>ut whether or , not they paid for the use of Cal:penter Field. Mr. Wilson infonnai the Board that the phillies bad approved the program ani that the school pays the City $100 per day rental an:1 any other additional oosts that \>.Olld be requi.ral for the activity. Mr'~ Meeks also inquired abolt the possibility of the Philadelphia curies Professional Soccer League team trai.ning in Clearwater. Mr.. Wilson explainerl ;t:hat. he had met with J1.Xlge Joseph McNulty regarding this I;Ossibility ani the matter is being l1U'sued. Mrs. Grenelle related the p:Jssibility of a Fe.ieral Grant being available to urban areas wish:i.n; to refurbish existing recreation facilities. Mr. Wilson will invest.igate. OJ:~ BUSmESS. Discussion ensue:1 relative to the Decanber Board meeting ani the fact that tlle 4th M:mday falls on Christmas Day, Decanber 25th. Mr. Justice m:J'Ved that the n-eeting be advarx::ed to Monday, December 18th. Mrs. Taube secon:led the IOOtion which carried. '!here being 00 further b.Jsiness, the neeting was adjourne:1.. ~ ' ". " " i, '( :, ''"''J " , '. " ", 'I , ~\ :. - ~ -3- " I.... :. .