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"OCTOBER 23, 1978
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Minutes of September meeting
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2. Reports:
a. Financial
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b. Qrdinance for Land Dedication
c. Bea~h Cleari1ng Machine
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"'e. Mandalay Park (MCC)
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Island Estates Playground
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':3;.' . Comments by Bo ard Members
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Other Business
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OCTOBER 23, 1978
The regular roonthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at
the Depa.rt:ment offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on M:lrx1ay, October 23, 1978,
at 7:30 P.M. Manbers present were Mr. Gus Stavros, Mr. Bill Justice, Mrs.
Helen Taube, Mr. Jack Gi1m:>re, Mrs. Legare Hole, Mr. Graydon Howe, and Mr.
Charles Meeks. Also present was Ream Wilson. Mr. Dick Prokes and Mrs. Edwin
Grenelle were unable to atten:1.
Mr. Justice trade a nntion to have Mr. stavros serve as te!npot'ary ChaiJ:man,
secorded by Mr. GilItDre, rrotion carried.
Mr. JUstice made a m:>tion to accept the Board minutes for the. m:>nth of
Sept.e!'rber. Mr. Meeks secorXl.ed the ITCtion which carrie1.
Mr. Wilson rep%ted to the Board on the following itans~
FlloWOAL. J30ard It'eTbers were advised that the 13th period. printout for operating
eKpenSeS has not yet been received. This report will be made available to
members at the Novanber rreeting.
PROPOSED SUBOIVISlOO ORDINANCE. Board InE'!tlOerS were provided copies of the pre-
1:iminary draft of the proposed SUlxlivision Ordinance as it relates to the dedi-
. cation of lands for Parks & Recreation purp::>ses. Mr. Wilson explained that at
the present ti.ne developnents seeking annexation into the City of Cle&:water are
required to donate 10% of their land area for parks &. Recreation p.n:p:>se.s. 'Ibis
10% dedication is. required irregardless of the density of tli.e areas. being developed
an:} annexed. 'l11e proped Ordinance will take into consideration the dens! ty of
each developnent as J.t relates to the percentage of lani wfrich will be require:1
for da18.tion. Those develO{:ttients containing b<<> units per acre nay De requirerl
to donate only 5% of their larXl area, while residential developrents containing
eight units per acre w:JUld De required to donate 12.5%. The percentage of lard
to be de:1icatai is detemdned Oy the density of the sub:1ivision. It is felt that
.this type of de:1ication p:.)licy will be nore defensible am appropriate. Mr. Wilson
aske:l BoaJ:d manbers to review the preliminary draft for the pJrpOse of making
cc:mnents at the No\Tember meeting.
BFACH CLEANING MACllDtE. BoaId ~.rs were infonned that the beach. cleaning
machine has been received and was placerl into operation this past Friday, october
20. Mr.' Wilson ,infcmned ItlE!Ilbers that the lMch:ine will be sche:1ulerl for Clearwater
Beach seven mrnings a week at 4 A.M. 'lt1is early oour is nee:1ed to take full
advantage of the piece of equi};l'OOllt since it can't usually operate after 9: 30 A.M.
. due to beach congestion. It was reporte1 that the machine is doing an outstarxiing
job azXi that we anticipate covering the entire p.1blic beach every 2 days. Mr.
Stavros expressed pleasure in the nachine, bJ.t, inquire:l as to whether anything
could be done to discourage beach goers iran littering on Clearwater Beach. Mr.
WUson stated that he ~ld check with the Police Department as it r;ertains to
the Littering Ordinance an:i rep:lrt back to the Board.
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scx:x:&:R FTF.r~. It was reporte:i that the ~ soccer fields located behW the
Field House of St. PetersbJrg Jr. College are continuing to be watered arrl
fertilized. Rye seed has been planted. in an at~t to provide a better atIros-
Iilere for the Bernuda sprigs am hopefully to help retain rroisture. The rye
grass will rrost likely last through the rccnth of February at which ti.ne we will
be in a better position to determine the success of the Setmlda. Cooler weather
has retarded the grcwt:h of the BeJ:nuda grass and its success, to a great extent,
will be depen::lent upon the type of weather Wf! have during the next nonth or b..o.
A good 1=Ossibility exists that the grass on these fields will oot be substantial
enough to support soccer activity in January, but Board lllSIbers were infonned
that plans in::lude placing b.o fields each at Kennedy an:! Olk. Grove Middle
Scrools ani one or 'b.o fields at the George Runt/church property on Drew St.
Also available, will De one small field at Hillcrest Park; one field at Noodgate
Park an:1 J;XJssibly two fields in the parking lot of Jack Russell Stadium. Mr .
Wilson also infonned the Board that he 'Co.OUld investigate the possibility of
placing a oouple of soccer fields on the 20 acre urx3.eveloped parksite at
Mi\NOAIAY"PARK. 'llle Board was infol'JTlE!d that work has ccmnenced for the landscaping
an:l develq;ment of tIle sxall parksite on Mardalay Ave., i.ntrediately behi.rrl the
Material Civic Center. This area will include Oetnts, an irrigation system,
sodding, plant materials arx1 ~cane to Clearwater Beach letters on the beDn.
B:WID Tam OF FACJ:LITI:ES. On Frida~{, cctober 13, nEM Board Ira'l'DerS Mr. Howe an:l
Mr. Meeks, alon:r with Mrs. Hole were taken on a tour of Parks faeilities. ihis
too.r was Slccessful and a suggestion was 1l\?Ide for another tour in the oot too
distant future to i.nclu:1e unieveloped parksites, ete.
BAYFF!:Nr PARK DEVEIDPMENT. The si 1:e plan stowing the proposed layout for the
develcple:rt of the Bayfront Parks ~s di.scussed with. Ebard members. Mr. wilson
discusse:1 the plan ani relate:! to mE!riOers the recattrerrlations made by the City's
BeaUtification Cannittee as tf1ey pertain to the various areas of develOf'llent.
Board Jl"Stijers M!re asked to consider these particular developtents so that
recc.llLC:.ldations c:ould De fortfu::an:ing fran the Board. N:> official action was taken
,at this meet.:i.ng.
CREST rARE PARK APPARAWS. The large piece of playgrourd apparatus, Nativeville V,
was received Friday, 0C:t:00er 20. Mr. Wils:m infonned the Board that the Depa.rl:;m:nt
is awaiting the shiprent of 1x>lts fran the equir::mmt canpany. When receive:l,
. i.nstallation will begin.
F.M.L FtlN t.,t;:;)"J.'~VAL 'l~~. Mr. Wilson reported. that this tennis tourna-
ment was 9CIrlucted at Mc::Mullen Park this past wee.kerrl with 177 entries. It was
mst successful am was one of the largest t.c::urnaroonts of its kin:1 to be conducted
in the State.
:I.SLAND ESTATE PIAYGIUlND. Board nanbers ~e infonned that a rreeti.ng was held with
a lay representative of the Catholic Church on Islam Estates and Mr. Bert Vallery
of the Islam Estates Haneowners Assn. pertaining to the developnent of a play-
ground on church property. $10,000 is included in this year r's CIP ~get for
this project. Mr. Wilson stated that suggeste::i con:1itions to be incOJ:1:Orated in a
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~ lease will be forwuded to the City Attorney's office for consideration. When a
lease is f0Z'1tl.11ated to the approval of the church and City staff, it will then be
f01'WaX'ded to the City Ccmnission for their consideration. Due to cln.u:ch con-
struction plans, cx:mnencarent of the project. may not begin until approximately
January 1979.
JE1' SKIS - CLEARWATER BEAOl. At the September meeting, Mrs. Hole inquired as to
the jet ski operation on Clearwater Beach. Mr. Wilson informed Boan1 me:nbers
that he had talked to HarJ:ot'IMSter Bill Burchfield af.:out this con=ession am was
informed by Mr. Burchfield that the ooncession is 00 lon:rer in operation.
cx:>>n:NrS BY BOrUm MEMBERS. Mrs. Fble inquired as to the transfer of the $2000
fran the Parks & Recreation Deparbnent CIP Cu:1get to the Fire Department's CIP
b.1dget. Mr. Wilson explained that this transfer was necessary due to cost over-
runs with a particular Fire Depa.rtment project aM that $1,000 was taken out of
tM:> different Parks & Recreation capital OOdqet5; light replacenent ~ogram ard
tennis court resurfacing.. Mr. Wilson stated that he had apprO\TE!d this transfer
and that be does not feel it will have too adverse effect: on these particular
programs .
Mrs. Hole also inquired as to t:he Recreation pr~ams available to senior
citizens. Mr. wilson eKplained that programs are oot specified as "senior citi-
zen programs" bit that I1lJ[tel:'OUS activities are available to this particular age
group including lawn Eowling, sflufflefx)ard, oorse shoes, p:>ttery, painting I golf,
sewing, square dancing, M 11 rq:m dancing, bridge, exercise classes, etc. Nt" .
Wilson explained that a large percentage of .those participants in each of these
programs' are senior adults.
Mrs. Bole made a llDtion that Agemas for Parks and Recreation BoaJ::d rreetings
be sent out. to Board netDerS prior to the dates of the meetings. Mr. Meeks
secomed tIle IR:1t.ion wf1i.ch carri.eCl. Mr. Stavros, as an effort to save on mailing
costs, suggested that the },gexXl.as be mallEd with the Board minutes. Mr. Wilson
stated that Board minutes an::1 Agendas will be rrailed to rnanbers on the M:lnday
pre:::e:llnq each meeting.
Mrs. Taube inquire:1 aIxmt the possibility of constructing tennis coorts at
Hillcrest Park, adjacent to Clearwater Camtry Club. She stated that residents
in this area live a considerable distance fran present cc:AJrts. Courts previously
exi.ste:i at this site and were rem:N'ed years ago. Mr. Wilson explained that the
provision of tennis facilities in this area woold be a valid consideration or
shJuld receive consideration in the future.. .
Mr. GiJIrore ir.quired as to the drainage ditch at Norton Park which runs fran
Greenwood Ave. to rake Bellview. Mr. Wilson stated that, according to Engineering,
plans are to pi'pe ani cover the first lOOt of t.hi:s ditcIi and to swale the rana.i.OOer
of the ditch to the lake. . This shoold improve the attractiveness of the area in
that parks' ~s will have access to cut the grass and wee:ls.
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Mr. GiJ.m:>re expresse:I his ooncern al:xn1t a large nurrber of light bulbs .
being b1rned out at Carpenter Field and the possible danger hazards which
coold result to yo..mgsters playing baseball. Mr. Wilson explained that the
city's Electrical Division has been without the se-vices of their bJo high
lift bJcket trucks which are neede:I for the replaceroont of these lights.
However, Mr. Wilson assure:i the Board that he ~d :inmediate1y turn this
.request into the Electrical Division for corrective action.
Mr. Gi.J.mJre canp1imente:3. the City's Nursery Division on the l.aOOscaping'
of the City Ffall Annex parkin<] lot.
Mr. Meeks in:;ruired as to the \\Ork going on at Norton Park SW:intni.nq Pool.
. Mr. WUson explained that City crews are installing a sul:drain systen to
: lower the water table at this facility. '
Mr. Meeks infoJ:IrEd Board manOers that various professional soccer teams
fran different cities are apparently making ~rative arrangerents with
professional' Oaseba 11 teams fran these saroo cities for the joint use of
training facUities during the spring rrcntns. Mr. Meeks advised Board
nmoors and Mr. wi..l.sa1 tIiat a. similar arrangarent might De request.a:l be~
. the professional soccer an1 easeOall teams fran Pfrl.1adelphia.
Mr. Stavros infOJ:med Board nenOers of his sending .in a scr~ ani
aWlication to the Nat.icnal Recreation & Park Assn. recarm.:.ll'Xllng that an
, awaJ:d be. presente:l toMr~ E.:1die Mxlre fo+, his 40 years of out:star.ding service
. to ,the City of Cleax:water. Mr. stavros expresse:i disaa::ointmmt since he
received a.' reply fian the NRPA stating that tOO application ~ oot be
acte:l upon t1lis year due to such a large l'DJ11'II::er of entries througrout the
country. Mr ~ ,StaVJ:CS turned the scra};iXx:>k over to Mr. Wilson in omer for
it 'to De sent' in am COI1Si:dered for neoct.year. Mr. Stavros expressai his
appJ:eCiat.i:cn an:l pleasure for servi.nq for a numBer of years on the. Parks &
">RecreEitian Foard.an::1 welcc:rned nav- trenbers Mr. Meeks arrl Mr. 5Jwe.
. . '
Mrs.Hole noved that tlie n-eeting De adjoorned. Mr. Gi.lroore secorif.ed and
the notion carrie:3..
, ,