07/24/1978 w<,:'-.;".::\,.,',.. . ~ . ' '. "<'< ,~'", " 1 ," ~.\~~:" >: . \':',' " ;, ;"'"t I '. ;::' .....:. . I 1;' ";'" " t'/" ' ~~,~!:~ '" .I:~' j ,~~-, il;;[- /.~ I. . t:i',. " :' :1" .:: ~ . ~ . \<~~<~'~~> .. ~; ,~;~:,\. ',' ~.l;~~.,'~'. ~, .' ~l} . ..'. "j', ~~t::< ,:,: ' AGENDA PARKS & RECREATION BOARD JULY 24t 1978 MEETING /' \", . l > '. ~ >, , ""'''Y''':,> '..'::,: ", " ... ".... ' " ,I . :. ~ ,', . i; ~ ,', 1., ,Minutes of June meeting ":':,' 2. ",Introduction of guest a. ,Presentation Regarding Mr~. Sally Parks ,~nd Mr. , Coachman Park by Paul Eppling" t~\.: t \ ',~". .,s..... ,S"'l~\'" ,,' ",,, lJ::~fi,~W:)>' : I' i ~...> ;~~~~'~'r;:~:,:~:~ ~' I . ! ~?rR~ :':11..'. J" I '"i< I~f!;{i:......""~.~:::..~ ..:::::~:: ~ ::e:: ard OJ~r,:I:.:,!'(',,,, " ."6,', 'Adjourn. :f~J.lf~ . . --::" I. \~ I., . '~':' ,,'.: ~ '. . . I'. .... ,."..l~\\~..... f.~ ,'"~ ~. 'l'~ . .:! t. . " " ,', \ ,: " .<,," n ,; " ~ ,c, .. ~, , \. . \t " . .., ", . ." "'",'+1 C,;. , 1,<',,:, ~ l,r :. " ~ ... : . ~ . . . ' . ~.' ~. , . . '. d. ,1+ . , .' . ~ ~ '. " , ~ . . " ,,'. : ' . : ~',: 'I : .: < <' ~ 'L . . ~ - ' ," . ": c:' .,l!;y'!...~:M..,../...'..ei.,'.. .c .'3. :Repo~tB " , '.' .,' F1nanci'al Report Gien Oaks Golf Course Pa~k~~ 'R~cieatio~. Open Space 19j8~79'Ope~~ting ,Budget "Lighting 'Study Pier 60 'Pool ,Swimming Pool, East Clearwater ~roadway and Granada jack.:Russell Stadium Plan Requests . . . , . ~, \.! "'(' ,a'. ;,b. ',:':" . c. ;'d, e;, f. ,:,8. <: ";:,, ,'h.. ,', .'io" Park Scoreboard' ,'( Members , ,,1' , ~". ~ :.'" :~:1 , , , " ;; ",.': 'J.;::~~1 ~. ~. . \'~, :; ;.0 .,'", . '.{ J' ~ " '. I " " q, + ~, ,; .. ,\ " '! ',' . \, ':- 'I .1 ,\, > <: ...r.... :'," " d .'~,' ';~ ,', . ,~. :. C\: , . ,,' ~ . :. ,> ,I' I .. " . " )r ;' I ", . ,\ ~ r ' " . ~" r ',..:. " : ~:\ c:) ,. CITY OFt' ATER PARKS AND RECREAT N OARD MEETING JULY . 978 I ' , ! ~.... ..' v ,... . .~._--- The regular meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at the Department Offices, 10 S. Missouri Avenue on Monday. July 24. 1978 at 7:30 p.m. Members present were: Chairman Dick Prokes. Mrs. Helen Taube. Mr. Gus Stavros, Mrs. Patricia Hole. and Mrs. Edwin Grenelle. Also present were Mrs. Sally Parks. Mr. Paul Eppling. and Mr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Bill Justice, who was out of town on vacation. and Mr. Jack Gilmore, who had work responsibilities, did not attend. Mr. Dick Prokes advised tbe Board of a correction needed in the minutes of the June 26 meeting. These minutes state that Mr. Stavros moved to accept the Board minutes for tbe month of May, and that Hr. Prokes second the motion. The correction should read: Mrs. Hole made a motion to accept the Board minutes for the month of May and Mr. Stavros second the motion. Mr. Stavros made a motion to accept the Board minutes for the month of June as amended. Mrs. Taube second the motion which carried. ./) ........-' Mr. Wilson introduced Mrs. Sally Parks. Mrs. Parks explained she was attending the Board meeting in behalf of the City's "Artist in Residencell program. She stated she would soon be going before the City Commission requesting approval to use C~achman Park as the location for the placement of two metal sculptures and that she first desired to secure the Parks and Recreation Board's recommendation. either for or against the project. Mrs. Parks then provided Board members with background information on Mr. Paul Eppling the City's fourth IIArtist in Residence", along with an Hartist's statement" from Mr. Eppling. Mr. Eppling explained he was a metal sculptor who uses found objects such as steel. chrome. stainless steel, and castings which are welded and polished. He presented Board members several photographs of his work along with a rendition showing two scupltures by the waterfall at Coachman Park. Further, Mr. Eppling stated ,the sculptures would be approximately 4~' and 5' tall. Following a period of questions and answers. Mr. Stavros made a motion to recommend approval of Mr. Eppling's proposal to use Coachman Park as the site for the metal sculptures. Mrs. Grenelle second the motion which carried. ~k. Stavros requested the practice of providing Board members with monthly summaries of budget expenditures be reswned. Mr. Wilson responded that such summaries will be prepared. Mr. Wilson reported that financial reports for period 10 had not yet been received. Mr. Stavros recommended that financial reports be tabled until next meeting. Mr. Wilson explained that every effort is being expended to improve the greens at Glen Oaks Golf Course. Board members were informed the greens are presently being verticutt and, from all indications, the maintenance program appears to be working. Hopefully, through a program of regular verticutting, proper chemical treatment, fertilizing, and overseeding with rye grass during the winter months. satisfactory results could be obtained. If the program does not meet with success, Mr. Wilson advised Board members that $10,000 has been approved to reconstruct the greens. Mr. Wilson also informed the Board of his recent meeting with several officers of the Glen' Oaks Golf Club pertaining to the maintenance of the facility. Haps of the City's ten planning' districts were distributed to Board members as per Mrs. Hole's request. Mr. Wilson encouraged Board members to review these maps along with other previously distributed information relating to the proposed Parks. Recreation, Open Space Plan. Time is still available to offer recommendations for changes, additions. etc. , .' M~. Wi100n exploined budget hearings had been held with the City Manager and that reductions were made to initial requests. The recommended operating budget for ].978-79 is $3,553,081 including Glen Oaks Golf Course. This represents an increase of approximately 8.3% over the 1977-78 adjusted budget of $3,281,050. I' Hr. Wilson informed Board members that a light replacement program has been submitted for consideration as a part of the Capital Improvement Budget. This program takes into consideration 8 recent study provided by Mr. John Peddy, the City's Energy Conservation Officer. Mrs. Grenelle requested that Board members be provided copies of Mr. Peddy's study at the next Board meeting. Mr. Wilson advised Board members that the lease pertaining to the Pier 60 swimming pool expires in December and stated meetings will be held with the owner of the lease to discuss the future operation of the pool. Beach residents, responding 'to an inquiry in the "Beach Views", expressed a need for a public pool on the beach so that they wouldn't have to travel to Morningside and Norton Park for swimming instruction and other special' classes. Hr. Wilson suggested that if the lease is renewed, a recommenda- tion may be to formulate a joint use arrangement whereby the Parks and Recreation Department could provide instructors for swimming classes and other special programs. This would require several hours of pool time each day, especially during the summer months. Board members expressed a strong interest pertaining to the lease and to providing swimming opportunities for citizens living on the beach. Considerable discussion ensued. Mr. Stavros stated the Board needed additional information on which to base tJleir recolm1endations. Board members concurred and Mr. Wilson said copies of the lease and other information would be made available at the August meeting. Mr. Wilson advised the Board of a petition received from residents living close to asmnll park located at Broadway and Granada. 100 signatures were included requesting ",--,\ the placement of playground equipment for young children. Mr. Wilson stated that he '~ had visited the area, that it is suitable for development, and that it is far removed from existing recreation facilities. The petition will be forwarded to the City Manager's office for consideration. Mrs. Taube also explained the need for recreational facilities in the area and advised the Board of a small adjacent piece of property that may be available for purchase. Hr. Wilson informed the Board of the delivery of the new scoreboard for Jack Russell Stadium. Installation will be scheduled for early September. Mrs. Bole expressed concern about the future extension of Belcher Road separating residents of WoodGate from WoodGate Park. Mr. Wilson said he will secure more informa- tion regarding the extension of Belcher Road and the effect it will have on the park. Hr. Stavros commented on the testimonial roast held in the honor of Mr. Eddie Moore. He informed Board members that citizens and friends had donated $1,500 which was presented to Mr. Moore. Mr. Stavros also informed, the Board that he had gathered and submitted information regarding Mr. Moore to the National Recreation & Parks Association. The purpose of this effort is to seek for Mr. Moore the "Certificate of Excellence" award which is given to outstanding Park and Recreation professionals. Mr. Stavros further suggested that Mr. Wilson send a notice of Mr. MOore's retirement aud years of serv:ice with the C:ity of Clearwater to the N.R.P.A. Hopefully this informa- tion could be included in the national magazine. Mr. Wilson stated this would be done. i0 There being no further business, Hr. Stavros made a motion the meeting be adjourned. Mrs. Hole second the motion which carried. -2-