06/26/1978 / . / '~,~ .~, ~ CITY OF CLEARWATER fARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JUNE 26, 1978 The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation. Boardw8s held at the department offices, 10 South Missouri Avenue, on Monday, June 26, 1978 at 7:30 p.m. Members present weT~ Chairman ~ick Prokes, Mrs. Legare Hole, Mr. Gus Stavros. Mrs. Edwin Grenelle and Mrs. Melvin Taube. Also present was Mr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Gus Stavros made a motion to accept the Board minutes for the month of Mayas mailed. Mr. Prokes second the motion which carried. Mrs. Hole informed Mr. Wilson tbat she had not received copies of the May minutes. Mr. Wilson assured her that a copy would be mailed to her. Hr. Wilson advised Board members of the Eddie Moore Roast to be held at the Sheraton Sand Key on Thursday, June 29. The response looks good. However. many people including some Board'members will be on vacation and unable to attend. Mr. Wilson reported on department expenditures through nine of the thirteen perioda for the current fiscal year. The norm'for expenditures is 69% with the department currently spending at a rate of 64.5%. Therefore, the department is, ,currently under ~he norm for this period but e~penditures are expected to increase during the Bummer months. The Board was advised that Holt Avenue swimming pool has been sandblasted, painted, and is now in full operation with good crowds in attendance. Additionally, the Board was i~formed of peQple being turned away from open swim times at Morningside Pool and Norton Park"Pool during the first week of summer operation, June 19. In th~se particular instances. each of these facilities had reached a maximum number of people as established by the Pinellas \ County Health Department. However, the opening of Holt Avenue Pool is expected to reduce the demand placed on Morningside and Norton Pools. , . ' .'. ." . " , . .' , " .,' I " . " . \ I, .. .': f r:*) The Board was advised that fifteen of the eighteen greens at Glen Oaks Golf Course are in good condition. The remaining three greens are in need of sod which is scheduled for delivery Thursday, June 29. The greens at Glen Oaks have shown remarkable improvement since the winter months and since a spray program was initiated to increase the ph of the soil. Mr. Wilson, Mr. Eddie Moore 'and Mr. Lester McMullen, a local expert on grasses, visited Glen Oaks to inspect the facilities. Mr. McMullen was also surprised at the recovery and feels that with a regular program of verti cutting and aerifying the greens could quite possibly remain in good condition. The Board was advised that these greens have not been rebuilt in many years and the' possibility of this will still exist after the approaching winter season. Approximately $10,000 has been requested in the 'mid year budget for this purpose and possibly would be available if this work is deemed necessary. ',,:. . Board members received copies of charts and tables per- taining to the Parks, Recreation, 'Open 'Space Plan which is now being prepared by the Planning Department and the Parks and Recreation Department. Basically, the information received by the Boa~d pertains .to an inventory of existing facilities, the proposing of standards for recreation areas, and the comparison of the two to determine needs. The Board was asked to review tbe information at their leisure for further discussion at the July meeting. " , " ' ," :,,'~' '" ',,' l....;,,) :;,' .~ -:': ' '.' ~'l .:. . ~. '. Mr. Wilson advised the Board the Miracle Equipment Company has submitted a proposal for playground apparatus for Crest Lake Park and that a similar proposal is forthcoming from a company called Child Scapes. The department will proceed as soon as possible in ordering playground equipment for Crest Lake. Mr. Wilson also informed the Board that the irrigation system in the south end of the park has creat~d a noticeable difference in the appeaTance of the,grass. This area, plus the newly sodded berms have received Deveral compliments and should continue to improve as the Bummer progresses. ,r<' " -:J : \., . 'j ~ , ; , Mr. Wilson info~med 'the Board that his appointment to the director's position has left a vacancy in the position of Assistant Director which is needed and hopefully wilt be filled within a short period of time. The Board was also informed that the department is operating with one full time secretarial vacancy which has placed an additional workload on other clerical staff members. Every effort will be made to fill this position. , ' " , ' , " }. '.; , ;1', ,..-"\ :'. '" \'-""'" ',. ~ .4~'" '.. ~~/~.. " ?;: I i~ , ~l!.:'~:' - 2 - " /. ,," t ~ The Board was informed that Mr. John Peddy, Energy Officer for the City, has been requested to provide a lighting study for all recreation facilities supervised by the Department. Mr. Peddy submitted this study this date to Mr. Wilson. Basically, the study recommends new types of lighting fixtures such as high power sodium to replace old incandescent and quartz fixtures. These, new fixtures require less energy, less man hours for repair, and therefore, a reduced cost for operation. Mrs. Hole moved to table the lighting study to tbe next meeting so tbat the department would have the opportunity to review and become more fam~liar with its contents. The motion was seconded by Mrs. Grenelle and carried. The Board indicated substantial interest in this project. The Board was informed the operating budget request for 1918-79 for the Parks and Recreation Department was $3,432,751. This represents an increase of $278,416, or 8.8% over the 1977-78 operating budget. No requests for additional personnel were made for the recreation division. However, four new positions have been requested for expanded maintenance responsibilities within the Parks and Nursery Divisions. The Board was advised the department will have its first budget hearing on Friday, June 30, with the City Manager's office. 3' , ~. .' T'. " -, :.~: I Mr. Wilson read to the Board a letter of res~gnation prepared by Mr. Robert Stiff. Mr. Stiff stated that current work respons- ibilities have interferred more than expected with his attendance at Board meetings and felt it in the best interest of everyone concerned that he resign. Mr. Wilson also read to the Board a letter to Mr. Stiff from City Manager Tony Shoemaker thanking Mr. Stiff for his efforts and for his interest in City programs. ;-J ", A thank you card from, Mr. Moore to Board members was also read. Mr. Moore appreciated the dinner and the watch given to him by members of the Board. Mrs. Taube informed the Board of the interest expressed by people living in the vicinity of Broadway and Granada for an installation of playground apparatus. Mrs. Taube stated that these residents are interested in the small park located in their area and mentioned that an adjacent piece of property might be ava~lable for acquisition to increase the size of this park. Mr. Wilson informed the Board that he will study this item. !: Mr. Prokes ipquired as to the status of the department's request for the u~~ of Fire Station #4 for its drama. choral and 'art programs. Mr. Wilson informed the Board that he will provide additional information to the City Manager's office regarding 'programs that could be conducted at this facility, if it is made available. ",' :~ " V . .. . i' . ' .' , ~ "." . There being no further business the meeting was adjourned. - 3 - '., . ~ t .