11/28/1977 ~:,. .. ~~{(':"." ' h.~:, 0 c:';; ~ t;:,.;; ~;;~~, , ~~::\ '~"'~ > B/~"';~' ~~~. ',,, <I' . I '~ . ~ '.. . \.:" ~~~.:' [', ~, ;~, ", . /~:":';:'I'~ .' 1'_ ~~~;!::: . " ~ r... ~.: . '" .~~L~ <c' ,. '. 11.. 'Othe'r Business ~;'/};'"..,. Mil:Q', : ':. ' 'ii:;.: '::. ,y,:' ,~cj.., .. *t\i:{:\/~:r; , t:ar...~J'-oc"~ ,,~'\',' :" ~~<f:":" .,' ~~ty:;~~: ,,;, :,;"'" . 1i!,r.li..., ..' " ~. ~!ji,:: i/:~. .~~( ~~:~:d'....:. <;~.~~. ~~~<:\~::' <. ~' ,.~ J: .; \~~t~~.'...~.~ >t.~" I:;"~. ::' .". . , .~\. . " \." " ((~ ~': . . Yi', ':"""ft :J '~.. . . 'l..J,' ,~ i~'/., ,r t. i/,:. :' " I, ,'^ ", ;i~:" ' ~ ' J .. (,".., (,~, ", }.. . . . ~, t , , I t. " , " ", ~ A'O END A PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MgETING Novembci 28, 1977 "V ":/",,, ',',~...', . " " ,. ~ , .. . " . .. ; ~ . '\ . ' ,. , " . \ . .... 1. Rocognition of Guests 2 . MinutDs Moeting Month of October 3. Reports: Budget (a) Department Expenditures Ending September 30, 1977 (b) Glen Oaks Golf Course Expenditures Fiscal Year 4. Reports: Capital Improvement ,(n) Norton Park Swimming Pool Dedication December 2t 1977 (b), McMullen Park Tennis Courts (e) Countryside - Woodgate park- (sidewalks) Cd) Bikeways - DelOra to Bayshore Drive .' 5. I~provemen t,s : (a) C~t~ Hall Annex Auditorium ; ~l . ., . ~. , , (b)' Crest Lake Beautification , , 6. ,,~roposed Golf Course 'Project 1'. Report~ - Holt Pool ',' 8: ,: Inquiry - Tour of Parks and Recreation Facilities ,] ,..9." Commen ts by Board Members . 'io. C6nsideration ~ Schedul~ December Meeting December 19t 1977 , 12':. ,Adj ourn '1 . .' , .", ..." .,. ' ,,' , 'I" ,.' /1 I t,<, ~" .... . i. CITY OF CLEARWATER VARKS ANn RRcnnATION BOARD MEETING NOVEMBER 28. 1977 / .,~ . .-.......-- The rcgul<<r monthly meoting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held at tho dapnrtmant offices. 10 S. Missouri Avenue, on Honday. Novcmbor 28, 1977. at 7:30 p.m. Present were Chairman Dick Prokes, Mr. Hank McWhorter. Mrs. Helvin Taube, Mrs. Edwin Grenelle~ Mr. Jack Gilmore. dnd Mr. Robert Stiff. Also present were Hr. Eddie C. Moore and Hr. Roam Wilson. Motion by Mro. Tnube, 8ccond by Mr. Stiff, that the minutes for the meeting of the month of October be approved as received in the mail. Motion carried. Board membcrB received information pertaining to department expenditures ending September 30, 1977. The expenditures for the department were under the approved budget. Also; Board members received a report on expenditures for Glen Oaks G~lf Course and, with additional expenditures added to the budget, the costs slightly exceeded revenue. The total Parks and Recreation budget was under the amount budgeted for the fiscal year. Mr. Moore reported the Norton Park swimming pool had been completed and dedication by the City Commission was scheduled on the morning of December 2, 1977, at 10:00 a.m. Board members are invi ted to a t tend .. .1) ........, The Board was advised work had begun on construction of the nine new tennis courts for McMullen Park. At present the lime rock base installation has almost been completed. Mr. Moore ~formed the Board the sidewalks at Woodgate Park at Countryside ha~been completed and only the irrigation system and connecting of the lighting system remains to be done to complete capital improvements at this facility. The Board was advised approval has been obtained to install concrete bikeways from the existing paths in Del Oro to Bayshore Drive 'and Building Maintenance will proceed at their first opportunity. Mr. Moore reported City RaIl Annex auditorium is being enlarged at present and invited the Board members to visit. the area upon adjournment of this meeting. Board members were advised work crews have returned to Crest Lake Park for continued beautification of the area. We have yet to receive materials for irrigation, but upon receiving this material, will install the system. Berms will be sodded after the irrigation system is installed. ;', Qh(' . , . The Board was informed that efforts are being made to promote financing of the proposed golf course for Northeast Clearwater. Mr. Hoore has met with Mr. Jeff Butler and City staff members as well as meeting with Mr. Larry Smith of the National Golf Foundation. Mr. Smith will provide information pertaining to methods of financing ... .. ff ~r ".. \', ;,. >: > " , "" '> '..''' ~' ,"' ~, < ' ", .~ . ,? ., . " ii'. " :' . , ' ','- . ,"..,., " , :~..' ,." T . : ~1\ ,:':.' : , i;:'~,~'" " ;j.,:;',,,' " ,,<!"';;.'Tl I;,;: ..">", and upon receiving these reports, Mr. Moore indicated further meetings will be held pertaining to the project. Mr. Moore reported Assistant City Manager M. J. Paroby has requested the Engineering Department determine the problems at Holt Pool through a chemical analysis of the materials used on pool construction. We hope to have the matter completed within the next few weeks in or.der to determine the problem, make correction, and have the pool ready for use in 1978. Due to inability of Board members to participate in the proposed tour of Parks and Recreation facilities during November, Mr. Moore inquired if a visitation to facilities would be desired during December. After discussion, it was decided to wait until after the first of the year to consider such a trip. Mr. Prokes read a letter from the Historical Committee of the City of Clearwater requesting Coachman Park be developed as a Historical Park. After discussion, motion by Mrs. Taube, second by Mrs. Grenelle, the Parks and Recreation Board endorse the idea subject to Board approval of the type of installation prior to any said installation. Further, it is suggested this also fit in with the maintenance program of the Park. Motion carried. M~. Moore inquired if the Board desired to move the December meeting to the third Monday in December since December 26, the day after Christmas, is a holiday. After discussion) motion by Mr. Stiff, second by Mrs. Taube, that due to the busy holiday season, we forego the December' meet,ing and schedule the January meeting for Monday, January 9, 1978. Motion carried. , Motion by Mr. Stiff, second by Mr. Gilmore, the three absent ~embersof the Board be excused due to the following; Mr. Stavros is out of the City and Mr. Justice was necessarily attending a'~eeting of his church. Mrs. Hole appeared prior to the meeting : but;, departed for home since she had just spent several hours at 'the hospital emergency room where her son received treatment. Motion ..,' 'carried. Motion by Mrs. Taube, second by Mrs. Grenelle, the meeting 'be adjourned. Motion ,carried. \.