08/22/1977 ,";<}'I;~~"I~\jl ~', ',','. , '. > ~ ,. . 1;".\ '.:,'.~. . i.r'L' , "\'., .,.~ " , , , . . .' .J' , , , , " , , ,.iJ AGENDA , ~ , ';''''''' '. ~--,/ , ",' ' .../, 'J '. PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD " Augu'st 22," 1977 ". 1. Recognition of guests il;jC):,> ' t......; ;:. ,', ' ." f}tI...-f .'. > . t.~;;:8:, "':::::::::1 O:m:::::e::::et ~ ;' I. t:K~~~J . . j . I ~i\:8>,," ',' ' (1)" McMullen Park Tennis Complex r}'i;;:::;~,/~.:';,:'>, ';,::: :::::::::~:O::l ora ~t\:;r('\15 . JaYce~:) p,::pn"::l Air Conditioning I~:.: l~' " ~ ~.". " '..' ,. . ,>,'" ,~~:L >:,:',',;,:,'-: >, ' I~~"<:';;'; ,'. !t~j'J:;;, ;;\,. . · " , .~\\ '. '(jfj!) " . 1~~(bYti>;,,;:, "..' ' " ~t.I""'" ,.." t~1~.\;1;i.~~~:.'.: :.~ . ,.' ~ ~ .'1,\ " ': ,.~ ~lt.~I!.~~'ttf,. .'; .' ~.\,~,~/'" 2 .' Minutes Meeting Month'6f July .) 3~ Mr. Hank McWhorter : " :4. Reports: , ' ." '. , ~~~ ~~ ' " " >, ,6. 'pier 60' Pool' " '1 ,7 ~ . Board 'Member, COmments '8.>Any Other Business 9. : Adjourn' " ',/ , " ,I .;, . if: ':" Ii:' . ......! , , , .t(~~*"r" ,:,'~ .... >..~ : ,Y . , ~. CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MINUTES AUGUST 22, 1911 j ..+ . .' " 'c L1 The regular monthly meeting of the Parks and Recreation Board was held on Monday, August 22, 1977, at '7:30 p.m. Present were Mr. Dick Prokes, Chairman,'Mr. Gus Stavros, Mr. Bill Justice, Mrs. Melvin Taube, Mrs. Edwin Grcnel1c, Mrs. Legare Hole, and Mr. Ream Wilson. Also attending the meeting were members of the Clearwater DeachAsBociation, Mrs. Anne Garri.s and Mrs. Connie Marquardt. The absences of Mr. McWhorter and Mr. Stiff have been excused. The minutes of the Board as mailed to members for the month of July were discussed. Mrs. Grenelle requested that they be amended to include the fact that she had inquired about Pier 60 and about the operation of the pier pool. Motion made by Mr. Justice, seconded by Mr. Stavros, that minutes fOJ the,month of July be ap~roved as amended. Motion carried. \ Mr. Prokes informed the Board of the operation Mr. McWhorter will soon be undergoing. Mr. McWhorter will be entering the hospital on Monday, September 4. :,':, ,''7":', " ',;' " J ' '/ c~' Mrs. Garris of the Clearwater Beach Association was intro- d~ced and presented for considerat~on the following request~ for recreational programs/development on Clearwater Beach: 1. The two acres recently acquired on Mandalay Avenue north of the Youth Maritime Center be developed- as a playfield. She suggested that the field be graded, sodded, fenced-in, and lighted. The reason for this request is to provide additional play field opportunities for football, soccer, etc. 2. "- That action be taken by the Parks and Recreation Department concerning the southwest corner of the existing basketball court. She stited that this,corner of the court is cracked and is con- tinually undermined by wave action. 3. 'That the tennis iourts be placed on.a regular schedule for sweeping of debris, sand, etc. 4. That squeegees and bro~ms be stored at the fire station across the street and available for check-out to persons wishing to utilize same to get water, etc., off the tennis courts. 5. That a couple of shuffleboard courts be con- structed adjacent to the existing horseshoe courts now located at Mandalay Park. She felt, equipment for these courts could be stored in the fire station and.vailable to partil"ipants. ) ',.',:, \~-:-'\ ;~,~. "',./ <\i~. , , ~~I'.,~.C'" I ". '"C ~t}, ' )t~. .: ': '. "1 . c ~ '. ::-~;~, :.!. . . '. ~)~l{;fr;':',~~' ':.~. ~~~ '." : ~ ~~). :" ~ ;:;j ',: "> . ~ ,"', .' . , ' - 1 - " ,'[ ~ ... ~ 6. That playground aquipment which is now located on the cast side of the Youth Maritime Center be relocated to some area west of the present basketball court. Mrs. Garris further stated the existing playfie1d at this facility is very heavily utili~ed nnd said Mr. Larry Dowd, the new Community Center Supervisor, is doing an excellent job. The Association will be hosting an open house for Mr. Dowd on September 21 at 7:30 p.m., nnd persons are invited to m~~t him and to express their opinions relating to activities conducted at the center. ;, > Mrs. Garris, on behalf of the Clearwater Bench Association, also expressed a concern about the storage of "City Player's" props in the northeast room of the Youth Maritime Center. She said that the building is heavily crowded with youngsters and felt the room should be made available for additional recreation programming space. She suggested the Parks and Recreation Department look into other sites for storage of "City Player's" property. Mrs. Garris was most complimentary of this drama program, but it is a question of the most feasible use of the storage room. ;.: Mr. Wilso~ stated to the Board' the staff would immediately look into the cracked basketball court to determine if a danger hazard exists, the regular sweeping of the tennis courts, the possibility of squeegees and brooms being made available at the fire station, and about seeking other possible locations for storage of "City Player's" property. :'.: ",;',,<3 , '. . " ':,:. \' Mrs. Garris further stated that she will put the requests of the Clearwater Beach Association in writing to Mr. Moore. /" " . " c ,,: >.'. , Mr. Wilson reported the annual operating budget for 1976-77 is in good stead and 71.2% at the budgeted funds had been expended with normal expenditure percentage being 76.9%. Board members received a budget summary of the expen- d~tures and balances of the budget by individual divisions. 'The Board expressed pleasure in this type of report and sug- gested they be continued for future meetings. The Board also received a copy of the Glen Oaks budget which shows a deficit of,$2,373.00. Mr. Wilson pointed out that a~ added expense for the depreciation of clubhouse equipment changed the budget by several thousand dollars. Mr. Wilson advised the Board as to the status of the following Capital Improvement Projects: '.", .<, . I. i" ';". . . ~ d. C .... ,.', ~ + . ,\ .~.. ~ ';. . .' ", c":t 1. Specifications are being readied for the ad- vertising of nine additional tennis courts for McMullen Park. . ,"c ;,:', " " <~......" ..,;,...:..,"'. 2. The' Norton Park pool is under construction and recent rains have caused some delay. (:"<~'. . .. , ~'. " " ,:;~~~ ::, ~:.: ~ ." ' - 2 - .fT'. ...'.' ., . . . ~, 3. Lighting for the tennis courts and basketball court at Woodgate Park is being assembled for installation by the Cityts Electrical Division. The lighting will be different from that used on other City courts in that 1uca1ox fixtures will be utilized. These are amber colored lamps which give off more light and are most economical to operate. ,. 4. Bicycle trail construction is hoped to begin shortly. The Building and Maintenance Division has hired eight employees which are available to work on this project. The first phase will be constructed at Del Oro Park running from the existing bike trail to Bayshore Boulevard. 5~ The Annex auditorium is undergoing improvements~ and partitions have been removed from the smaller rooms. .',1 r> Mr. Wilson also presented to Board members copies of a proposal by the Clearwater Jaycees. This proposal concerns t~e ,placement of benches on rights-of-way within City lim~ts with advertising on the back portion of each bench. Mr. ,Wilson,explained to the Board that the Beautification Com- mittee had voted in favor of the proposal, and that Mr. Moore expre~sed caution be taken due to a similar program being terminated in the past. >..'> .. ....J~ :('i'",(jl , I ..,: . ,', After reviewing the proposal~ a motion was made by Mrs. Role for approval~ seconded by Mr. Justice. A vote was then . taken which was split~ three members in favor of the proposal ~nd thr~e o~posed~ Mr. Wilson stated that he would forward this response to the City Manager's Office. r, , "- Mr. Wilson informed the Board that he, Mr. Moore, and Mr. Dave Keyser met on Friday~ August 12, with Mr. Joe Carwise of the School Administration. The purpose of this meeting was"to informally review the site plan of the proposed Cduntryside High School and to determine the possibilities for joint utilization of recreation facilities, gymnasium, and auditorium. , Mr. Wilson further stated th.at the meeting was very positive with the outlook bright for such joint usage. " ' I,.. '; !.;....c. . ~~ .. .. . : ~:. '.' ".. ~ :.'.;;: .' . ..,. .,1. .,. .I~.: : i ~ ,: ;;:~~,~i) . As per the previous request of Mrs. Grenelle and other 'members~ the Board was provided some information regarding Pier 60 and the swimming pool. A memo from Mr. Bill Durchfield, Harbormaster. was read to the Board indicating that life , ring~ ~nd trash cont~iners are not available on the Pier, but the swim~ing pool was in operation, waS being used~ and a lifeguard was on duty. Several Board members expressed the concern passed on to them by residents that the pool,!s often - 3 - .~. 'r- .' ~.. ','. JJji;;\.. ... .,', ,. '. ~+/' ,:. ...r:," .' . . f.;:')-' ,,' '~":,': , ~'/..; .... ":, ,''< ' , :k~"': ,,: '~:::~:::..., :"I'@',I.'...'."., loll,.; , 1;l " '.' . \k : ," ; :; ~ O"! ., . . ,: . . ,. , , <.' ., ~ . t1~::\::, ';',:',." ': ," '.1", .:. :J' , ',:"\T ... : \ . ":: I . , ~,rt\;/:/.;.\:.' .. ,.' :{).)~:,:~:;t':.':..,. .' .. ", " ,," " . "", c'o ., '. ~ .' ,; I , '" ~I,,:::;..~.\, ...;",:,: .';"". .', .,."' t'.::< : ~.r' :.'.. ' i!':~' · '. " ~" F ~, 1~.~,;r:': j,~.. ~::1.:.'-c}c >. ~!ii" .. ~;';;.":~ JF ~.' t':I~~""~'. : 'f~ '1+..r >' . ~~~. .!.: ' ~,' :. ..' . ~( < ',. l, (~ ,c.',' .... '.. \.<." ' ~~ ,; ) .:' ~:':(:,": :' ~.~. '. .II' .',:~; . j . (' .... not in operation. . Mr. Wilson stated that he will look into the operation of the 8wi~ming pool and report back to the Board at the next meeting. , Mr. Wilson .discussed with the Board the condition of Crest Lake' Park and the development' of same. The Boayd was informed the Nursery Division, with a crew comprised of' CETA ,employees, began work on the first phase of the Lane Marshall Development Study. The initial action began Monday, August 22, and will include a berm running along the south side of ' the ~ark adjacent to Gulf-To-Bay Boulevard. The purpose of the ber~ is io reduce the noise leve1 and emissions generated by traffic. However, it was 'explained that rains have effected this init~al:co~struction. Mr. Wils6n r~ported that Mr. Moore is on vacation and will return to the office on Tuesday, September 6. A motion was made by Mr. '.~o~ion cariied. Justice the meeting be adjourned. ., ,; ',t, , , I . , . ~ . " ~. '" , . ~ ' . . c'. . , ~, " .' .', T '1' ,. ,.~ \.: ' '. .' :-..: . " t ,\ . .~, , ' I' ' "~: " ,', " , , 'l' , " , , ., - 4 "