01/24/1977 ,-:.'" , ..;~. ..". ' t,;.; ',. ;",,\,:,., . ,1: ~., , if~~(, . , ",\' ,'~); ;, " , " JANUARY 24, 1977 VI , Iii "'\" ',1' . ~ 'i, > .\ ~ r:,l " AGE N D A PARKS & RECREATION BOARD MEETING " ''1.~, :-'! 'J ...... ;:~.~ , ,':;. , ~ \" " " ' 1. Recognition of Guests. "X ' . \.' : , ' . 'i. . , ~l ' . '1 ~~1 >(:~~ 2. Minutes - Month of November. 'J 'j.! ;"G: 3, . Reports: . , . . ~ 4,~ Presentation: Feasibility study for proposed golf course (Mr. Ron Garl, Golf Course Architect) ~ , ..!J.~ .,~j~ . ~~ r(! " . ..~ ,', ;~ , iJ . .-{ , .i' ./( '. ':.:; ., ..') a. Activity Reports for November. .b. Activity Reports for December. ' c. Departmental budget reports not available at present time. :.~ ' , ,~ ': 5 '. 'Repo.rts: . '~~ ,,', '- ,.J 'a. 'P~opo.ed re~reation standards for 'Clearwater. b." Cle'arwater Beach Marina/Recreation Complex. , . " . ,':l: " ' , ' :',: ,:-C'. : McMullen Tennis, Complex - Lighting and Tennis Pro. d~J,Wo6d~at~ at Countryside. . .~. " , " "":>"" ',.' ',e,. Moccasin Lake Park Committee. ,~ '. " ; ;:.:"., I.. I ,<' ; . . ,,'," ',' .. /~.;:' ,:',/; 'f. ' Norton Park Tennis Courts. . , i . ". . ~.', " t, ~ ~ "',:' '.:6. ~omments by Board Members. "-,t ~ :, 7:~, 'Other Bus inesB , . .'J l .. 8'~", ',Adjournment. ,;'," . . ' : 'f ,', ;'1 ,\ , ." .' . . ' .;.; . .. : ." '. . , . ~ CITY OF CLEARWATER PARKS AND RECREATION BOARD MEETING JANUARY 24. 1977 v/ ------ The regular monthly meeting of the Parka and Recreation B06Td was held at,the department offices ot 10 S. Missouri Avenue on Monday, January 24, 1977, at 7:30 P.M. Present were Mr. Dick Prokes, Chairman, Mr. Harold Robinson, Mr. Frank Tack, Mr. GUB A. Stavros, Mr. Al Price, Mr. Bill Justice, Mr. Henry McWhorter, Mrs. Melvin Taube, and Mrs. Edwin Grenelle. Also present was Mr. Ream Wilson. Mr. Wilson informed the Board that Mr. Moore was in Jackson- ville attending a meetln'g of the Amateur Softball Association and would return to the office the week of January 31. A motion was made by Mr. Prokes, seconded by Al Price, that the minutes as mailed to Board members for the month of November be approved as received. Motion carried. The Board received' copies of activity reports for the months of November and December. It was explained to the Board that copies of the Department's operating budget expenditures were not yet available. Mr. Ron Garl, Golf Course Architect from Lakeland, was present and gave a presentation concerning the feasibility of a ,80lf course proposed for north Clearwater. Mr. Garl discussed . twenty various items including explaining the actual layout and design of the course.. Included in his presentation were estimated costs for both initial outlay and operation, estimated revenues, and the best time to open and to begin construction on the course. Mr~ .Garl spoke very favorably of the site that is proposed for this construction saying that it is one of the finest he has 8een~ Board members directed numerous questions to Mr. Garl which he .answered to their satisfaction. Mr. Garl stated his feasibility study is virtually complete with the exception of a soil analysis report which he is expecting at any time from the Univ~riBiy of Florida. His final written study is expected to be delivered to this office within the next ten days to two weeks. The Board members and Mr. Wilson expressed their appre- ciation to Mr. Garl for his time and excellent presentation. Mr. Wilson reported on the following: - :~~I'O""\C' .t", < ";... . _. .' .\ a. Proposed recreation standards for Clearwater. Roard members received information concerning recreation standards that need to be formulated for Clearwater. These are needed in that they will become an important part of the retreation element which will be prepared in coordination with the City Planning Department and which will become a part of the State's comprehensive plan. . c, 1 - } ,. '" ! . ".", I' i ' > ':' Board members were asked to study the proposed standards and to inform Mr. Wilson as to their feelings. " .' ... ...., -j b. Mr. Wilson stated the playing field and irrigation system have been completed at the Clearwater Bench Marina/Recreation Complex, nnd the well for the landscaping on the south end will be completed on Tuesday, January 25. Clusters of palms nnd other landscaping materials have already been installed in this section, and the irrigation system is ex- pected to be installed the week of January 31. 'Immediately fol~owing this installation will be the laying of sod. Mr. A~ Price suggested that the Department study the need for some type of fence to run along the seawall on the area south of the tennis courts. Mr. Price was joined by the Board in expressing a concern over the safety of youngsters who may be playing in this area once the development is complete. The Board was assured that the stsff would investigate and take the necessary action. c. Mr. Wilson informed the Board the lighting for McMullen Park was approved by the City Commission, and installation of these lights would begin immediately. This work is expected to be completed within ten days to two weeks. It was also announced that Mr. John Williams was hired as the new Tennis Pro for McMullen Park, and that he commenced his duties this past week. > ! d. The Board was informed that the tennis courts, basketball court, and parking lot for Woodgate Park would be bid in February and awarded by the .City Commission .on March 17. This Park has been receiving good participation from the residents living in the area. .'. ' e. Mr. Wilson announced that Mr. Moore has formed a committee to work on the site plan for Moccasin Lake Park. Included on this committee are Mr. Hike Paroby, Assistant City Manager; Mr. Mike, .Kenton and Mr. Warren Renando from the Planning De~ar~ment; Mr. Cecil Henderson from Engineering; Mr. Keith Crawford from Traffic Engineering; along with Mr. Moore, Mr. Wilson, and Mr. Pat Tracy, City Forester. A representative from the East .Clearwater Rotary Club will also be invited to serve. - 2 - .0 . ... ' . ... , . '. , ;."- \ ~ '. :"i . J .' I:: ;~; ~. , .~: . .' I,' L~ : i ;. I ~. < ('..... . :L>'< .'. \.' ,'. ,', : ~. . ;:,'1: I .. , :~~:~': .~: ::" 1\/, '.:: ',' '! ~~.: . .:. . . r.. . .~':-.. ..' )' ~:,,':'.. l." .< 1" ~.' ;: T ".. .' ,:. 1/::-, " !~"'~' :, ;~:,:.:;,~ .:' . .r ", ~ ;:.' ," './.~.l. ~.: ,J..' . l ',' A motion was mode by Mr. Gus Stavros to place Board Chairman Dick Prokes on this committee. This motion was seconded by Mr. Harold Robinson and passed unanimously. f. The Board was informed that the tennis courts at ROBS Norton Park are now complete and are being used by the public. Mr. Wilson also reported on the fact that swimming pool consultants have been interviewed, and a list of the top three will go to the City Commission for selection at the next Commission meeting. It was explained to the Board that this' facility is being built with Community Development Funds and these funds must be encumbered by June of 1977. Mr. Stavros requested a. status on the finances and plans that are available for the development of Crest Lake Park. A motion was made by Mr. Stavros to have a report on Crest Lake prepared for the next Board meeting. This motion was seconded by. Mrs. Taube and unanimously passed. Mr. McWhorter informed the Board of i piece of porperty on Island Estates owned by the Catholic Church which may be avail- able for the City to use for recreation programs at no charge. The Board expressed interest in this proposal and requested the staff secure a legal opinion as to this type of arrangement. It was suggested that if the Parks and Recreation Department . did use this property, it would only be developed with equip- .ment or.apparatus which could be relocated in case the property, at.Bome future date, would no longer be available td the City. There.being no further business, the meeting was adjourned. .\ , : ,'j" C ,- '. . : < ~'. <. ','~. . , \ I; - 3, -